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Welcome back to school for Term 2. I hope you had a good holiday. Signed ______****** Make sure you have all the things you need for this term - lead pencils, red pen, coloured pencils, glue sticks, a ruler, small pencil cases, chair bags, library bag, scissors etc. READING: Do some Home Reading each night. Practise a page of reading then read it aloud to someone in your family. Try to read without lots of stops and use some expression. Record it in the back of your Homework book. SPELLING: Fairy Tale Characters LEVEL LEVEL EXTENSION GROU RULE DICTATON ACTIVITIES 1 2 P big fairy giant -ant Read the rule Level 1: The story of a 1. Learn your help fairies dwarf ant then form the time long ago was own word lists + time frog elf giant plurals- very good. A big dragon named Alex personals. Do ago tale witch grant a L.L.C.W.C. day helped a nice girl find nice key wizard plant the ring she wished for 2. Have someone test wish poor prince slant . ………………… your words. story once princess Level 2: Jonathon liked 3. Write your delay the fairy tale about a good leave character list and mark poor frog who had once ring strang tower the syllables …………………. lost his key. The wicked e in each word. key fairies would leave him dragon wicked make- in a strange place. 4. Learn the rule and believe …………………. Extension: Shannen wrote a fairy tale about complete the activity. toy make-believe characters. There was a giant, a 5. Practise your dictation …………………. dwarf, an elf as well as a witch and a wizard in the ready for a test on valley story. The prince had to Friday. …………………. climb the tower to get the princess. monkey ……………….. PERSONALS:

RULE: Plurals - To form the plural of words ending in -ay, -ey and -oy just add -s.  WRITING: Last term we learnt how to write a RECOUNT. A recount has a special form- Orientation- This sets the scene and introduces the event or the characters or the people in the story. Series of events- This is a number of events or activities told in the sequence in which they happened. Each new event or activity will have a new paragraph. Conclusion- A general statement about the activities or events.   Task: Recount due: Friday, Week 2  On the paper I have given you, write a RECOUNT of your holidays. Write about at least three events. (Things that you did during the holidays.)  Write your draft copy first in your Homework Book and edit it. Show it to mum or dad and they will help you edit your work.  Then write your final copy on the paper. (You may wish to type it on the computer.)  Make sure that your final copy is the best work you can do. ( Presentation PERFECT)  Make your presentation copy neat and tidy with all spelling correct.  Don’t forget to do an illustration.

NUMBER: Make sure you know your 2X, X3, 4X and 5X tables from last term. Say them to someone at home. Try these –

2 x 6 = 8 x 2 = 2 x 11 = 12 x 2 = 5 x 2 = 2 x 9 = 4 x 2 = ______18 = 2 x 20 = 4 x 4 = 2 x 14 = 2 x 22 = 2 x 16 = 4 x 24 = 2 x ______4 x 5 = 8 x 4 = 10 x 4 = 4 x 3 = 4 x 6 = 9 x 4 = 12 x 4 = ______40 = 4 x 6 = 2 x 24 = 4 x 20 = 10 x 28 = 4 x 8 = 4 x 44 = 4 x ______3 x 6 = 3 x 8 = 3 x 12 = 3 x 0 = 3 x 5 = 3 x 10 = 3 x 2 = ______21= 3 x 12 = 3 x 30 = 3 x 9 = 3 x 27 = 3 x 6 = 3 x 33 = 3 x ______

HOMEWORK: Year 3 Term 2 Week 2 Signed ______READING: Make sure you do some reading each night. Record what you have read in the back of your book. SPELLING: Engines LEVEL LEVEL EXTENSIO GROU RULE DICTATION Activities 1 2 N P turn engine machines wh- Read the rule Level 1: When Brandon 1. key wheel bulldozers what then form the turns the key the oil will Learn your plural- speed to the gearbox. own word oil motor ignition wheat Have you put some petrol lists + petrol push aeroplanes wheel and water in the car? personals. Do gears brake accelerate when library a L.L.C.W.C. gearbox clutch exhaust where …………… Level 2: Joshua could not 2. army control the wheel of the Have a test push body mechanic which overheated motor car. The …………… of your pull repair ambulance why engine needed to be words. speed control collision body repaired but the brakes 3. water overhea automatic …………… and clutch were fine. Write your t city list in letter …………… Extension: Summa-Lee order- (least knows all about automatic country to greatest) machines. She wants to be 4. …………… a mechanic on an Learn the cry aeroplane, a bulldozer or rule and …………… an ambulance. Do you complete the try know about exhausts, activity. ignitions and collisions? ……………. 5. Practise your Personals: dictation ready for a Rule: Plural - Words that have a consonant followed by -y, test on form the plural by changing the -y to i and adding -es. Friday.

HOW ARE YOU GOING WITH YOUR RECOUNT?  *Have you completed your draft copy in your Homework Book?  *Have you written the final copy on your paper (or used a computer).  *Have you made it the very best quality work that you can do? (Neat writing, no  mistakes, clear paragraphs, “Presentation PERFECT” )  *Have you illustrated your Recount?  *On Friday hand in your draft copy (in your book) and your final copy (on paper).  *I’m looking forward to reading them.   LANGUAGE: “SAID” is an overused word. Write down four words that you could use instead of “said” when you are writing a story.  ______, ______, ______, ______NUMBER: Learn the 2X, 3X, 4X and 5X tables for a test this week. Try these. Watch the sign! Start with the units first. H T U H T U H T U H T U H T U 3 7 5 9 2 5 4 7 6 6 8 6 + 5 1 - 2 6 + 7 2 - 1 3 4 - 5 7 6 ______

H T U H T U H T U H T U H T U 4 5 2 5 1 7 3 4 4 8 0 3 0 1 + 5 2 + 4 8 + 1 4 4 + 1 0 8 3 9 ______+ 3 5 6 ______H T U H T U H T U H T U H T U 5 4 3 6 9 1 2 4 4 2 7 5 6 8 2 1 - 1 1 4 + 4 3 - 1 0 3 - 2 3 4 + 1 0 ______Research: TIME - Find some pictures of clocks or watches showing a digital and an analog face. (Look in magazines and shop brochures.) Glue the pictures into your book. Label the type of clock. Find out about three other types of clocks and write a sentence about how they work. HOMEWORK: Year 3 Term 2 Week3 Signed ______READING: Make sure you do some reading each night. Record your reading in your Homework Book. SPELLING: The Party LEVEL LEVEL 2 EXTENSIO GROU RULE DICTATION Activities 1 N P watch ready birthday -ew Read the rule Level 1: Everyone 1. Learn your own near whisper invitation blew then say these watched as Rylie stood word lists + words and copy up and began to move personals. Do a stood taught friendliness dew them. her head down near L.L.C.W.C. down straight balloons few the cake. She blew and 2. Have someone move strongest decorate flew tunic the flames went away. test your words. head closest whistles knew ……………. Level 2: Kyah 3. Write your list thought she was ready began moveme excitement new comic and draw the to go straight to the shape of the nt ……………. magic party. “Did you bring words. away amaze surprise that amazing 4. Learn the rule …………….. present?” whispered blew thought presents topic and complete chew party her closest friend. the activity. …………….. Extension: There was 5. Practise your present music great excitement when dictation ready for …………….. invitations for a a test on Friday. picnic surprise birthday party …………….. were given to Emily’s mimic friends. Mum will …………….. decorate the room with traffic balloons and whistles ……………. but there will be no presents. Personals:

Rule: When a two syllable word has a “k” sound at the end, just write “c”. LANGUAGE: Antonyms- Write a word with the opposite meaning. (HINT: Look in the spelling lists) far, ______ended, ______yell, ______curved,______enemy, ______up, ______

SENTENCES: Use each of your “personal words” in a separate sentence.



PARTS OF SPEECH: From the book that you are reading at home, find four proper nouns and four common nouns. Proper Nouns ______, ______, ______, ______

Common Nouns ______, ______, ______, ______

NUMBER: Write out and learn the 6X table. Try these tricky ones. **** Remember, brackets ( ) mean, do whatever is in the brackets first. Write the answer above the ( ) then go back and do the whole algorism from the start.

3 + 8 = ______11 – 7 = _____ 8 _ 5 = ______3 X 4 = _____ 18 – 10 = ______

Double 5 = _____ 15 - 3 = _____ 8 less than 14 =___ 5 more than 8 = ___10 = 3 + ______3 + (6 + 2) = ____ (10 – 5) + 6 = ___ (5x6) - 10 = ______(1x5) + (2x5) – 5 + 10 = ______

2D SHAPES Use a ruler to draw and then label a - pentagon, hexagon, quadrilateral, triangle and an octagon. (HINT: Use a dictionary if you are not sure what the words mean or how many sides they need.) HOMEWORK: Year 3 Term 2 Week 4 Signed ______READING:This week you will need to read a book (or chapter) and then retell the story in your own words.(About ½ a page) Do not copy the story from the book, just tell the main parts of the story, (beginning, middle and end), in your own words. You will also need to mention the name of the book, the author and illustrator. SPELLING : Birds LEVEL LEVEL EXTENSIO GROU RULE DICTATION Activities 1 2 N P bird feather feathers -ly Read the rule Level 1: Friendly 1. Learn your nest branche beaks closely then write new Aliza saw the bird as own word it flew from the words by adding lists + s branch. There was personals. Do chicken beak claws early “ing”. only one soft, baby a L.L.C.W.C. flew close habitat friendly chick left in the nest. branch swan sparrow greatly busy Level 2: Tiarne was 2. Test your ………………. hurrying closer to words. cage warm budgerigar lovely the young magpie baby hurry parrot only carry that had fallen from ………………… 3. Write your soft carry kookaburra quickly a branch and hurt its list in A.O. only magpie emu copy beak. Its feathers were warm and she quickly young cockatoo ……………… 4. Learn the fly was carrying it with rule and friendly greatly plumage great care. ……………… complete Extension: It is the activity. hurry worrying to Nick that ………………. many of our parrots, 5. 5. Practise your worry budgerigars and dictation ……………… cockatoos are losing ready for a their habitat. The Personals: test on plumage, claws and Friday. beak of the Rule: Do not change -y to I when adding –ing even though -y is kookaburra and emu preceded by a consonant. are interesting. LANGUAGE: Circle the correct word. (If you are not sure which word to use, consult a dictionary.) 1. My bike doesn’t have a (break, brake). 2. Please hold up your (right, write) hand. DRAW A BIRD 3. The (which, witch) cast a spell on Reginald. 1. Select a bird from the 4. (Here, Hear) is where I live. Spelling Lists. 5. That is (their, there) cat. 2. Draw the bird and colour it 6. This is the (site, sight) for our new Library building. showing its different plumage. 7. Collect the (too, two, to) books from the table. 3. Label your bird. 4. Do you know any GRAMMAR: interesting facts about this The word “wave” could be a verb (a doing or action word) bird? or it could be a noun (a name of a thing). Take a new page in your book. Write two sentences with “wave” as a noun and then as a verb. ______


NUMBER: Write out and learn your 5X and 6X tables for a test this week. 1. 2. 28 4 equals 7 5 12 = 60 Which word belongs here? Which sign belongs here? Circle the correct word. Circle the correct sign. plus minus times divided by + - x ÷

3. 24 36 equals 60 4. eight four equals thirty two

Which word belongs here? Which sign belongs here? Circle the word needed. Circle the sign needed.

add divide by subtract multiply + - = x ÷

HOMEWORK Year 3 Term 2 Week 5 Signed ______READING: Do some Home Reading and record what you have read in the back of your book. SPELLING: The Sea LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 EXTENSION GROUP RULE DICTATION Activities seaside police ocean - liner sm- Read the rule Level 1: Jake loves to 1. Learn your sail coast currents small then add “ing” go to the seaside to own word lists ship ocean sharks smart to these words. watch all the big ships + personals. boats wild yachts smash sail away. Towards the Do a L.L.C.W.C. beach there is sand, ships marine passengers smell spy seaweed and small 2. Ask towards captain crew smoke cry boats. someone to beach missing trawlers smooth dry Level 2: Lochie went test your seaweed fisherman anchor pry with the marine, police words. sand surfboard speedboat try captain from the small all island fishermen fry island. They were 3. Write your ball small tides buy looking along the coast list and circle small tallest worry for a fisherman and a any compound surfboard rider who Personals: words were missing in the . wild ocean. 4. Learn the Rule: Do not change -y to i when adding -ing, even though -y is Extension: All the rule and preceded by a consonant. crew and passengers complete the on the ocean-liner activity. could see the fishermen in the 5. Practise trawlers catching your dictation sharks in the strong ready for a tidal currents. test on Friday. Matthew’s speedboat passed the anchored yachts.

GRAMMAR: Use words from the box to match the name to its definition and then give three examples. common noun verb proper noun collective noun adjective 1. The name of a special person, place or thing that starts with a capital letter is a ………………… e.g.______

2. A doing or action word is a ………………………………… e.g.______3. The name of a person, place or thing is a ………………………………….. e.g.______4. A group word for people, places or things is a ………………………………………………. e.g.______

5. A word that describes or tells more about a noun is an ………………………………………………… e.g.______

SENTENCES: Write a sentence using “happy” and its antonym (opposite) in the same sentence. Use a joining word (conjunction) to join your opposite ideas so that they make sense.



NUMBER: Write, say and learn your 7X tables. Try these- 10 x 6 = ___ 5 x 6 = ___ 6 x 11 = ____ 6 x 6 = ___ 0 x 6 = ____ 7 x 6 = ___ 3 x 6 = ___ 8 x 6 = ____ 6 x 4 = ___ 12 x 6 = ____

****** 3 groups of _____ ++++ ++++ ++++ 5 groups of ____ ****** and ______left over. ++++ ++++ +++ and ______left over. ****** ****

HOMEWORK - YEAR 3 Term 2 Week 6 Signed ______READING: Do some home reading each night. Record what you have read in the back of your Homework Book. Read aloud to someone in your family. Try to read smoothly and use some expression. SPELLING: REVISION Revise the words in lists from Weeks 1-5 of this term. Especially check spelling rules and forming plurals. Practise your lists in your Homework Book.

LANGUAGE: Write a sentence for each of the different types of sentences. (Watch the punctuation!) A question- ______

An exclamation – ______

A command – ______

A statement - ______

****NOW - - - - In each of the sentences you wrote underline the nouns and circle any verbs with a coloured pencil.

MATHEMATICS: Colour the “0” in front of the correct answer. 1. There were 60 people on the bus. 2. Ana Josefa Martinez is 14. Twelve got off. Her sister Maria Estela is 9.

How many people were left on the bus? What is the difference between their ages?

0 48 0 52 0 50 0 72 0 23 years 0 9 years 0 6 years 0 5 years 0 4 years 0 15 years 3. How long do the children have for lunch and 4.There were 18 people at the café tables. games each day at school? Six people left.

0 2 hours SCHOOL TIMETABLE How many people were at the tables then? 0 2½ hours 8:30 Start 0 9½ hours 12:00 Lunch and Games 0 6 0 12 0 18 0 24 0 12 hours 2:30 Start again 5:00 Finish

5. One bunch of flowers cost 70 cents. 6. Vanda bought three cakes. How much do five bunches cost? The total cost was $3.30. How much was each cake? 0 35 cents 0 70 cents 0 75 cents 0 350 cents 0 11 cents 0 $1.10 0 30 cents 0 $3.27

7. Here is Australia’s score in the cricket match. 8. In the basketball game, how many points did Newcastle win by? AUSTRALIA 407 Newcastle Brisbane 96 79 0 17 The score is 0 23 0 forty seven 0 four hundred and seven 0 27 0 four hundred 0 four hundred and seventy 0 37

9. Gary is counting by tens from seventy nine: 10. At the football game, every tenth person who entered the “seventy nine, eighty nine, ninety nine, ...... ” gate got a free cap. The next number he should say is 0 one hundred 115 people went through the gate. 0 one hundred and nine 0 one hundred and ninety nine How many free caps were given out? 0 two hundred and nine 0 15 0 11 0 12 0 10 HOMEWORK - YEAR 3 Term 2 Week 7 Signed ______READING : Do some home reading each night. Record what you have read in the back of your Homework Book. Ask an adult to sign your book. SPELLING: Hospital LEVEL LEVEL 2 EXTENSION GROUP RULE DICTATION Activities 1 well illness patient qu- Read the rule Level 1: Jayden 1. Learn your wasn’t hospital operation queer then add –ing wasn’t well! His bones own word lists hurt doctor theatre quick to these hurt and he felt sick. + personals. words. The doctor and nurse Do a L.L.C.W.C. bone nurse bandages quiet worked quickly to sick break crutches quite make him feel better. delay 2. Ask nurse enjoy sick queen Level 2: At the someone to doctor treat illness quack ……………. hospital Chloe had to test your be treated for quite a words. better finish hospital enjoy strange illness and a quick crutches ambulance break to her bone. …………… 3. Write your queen quiet medical When they were list and quickly quiet lay finished the doctor and underline nurse said that she words that quite quite ……………….. would enjoy using the have more play crutches. than 2 vowels. ……………… Extension: Maddi would like to work in 4. Learn the stay an ambulance or a rule and ……………… hospital. She would complete the help the sick patients activity. Personals: with their illnesses, put on bandages, give out 5. Practise Rule: When adding –ing to words that end in a –y, leave the y and crutches and even your dictation just add –ing. work in the quiet ready for a test operating theatre. on Friday.

STORY WRITING: Write a short story or poem about WINTER.  Use a new page in your Homework Book (or on the computer). Don’t forget to illustrate your writing.  You will probably want to mention- when it occurs, what changes occur in the environment, changes in our clothing, sports, foods and the colours of the season. Winter looks like  A “Y” chart might help you think of some useful words.

Winter smells like Winter feels like

NUMBER: Write out and learn your 7X table.

TIME – 1. Write in digital time – 8 o’clock ___ : ___ half past six ___ : ___ 20 past 3 ___ : ___ 10 past 5 ___ : ___ 10 past 2 ___ : ___ half past 11 ___ : ___

2. Name 5 places in your house where a digital clock or watch is used. …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………. …………………………………………………… 3. Find or draw a picture of a digital and an analog clock or watch and label them.

HOMEWORK: YEAR 3 Term 2 Week 8 Signed ______READING: Do some home reading each night. Record what you have read in the back of your Homework Book. Ask an adult to sign your book. SPELLING: Revision List 1 List 2 Extension Group Rule Dictation Activities Words need weather daisy through Read the rule All Groups: 1. Write out your grow body poppy rough then write The small boy was crying. He hurt his lists of cold less rose though these words words. Use as a plural- leg when he fell heat warm daffodil thought from the tallest LLCWC. potato branch. At the fats plenty tulip leather 2. Check hospital the doctors green fruit patient feather …………… all your lists and nurses fixed his and practise giving too wicked work tomato broken bone and any errors foods tomato machines word …………. gave him some or tricky crutches to use. help welcom invitation world words. echo …………… Now he would not e be able to go to the 3. Read drink salad marine worm cargo ………… dance party. He had the rule and without mechanical such to stay home and then do the mosquito activity. anchor much watch the ………… television. Mum said 4. Learn Rule: Some common words ending in “o” he would need to be add “es” to form a plural piano …………… the more careful in the dictation. radio …………… future. banjo ………… soprano ……… LANGUAGE: HOMONYMS are words that sound the same but are spelt differently and have different meanings. Eg. red , read - blue, blew – sight, site. Look at the words below and write a homonym for each word. too ______need ______wear ______weather ______through ______by ______

ANTONYMS are words with opposite meanings. (HINT- a dictionary might help you.) By adding a prefix (before) to the word (eg. un, dis, in, im) form an antonym. like ______happy ______armed ______healthy ______proper ______trust ______

Complete the table. ANIMAL SOUND MOVEMENT Riddles for the – “3G Riddle Book” cats whinny, gallop, meow, steal, fly cows Write out two riddles that we can put into a lambs bleat,class frisk,book. low, Don’t wander, forget crowto write the answers horses too. (No rude or bad taste riddles please.)

NUMBER: Learn your 6X and 7X tables for a test. Have you got an answer for these? Where do tough chickens come from? 3D Shapes – Draw these shapes on a new page. What is a hot and noisy duck called? How can you make your money grow larger? Which is the shortest month? What can you never make right? What made the chicken sick?  1. Draw a shape that is a Prism.  Name the type of prism. ______How many faces? ______How many edges? ______How many corners? _____

2. Draw a shape that is a Cylinder. How many flat faces? ______How many edges? ______How many curved faces? _____How many corners? _____

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