Dear Student & Parent/Guardian

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Dear Student & Parent/Guardian


Dear Student & Parent/Guardian,

Bonjour! I am delighted to be teaching you/ your child French this semester! Your support, plus a positive attitude and effort from each student, should result in a successful school experience.


My goal is that students will actually be able to communicate in French, so proficiency in listening and speaking skills will be stressed. Directions and instruction will be given mostly in French, so attentive listening and class participation are essential.

Grammar concepts and new vocabulary will be integrated in reading and writing assignments using high-interest, real-life situations. Cultural differences will be explored.

Students can achieve success through a variety of learning opportunities including whole class instruction, cooperative learning in pairs and groups, student presentations and projects, hands-on and independent activities, while using various technologies.

Topics to be explored this semester include “getting to know you,” activities and pastimes, family and friends, school life, dining, French culture, holidays, and travel.


Textbook: Bien Dit! Level I $64.05

Please note the new state policy that this text cannot be issued until any fees for lost or damaged books from last year are paid. Likewise, if this French book becomes lost or damaged it must be paid for before students will receive any texts next year. Since we do have a class set of French texts, students should leave this text at home to use for study. That way it is less likely that the book will be lost or damaged than if it is left in a locker or carried back and forth.

In addition, I would like the students to have the following supplies no later than Monday, August 27. We will begin organizing the binder on that date, and students will fall behind if they come to class without it. Students coming to class without their supplies will lose points on their homework grade unless they bring a note from home stating the reason supplies are missing and when the student will have them in class.

3-ring binder (medium to large size with pockets, to be used for French class only) 7 dividers 150 sheets of loose leaf paper Pencil pouch Pencils Recommended: scissors Blue or black pens glue stick colored pencils small pencil sharpener School Agenda for homework assignments

Optional: French-English dictionary

GRADING POLICY: Exempting final exam:

40% Tests Students with a 93 or higher average may 15% Speech/Class Participation exempt the final exam, but only if they have 15% Graded Assignments no unexcused absences and excellent or 10% Homework Completion greatly improved behavior. Exempting the 10% Classwork Completion final exam is a reward and privilege for both 10% Projects outstanding academics and citizenship.

Note: Every Wednesday students will write their current grade in the Règles section of their binders. Parents should ask to see these French grade progres reports!


Since speaking and listening skills can only be practiced in class, it is very important that students make every effort to be present in class every single day. The fastest way to fall behind is by missing school.

It is the student’s responsibility to ask for make-up work and to arrange to take any missed test or quiz on the day of his/her return. Work must be made up by the agreed upon date. Since tests always include listening comprehension, tests can only be made up before or after school. As this policy may be a hardship for students riding the bus, that is an additional reason not to be absent from school.


Homework assignments will be written on the board. Students should write down the assignment in their agendas as soon as they arrive in class. Homework completion grades of 100, 50, or 0 will be given daily. Some assignments will also be graded for accuracy after we have corrected the work in class.

In addition, students need to study vocabulary and grammar nightly. Making flashcards & teaching friends or family members how to say things in French are great ways to review. Frequent short (10 minute) study sessions are the best way to master the vast amount of material to be memorized in one semester. Students who do not study will almost certainly fall behind. CLASS PROCEDURES ( Non-negotiable school and county policies)

Class Motto: Vouloir C’est Pouvoir! (Do your best! Determination leads to success!)

1) Soyez Prêt! (Be prepared!)

Arrive on time in uniform with all supplies and homework. Students have 6 minutes to get to class before the tardy sweep! (Copy homework in your agenda and sharpen pencils before class begins.)

2) Soyez Sage! ( Be well-behaved!)

Follow all class rules as well as school uniform and discipline policies. Tuck shirts in before entering the door and do not bring book bags or hooded non-uniform colored sweatshirts or jackets to class. (Since the classroom is often cold, and I have no control over the thermostat, you would be wise to bring a uniform jacket to class even in hot weather.)

Behave in a way that is respectful of others. Raise hand to speak and stay in seats. Respect school and classmates’ property. Return classroom materials and throw away trash before you leave. (Binders and other personal materials are not to be left in classroom.)

Referrals will be written for students with visible phones or MP3 players. Such devices must be kept out of sight.

Referrals will be written for visible food or drinks. Eating or drinking without permission is not permitted!

DISRESPECT will NOT be tolerated at any time. Students are encouraged to speak with me after class concerning any issues that are troubling or bothering them. Class time will not be wasted with individual students fussing or arguing.

3) Soyez Attentif! (Be attentive!)

Being actively engaged in class will benefit you the most! Raise your hand to answer questions and repeat new vocabulary aloud . Class participation is 15% of your grade! (Sleeping, lying with heads on desks, doodling, writing notes, doing other homework, and texting on your phone are all inappropriate behaviors.)

You will be allowed to leave class a maximum of 5 times per quarter so use your restroom/locker /guidance/nurse passes wisely! To promote leadership and help your child grow into a responsible adult with positive personal and professional relationships, each class will develop together a social contract for how to relate to each other. Our goal will be a self-managing classroom in which students take responsibility for their own behavior with teacher interventions and consequences only a last resort.

Positive incentives: -Daily raffle drawings (candy, homework/detention/ leaving class passes) -Weekly/Quarterly prizes for excellent or improved behavior, participation or academics -French Club party for 10 days of class on-task behavior -Open seating for classes with good behavior

Negative consequences: -Verbal warning -Conference with student -Seat change -Phone call home -Detention before or after school (7:40 to 8:00 or 3:10 to 3:30) -Referral to administration

Conferences/Extra Help

You may call the guidance department at school (745-7126) to schedule a conference with me before or after school or during my planning period from 9:48-11:15. You may also e-mail me: [email protected]

Please encourage your child to get extra help before or after school if there is anything he/she does not understand. Since everything in foreign language builds on what was taught before, it can be very difficult to catch up once one falls behind. Don’t let this happen to your child! If your child is a poor test taker, it might be a good idea for him/her to come in the day before so I can assist the study.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns or questions. Here’s to a successful year! I look forward to getting to know and working with your child.


Holly DaPore French teacher Garrett Academy of Technology 2731 Gordon Street N. Charleston, SC 29405 FRENCH CLASS SIGNATURE PAGE FOR MADAME DAPORE

By Monday, August 27, students need to have a 3 ring binder (to be used only for French class) with 7 dividers, a pencil pouch, 150 sheets of loose leaf paper, pen, pencil, and agenda inside. We will be organizing the binder on Monday, so it is important to have the supplies on that day so as not to fall behind.

Both student and parent need to sign below that you are willing to cooperate with the class policies. (This will be handed out within the first 2 weeks of school and will be kept in the Règles section of the student binder. Parents as well as students should read this information carefully.) In addition, I would appreciate your taking the time to give me as much contact information as possible on the lines below.

This page should be returned and completed no later than Monday, August 27, in order for your child to receive a 100 (rather than a 0) on a homework completion grade.

______Student signature Parent or guardian signature

Person(s) responsible for your child (please print)

Name: ______Relationship: ______

Guardian cell phone number: ______

Guardian work number:______

Student cell phone number: ______

Home phone number: ______

Guardian e-mail address: ______

Student e-mail address: ______

Home address: ______

I vow to teach/treat your child as I would my own child. That means I will try my very best to help and encourage every student and make learning fun, while still providing a challenging curriculum. That also means I will not allow your child to waste this precious gift of a free quality education from one of the nation’s best schools (according to U.S. News & World Report) by sleeping or being inattentive in class. I will help prepare your child for life and the work force by expecting him/her to be respectful of me and others and to cooperate with all class and school rules. Merci beaucoup!

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