Heart Disease Prevention Program
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Heart Disease Prevention Program Human Performance Clinical/Research Laboratory Department of Health & Exercise Science 1582 Campus Delivery Fort Collins, CO 80523-1582 (970) 491-3847 FAX: (970) 491-7677 http://www.hes.chhs.colostate.edu/outreach/index.aspx
Greetings Lake Dillon Fire Rescue employee!
The Lake Dillon Fire Rescue values your health and wellness and demonstrates this by providing evaluations in the Heart Disease Prevention Program (HDPP). The Human Performance Clinical/ Research Laboratory Staff are eager to continue to assist you in Discovering Your Healthy Lifestyle. Please understand that in order to be tested in this program you must be asymptomatic for cardiovascular disease. (If you have had a heart attack or stroke, please contact Tiffany at 970-491-7035 or [email protected].)
In addition, please understand that participation in the HDPP is not intended as a replacement for your regular medical care; therefore, if health risks are identified, you will be referred back to your primary care provider for follow-up. To get started, please contact our scheduling desk at 970-491-3847 to set your appointment. Please go to: http://www.hes.chhs.colostate.edu/outreach/fftp/lakedillon.aspx
Please find instructions for the evaluation process: 1. Blood and urine collection instructions 2. Paperwork instructions 3. Testing day preparation instructions
Your timeline for testing is: March 1 to August 31
We look forward to seeing you! If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected] or 970-491-7035. Best wishes,
Tiffany Lipsey, M.Ed., ACSM Clinical Exercise Physiologist®, Exercise is Medicine Level III, COHC Director, Heart Disease Prevention Program
Mission Statement: The Human Performance Clinical/Research Laboratory (HPCRL) supports the research, educational and public service mission of the Department of Health and Exercise Science (HES) and Colorado State University (CSU) by: providing state-of-the-art infrastructure for research; promoting hands-on learning experiences for students; and
1 educating citizens in the community and State of Colorado about the benefits of healthy lifestyles.
2 Blood and Urine Collection Instructions
1) How to obtain the lab requisition form: - Email me at [email protected], and I will email the lab requisition form to you.
- You MUST take this form with you for blood and urine collection. Avoid delays by having this form in hand and complete when you arrive at the UCH lab. I apologize that we are unable to post this form online.
- Complete the form ahead of time. Lake Dillon Fire Rescue gets the top panel, which should already be checked on the form.
If you are on the HazMat team or USAR team, you will need an additional test. Please mark the RBC cholinesterase box. If you have questions, please contact Chief Hegenderfer or Tiffany Lipsey.
**Please be aware that you are responsible for FULL payment of any additional tests OUTSIDE of the established agreement with the Lake Dillon Fire Rescue. Check with your department for clarification.**
2) How to prepare for the blood and urine collection: - Please fast for 12-14 hours prior to your blood collection. Please DO NOT eat anything until after you have had your blood drawn. - DO: o Drink plenty of water (stay well-hydrated). o Please continue to take any medications as prescribed. o Plan to eat breakfast AFTER you have had your blood and urine collected prior to your appointment at CSU.
3) When to get blood and urine collection done: - You may have your blood and urine collected prior to your appointment date (up to one month before) or on your appointment date. - If you choose to do it on your appointment date at CSU: o Prior to your appointment at CSU, go to UCH/PVH for your blood draw and urine collection. - Blood and urine collection at the UCH/PVH lab is done on a walk-in, first come, first serve basis. o You do NOT need an appointment, but please allow ample time. Typically 45 minutes is adequate for this task.
4) Where to go for blood and urine collection: - Locations and hours of operation for the UCH labs may be found at: o http://www.hes.chhs.colostate.edu/outreach/fftp/lakedillon.aspx
The easiest site for this is the Express Lab located off of Prospect Road.
NOTE: UCH will bill the Heart Disease Prevention Program directly. If you receive a bill for the blood and urine collection, this is an error. Contact me immediately at [email protected] and let me know! Do not pay the bill.
3 Paperwork Instructions
Please visit our website: http://www.hes.chhs.colostate.edu/outreach/fftp/lakedillon.aspx
Download the following forms:
- Health History Questionnaire (select male or female version) - Behavioral Health Questionnaire - Nutrition Survey - 4-Day Diet Record (two work days and two off days)
NOTE: Our forms have all been updated. Please delete any old versions that you may have.
Complete all documents and return them to Tiffany Lipsey at least 24 hours prior to your appointment.
- All documents must be saved as .doc or .pdf. If you are a Mac user, we cannot accept documents that are .pages. - Documents may be returned via: Email (preferable) ([email protected]) Fax (970-491-7677) In person (during normal business hours).
- Failure to submit these documents 24 hours prior to your appointment will result in delays on the day of your appointment. We appreciate your cooperation!
- HINT: You may complete them on the computer and save to your files for future reference/use.
NOTE: The data collected from you, including the health history form, will be kept confidential and may be accumulated for future heart disease prevention research. We would like to ask that we might use your data for this purpose. We would also like to ask about re-contacting you about future research. We will talk with you about this when you arrive. If you decide you would like your data to be used for research, we will ask you to indicate this on the consent form provided during your visit.
4 Testing Day Preparation Instructions
What to bring to your appointment: 1. Clothes (t-shirt and shorts) and shoes for exercising. **Females: For ease of placing electrocardiography (ECG) electrodes, please wear a halter top/sports bra without wires.** 2. Swim suit 3. Water bottle 4. Snack for after testing Private locker room facilities with showers and towels are available for your use during your evaluation visit.
Where to go: - Please see our website for maps and directions and parking locations: http://www.hes.chhs.colostate.edu/outreach/fftp/lakedillon.aspx
How to prepare: - Refrain from any strenuous exercise 24 hours prior to the visit.
- If you had your blood and urine collected prior to your testing day, eat a light, low fat meal approximately two hours prior to your arrival. Otherwise, see detailed “Blood collection instructions” on page 2.
- Please continue to take any medications as prescribed.
What to expect (testing day schedule): - Upon arrival at CSU, please park in the designated parking area in front of our lab building (see map on website). We will provide you with a parking pass.
Your evaluation will include pulmonary function, strength, and flexibility testing. We will also determine your body fat percentage using both the skinfold procedure and the underwater weighing technique. A thorough cardiorespiratory examination and review of your resting ECG tracing will be performed by a physician prior to exercise testing. This test will evaluate your overall health and fitness level. (approximately 2.5 hours).
The follow-up visit will be an individual consulting session to discuss your test results in detail. Your assigned staff member will provide feedback on your exam results and offer ideas and recommendations for implementing any needed changes to help you achieve your personal health goals (approximately one hour). We like to schedule a day at your location to provide the follow-up appointments for multiple people at your agency.