Key Terms: Chapters 11-15

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Key Terms: Chapters 11-15

Key Terms: Chapters 11-15

Nativism spoils system Freemasons

Native American Association "Kitchen Cabinet" Anti-Masons

Know-Nothings Peggy Eaton Affair "Great Triumvirate"

"water power towns" Webster-Hayne Debate Locofocos

Gov. DeWitt Clinton Tariff of Abomination (1828) Distribution Act (1836)

Erie Canal Force Bill (1830) Specie Circular (1836)

"Tom Thumb" "Five Civilized Tribes" "Old Kinderhook"

Samuel F. B. Morse Indian Removal Act of 1830 Panic of 1837

Richard Hoe Cherokee Nation v. Georgia sub-treasury system (1830) corporation "penny press" Worcester v. Georgia (1831) limited liability "Log Cabin & Hard Cider" Trail of Tears campaign "putting-out" system Second Seminole War (1835- Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too! Lowell or Waltham System 1842) Caroline Affair Lowell Girls Nicholas Biddle Aroostock War (1838) Factory Girls Association "hard" or "dear" money [specie] Webster-Ashburton Treaty Commonwealth v. Hunt (1842) (1842) "soft" money [paper Treaty of Wang Hya (1842) John Deere currency] cultural nationalism Cyrus H. McCormick Roger B. Taney Judith Sargent Murray Jacksonian Democracy Maysville Road Bill Noah Webster "Old Hickory" Second National Bank of the U. S. Washington Irving "Reign of King Mob" "King Andrew" Deism "Era of the Common Man" Charles River Bridge v. revivalism Dorr Rebellion Warren Bridge (1837) Second Great Awakening Second Party System Whigs Charles G. Finney Eli Whitney Continental System "Era of Good Feeling"

Robert Fulton impressment First Seminole War (1817- 1818) Clermont Chesapeake-Leopard Affair Adams-Onis Treaty (1819) "Turnpike Era" Embargo Act of 1807 Panic of 1819 Pierre L 'Enfant Macon's Bill No. 2 Tallmadge Amendment Jeffersonian democracy Gen. William Henry Harrison Missouri Compromise (1820) “We are all Republicans; we The Prophet, Tenskwatawa are all Federalists! “ Fletcher v. Peck (1810) Tecumseh Albert Gallatin Dartmouth College v. "War Hawks" Woodward Barbary Pirate [Tripolitanian] Wars John C. Calhoun (SC) (1819)

Marbury v. Madison (1803) Henry Clay (KY) McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) writ of mandamus "Mr. Madison's War" Cohens v. Virginia (1821) judicial review Francis Scott Key Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) John Marshall Battle of New Orleans Johnson v. McIntosh (1823) Samuel Chase Andrew Jackson Hartford Convention Cherokee Nation v. Georgia Toussaint L'Ouverture (1831) Treaty of Ghent (1814) Louisiana Purchase Worcester v. Georgia (1832) Lewis & Clark Expedition Rush-Bagot Agreement (1818) Monroe Doctrine (1823) Sacagawea John Quincy Adams "King Caucus" Zebulon Pike Second Bank of the US American System Essex Junto National Road "Corrupt Bargain" "Burr Conspiracy" Tariff of 1816 Tariff of Abomination

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