The Baptist Woman
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THE BAPTIST WOMAN EXAM # 1 Student’s Edition
Matching (give only one answer per question): a. Abigail e. Esther i. Jael m. Mary Magdalene b. Anna f. Eunice j. Lydia n. Mary, mother of Jesus c. Deborah g. Eve k. Mary, mother of Mark o. Rahab d. Elisabeth h. Hannah l. Mary, sister of Martha p. Ruth
1.____ All women should have a male ‘authority figure’ in their lives. Mordecai was her cousin/uncle.
2.____Of all the people for Jesus to first appear to, it was the woman in whom He had cast out 7 devils. To whom much has been forgiven, there is much love given back.
3.____Is a husband better than 10 sons? I would say that he is not. A barren woman that gave her son ‘to the Lord’.
4.____It may not be the norm, but God can, and does, use women to do great things for Him that the men just are to chicken to do. This lady was married to Lapidoth;
5.____A godly woman who happens to be married to an ungodly man, and still remains godly. David marries her after Nabal suddenly dies.
6.____Took the lead, apparently, in pursuing a man for marriage; married Boaz; was great-grandma to King David.
A [K] type question has more than just the standard “a,b,c,d” answers to choose from; it has the following choices: A) a B) b C) c D) d E) a,b F) a,c G) a,b,c H) a,b,c,d I) b,d J) a,d K) none of the above
7. Which of the following are true statements? [K] a) Proverbs states that beauty is sin and one that fears the Lord must not appear to be beautiful. b) Proverbs also states that women who are beautiful on the outside, but nasty on the inside (without discretion), are much like a pig with a gold jewel in his snout. c) True inner beauty begins when one starts having a more positive self-image d) A woman can be like a blind Pharisee in that she can focus so much on her looks but basically ignore her own soul
8. Which of the following are scriptural terms from that rightly describe a ‘Baptist Woman’? [K] a) Sober; Keepers at home b) Chaste; Discreet c) Unashamed; Leadership role d) Confident; outspoken
9. Which of the following are basically true statements concerning the issue of ‘nakedness’? [K] a) It’s interesting that the first issue related to mankind being a sinner was that of ‘nakedness’. b) Man will try to cover his nakedness with fig leaf aprons, but God set the clothing standard with ‘coats’. c) Christian women typically have more skin exposed than Christian men do. d) Nakedness basically means ‘not being covered’; thus, one could have nakedness by not covering the whole upper arm.
10. Which of the following are basically true statements concerning the issue of women and their clothing? [K] a) It might very well be an ‘abomination’ for a Christian woman to wear pants (Deut 22:5) b) Christian women can still be attractive, but yet not wicked and wordly, by covering up their nakedness with form-fitting clothing. c) Godly Baptist Women are suppose to adorn themselves in modest, loose, long-flowing apparel, and nothing else. d) It is not appropriate for a Baptist woman to be standing out in the crowd for being ‘godly’. 11. Which of the following is basically acceptable for a Baptist woman to wear? [K] a) Appropriate-lengthed dress that happen to be somewhat form-fitting. b) No more than just the top 2 buttons unbuttoned on the blouse. c) Wearing a loose fitting shirt that bares the shoulders some, on a very hot and humid summer day. d) A somewhat flashy dress that is otherwise very loose and long.
12. True or False: Pastor Warner states that he doesn’t believe that God intended for women to appear dull, drab, plain in their appearance; he believes that cosmetics is perfectly fine for women to wear (in moderation); Christian women should try to look beautiful for the Lord Jesus Christ.
13. Which of the following statements are correct in regards to a Baptist woman and her hair? [K] a) Potentially, it might be unwise for a Baptist woman to ever cut her hair (except for simple evening up of lengths). b) Wearing one’s hair in a pony tail or ‘bun’ can cause the woman to have the appearance of a man. c) Broided or plaited hair refers to placing gold or silver or colored tissue or spangles in one’s hair: d) According to 1 Corinthians 11, the ‘covering’ for a woman’s ‘head’ is a hat, or bonnet.
14. Which of the following are correct statements from Isaiah 3 about the Baptist woman and jewelry? [K] a) ‘Crisping pins’ mean purses, and ‘mufflers’ mean veils. b) Wearing a nose jewel is quite culturally acceptable in the East, but in American society, it is a sign of being part of the ‘subculture’, and it would be on the same level as wearing a tattoo. c) It might be that wearing bracelets on the neck, wrists, and ankles is a tactic to draw attention to the only naked parts of ones body. d) Multiple earings in each ear are fine as long as they are not just only worn in the lobe area.
15. Which of the following statements are correct in regards to the Baptist woman and her wearing cosmetics? [K] a) There is nothing wrong with the ‘Holiness’ groups conviction that a woman should not wear any cosmetics. b) A Baptist woman should not wear cosmetics. Societal norms have placed a clear difference between women and men, and there is no need for attempting to further enhance one’s own femininity. c) It might be reasonable for a 13 year old Christian girl to begin wearing cosmetics as long as she is very conservative in their use; she could be more liberal with the use of cosmetics when she is closer to actually ‘courting’. d) The modest use of cosmetics can potentially highlight all the more, the beauty that God has given you as a woman.
16. Which of the following are correct statements in regards to principles that a Baptist woman should follow in regards to her use of cosmetics? [K] a) If you apply cosmetics, make sure they are used to ‘glorify God’. b) If you are at the age where you are ready to potentially start dating, it is reasonable to wear cosmetics in such a fashion as to be a little alluring, attractive, sensual, as long as it is done ‘modestly’ and ‘conservatively’, for you wouldn’t want to cause a brother to stumble. c) Applying cosmetics in a fashion that is like that of movie stars is reasonable, for we live in a very competitive world, and a Christian woman would basically have no ‘hope’ of ever finding a husband otherwise. d) A Baptist woman should follow her husband’s desire concerning her use of cosmetics (as unto the Lord).