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Minutes of Arts Committee Date held 08-5-2013
University of Melbourne Student Union
Minutes of the Arts Committee
Meeting 10
5.30PM, September 11th, 2013
Location: OB Space, Union House
1. Procedural Matters 1.1 Election of Chair 1.2 Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners 1.3 Attendance 1.4 Apologies 1.5 Proxies 1.6 Membership 1.7 Adoption of Agenda 2. Confirmation of Previous Minutes 3. Matters Arising from the Minutes 4. Correspondence 2.1 None 5. Office Bearers’ Reports 2.1 Presented by Josiah Lulham To note. 6. Other Reports 2.1 None. 7. Motions on Notice 2.1 To move $500 from the MUDFest budget line to fund an award for the Theatre Awards Night at the end of the year 2.2 Jessica Zara & St. Hilda’s College’s Fame - Grant Application 2.3 Bianca Tibos’s Connection: Disconnection – Grant Application 2.4 Nina Gilbert’s Inertia – Grant Application 8. Other Business 9. Next Meeting 10. Close
Page 1 Minutes of Arts Committee Date held 08-5-2013
Meeting opened at: 5.30 PM, by Josiah Lulham
Agenda Item 1; Procedural Matters
1.1 Election of Chair
Motion 1: Josiah Lulham as Chair Moved: Josiah Lulham Seconded: Edward Perin CARRIED
1.2 Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners
1.3 Attendance Josiah Lulham Caitlin Phillips Lara Hentrich Edward Perin Eason Zhyx
Absent Stefan Eracleous Sarojini ‘Jini’ Maxwell
1.4 Apologies Eric Gardiner
1.5 Proxies
1.6 Membership
1.7 Adoption of Agenda
Motion 1.7: Adoption of agenda for meeting 11/09/13 Moved: Josiah Lulham Seconded: Caitlin Phillips CARRIED
Agenda Item 2: Confirmation of Previous Minutes
Motion 2: Confirm the minutes for meeting on 5/08/13, 14/08/13 and 28/08/13 Moved: Josiah Lulham Seconded: Lara Hentrich CARRIED
Agenda Item 3: Matters Arising from the Minutes None.
Agenda Item 4: Correspondence None.
Agenda Item 5: Office Bearers’ Reports Presented by Josiah Lulham. To note.
Agenda Item 6: Other Reports None.
Agenda Item 7: Motions on Notice
Page 2 Minutes of Arts Committee Date held 08-5-2013
Motion 7.1: To Move $500 from the MUDFest Budget Line to fund an award for the UHT Theatre Awards Night Moved: Josiah Lulham Seconded: Caitlin Phillips CARRIED WITHOUT DISSENT
Motion 7.2: Grant Application: Jessica Zara & St. Hilda’s College’s Fame – Pass $500 from Grants Moved: Josiah Lulham Seconded: Edward Perin DENIED
Motion 7.3: Grant Application: Bianca Tibos’s Connection: Disconnection – Pass $500 from Grants Moved: Josiah Lulham Seconded: Caitlin Phillips CARRIED WITHOUT DISSENT
Motion 7.4: Grant Application: Nina Glbert’s Inertia – Pass $500 from Grants Moved: Josiah Lulham Seconded: Caitlin Phillips CARRIED WITHOUT DISSENT
Agenda Item 8: Other Business None.
Agenda Item 9: Next Meeting
Next meeting on: 25/09/13, 5.30pm in the OB SPACE
Agenda Item 10: Close
Meeting closed at: 6.15 PM
Certified by Chair:
Signed: Dated:
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