Schools, Before- and After- School Providers Domain

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Schools, Before- and After- School Providers Domain


ATTENDEES Cheri Fidler, Phyllis Hartigan, James Beaubeaux, Chris Wood, Chris Searles, Monica Ruiz, Curley Jordan, Naomi Butler, Debra Palmer, Jenna Kirschenman, Shaila Serpas, Cheryl Moder, JuliAnna Arnett, Erica Salcuni


PROVIDER SUPPORT Dr. Naomi Neufeld & Group  The group had a conference call planned with Dr. Naomi Neufeld, a Los Angeles-based physician and founder of KidShape Foundation ( on the topic of coding and reimbursement for obesity prevention services. The group was unable to reach Dr. Neufeld at the time of the meeting. Erica will arrange for her to call in for the October 6th domain meeting.

PRESENTATION: CV POWER & RECREATION RX Chris Searles  Chris Searles presented on his Recreation Rx program, which encourages physicians to write physical activity prescriptions to patients in the form of aquatics, structure programs, or walking clubs. The program is designed to match health care providers to recreation providers by zip code, trains them with starter kits on program implementation and referrals, online forums, and other resources. He has been working on this program with patients and providers in Chula Vista, a community that serves as a model for the project.  Chris discussed that a strategic way to get providers to focus their resources on a recreation program is to get backing from HHSA/Public Health Department. This worked successfully in Tulare County, which he highlighted in his presentation as another location where Recreation Rx has been implemented.  Phyllis asked if this program could be linked to the 211 services. He said that referrals alone do not suffice for underserved families that face transportation and other challenges. The group discussed one possible solution to this problem—to obtain permission to proactively follow up with patients. JuliAnna offered that 211 has the capability to link users to transportation although it may only be for seniors.  JuliAnna requested a list of currently Recreation Rx sites. Chris will send to her along with names of the physicians using the program.

FUTURE PRESENTATIONS Group  Shaila Serpas described the ‘Fit For Residents’ Program. Funded by the Wellpoint Foundation, this program is a 3-year study that focuses on childhood overweight prevention and management curriculum that can be implemented in residency training programs. UCLA is currently funded for the year and the curriculum serves as a model for other facilities in the state that want to pilot the program. Shaila is currently implementing with her residents. o The group decided that Shaila will present on the program at the November meeting. o Debra suggested that the IT Committee be involved in bridging a discussion with providers about use of EMRs as related to this program. o Chris Wood said that her practice uses a certain template to input patient information that requires for certain questions to be answered before the form is accepted, ensuring thorough and accurate records. She will share these templates with the group. o Naomi offered to connect Shaila with some of the advocacy tools that the school district liaisons and government domain work group have been using for work on zoning issues.

UPDATES & MEMBER SHARING Group  Partnership for Primary Prevention-the collaborative group of hospitals and healthcare providers led by Phil Nader that are advocating with physicians to educate them on obesity prevention from pre-natal to preschool-aged children. o Chris Searles reported that UCSD Family Medicine uses EMR and have all templates complete. These resources could be used to help implement the projects objectives with OB/GYNs. He suggested a contact named Mike Kurisu as a good person to work with in order to bridge the OB/GYNs with pediatricians.  SDIR-BMI-Cheryl announced that the representatives from The Altarum Institute will be returning to San Diego soon. They have been working with a clinic in Imperial Beach on reporting patient information through EMRs. Cheryl suggested that we ask the reps to come back for next month’s meeting. Additionally, Phil has made a connection with the Wellpoint Foundation. He and Cheri are currently researching funding options for the project through this organization.  CME-Cheryl talked to several individuals at CPMG about doing a web-based training that could count as CME credit. Alison Mead is checking on this. Cheryl is also currently looking into whether or not the training would be possible through the County’s WebEx technology. Phyllis said that Scott G would be willing to do the CME training. She will follow up with Alison.  Phyllis also reported that COI, Healthy Eating, Active Communities (HEAC) and other healthcare providers have applied for funding for physician training at Paradise Valley Hospital. A site visit was conducted, and they are currently awaiting word on funding.

NEXT MEETING: TUESDAY, October 6th 1:00-2:30pm @ HHSA COMPLEX (3851 Rosecrans St.), HARBOR ROOM

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