1Caribbean Regional Response Team Meeting Department of Education Curriculum Center St. Croix, US Virgin Islands August 8-9, 2017 Final Draft Agenda (8/4)

Tuesday, August 8 th

0900 Welcome & Opening Remarks Forest Willis, USCG-D7 Eric Mosher, EPA USVI Agencies

Introductions and Administrative Announcements Coordinators

0930 US Virgin Islands Agency Reports USVI Agencies

1000 NOAA Sea Grant Program & Workshop overview Christine Hale, Texas Sea Grant Program

1015 NOAA Nautical Charts/Products & Survey of Needs/Corrections Kyle Ward, NOAA

1045 Break

1100 National Park Service Resources and Current Research Initiatives Zandy Hillis-Starr, NPS Clayton Pollack, NPS Cultural Resources and Archeology Activities during DWH Dr. Meredith Hardy, NPS

1200 LUNCH

1330 FWS’ Information for Planning & Conservation (IPaC) On-line Database Felix Lopez, FWS

1400 EPA OSC Reports and Story Mapping

 CAPECO Chris Jimenez, EPA  Krum Bay and Cruz Bay Dilshad Perera, EPA

1500 Break

1515 Review of Plans, Policies and Guidance EPA, USCG, DOI, NOAA  Revisions to USCG/EPA Jurisdictional Boundaries on St. Croix  Review of ESA Consultation Requirements  Status of the CRRT ESA/EFH Programmatic Consultation

1545 SMART Dispersant Monitoring Equipment/Capabilities USCG Atlantic Strike Team

1615 British Virgin Islands Agency Reports BVI Agencies

1630 Chemical Facility Safety & Security Subcommittee Eric Mosher, EPA - Recent Activities & the Path Forward

1700 Adjourn for the Day Wednesday, August 9th

0900 USCG FOSC Report Sector San Juan

0930 Limetree Bay Terminal Operations Brief Nathan Werner Limetree Bay Terminal

1000 Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research, Inc. Danene Birtell, Tri-State

1015 Introduction to the Ocean Discovery XPRIZE Jyotika I. Virmani, Ph.D.

1030 Break

1045 EPA Viewer, Common Operating Picture (COP) Chris Jimenez, EPA Frank Campbell, Weston

1145 Lunch

1300 Data and Information Management Eric Mosher, EPA  Implementation within the ICS structure and the Planning “P”  EPA’s Data Management Plans/QAPP and Sample Plan development  Data Playbook

1400 Break

1415 NOAA’s Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA) Jay Coady, NOAA

1445 NOAA SSC Report Brad Benggio, NOAA

1500 ESF #10 Implementation during Disaster Response Roundtable

1530 Agency Reports Roundtable

1600 Emerging Issues in Emergency Preparedness and Response Co-Chairs

1630 Review Action Items/Agenda Development for Next Meeting Coordinators

1700 Closing Comments & Standing CRRT Meeting Adjourns Co-Chairs

Thursday, August 10 th , 0900

Oil Spill Science for Healthy Island Communities A Sea Grant Oil Spill Science Outreach Program Workshop

Continue the conversation: Join the Sea Grant Oil Spill Science Outreach team for a workshop entitled "Oil Spill Science for Healthy Island Communities". Sea Grant specialists will share how the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill impacted the Gulf of Mexico environment and the people living there. They will also share how they work to incorporate science into planning, preparedness, and response, and will facilitate discussions on these topics. Additional details are posted on their website.

Workshop Registration website: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/X5HHJ8S