Practice Paper 2: Persepolis and Brave New World

Practice Paper 2 Description: This is a practice paper for Paper 2, an IB essay exam scheduled for May 3rd. Paper 2 consists of six questions based on the literary texts studied in part 3 of this course, Language A: Language and Literature.

Directions: You are required to answer one question only.

Ultimately, your response should: A. Answer the question! B. Demonstrate your knowledge of the text and the context (how the cultural/social/political context of production and reception affects the text’s meaning. C. Comment on the author's use of language, style and structure and their effect on the text’s meaning.

Formatting ● Heading in top left- include name, date, and the question you selected. ● Introduction (with thesis statement as last sentence), conclusion and at least three body paragraphs.

Questions: 1. With reference to the two literary texts that you have studied, discuss the extent to which they reveal the prevailing values and beliefs of the periods and places in which the texts are written or set. 2. Discuss the portrayal of violence or insanity in the two literary texts that you have studied. 3. Writers may use literature as a vehicle for social criticism. Compare and contrast the ways in which writers criticize society in the two texts that you have studied. 4. It has been said that history “cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again”. To what extent do the two works studied “face” history in order to ensure that its wrongs “need not be lived again”? 5. What impact does setting have on your understanding of the central ideas or themes presented in the two works studied? 6. Analyze how justice is represented and understood in the two works studied.

Assessment Criteria:

Criterion A: Knowledge and understanding Criterion B: Response to the question Criterion C: Understanding of the use and effects of stylistic features Criterion D: Organization and development Criterion E: Language