WOMEN’S MINISTRY BOARD Geneva United Methodist Church May 18, 2008

Attended by: President, Carolyn Diffenderfer, Treasurer, Betty Keeler, Secretary, Joan Hansen, Cindy Anast, Roberta Edwards, Carrie Fisher, Cynthia Foster, Marilyn Heinemann, Brenda Holmes, Mary Osborne, and Joan Peterson.

Welcome & Announcements: Carolyn opened the meeting at 10:15 AM and welcomed everyone. Community announcements included:

1. Tri-City Lobster Fly-in June 14, order at tricityfamilyservices.org. 2. Have A Heart for Haiti – June 14 – Fellowship Hall. Potluck supper with auctioneer Barb Jeske. Farewell to the Finucanes. 3. Lifespring Ministry Basket Raffle Auction October 25 – Aurora. Last year we donated a basket prepared by Claire Smith. Joan Hansen volunteered to prepare a basket this year. Brenda Holmes made a motion and Betty Keeler seconded that $75 be spent on this basket. Motion passed. 4. School of Christian Mission 2008 of Northern IL Conference 2008, “Living the Sacred” will be held at Judson University July 17-20, 2008 in Elgin. 5. Girl’s Get-A-Way (Christian) Cruise February 5-9, 2009 from Mobile, AL to Cozumel, Mexico. 6. LaSalle Manor Retreat Center 50 th Anniversary Celebration, August 30, 2008. Festivities begin at 2:00 PM. – All information will be posted on the Women’s Ministries bulletin board in Fellowship Hall.

Review and Recap of Business 1. Review of Minutes  Cindy Anast made a motion that the minutes from our March 10 meeting be approved as submitted and seconded by Brenda Holmes.

2. Treasurer’s Report  Betty Keeler said we have a balance of $ 11,902.28 as of 5-18-08. Women’s Ministry Board Minutes Page 2 May 18, 2008

3. Spring Rummage Sale – net $10,254.38 with bake sale. a. Fall Dates per Brenda Holmes are September 28 – October 4 4. True Value Bake Sale = $583.86. 5. District Cluster Lunch was held at West Chicago United Methodist Church March 13 and attended by 20+ women from our church; mostly True Value Circle members. Baker Memorial United Methodist Church will host 2009. GUMC turn to host again will probably be 2010. 6. Grace Place – Church-wide event. Funds will be processed through the church office. This event began in lieu of Swedish Days buffet. It has two functions, dinner and entertainment. Betty Keeler and Carol Nunns met with a Salvation Army representative for feedback on the first April Grace Place event. The people the Salvation Army serves (mostly families) do not want to make any commitment and don’t want to come to a church.

Upcoming Business

1. Advent Tea – December 2 a. Marie Peterson & Rochelle Graham will be the morning chairpersons. b. Beth Kucera and someone TBD will be the evening chairpersons. 2. Ministry Fair a. This year there will not be an all-church Ministry Fair in September. Committees can select their own Sunday to have a “Fair”. We chose to have our “Fair” September 14 in FH. This would give us an opportunity for signups for the rummage sale and information about the January 2009 retreat as well as other Women’s Ministries activities.

New Business

1. Mission Statement  Roberta found our mission statement of 1998 and we will form a sub-committee to review and recommend updates. Women’s Ministry Board Minutes Page 3 May 18, 2008

2. Katrina ($500) Account  Cynthia Foster made a motion and Betty Keeler seconded that we ask the Finance Committee to transfer the $500 we donated last November to the general account designated for Katrina to UMCOR. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Distributions  Cindy Anast made a motion and Brenda Holmes seconded that we distribute $9,500. Motion passed unanimously.  The following distributions were made:

UMCG Pastor’s Discretionary Fund - $1,000 UMCG Assoc. Pastor’s Discretionary Fund - $1,000 UMCG ASP - $500 Hesed House - $500 Tri City Family Services - $500 Community Crisis Center - $400 Salvation Army Tri-City - $500 Salvation Army Food Pantry - $400 Mutual Ground - $500 Lazarus House - $500 Red Bird Mission - $200 CASA - $250 Lifespring Ministry - $250 Haiti & DR Fundraiser (June 14) - $1,000 UMCG Scholarship Fund - $500 Lithuania – To Taurage Women’s Ministry $500 Lithuania – All Day Event Bus Trip Summer 2008 - $1,000

Next Meeting Date:  Sunday, August 10 after 9:00 AM service - Parlor

Our meeting was adjourned at 11:15 AM

Respectfully submitted, Joan Hansen, Secretary