Programme Specification for the Certificate of Higher Education in PPD

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Programme Specification for the Certificate of Higher Education in PPD

University of Bradford School of Lifelong Learning and Development Programme Specification for

Certificate of Higher Education in Personal and Professional Development Diploma of Higher Education in Personal and Professional Development

Awarding and Teaching Institution: University of Bradford Final Award: Diploma of Higher Education Programme Title: Personal and Professional Development Duration: Up to four years maximum at each stage part-time Subject Benchmark Statement Standards in Psychology + NQF framework/BACP guidelines on Foundation Counselling Training Date: May 2005

Programme Aims The Certificate and Diploma of Higher Education in Personal and Professional Development will provide part- time learning opportunities for you to develop a range of interpersonal and life management skills. At Diploma level, you can choose a pathway related to counselling skills or choose a general Personal and Professional Development pathway, which includes a range of different modules including interpersonal skills, psychology and career development. When you join the programme you can discuss your interests and professional development needs with the Course Organiser or Guidance Tutor.

Although these programmes do not lead to professional qualifications, through studying the modules offered, you will be able to do one or more of the following: . develop new interpersonal skills and knowledge ∙ enhance your existing personal and professional skills for use in the workplace or other interpersonal situations ∙ progress to training and/or a qualification in one of the discipline areas offered on the Certificate and Diploma, e.g. counselling, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), personnel training. ∙ seek employment in areas where personal and professional skills are required.

Future developments will be looking at pathways within the University’s BA in Combined Studies (subject to validation)

The general aims of the course are: At Certificate Level ∙ to enable you to develop the confidence and competence in a range of transferable social skills, which will be useful in employment and other social situations. These skills include listening, written and spoken skills, team-working skills and time-management skills

∙ to enable you to gain knowledge and understanding of a range of theoretical concepts and principles which underpin the areas being studied and the skills being developed. Concepts studied will relate to communication, interpersonal behaviour, psychology and approaches to counselling and helping.

At Diploma Level ∙ to enable you to further develop skills and knowledge acquired at certificate level, so that these can be applied in different interpersonal settings including workplace settings where personal responsibility and decision making is required ∙ to enable you to gain a critical understanding of areas studied and how the underlying principles and theories have developed

The modules related to psychology including some of the counselling skills modules are linked to the benchmarking standards set out be the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education giving you an understanding of aspects of developmental psychology, personality and individual differences and social psychology; whilst the counselling skills modules link with the National Qualifications Framework in terms of introducing, then developing counselling skills in preparation for practioner level training.

Becoming a learner on these programmes is an excellent way back into education for adults who have had a lengthy break from formal learning, as subjects offered connect directly with the everyday experiences of adult learners and encourage them to develop skills for work. Learning support is available, either on an individual or group basis. As many of our modules are scheduled for the evening or as Saturday schools, it is possible to study the whole of these courses whilst working full-time.

D:\Docs\2018-04-21\0159a73a2a2db1a0cedf58bda5e7cf22.doc Learning Outcomes As a result of completing the Diploma you will be able to demonstrate knowledge and skills as follows:

Knowledge and understanding ∙ knowledge and critical understanding of the main concepts and principles of personal and professional development ∙ a knowledge of the main methods of study and information gathering for the topics studied ∙ an understanding of different types of communication and interpersonal skills

Discipline Skills ∙ competence in a range of specific verbal and non-verbal methods of communication ∙ an increased self awareness and ability to reflect upon your skills and behaviour ∙ skills of managing social situations in ways that respect equal opportunities and social differences

Personal Transferable Skills . effective one-to-one and group communication skills ∙ an ability to communicate effectively information, arguments and analysis in a variety of forms ∙ the ability to apply skills and knowledge in different settings, e.g. in the workplace, interpersonal situations ∙ different qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment where personal responsibility and decision-making is required

The Curriculum The programmes are organised at two levels: Certificate (Level One) and Diploma (Level Two).

At level one you can study for the Certificate of Higher Education, which is achieved when you have gained 120 credits. You would normally be expected to complete it in two years at each stage but it is possible to extend study up to a maximum of four years at each stage.

You can then progress on to the Diploma of Higher Education which is awarded when you achieve 120 credits at level two.

On the Certificate the core module of The Independent Learner will enable you to develop your study skills, whilst Critical Thinking is the core module for both pathways at Level Two. This will help you to develop discipline skills involving analysis and critical evaluation. See below for the other core modules required for the counselling pathway at Level 2. Course Structure:

Level One

Unit Code Credits Semester Unit Title Core or Option LED7009D 20 1 or 2 The Independent Learner core LED0502M 10 1 or 2 Assertiveness for Men and Women option LED0528D 20 1 or 2 Bereavement Counselling: Loss and option Bereavement LED1004M 10 1 or 2 Career Development and Planning option LED0508D 20 1 or 2 Co-counselling option LED1006D 20 1 or 2 Effective Teamwork option 20 1 or 2 Introduction to Art Therapy Techniques option LED0501D 20 1 or 2 Introduction to Counselling core LED1008D 20 1 or 2 Introduction to Dramatherapy option LED0553D 20 1 or 2 Introduction to Psychology of Personal and option Professional Development LED0503M 20 1 or 2 Introduction to Transactional Analysis option LED1052D 20 1 or 2 Mentoring Skills and Application option LED1096M 20 1 or 2 Mind, Body and Spirit option LED0525M 10 1 or 2 Neurolinguistic Programming : Creating Rapport option LED0524M 10 1 or 2 Neurolinguistic Programming: Changing Mood option States LED0526M 10 1 or 2 Neurolinguistic Programming: Decision Making option and Change LED0513M 10 1 or 2 Stress Management option LED0505D 20 1 or 2 The Psychology of Personality 1 option

D:\Docs\2018-04-21\0159a73a2a2db1a0cedf58bda5e7cf22.doc Level Two At Diploma Level you can choose either the PPD Pathway or a Counselling Skills Pathway. Your course organiser will give you guidance as to which is the best pathway for you.

The Personal and Professional Development (PPD) Pathway If you take the PPD pathway you can choose from any of the modules on offer at this level including those related to counselling skills. Critical Thinking is the only compulsory module.

Counselling Skills Pathways: (CS) If you are interested in counselling skills and have already done the Introduction to Counselling Skills module or equivalent elsewhere, you can elect to do the counselling skills pathway, which gives you the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) recommended hours of foundation skills training to enable you to go on to do professional training elsewhere.

Unit Code Credits Semester Unit Title Core or Pathway Option LED6523D 20 1 or 2 Critical Thinking core PPD*/CS* LED0552D 20 1 or 2 Advanced Transactional option PPD Analysis LED2028D 20 1 or 2 Counselling Skills Development and option for PPD/CS* Practice PPD LED2029D 20 1 or 2 Equal Opportunities for Personal and option PPD/CS Professional Development LED0529D 20 1 or 2 Further Aspects of Bereavement option CS Counselling LED0510D 20 1 or 2 Further Aspects of Counselling option PPD/CS LED2030D 10 1 or 2 Issues in Counselling option for PPD/CS* PPD LED0550M 10 1 or 2 Life Planning option PPD/CS LED2031D 20 1 or 2 Personal Development for option for PPD/CS* Counselling Skills PPD LED2032D 20 1 or 2 Professional Studies option PPD LED0500D 20 1 or 2 Psychology of Everyday Life option PPD/CS LED0512D 20 1 or 2 Transcultural Counselling option PPD/CS


Assessment regulations: a summary (the text of the progression regulations is maintained on the University website)

To pass and proceed from each stage to the next, the award, you must achieve at least 40% in 100 credits and 35% in the other 20 credits.

If you complete Stage 1 successfully, you are eligible for a Certificate of Higher Education; if you complete Stage 2 successfully, you are eligible for a Diploma of Higher Education. The learning outcomes for these awards and the final award are consistent with those of the national qualifications framework for England

The full text of the University progression regulations is on the Web at

Admission Requirements Applicants are judged on their ability successfully to achieve on the course of study.

Access to the course is then either:-

1. via the Associate Student Scheme. Associate Students become eligible to join the award bearing course upon successful completion of at least 20 Level 1 credits from the programme. To qualify for an award Associate Students must state their intention before commencing their final Level 1 module of study. Or:- 2. by direct application. This will be through a written application and interview with the Course Leader and/or Guidance Officer.

D:\Docs\2018-04-21\0159a73a2a2db1a0cedf58bda5e7cf22.doc APL Those already possessing relevant advanced qualifications, e.g. a degree, Diploma of Higher Education, Certificate of Higher Education, may apply for exemption from up to 50% of the balance of the award in accordance with University regulations.

The full text of the University importation of credit regulations is on the Web at

Learning, Teaching and Assessment (LTA) The nature of teaching on many of the modules tends to be experiential with you being encouraged to actively participate and practice skills being taught on the module.

Generally a variety of teaching methods are used to encourage you to get actively involved and gain confidence and competence. Learning and skills development at both levels takes place through group discussions, presentations, case studies, role play, skills practice and team exercises. Work often takes place in pairs and small groups as well as in the larger class group. As a learner on this programme, you will be expected to be actively learning and participating.

There are some open learning modules available that offer the opportunity to work from home, but with full tutor support and with access to all University resources, including Blackboard the University’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Assessment is an integral part of each module and the aim of it is to give you feedback to help you develop and to inform you as to your progress in the subject area. Doing assessed work will help you to reflect on what has been learned and to engage in an applied way with the theories which underpin the development of skills. To gain credit, you need to successfully complete the assessed work for each module. This can take the form of a project, essay, class test, presentation, skills assessment, learning journal, self-reflective workbook or a case study. On some modules you will have the opportunity to choose topics of particular interest to yourself or to work with one or more students on joint projects.

Student Support and Guidance The School of Lifelong Education and Development operates a pre-entry and pathway guidance service supplementing the support provided by the University's Disabilities Office and careers service. In addition, all students on the award(s) will be allocated an individual personal tutor who will have responsibility for academic and some pastoral matters. Study support will include the SLED student handbook, course and module details, including full details of tutors, module learning outcomes, schemes of work, assignments, submission deadlines, key learning resources, including the Library and Computer Centre.

Quality Management SLED is committed to maintaining and improving the quality of its courses. To this end a number of procedures are in place to ensure quality. Courses are periodically reviewed to ensure modules and course structures remain relevant and that knowledge remains current. The marking of assessments is monitored by the Course Organiser for the course concerned and is further scrutinized by an external examiner. When modules have been completed, students are given the opportunity to evaluate the module in terms of teaching quality, learning environment, support and resources. In addition to this there is a Staff-Student Liaison Committee, which meets twice each semester. The Committee is student led and student representatives may raise questions or make suggestions about courses or other issues. Minutes of the meetings are presented to the Academic Courses Committee where issues are considered and recommendations may be presented to the School Board. In turn, and in accordance with the School governance structure, minutes of the Academic Courses Committee are presented to the School Board, which reports to the Senate of the University

Further Information

If you would like more information about the University of Bradford, please check the undergraduate prospectus. More details about the DipHE in Personal and Professional Development can be obtained from the School of Lifelong Education and Development Tel: 01274 233210 Website: Email: [email protected]


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