Comparison of expected and observed peak area ratios in pairwise mixing experiment and calculated bias

* Means ± standard deviations were calculated from data in triplicates runs for each of triplicate PCR reactions, and mean values within a column that are statistically significant (P<0.05) are indicated by a different letter. 1The data were generated from dividing relative peak area ratio of plasmid DNA clone 02 by relative peak area ratio of plasmid DNA clone 01. 2The data were generated from dividing relative peak area ratio of plasmid DNA clone 01 by relative peak area ratio of plasmid DNA clone 02. 3 Expected proportion of relative peak area ratio in AM pairwise mixing 4 Observed proportion of relative peak area ratio in AM pairwise mixing with I: Ri-T-DNA-transformed carrot root genomic DNA (non-purified DNA) II: Ri-T-DNA-transformed carrot root genomic DNA purified by ethanol precipitation III: Ri-T-DNA-transformed carrot root genomic DNA purified by phenol chloroform IV: TE buffer 5The magnitude of bias attributable to PCR amplification is the difference between expected and observed mean proportion of relative peak area ratios I: AMF plasmid DNA mixtures that were mixed with Ri-T-DNA-transformed carrot root genomic DNA (non-purified DNA) II: AMF plasmid DNA mixtures that were mixed with Ri-T-DNA-transformed carrot root genomic DNA purified by ethanol precipitation III: AMF plasmid DNA mixtures that were mixed with Ri-T-DNA-transformed carrot root genomic DNA purified by phenol chloroform IV: AMF plasmid DNA mixtures that were mixed with TE buffer (+)The magnitude of bias is overestimated from expected proportions. (-) The magnitude of bias is underestimated from expected proportions.