Energy Slogans and Sound bites

Guidance: The purpose of the flowing slogan and sound-bites is to provide material for Awareness/Education/Training programmes. Please use the material below to develop your own database. Suggested use for these slogans and sound-bite are:  Activated when a PC is started up  Scrolling on a web-site  Regular emails (Warning: Spam can annoy and de-motivate!)  Posters and Stickers  Newsletter add-ins

 In the year “2002 our organisations” emissions were _____ tonnes of CO2.

Energy and Environment

 Tropical rainforests are being destroyed at a rate of 60,000 acres per day. This is the equivalent area of 20 football pitches per minute or the area of Austria once per year.

 Nearly 25% of Sweden’s 90,000 lakes are suffering from acid rain. Of these 4,000 are so badly polluted that fish cannot survive in them.

 The average person in the western world uses10 times more energy than the average person in India.

 20% of the world uses 80% of its energy resources.

 Most scientists agree that greenhouse gases cause global warming and climate change.

 The key “greenhouse gases” (GHG) are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) of which CO2 is the most important.

 The Brundtland Commission defined sustainability as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”

 It is estimated that the worlds oil reserves will run out by the year 2050

 13 light bulbs (100W) will emit 1 kg of CO2 in one hour

 One tonne of CO2 (carbon dioxide) will roughly fill 500 domestic oil tanks.

GJC 030716 v1.0 Kyoto Protocol and Ireland

 Ireland’s Kyoto target for the period 2008 –2012 was breached in 1997.  Ireland has committed to limiting greenhouse emissions to 13% above 1990 levels under the Kyoto Protocol. By 2001 Ireland’s emissions were 27% above 1990. Projections are that this will rise to 37% by 2010 if nothing is done.  The most significant area of growth in Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions since 1995 is energy related.  Carbon taxes will be introduced in Ireland in 2004  Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI) is Ireland’s national energy agency. Find out more at

Personal Computers

 In one year a single PC operating continuously will dump about 700 kg of CO2 into the atmosphere.

 A typical PC monitor left on overnight wastes enough energy to laser print 800 A4 pages.

 Up to 70% of computers and related equipment are left on all the time. Equipment energy costs can be reduced by 90% just by turning off when not in use.

 Please ensure that your PC has the PowerSave feature activated.


 Switch off fluorescent lights when you don’t need them. It is a myth to say it saves energy by leaving them on.

 Lighting an empty office overnight wastes enough energy to heat water for 1,000 cups of coffee.

 Switching form 38mm to 26mm diameter fluorescent tubes uses 8% less energy for the same light output.


 Having a shower uses only a third of the water of an average bath and less energy.

 A colour TV on stand-by consumes 24% of the energy when the TV is fully on.

GJC 030716 v1.0  Reducing the temperature of your home by 1°C will reduce your fuel bill by 8% to 10%.

 When buying electrical appliances look at the energy consumption label.

 Low energy compact fluorescent lamps use 20% of the energy of a tungsten light for the same light output and last 8 times longer.

Car and Transport

 Cars travelling at 70mph can use up to 30% more fuel than those going at 50mph.

 A cold engine emits 60% more pollution than a warm one.

 Even when only a quarter full, a bus is more than twice as fuel efficient as a family car.

 Saving fuel in cars reduces pollution from nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and smog.

 Nearly 85% of carbon monoxide pollution and 50% of all oxides of nitrogen pollution comes from road vehicles.

 99% of men and 87% of women can ride a bicycle, but only 4% of the working population cycle to work.


 The average 100 person company uses a quarter of a million sheets of copier paper per year.

 A photocopier left switched on overnight wastes enough energy to make 5,300 copies.

 Most modern photocopiers have energy saving buttons. The user manual will give details on how to use them.

 Laser printer and photocopier cartridges can be refilled making substantial costs savings.

 It is more efficient to make multiple copies in a photocopier than an office printer.

 Double sided photocopying and reuse of paper for notes cuts down on paper, reducing waste disposal costs.

GJC 030716 v1.0  Good quality recycled paper is suitable for most office machines at a competitive price.

Heating and Cooling

 Close doors and windows when the heating is on. An open window loses enough energy in a day to produce 130 wine bottles.

 Reducing the temperature of a room by just 1°C can reduce the heating bill by 8 to 10%.


 Use mains power in preference to batteries. If batteries are the only option use rechargeable ones whenever possible.

 It takes 50 times more energy to manufacture a battery than the energy given out by the battery during its life.

Vending Machines

 A typical drink vending machine switched off overnight and at weekends would reduce CO2 emissions by 1 tonne a year.

GJC 030716 v1.0