Hello All! Summer Is Over. the Kids Are Back in School. Many Good Things Happened This Summer

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Hello All! Summer Is Over. the Kids Are Back in School. Many Good Things Happened This Summer

Hello all! Summer is over. pick flowers off the plants, people complaints. This year The kids are back in school. break branches off trees and all that has been much better Many good things happened dogs whose urine poisons than recent years. You are all this summer. them Don’t do that but do let to be congratulated. us know when someone else Courtyard D Remodel: The does. That sound like There was only one incident first of the Courtyards is tattling? Well, here is the that I know of in which a done…almost. If you haven’t deal. Anybody who does group of about 7 or 8 been to courtyard D toi see these things gets fined. Then teenaged boys came to the what was done, I strongly the repairs/replacements must pool one Saturday afternoon, recommend a trip. It looks be paid for. If we cannot misbehaved, and drove the great, drains water properly, identify the culprit we will other swimmers out with their and is an excellent parking assess the repair costs to all behavior. Unfortunately there lot. Left to do is landscaping owners in the Courtyard. is nothing we can do about and the re-installation of the That’s legal according to our this problem because we were columns in the center of each documents and is the only fair not even aware of it until the building. Landscaping starts way to do it. following Wednesday. on Monday rain permitting so by the time you get this it Please help keep Kenwood Whether it is the pool or should be in progress. By looking like it does now. We anywhere else on our next week we hope to get the don not want to look like a property, unruly behavior columns re-installed since the slum. must be dealt with in a timely parts are due here this week. manner. Those witnessing the The project came in at or near Pool: This summer the pool behavior can call the Police the budget so we are ready to was a great success. It was (dial 911), call the property start Courtyard C next year. quite crowded and worked manager (513-843-0310), or well. The black mold of the notify a Board member The schedule for next year past couple of years did not immediately. Then will attempt, once again, to reappear and we were well something appropriate will be complete everything except within the limits of done and this behavior will be the landscaping by the cleanliness demanded by the stopped. If you don’t tell any beginning of July. This year Board of Health that inspects we finished a month late due us each week. to the very rainy summer. Maybe we will be a bit closer But we heard of complaints to on time next year. toward the end of the summer about slimy floor and black One caution: tis project cost a dirt on the walls. Guess what: little more than $100,000.00 that dirt was carried in by and the next courtyards will those who use the pool. be much the same. That is a Enough said. lot of money so we call upon all owners and tenants to keep Pool behavior: Every year it looking nice. In particular, there are reports of damage3 the landscaping is susceptible done to the pool, unruly to damage from people who behavior by users, and other of us about it, don’t complain manage3able. In fact, not in the middle of the next many fines are issued. In week. most cases an owner in violation is warned and there Census: A census form has is never a need to actually been distributed to all owners fine anyone. But when you to update the Condominium are fined, you may appeal that records. That census is also fine to the Board. If the fine being used to gather is upheld, pay it. The late information about pets. fees get enormous. Please fill in the census completely and return it to the Annual meeting: The annual Property Manager as soon as owners meeting will be held possible. at De Sha’s just like last year. It will be on November 18. The census will be used to All owners will receive a maintain our records and will written invitation and a proxy. also be used to collect DNA Please come. It is a great samples from all dogs. meal at no cost to you and a Hopefully, this will solve the guest, you will be filled in on perennial problem we have the latest information about with residents allowing their Kenwood Greene, and you get dogs to soil the property. If to voice any complaints and we do find a violation traced select Board members for the to a dog owner he will pay the next year. fine and the cost of the DNA test. If the DNA is not ion Plumber Days: Plumber record he will pay an Days will be on October 3 additional fine for failure to and 4 and October 10 and 11. register the pet. Please be aware that the campaign to install backflow Finances: Thanks to the preventers ends with Plumber excellent record of owners Days and even though we will keeping up with monthly install them during Plumber Condominium fees, Kenwood Days, that will be a low Greene has the money it priority so we may solve other needs to operate and to plumbing problems. You rebuild the Courtyards. There may not be able to schedule are only a few delinquents such installation at that time. and most of those are because A letter will be sent out of paying incorrect amounts detailing how to reserve a or late paying fines. space for Plumber days service within the next few By the way, all the talk we do days. about fines is to insure that Kenwood Greene is

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