72Nd Senior PGA Championship Presented by Kitchenaid

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72Nd Senior PGA Championship Presented by Kitchenaid

72nd Senior PGA Championship presented by KitchenAid Media Day, April 19, 2011 Valhalla Golf Club ~ Louisville, Ky.

JULIUS MASON: Good afternoon, we are pleased to host the 72nd Senior PGA everyone, I'm Julius Mason, Senior Director of Championship presented by KitchenAid. Communications and Media Relations for the PGA I'm here today to let you know that there of America. are still, it's still not too late to experience another As we all get settled, please turn your Major Championship at Valhalla. attention to the monitors around the room for a Tickets are still on sale. You can purchase reminder of the history and tradition that is the them by going online at .2011SeniorPGA.com or Senior PGA Championship. you can call 1-800-PGA-GOLF. That happens to (Video played.) be 1-800-742-4653. JULIUS MASON: Once again, welcome A limited number of hospitality packages to Media Day at Valhalla Golf Club, as we count are still available with access to the Double-Decker down to the 72nd Senior PGA Skybox located on the 14th tee and private suites Championship presented by KitchenAid. overlooking the 13th green are still available. We have some very special guests in our Once again, you can call the PGA office or audience and I'd like to recognize a few of them. go on to www.2011SeniorPGA.com. Juniors 17 From the Kentucky PGA Section, Vice and under will be admitted free all week as long as President, Chris Osborne. Secretary, Kelly they are with a ticketed, paid, adult. So we're Williams. Director at Large, Gary Bebelaar. excited about that opportunity. Executive Director, Mark Hill. Also, to honor the men and women who From Valhalla Golf Club we have Dwight serve our country, will be allowed in free, all they and Anna Lee Gahm, Gahm, Gordy Gahm, and have to do is show their credentials at the Will Call Phil Gahm. Office and they can pick up their tickets at that We have General Manager Mike point. Montague, PGA Head Golf, Keith Reese, and We're offering a limited number of Superintendent, Roger Meier. premium parking facilities on-site at Valhalla, Also joining us from our Championship details are in your media kit. Office right here at Valhalla Golf Club, the PGA of Public parking will be across the street for America's Championship Director, Rubin. From the Tournament and shuttles will be pulling people PGA of America Headquarters in Palm Beach from there up to the main spectator entrance Gardens, Florida, David Charles, Senior Director of throughout the tournament. Championships. Ellison, Director of Business and Spectators for this particular tournament Community Relations. will be allowed to bring in cell phones and mobile Now it is my pleasure to turn the devices. That is new for this particular tournament microphone over to the General Chairman of the and we're excited about giving the spectators the 72nd Senior PGA Championship presented by opportunity to do that. KitchenAid, Mr. Bill Kantlehner. In closing, I would like to welcome all of you y'all and tell you how proud we are at Valhalla BILL KANTLEHNER: Thanks, Julius. On behalf of Golf Club of sponsoring this particular event. Valhalla Golf Club, our members, the community at Thank you. large, our countless volunteers that dedicate hours and hours of time to make this tournament special, JULIUS MASON: Thank you very much, Bill. And y'all were thinking of this 30 years ago. So great thank you very much for your hospitality this week job to the Gahms. and also allowing the media to park free during And I think when we take a look at what's championship week. happened here at Valhalla, only one of four sites in And now ladies and gentlemen let's hear the nation to host a Senior PGA Championship, a from the 50th Mayor of Louisville, the Honorable PGA Championship, and of course the Ryder Cup. Greg Fischer. Greg. We have done that here in Louisville and MAYOR GREG FISCHER: Thank you, that's extraordinary by anybody's standards. Julius. Well we had a little fireworks show over the And the drama that's unfolded on these 18 weekend here, for those of you in town, the holes, we just don't put on a golf tournament here, Thunder Over Louisville, 58 tons of fireworks. And we put on events that last, memories last for a they got a little horse race coming up here in a few lifetime. weeks as well. '96 when Mark Brooks edged Kenny Perry It's just a two minute race, but it consumes in a one-hole playoff for the championship -- we our city for three weeks officially as a festival, but didn't like that for the home team, but it was we're thinking about it for 52 weeks a year. exciting. So we're really proud of our Kentucky Then we had that wild PGA Championship Derby tradition here, it's a three week build-up and in 2000 when Bob May kind of was the, who is that the Derby Festival shows the world that Louisville guy, who came out of nowhere and challenged knows how to put on a festival or an event. Tiger Woods, locked in for one of most really As a matter of fact, Louisville was named remarkable Sundays in a Major Championship that Festival City of North America. Sydney, Australia Tiger pulled out there at the end by a stroke. outside of North America and Louisville right here. 2004, when Hale Irwin sunk a birdie putt So we have got a world class community on the 18th hole to capture his fourth Senior PGA of volunteers and enthusiastic folks that we know Championship. how to make world class events successful here And then what about, I guess two years and have a good time. It's that blend of southern ago, when the Ryder Cup was here and we hospitality and Midwestern sensibility, I suppose. decided we needed to repay the Europeans So we have a strong record of creating for some of the pain that we have been inflicting on high performance teams as well and partnerships them. We had a huge home course advantage that can create and certainly sustain world class here as we really rode out the Ryder Cup behind events, like the one that we're going to be six rookie players, a lot of Kentucky flavor in there, seeing here at the end of May. a lot of great teamwork and coaching as well. That And there's no stronger partnership here in was one of the truly memorable events in sports. Louisville than the one that we formed with the So it seems like something extraordinary PGA of America. It's great to have these high happens every time that we have a golf performance teams and partnerships where each tournament here in Louisville at Valhalla and I'm party can depend on each other and know that sure it's going to happen this year again as well. we're going to put on a world class event. So as Mayor I couldn't be more excited for Churchill Downs, with our Derby, we all our city, it showcases us to the world, we'll have know that as a world class venue, but Valhalla is thousands of visitors coming here from throughout an incredible golf course and I wanted to thank the the country, throughout the world, to see what's Gahm family here for the vision that you all going to be happening during this six-day had some 25 or 30 years ago when you all started competition. We get tremendous exposure with talking about this in the community. national TV, obviously as well. Most people thought you were crazy. But And then I'm excited for our local citizens. it's when they saw the vision, they signed up and We got a lot of great golf fans here who enjoy not y'all just created something just really tremendous only seeing a world championship unfold in their here. So from all of us, thank you for this vision city, but also participating in it as volunteers. And which then led to the subsequent vision of the PGA watching the competition between the best golfers and these wonderful things that have unfolded in the world, Kenny Perry, Paul Azinger, defending here and who would have thought of that when champ here Tom Lehman told me he intends to win this again this year, along with more of our there cooking, so people can go in and sort of get other local folks. Fuzzy Zoeller, I'm sure he's going tips from the pro, the cooking pro that is. to be here making some kind of noise as well. And we also have some exciting celebrity So I know that we'll pull out the red carpet chefs in there from Thursday through Saturday. for you guys, we really appreciate the opportunity. On Thursday from 2 o'clock to 3 o'clock we have Again, anything we can do to help, just let us know. Duff Goldman, who you might know as the Ace of I look forward to seeing you all in May. Cakes on the Food Network. He's going to make a JULIUS MASON: You sound like a fun cake that looks just like the trophy. So that will be Mayor. That's a pretty good recap. For those out fun to see. of towners, especially a couple of us on the head On Friday, we have world renowned table here, how long does it take to watch 58 Jacque Pepin. And on Saturday we have Michael tons of fireworks? What is that like five minutes? Symon and he owns quite a few restaurants MAYOR GREG FISCHER: 24 minutes. in the Midwest and you might also know him as the JULIUS MASON: 24 minutes? Iron chef on Food Network. So a lot of fun there. MAYOR GREG FISCHER: Best fireworks show in After each celebrity chef each day we're the world. going to have some local chef in there, local chefs. JULIUS MASON: Keep on going. And Tim Laird from the Secrets of the Bluegrass MAYOR GREG FISCHER: We good the best golf Chefs, he has organized for us a whole list of chefs course in the world, we make memories every day through the week. We have Rod Jones from here. Rodney's on Broadway, Mathew Antonovich at JULIUS MASON: You got that, boss? We Mozz, Jeremy Ashby from Azur and Anthony may be coming back for a fire works show. I like Lamas from Seviche. So a lot of exciting things this. there. Ladies and gentlemen, it now gives me Each of these guys are actually going to great pleasure to call upon Deb O'Connor, the be taped for the, for Tim's show, Secrets of Senior Manager of Brand Experience for Bluegrass Chefs, so we're happy to be able to KitchenAid. Deb. provide the kitchen for that. DEB O'CONNOR: Thank you. At And then also you'll see there the small KitchenAid we believe that KitchenAid and the appliance – if you go back one there -- the small PGA of America are a great fit. Both appliance demo area. People will get a chance to organizations are about quality and excellence and go in and try to make their own pasta, make both organizations bring people together around their own sausage, a lot of -- I'm kind of looking at family and friends. it as a demo days for cooking. It's really about having a good time And some of the product that people will together. And great golf and great food are a good get to use there will actually be the first time it's combination and through our sponsorship we're been used by any consumer. going to connect these in exciting and engaging So we're looking forward to getting some ways. feedback on some exciting new product that we I think we have some, we have some have. things to show up on the screen there. This is Also, in Fairway Club we'll have a golf what we're calling our KitchenAid Fairway Club, simulator and for a donation to Cook For the Cure, and this will be located right on the corner of 13 our partnership with Susan G. For the Cure, you green and 14. And a lot of exciting things are will get a chance to shoot for the closest to the pin. going to happen inside there. And the hole that will be in the simulator is from Really, it gives us an opportunity to have the fairway on the 13th green right here at Valhalla. people get a chance to touch and feel our product. So it will be kind of fun. You'll get a So we'll have a demo kitchen in there. You can chance to shoot at it and then you'll get to go out see the demo kitchen. These are renderings right and watch the pros shoot at it. So that should be now. some fun too. And we'll be giving away some And in the demo kitchen we will have, as stand mixers as we go through that. long as the gates are open there will be a chef in Other things going on, let's see, if you keep flipping there, we'll have a kitchen right out here on the 10th tee, we'll have an indoor kitchen person when you play with them. And she is just a and outdoor kitchen so people can go in, again quality act all the way. touch and feel the product, see what it's going to We're really looking forward to the be like and be able to ask any questions that they relationship with the company. Again we talked a might have in the kitchen. little bit about the parallels. Also, we have a sweepstakes going right Almost a hundred year history and the now. It's the KitchenAid Make the Cut. And one family orientation. what you will have here, the lucky winner will win a dream kitchen by many activities, we all know how fabulous KitchenAid. And then five winners will win Louisville fans are. And there's no doubt in our dinner for two in the Fairway Club on Saturday mind that between the KitchenAid experience and night and it will be hosted by Michael Symons. So all the things that will be available to them it will be that will be exciting too. just an unbelievable event. Let's see, also we have a hospitality tent Valhalla has been listed by Golf Digest in right out there on the 18th green. So we will have its stellar roster of America's greatest courses a lot of our customers in the hospitality tent and since 1992, and this marks the 20th consecutive then our many of our customers will be year. participating in the pro-am as well. Golf Digest also announced its best in So you can see that we have got a lot of state, listing Valhalla as the No. 1 facility in exciting plans, hope you'll all be out and step in the Kentucky. This honor is timely, since the Fairway Club, but all in all what we want to do is acknowledgment comes on Valhalla's 25th take some of these passionate golf fans and invite anniversary this year having opened for play in them in and let them explore the possibilities of 1986. And this honor is a tribute to the Gahm being a passionate cook as well. So thank you. family, the design by Jack Nicklaus, and the JULIUS MASON: Deb, thank you very much. commitment to excellence by its staff. It's a little painful to hear you, seeing that I just got I was going tell you a lot about the a texted from Jody of the Louisville Courier highlights of past championships of '96 and 2004, Journal. He said, I don't want to eat in the stinking but the mayor has done a spectacular job of that. media center anymore, I want to go to the Fairway (Laughter.) Club. Yeah, thanks for that Jody, wherever you So we vaulted through a lot of those are. pages. Ladies and gentlemen, now it gives me (Laughter.) even greater pleasure to introduce, all the way But I really have the memory last night -- if from Phoenix, Maryland, the 37th president of the somebody had told me you would ever have a pep PGA of America, Mr. Allen Wronowski. rally for a golf tournament, don't think any of us ALLEN WRONOWSKI: Thanks, Julius. believed that. And anybody that remembers 2008 But I'm feeling a little unarmed without a slide and putting together the beginning of the 13th Man, presentation, billings like that, a now tons of fire that was something that I know me and so many works. But on behalf of the more than 27,000 men other people won't forget and I know that they will and women of the PGA of America it is my be just as excited and it will be an exciting year this privilege to be here today. It's been an exciting year for the Senior PGA Championship. day already. And it will be in about five weeks that we'll The professionals of the PGA of America host it here. And it's one of the most historic and work hard each and every day to grow the interest press at the geez events in senior golf. in the game of golf, since our mission in 1916 has It's an event that routinely features the been to promote the excitement and enjoyment strongest field in senior golf, and this year will be and we certainly had that today this morning in no exception. The premier field will consist of, just playing and with everyone that's featured here. to name a few, Paul Azinger, Mark Brooks, Fred Our deepest appreciation we begin our Couples, Jay Haas, Hale Irwin, Corey Pavin, Nick first year in the relationship with KitchenAid and I Price, Tom Watson, and Larry Nelson, who is our got spend time with Deb today playing the game of 2011 PGA of America Distinguished Service Award golf. And they say you can tell an awful lot about a Recipient. And you have a few local favorites too, And we got to know him better as the 24th Kenny Perry, Russ Cochran, Ted Schultz, and Ryder Cup captain in 2006, when he guided the Fuzzy Zoeller. U.S. team in Ireland. To date with the exempt player deadline Last year he served as our Assistant being on April 22 we have 132 of 156 players Captain in Wales. already committed to the field. He's won 15 events worldwide and prior to Now for all you people with the numbers, joining the Champions Tour where he has won take out your pencils and paper, here we go. The three titles, twice already this year, to go with his field currently has, 99 U.S. representing 29 states. 2010 Senior PGA Championship. 35 who earned their berth through the 2010 Senior But just in case you're a little fuzzy about PGA Professional National Championship. 34 remembering some of last years highlights, please international players representing 14 countries. watch the video. 25 Major championships who have won a total of 43 Major Championship. Nine senior PGA (Video played.) Champions. Eight Masters Champions. Nine U.S. Open Champions. Five Open Champions. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Nine PGA Champions. 10 U.S. and European Tom Lehman. Ryder Cup Captains and seven World Golf Hall of Fame members. (Applause.) Pretty impressive field. TOM LEHMAN: Thank you. It's absolutely Last year, as you recall, the championship great to be here. The video definitely brought back was played at the Colorado Golf Club in Denver great memories. I think that all of you who play where another special chapter was written in golf, which I think most of you here do, you senior golf. understand that golf is more about overcoming the The gentleman seated next to me -- well, failures and picking yourself up and continuing on. there we go. I don't know if I was getting ahead of In watching the video there was a long putt myself. I know there's a video in here. Sorry. that I made on the 18th hole on the third round for JULIUS MASON: Fireworks. birdie and it came right on the heels of making a ALLEN WRONOWSKI: Still thinking. The triple bogey on the 17th hole before that. gentleman seated next to me turned professional So that kind of symbolizes what really golf in 1982. He worked hard on his game, going is all about. through the unexpected peaks and valleys all of us It's about having train wrecks, getting back have in our golf games. up and going forward and making the best of it. He was born in Minnesota and possesses And last year I felt that birdie on 18 was the real a very special work ethic and a commitment to key to me to kind of get that round finished on a excellence. more positive note and then going out on Sunday He made significant leaps in his games and winning. from the beginning. First he dominated the former So I really enjoyed the experience, I loved Ben Hogan TOUR in 1990 and 1991, during a the golf course. The playoff probably last year was period when he began a relationship with one of the most unique playoff that I've ever been a part America's legendary PGA teaching professionals, of. I've been, I think, a part of five playoffs, I've lost Jim Flick. four of them, that one there I couldn't lose. In 1996, at the Open Championship at (Laughter.) Royal Lytham and St. Annes he posted a course You know, I remember sitting in the record 64 in the third round to win that Open on fairway kind of looking to my left and over in the that course, the first time since Bobby Jones that shrubs and in the bunker and not knowing what an American won. was going on and finally I asked my caddie, "What In the process he would earn the No. 1 do these guys lie anyway?" I think they both made ranking in the world. six, so. He competed on three U.S. Ryder Cup But to win was a thrill. It was a real thrill. Teams, 1995, '97 and '99. It was, I think I made the comment that to win on great golf courses against a great field in a Major Championship means more. It just means more. '96. I thought I finished 10th, but you might be Just plain and simple. You always hear a win is a right. So the question again was what? win and it's always great to win and that's very true, but to win a big one is extra special. (Laughter.) Especially when it's the PGA of America who’s Yeah, typically, I guess exactly what I said, been so good to me. a lot of Jack Nicklaus's golf courses I think require So now we come to Louisville this year. a really good game plan. You have to have good I'm looking forward to it. We had a good look at strategy because there's a lot of places that you the golf course today. I haven't played here since cannot recover from if you hit it there. It's a difficult the year 2000 and even that year it was shortened. place to recover from, period, around some of I had just come off knee surgery so I had two these greens. weeks of rehab after surgery and tried to play and So you have to have a real good game didn't do it very well and made it one round and plan. And then once you get that going you have had to withdraw. I'm sure I made that first to hit it solid. And I think it's a shot maker's golf alternate really unhappy. course. I thought it was that back then and I But seeing the course with the differences think it is even more so now. that have happened, the changes made since There's a lot of really tough pins and then, the 7th hole is just a monster. Or the 6th therefore driving's a real key. I think you want to hole. 6th hole? 6th hole. The long – the hit as far as you can, straight as you can, to kind of par four. It used to be a 3-wood and 9-iron. Now shorten up the holes and get shorter irons into it's a 3-wood and a 3-wood. So it's a tough hole. some of these pin locations or else you're going to But it's a good golf course, really tough. be in big trouble, I think, in missing it in spots you It's going to I think favor great shot makers. You don't want to miss it. need to have a great game plan and I look forward Q. For Allen and Tom maybe. Every to that. level of the PGA you want to be ambassadors JULIUS MASON: Thank you very much, for golf, but given the amount of experience Tom. So two questions that the audience wants to and in the game that these players have, do the know right off the bat, have you ever held a heavier senior PGA have a special role in that and then trophy above your head? as far as promoting and being with fans and TOM LEHMAN: No. That thing would be being an ambassador to the game? a lot heavier with a bunch of beer or champagne ALLEN WRONOWSKI: What a question. too. And the seniors are a lot of the iconic figures that JULIUS MASON: I wonder if -- David we looked up to. And I told Tom as we got in the Charles can probably answer this question. How cart ready to go out today, I just never as growing many quarts of liquid can fit in the Alfred S. Bourne up through the game thought that I would be sitting Trophy? in a cart with him and playing the game of golf. TOM LEHMAN: We'll find out. And it's all these people that we have JULIUS MASON: Ladies and gentlemen, looked up to through the years and I think it's a it's Q&A time. If have you a question, please raise period in their time where they get to enjoy it a little your hand as high as you can so we can get a bit more. microphone to you. It's certainly a great time to be competitive, Q. You talked a lot about the course, but they can relax a little bit and they can enjoy the but what were your memories? I think you fans and the spectators. And as you go forward, finished 14th in '96 and then obviously the one these are the people that you looked up to. round there. But talk about the differences, TOM LEHMAN: I agree with that. I think maybe more beside the differences that a lot of the players who are 50 and older feel besides the 6th and the course in general? like they have nothing else really to prove. They TOM LEHMAN: Did I finish 14th or did I seem to enjoy the game, the competition more. finish 10th? Maybe it's like a fish story, I thought I They don't -- they take it seriously, they work very finished 10th. hard, they're not maybe quite so wrapped up in the I was thinking to myself that was the best expectations and in the results as they were when finish ever for me in a PGA Championship was in they were younger. And you simply just want to go play and Just picking them up and slamming them. I'll play the best you can and have fun and compete still mad. Pick them up, slam them. I'm still mad. and may the best man win. And then when it's all Pick them up, slam them. over you fill that thing up full of champagne and Because I lost all those Ryder Cup points. enjoy it. And I wanted so badly to be on the team. But I do think also, one other thing should Well, you know what, those days are over. be said is, I do think that the Champions Tour, There are no more Ryder Cup teams to qualify for, senior golf, I think a lot of guys feel like they have it's simply now about the competition. You don't been given a second lease on life. They have have these other things out there putting these, the been able to continue competing and playing and pressure on you to have to do anything, to have to at a time when most folks have had to quit long compete, to have to perform. ago. It's just simply playing for the love of the And I think that that's one reason why I game. And I really enjoy that. And so that's believe that so many guys feel the real probably the biggest difference the preparation is responsibility to be good citizens, to give back, to the same, the attitude's a little bit different. be involved with their communities and to serve. JULIUS MASON: Was that a rental car? And a lot of guys do a lot of great things TOM LEHMAN: Well, they're now rental and I think it's just this feeling of we're so fortunate clubs. and we're so lucky to be able to do this and to (Laughter.) compete and so therefore we are going to do our Q. Tom, can you talk about, you talk share and maybe even go above and beyond. about the competition and how difficult -- I Q. Tom, talk about just the mental think you've won now three times on the approach you take towards a Major on the Champions Tour -- how difficult it is to get a Senior Tour as opposed to when you were on win on the Champions Tour when every week the Regular Tour. you look up and it's somebody that has a TOM LEHMAN: Yeah, I'll get here late Major win or is in the Hall of Fame and just Wednesday night and – different guys like that that are out there? (Laughter.) TOM LEHMAN: Have I won three times or No. No. You know what? My experience four times? with golf at this stage of the game is that I'm having (Laughter.) more fun, but doing it the same way. I still work I forgot. What's the question again? every bit as hard, I still prepare the same way, I still (Laughter.) will get here on Monday so I can prepare properly. I know. I'm just being stupid. The quality I'm still going to get a game plan. of the competition, is that what we were talking But there's this feeling that, hey, you know about? You know what? You look at what wins, what, I know that I'm pretty good, I know that I am the scores that win and they are awfully low. going to have probably a pretty good chance to win We just played a really good golf course if I play decently, but I'm not so concerned with the down in Tampa and it's a pro-am, so you play with results anymore. an amateur, it's kind of like the AT&T. And so I I'm not -- I remember one time quite was telling my amateur partner, I played with this clearly, getting off the topic a little bit, but making a guy, Stone Phillips, the news guy and I said, look, I bogey on the 18th hole at San Diego on the par-5 know you're not a U.S. Open quality player, but with like a 7-iron to the green. And instead of now you know what it was like playing in the U.S. finishing tied for third I finished like tied for 8th with Open, because the greens were rolling about 13 six guys. and they were hard as a rock. And the concern to me was that, you And John Cook shot 9-under for three know, third place was going to be, let's just say, 80 rounds and which I thought was a heck of a good Ryder Cup points, and tying for 8th with six guys score. And a few weeks before that I shot 16- was like seven. And being so angry that I under at a good course. slammed my clubs repeatedly on the ground at the And so the winning scores are really really back of the trunk of my car on the asphalt. low. The quality of the play at the top is extremely good. You cannot get by out here with less than your full game. You have to be on your toes and McMahan and going to Churchill Downs and you have to be firing on all cylinders or else you're watching the horses race. He always had some not going to win. There's just not 156 great players horses running, so there was always a lot of like there is on the PGA TOUR. There's a whole enthusiasm and excitement. bunch of good players and there's been a bunch of And so becoming such good friends with great players. them and Ted Schultz has been a great friend for a Q. You mentioned in interview how long time, Kenny Perry has become a very good many tours you played on and how far you've friend. So those are the things to me that give the come and now your name is on that trophy. greatest appeal about coming here is just knowing When you look back at your career right now, that the people who I have met here over the years did you expect to achieve this much? Are you have been such good friends. pretty amazed at what you've accomplished or Q. What did you shoot today? did you always believe that you, you know TOM LEHMAN: Well give me a number what, I can do this and I'm going to keep doing and then I'll disagree with you. it? (Laughter.) TOM LEHMAN: You know what, I think You know what, Julius asked me that and I that if you had, if I had to be perfectly honest, don't know. there's always a dream. Did I think I was capable, I'm not sure that I kept score, but I'm going yeah, I thought I might be. But how often does to guess it was -- your dreams become reality? Very seldom. ALLEN WRONOWSKI: 10-under. But I think more than that though I look TOM LEHMAN: Well he -- I was thinking I back at it now and I feel like I could have might have shot 1- or 2-under. Does that sound accomplished more. I mean, that's more the way I about right? I don't know. You beat me by what, look at it. You tend to -- I've always been a 3? So what did you shoot? forward thinker, I've always been the person (Laughter.) looking to the future and rarely, rarely, rarely do I So I think I made about five birdies and look backwards. maybe three bogeys or four bogeys, something like So when I think about golf and I think that. about the past it's like I could have got more done. ALLEN WRONOWSKI: With a borrowed But it's more thinking about, what do I want to do set of clubs. now, like, you know, what are my goals right now. TOM LEHMAN: Yeah, that's true. What do I want to do this year in 2011. What do I Q. Jody was telling me he thought you want to accomplish here in Louisville the end of were 53, I thought you were 52. May. That's more me thinking about going TOM LEHMAN: 52. forward. Q. Yeah. That's what I thought. Q. What do you -- I'm just curious, what TOM LEHMAN: I could disagree with that do you think about the city of Louisville and the though too. golf course here and playing here in May. Q. Can you talk about the dynamic of TOM LEHMAN: The golf course, I'm every year with the guys that just turned 50, it sorry? seemed like Jay Haas and he went right down Q. Playing here in Louisville and what do to the wire the last time we had this here, but you think about the city and the golf course here. people think the 50 year olds are going to come TOM LEHMAN: Well, I love it here and on and dominate this TOUR, but is there kind of part of the reason why I like it so much is because I an adjustment period or what is that like? have some really, really good friends here. I don't TOM LEHMAN: You know, actually, I was know much about this city, I haven't spent a great very nervous my first event. It was the Legends of deal of time here. I spent a lot more time in Eton, Golf and I was playing with Bernhard Langer. And which is just down the road. We used to play a I remember being on the first tee being really Hogan TOUR event in Eton and made some great nervous, because it's new and the expectation friends, the McMahan family. about being 50 and already being one of the And so my experiences mostly in Louisville favorites. I hadn't been a favorite at a tournament have been coming up from Eton with Bobby in a long time. And suddenly being a So there's, I feel like I'm always, always favorite was a new position once again. close and the weeks where it really kind of starts to So I think there is some adjustment that click I've got a great chance. way. I think there's pressure that gets put on JULIUS MASON: Questions? Questions players. Kenny Perry's a perfect example. I think twice? We're going to be able to get to find that that he turned 50, came out, and everybody house of yours that you're going to be renting expected Kenny to win every time he teed it up. faster than I thought, I think, right now. And he didn't really play his very best. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very But I think part of that has to do with much for joining us today. For those of you that do dealing with where you're at, the expectations. He have questions about credentials or you have not still has aspirations on the PGA TOUR. Does the applied for media credentials for the championship Champions Tour really , is it a filler or is it yet, please visit www.pgamediacenter.com or if something I really am going to go for. you have any other questions beyond that, Una So you have to kind of come to terms of, Jones over here can help you out with what exactly am I going to do. And so I think once, anything you might have. you get it all figured out, know, and you have to be Again, happy 25th anniversary Valhalla single minded. Bernhard Langer is very single Golf Club, thanks again for joining us, ladies and minded about the Champions Tour and his results gentlemen. speak for themselves. It's hard to go back and forth. So I forgot the question. (Laughter.) Did I answer the question? All right. JULIUS MASON: With a little over a month to go for the championship, Tom, can you give us the state of your game. What the condition is right now. The state of your game. TOM LEHMAN: I've been playing -- I've been really happy with my game for about the last three years. And when I think about the number of tournaments that I've played and the number of tournaments where I played well over about the last three to three and a half years, it's, to me, it's really gratifying because I probably have played well in 95 percent of the tournaments. And there's a time in my career where I feel like I was playing well every week and then it kind of slacked off in my mid 40, late 40s where I feel like I played well like once every four weeks. And now, over the last three or four years, it's been, I feel like I play well almost every week again. So my game is, the consistency has kind of come back from where I used to be to where I would really like it to be. So every start's been a good start and I feel therefore that it gives me a great opportunity each week to win. And last week I didn't win, I shot 1-under, the winning score was 9-under, I played the par-5s 4-over for the week, say no more. You start thinking about, why did you not win last week, well there's your reason.

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