Test / Worksheet Chapters 1-5

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Test / Worksheet Chapters 1-5

Name: ………………………. Test / Worksheet Chapters 1-5

For top marks, answer these questions as fully and in as much detail as you can. Please also use your own words – do not copy from the text. BOOKS ARE ALLOWED.

Chapters 1 & 2 Camp Green Lake is not really a holiday camp. What is it in fact? What are the dangers there?

Chapter 3 Why was Stanley’s life at school not very happy? Explain the ‘curse’ on Stanley’s family. Why was Stanley’s father not a successful inventor? How did the first Stanley Yelnats make his fortune, and how did he lose it?

Chapter 4 Describe the life of a ‘camper’ at Camp Green Lake.

Chapter 5 Why do you think the boys like having nicknames like ‘Armpit’? What do you now know about Mr Sir? (Note all key information) And Mr Pendanski? (Note all key information) What’s the main rule in the camp? What’s your impression of the novel so far?

Test / Worksheet Chapters 6-10 Chapter 6 Explain the ‘crime’ that Stanley had ‘committed’.

Chapter 7 Why did Elya Yelnats need to have a big pig?

Chapter 8 What do we learn about yellow-spotted lizards?

Chapter 9 What is Stanley’s nickname? What are his lies in his letter to his mother and why does he tell them?

Chapter 10 What did Stanley find in the ground when he was digging?

Dear Mom…………………………… Name: ………………………. In chapter 9 Stanley writes to his Mom to let her know how he is doing and what’s going on at Camp Green Lake. In the letter he doesn’t tell her the truth because he doesn’t want her to worry about him – so he tells some ‘white lies’.

Today was my first day at camp and I’ve already made some friends.

We’ve been out on the lake all day, so I’m pretty tired. Once I pass the

swimming test, I’ll learn how to water-ski. I ….

Your task is to write Stanley’s full letter.

It needs an address [CAMP GREEN LAKE, TEXAS] and must include some of the following:

 What Camp Green Lake is like (LIE – very green and a huge lake!)  What ‘fun things’ he is doing there (LIE – don’t write that you have to dig holes!)  What ‘lovely’ food he is having (LIE – loads of tasty food!)  What the staff are like (LIE – all friendly?!)  What the other boys are like (LIE – all friendly?!)  What the accommodation is like (LIE – luxurious!)  How much he is enjoying himself! (LIE – having a great time!)  Ask about Dad and his inventions  Include something about the sneakers –

‘You do believe me don’t you mom?’ Name: ……………………….

‘Desperate, Elya went to see Madame Zeroni, an old Egyptian woman who lived on the edge of town. He had become friends with her……he liked visiting Madame Zeroni and listen to her many stories. Madame Zeroni had dark skin and a very wide mouth. When she looked at you, her eyes seemed to expand, and you felt that she was looking right through you. She was sitting in a homemade wheelchair. She had no left foot. Her leg stopped at the ankle.’

Madame Zeroni is a gypsy – she has had an interesting life and knows many stories – stories that Elya likes to listen to.

Your task is to write one of her a m a z i n g stories:

 A story of her curses?  A story describing her childhood?  A story of her fortune telling?  A story about how she lost her foot?  A tale of gold and fortunes?

Write in detail and try to make it sound as if Madame Zeroni wrote it – remember that Elya would rather hear what she has to say than mud wrestle – so the stories must be good! Take a few minutes to make a plan.

A Madame Zeroni Story

Test / Worksheet Chapters 11-15

Chapter 11 Name: ………………………. Who is Derrick Dunne, and what does Stanley imagine happening to him?

Chapter 12 What does Zero like doing? What might Magnet like to do with his life?

Chapter 13 What does Stanley find in the earth, and why does he ‘move up’ one place in the line?

Chapter 14 Draw a picture of the warden, based on her description in this chapter. How does she treat Pendanski?

Chapter 15 Why is the warden excited?

Test / Worksheet Chapters 16-20 Chapter 16 Why is the warden beginning to lose her patience?

Chapter 17 What happened to Stanley’s face?

Chapter 18 What did Stanley find surprising about Zero? How has Stanley changed since being at the camp?

Chapter 19 In your own words, tell the story of the sunflower seeds and how Stanley got into trouble.

Chapter 20 What did the warden do to Mr Sir?

Test / Worksheet Chapters 21-25 Chapter 21 Why does Zero dig Stanley’s hole? Stanley is almost bitten by a R ______.

Chapter 22 Why does the gold tube seem familiar to Stanley?

Chapter 23 Who was Katherine Barlow? What were her talents? Who was Trout Walker, and what did he want? Did he get what he wanted? Why / why not? Why was he nicknamed ‘Trout’?

Chapter 24 Name: ………………………. Mr Sir stopped giving Stanley water. Why?

Chapter 25 What had Sam been famous for? What interest did Sam and Katherine share? Explain how they fell in love. What ‘shocking’ incident then happened? What does this show about the social climate at that time in American history?

Test / Worksheet Chapters 26-30 Chapter 26 What happened after Sam and Katherine escaped in Sam’s boat?

Chapter 27 What do you imagine Mr Sir put in Stan’s canteen? What is Zero’s real first name: …………………………… And surname? ………………………..

Chapter 28 Why did Kate Barlow die laughing?

Chapter 29 What was ‘God’s thumb’, and how had it helped Stanley’s great great grandfather?

Chapter 30 Stanley has been at Camp Green Lake for ……. Days and has dug ………. Holes. ______picks a fight with Stanley. What happens after Pendanski says that Zero is stupid?

Test / Worksheet Chapters 31-35 Chapter 31 Why was Stanley angry with himself? Why does the warden want all Zero’s records to be destroyed?

Chapter 32 Why does Stanley steal the truck, and why is this unsuccessful? Why does Stanley then run away?

Chapter 33 What does Stanley see in a hole, and how does he react? What does he find for his lunch?

Chapter 34 Where (exactly) does Stanley find Zero? Who do you think the old boat might have belonged to, and why?

Chapter 35 What physical problems does Zero have and why? Now write the Incident Report on the attempted theft. (Please see other handout) Name: ………………………. Test / Worksheet Chapters 36-40 Chapter 36 Who do the boys think Mary-Lou might have been? Who was she in reality? Where were the boys climbing to? Why does Stanley say that there’s probably an Italian restaurant at the top of the mountain.

Chapter 37 What makes Stanley realise that they must be near water? What happens to Zero after he vomits?

Chapter 38 How did Zero get up the mountain? What did the boys find after they had fallen into a muddy gully a) to drink and b) to eat?

Chapter 39 What is Zero’s confession to Stanley?

Chapter 40 Gladys Tennyson was very grateful to Sam. Why? Stanley went back down the mountain to retrieve the ……………………………………

Test / Worksheet Chapters 41-45 Chapter 41 What did Zero not really understand regarding stealing? Did he know that Clyde Livingstone’s sneakers were valuable? Who was Clyde Livingstone?

Chapter 42 As Stanley lies on the mountain looking at the stars, he feels happy. Why is this? Why did the boys decide to start digging holes out on the lake again?

Chapter 43 What do we learn about Zero’s mother?

Chapter 44 What did the boys find when they started digging again during the night? Who caught them with it?

Chapter 45 Why was the warden desperate to have the suitcase? Why did Zero and Stanley have to stand still all night?

Test / Worksheet Chapters 46-50

Chapter 46 What do the warden and Pendanski say that shows they really don’t care about the boys? Name: ………………………. What does Stanley choose to think about when he believes he is on the point of death?

Chapter 47 Two people then arrive – who do you think they might be? What lie did the warden tell? Stanley’s name was written on the suitcase. How could this be possible?

Chapters 48-50 Explain, in your own words, how the story ends.

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