Status Report on the Action Points

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Status Report on the Action Points

Cumulative ECASA Meetings Status Report Action Points STATUS REPORT ON THE ACTION POINTS OF THE ECASA MEETINGS - Oban, 6/12/2004, (/O) Paris, 7/04/2005 (/P, /PSG) Santiago de Compostela 18/6/05(/SdC) Napier SSG 17/8/05(N) Amsterdam SSG 10/05 (A) Oban Workshop 01/06 (OW)

ACTION ACTIONER DUE STATUS DATE Certification of audit certificate and submission of Coordinator and 12/07 Ongoing audit certificate at project completion all partners

On project completion submission of:  Final activity report 12/07 Ongoing  Final management report Coordinator and 12/07 Ongoing  Supplementary report as required by annex Work Package to the contract Leaders 12/07 Ongoing  Contractor distribution report of Community financial contribution – 60 days after receipt of final tranche 12/07 Ongoing Submission of monthly reports to Coordinator All Partners Month Ongoing end Build and activate ECASA website Averil Wilson Ongoing Organise annual ECASA meeting for all participants Coordinator 09/05 Ongoing

Formulation of action plan targeting and focusing on All WPLs 04/05 Ongoing final ‘end product’ customers

Selection list of suitable indicators All WPLs Imminent completion Suitable indicator list compiled for WP4 & 5 Alain Bodoy 04/05 Imminent completion Activities list posted on website Averil Wilson Ongoing

Development and instigation of Policy All partners 06/06 Ongoing Implementation Plan

All ECASA related activities to be posted on the All participants, Ongoing website Averil Wilson ACTION ACTIONER DUE STATUS DATE A bibliography of all relevant new papers will be Paul Tett Ongoing. compiled Checking format, will be on web front pages soon. Monthly Reports: prompt in third week, recall in Averil Wilson Each Ongoing fourth Month Open discussion with David Whitmarsh on the Alain Bodoy 06/05 Ongoing evaluation of ‘ecosystem value’ in WP2

Each country/partner should be setting up meetings Chris Emblow 06/05 Ongoing

1 Cumulative ECASA Meetings Status Report Action Points with resident stakeholders A Sustainability Index could be developed Alain Bodoy’ 06/05 Progressing Antoine Dosdat To facilitate collaboration between partners and to Angel Borga, 06/05 Ongoing produce the deliverables required for this work David Dormant package, participants shall be divided into small Whitmarsh, may be working sub groups, each focusing on a different Alenka Malej, revived aspect. Kenny Black, Carina will Bill Silvert. replace Helen for water quality sub group leader These subgroups may continue to work together Angel Borja, 06/05 Ongoing when Work package 2 is finished. Sub group co- David Dormant coordinators should inform Averil Wilson who is Whitmarsh, may be working within their group and this information will Alenka Malej, revived then be posted on the website. Kenny Black, Helen for Bill Silvert, water Averil Wilson. quality sub group leader The first specific deliverable for Work Package 2 is Alain Bodoy 05/05 Completed an interim list of indicators.

All UK partners will combine to form a subgroup. Kenny Black 05/05 Ongoing This collaboration will be lead by SAMS the next meeting will be arranged soon A subgroup will be formed to cover the Adriatic Alenka Malej 05/05 Ongoing involving the collaboration of NIB, IRB and ICRAM. This group must also consider the differing legislation with the area covered. The completed reports will be circulated and posted Yannis 05/05 Imminent on the website at the end of May and all participants Karakassis, completion will be allowed one week to comment on the Averil Wilson. findings. One part of the ‘toolpack’ developed by ECASA David Ongoing. 3- could be a socio-economic manual detailing how to Whitmarsh 4000 carry out a multi-criteria survey which could be questionnai applied on a case by case basis. This would be a res will be survey type method, with formalised scoring either issued in using paired comparisons or consultations with the next stakeholders. A methodology should be developed to two weeks apply to the sites selected within ECASA. ACTION ACTIONER DUE STATUS DATE It is important that there is good communication Dror Angel Ongoing. between site proposers and model developers to Paul Tett Imminent. ensure that the correct data can be collected from the Dror to be in receipt of this sites as required by the models. info by end of week

2 Cumulative ECASA Meetings Status Report Action Points

Indicator and model selection should be finalised by All Participants 12/05 Ongoing. end 2005. Paul is working on this now and a decicion will be reached soon Ecasa participants are to be kept informed regarding Jaoa Ferreira Completed the OSPAR convention. Paul Tett No collaboration with Joao Emails relating to individual Work Packages should All WPLs Ongoing be inclusive and sent to all participants to maintain good communication pathways. Strategy: The focus during the next 12 months All Participants Ongoing should be on improving the science of the models Enrique working on (removing the ‘fudge factors’) and testing them this at against historical data. The steering Group will present. comment and request further model development if Criteria for necessary success or failure of models. Developing uniform procedure for model selection, detailing predictability. This will be included in Tool-Box The Environmental ‘stakeholder group could be from Kenny Contact the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Contact Katherine should be made with a representative from this Bostick. organisation. Progressing

Stakeholder meetings. Regular meetings will be Reinhold Ongoing arranged between Stakehlders and Work package leaders. Each partner must have a dissemination plan. All Partners Ongoing ECASA Newsletter. A newsletter will be issued and Averil Issue 1 sent out to all interested parties. It will be written in and 2 lay-persons terms and targeted at stakeholders and completed industry. ACTION ACTIONER DUE STATUS DATE The model templates will be circulated with Paul Ongoing clarification on how the model will be validated and how the approach will be validated. Eight model candidates have been submitted so far. All WPLs Ongoing The suitability of all submitted models will be discussed at the October SSG meeting and a final selection will be made. Some thought will have to be applied to how the Kenny Ongoing subsequent analysis of the data from the field work will be carried out, who will pay for it and how this payment will proceed Compilation of Work Package bibliography. (Action point All WPLs. Ongoing 17/O) Included in the Plan for each Work Package should

3 Cumulative ECASA Meetings Status Report Action Points be a bibliography (in endnote v9). This should be regarded as a mini-deliverable. The Stakeholder page on the website is being prepared. All WPLs. Ongoing Work Package Leaders should send Averil a list of documents they feel should be placed in the public area for stakeholders. A list of affiliated stakeholders will be drawn up and Reinhold Fieler. Ongoing posted on the website. Agreement must be reached on a core set of indicators, and Alain Bodoy. Imminent it was emphasised that indicators should be simple and completion cheap. The final indicator list will be ready on 15 November 2005

Set of protocols should be ready in time for the Fieldwork Dror Angel. Ongoing and Modelling Workshop in January. Historical data records should be compiled for all sites, Dror Angel. Data wil be which are appropriate to current conditions. made available It must be ascertained if partners have access to remote Dror Angel. Ongoing sensing data.

Each site should have a site report along the lines of a mini Dror Angel Ongoing EIA/Environmental Statement. This should be regarded as a deliverable and could be passed to the farmer. A common template for this report will be drawn up.

An analysis schedule will be drawn up to ensure results are Dror Angel. Ongoing analysed without delay allowing as much time as possible for writing up. The development of a phytoplankton index is not possible Alain Bodoy. Imminent within the remit of ECASA, but phytoplankton may be completion developed as a ‘snapshot’ indicator. Attention should be made that ECASA is seen to be taking Alain Bodoy. Ongoing – an Ecosystem Approach. This will be addressed for the 18 for Executive month report. summary

ACTION ACTIONER DUE STATUS DATE Ecosystem services, particularly relating to the degradation All WPLs. Ongoing of organic matter, needs more time thought and discussion.

Indicators submitted to WP3 should be assessed and All WPLs. Ongoing applied to the study sites, prompting further discussion.

An indicator for escapes will be developed via the Reinhold Fieler, Ongoing formulation of an escape risk index to be applied at each Kenny Black. site by 15th November (ca 2 pages).

The decision on the final indicator selection will be made Paul Tett. Decision will by the WP4 leader. be made soon The ECASA Modelling Book. This will be a working Averil Wilson, Ongoing. New document, as indicators may still be added or discarded Paul Tett. pages will be after WP2 & 3 have finished, if appropriate. Close posted soon collaboration will be required with Averil to develop a process to allow the evolution of the modelling book via the website. For effective dissemination of the Policy Implementation All Partners. Ongoing Plan each partner should initiate contact with individuals in stakeholder and regulator groups on a national level, forming a small group of individuals in each partner country.

4 Cumulative ECASA Meetings Status Report Action Points

The WP6 leader will initiate contact, on an international Reinhold Fieler. Ongoing level, with individuals regarding the PIP.

The scientific robustness of sulphide as an indicator Kenny, Chris Ongoing will be investigated Cromey DEPOMOD will be modified to accept spatially Chris Cromey Ongoing varying currents ACTION ACTIONER DUE STATUS DATE It will be ascertained if any ECASA partners have Alain Bodoy Ongoing sediment trap data for mussel longlines PML will be asked to contribute to the Chioggia Chris Cromey Ongoing study site investigation regarding growth and waste composition Canadian site data will be given to Marko for Chris Cromey Ongoing comparison/development of DEPOMOD and KK3D MERAMOD will be set up for the Suonio site Katerina Ongoing Joao will be running EcoWin2000 model for both Action - Joao, Ongoing Ria Formosa and Loch Creran and he will interact Tony, Aline, with: Roberto, Chris a) both Tony (ShellSIM 2006 model) and Roberto (TAPES model) to model clams at the Ria Formosa b) both Tony (ShellSIM 2006 model) and Aline (DEB model) to model oysters/mussels at Loch Creran

Joao will run EcoWin2000 model for Loch Creran Action - Joao, Ongoing and will examine the MOM Fjord-Env FISH module Anders, Chris (even though Chris has already run the MOM model for Loch Creran)


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