2 Minutes for Meeting of Rockbeare Parish Council 21/3/12
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1 Minutes for meeting of Rockbeare Parish Council 21/3/12 ROCKBEARE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes for a meeting of Rockbeare Parish Council held at 7.45pm on Wednesday 21st March 2012 at Rockbeare Village Hall. Present: Cllrs David Miller (Chairman), David Mason (Vice Chairman), Naomi Allen, Dr Bryan Pepper, Jonathan Allen, Cllr Peter Bowden (County and District Councillor), and three members of the public. Apologies: Cllrs Colin Please, Shaun Forsyth, Derek Button (District Councillor), PC Dave Smith All councillors were politely reminded of their obligation to declare interests under the Code of Conduct
1.1 APOLOGIES: To receive apologies for absence. AS ABOVE 1.2 MINUTES: Minutes of the last meeting of Rockbeare Parish Council held on Wednesday 22nd February 2012 were signed as a correct record of that meeting. AGREED 1.3 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST & RISK ASSESSMENT: To receive declarations of interest and to note any additional risks. Cllrs Naomi and Jonathan Allen declared a predisposition (as before) on the Pre-school discussion and wished to abstain from the discussion and vote. 2 PLANNING http://planning.eastdevon.gov.uk/PublicAccess/tdc/DcApplication/application_searchform.aspx for details 2.1 DECISIONS (for information) 2.1.1 11/1898/MOUT Land Opposite The Oriental Promise London Road Whimple - Outline application including access arrangements, details of layout and scale for development of 55 dwellings. Duplicate to application 05/1791/MOUT. Approval with conditions (S106 agreement Appendix 2. Specifically para 1.2 (Page 37) defines ‘Parish Connection’ for the affordable housing element in the context of Rockbeare). 2.1.2 12/0151/FUL 1 Nursery Cottages London Road - Construction of single storey extension to rear elevation -Approval 2.2 APPLICATIONS (for comment, support or objection) 2.2.1 none 2.3 Cranbrook Joint Parishes Meetings – next meeting is 26th April 2012 at 2pm it was agreed that several councillors will attend. 2.4 Neighbourhood Plan – Rockbeare has registered their intent to produce a plan. EDDC has budgeted £20,000 to support parishes this financial year. 3 HIGHWAYS 3.1 Highways & Footpaths - to accept items to report - none. 3.2 Fence at Stoneylands – chestnut paling at Stoneylands is not maintained by DCC. East Devon District Council to be contracted - the fence is in the shrubbery which is EDDC maintained. 4 REPORTS 4.1 Community Policing – PC Smith – no report this time. 4.2 Health and Safety – To accept items for action – no report this time. 4.3 Parish Field – to receive report – no report this time. 4.4 Playing field – Rockbeare Village Hall – the hall solicitors have now tried to increase their fees threefold, but it has been made clear there are no further funds, as the original agreed sum has been with the solicitors now for 18 months. It was highlighted again that the hall lease is under the Land Lord and Tenants Act, whereas the playing field is not, the lease does contain wording that the Manor will use their best endeavours to offer an alternative space in the event of the determination of the lease. 4.5 District Councillor Derek Button – to receive report 4.6 District & County Councillor Peter Bowden– Reported that the lights were now down and Parsons Lane is now open again. The spoil from the new road (26000 tonnes) will be spread a few inches thick and reseeded on the top half of the country park, it was made clear that this would not encroach on the flood plain. Parishioners in Bluehayes Lane have endured problems with noise and vibration, Environmental Health are now monitoring the situation an working with developers to bring the noise levels under control. There is still no reply to the enquiry with regard to the 2009 figures of a maximum of 3500 car movements on the new road being outdated. It was noted that the developers are not sticking to timings or communicating with the community over road improvements and it was requested that this is improved in the next phase. It is foreseen that the old bus service will remain unaltered until the whole route through Cranbrook is completed and then there will be an enhanced service, none of the existing services are to be cut. The bypass is now well underway, and they are currently digging down at the end of the runway to allow a roof to be placed over the road which will protect it in the event of a plane overshooting the runway. There was an LDF meeting this week, where Honiton and Ottery St Mary argued a reduction in their allocation of new homes, however this is still open to the decision of an inspector. Cranbrook remains unchanged in the LDF, as does Rockbeares green wedge. The planned number of houses is still 35 homes to the hectare, totalling 6400 houses, although 7400 was put forward post plan it was not agreed. Cllr Bowden is meeting with Baroness Browning to address flood defences in the area, as three houses have already been refused mortgages in Whimple, and insurance companies will in July 2013 not be obliged to renew their clients insurance as flood issues have not been adequately addressed. Cllr Bowden was asked about the Cranbrook school and Preschool, the children from Clyst Honiton will be starting at the new school in September 2012 together with any new children who have moved into Cranbrook, more information was requested on the preschool and nursery provision. 4.7 Rockbeare School – to receive report - Tricia Morris, Headteacher reported as follows: 2 Minutes for meeting of Rockbeare Parish Council 21/3/12
We had two very exciting football matches recently and were able to wear our new football strip which was very kindly donated by Mr Paul Collins, one of our Parents. Our School Council raised funds to have the school logo of a pelican embroidered on the shirts and the team looked very smart! Both teams played extremely well and the final results were both draws! The Year 6 children visited Clyst Vale Community College for a very interesting Science workshop which they thoroughly enjoyed. The Year 2 children were also there but for a very different reason- they were involved in a multi skills afternoon. Our half term disco was as popular as it always is with nearly all the children attending and dancing to the brilliant variety of music generously delivered by Cy Ball, one of our Parents. We have had some wonderful sessions from ‘Love Local Food’. They have been into school to hold storytelling sessions and allowed the children to visit their van while it is outside Rockbeare Village Hall on a Friday morning. The children were very interested to learn the origin of the ‘orange’ carrot as well as learning the names of some lesser known vegetables! Our Key Stage 1 and Foundation Stage children had a fantastic ‘Forest School’ day when they made wooden medallions, charcoal drawings, clay tiles, drank hot chocolate and roasted marshmallows over the camp fire. They had such a good day that they shared their experience with their mums, dads and grandparents through a class assembly where they also told the story of The Fire of London through stories, poems, music and song! World Book Day was celebrated by the whole school with children dressing as their favourite fiction book character and bringing a book to share with the rest of the class. We had some wonderful home-made costumes and the staff were very impressed with the creativity of the costumes. 4.8 Exeter International Airport Consultative Group – no report this time 5 FINANCE 5.1 Funding applications 5.2 Rockbeare School – letters of thanks received from the children of the school for the parish council’s recent donation towards playground markings. 5.2.1 Preschool – request for revenue funding due to single intake and other factors for consideration. There was also a short discussion regards assistance with additional staffing, but this was felt to be a DCC issue and could not be supported. The amount of £5000 was agreed as revenue funding. 5.3 Receipts; none 5.4 Payments: Under Power of Wellbeing Rockbeare preschool (donation towards revenue funding) £5000.00 Rockbeare Village Hall (use 18th Jan 2012) £15.00 Colin Please Reimburse Jubilee garden party £15.00 Cheques for approval: Balance of account at 1/3/12 Co-op account £15299.66 5.5 Quality Parish Council application – clerk has prepared this for submission 5.6 Youth Club – clerk has been in touch with Colleen Harris (Devon County Council, Devon Youth Service Senior Area Youth Worker - Eastern Team) and they will bring the mobile bus to Rockbeare in about four week’s time to consult with the children, find out need and age ranges, we can then discuss possible provision. 6 ENVIRONMENT/COMMUNITY FACILITIES 6.1 Allotments & registration of land – no further progress at present. 6.2 Parish Field – nothing to report 6.3 Housing Needs Survey – nothing to report 6.4 Parish Plan – nothing to report 6.5 Flood group – there are still outstanding issues at Hoopers Court, Little Slades and non functional non-return valves which freeze up, we would now like to see the matter brought to a close. Clerk to email Andrew Hancock EDDC. 6.6 Church Graveyard – update David Miller 6.7 SECURING DEVON’S NATURAL VALUE questionnaire, from the Community Council of Devon, is part of the Reconnecting People and Nature strand which is about: strengthening the connections with nature / more freedom for people to enjoy the benefits equal opportunities for everyone / children experiencing and learning from our environment maximising health and wellbeing benefits / local people and communities taking control. We want to find out: How local people already make use of the natural environment (eg outdoor recreation, walking, volunteering, arts projects, conservation etc) What works well and what could work better with some additional support What are the challenges and the barriers preventing people enjoying the natural environment Are there inequalities, gaps in provision and particular groups of people who may not have equality of access. How communities, the health sector and natural environment groups can better work together (eg health walks, green gyms ) Volunteer required to complete this by 26th March 2012 6.8 Future Quarrying in East and Mid Devon Consultation will be available for you to view and comment between the following till 30th April 2012 http://devoncc- consult.limehouse.co.uk/portal/minerals_and_waste_development_framework/minerals/mineral_sites/sand_a nd_gravel_site_consultation There is an area beside Daisymount that has been identified as preferred, parishioners should look at this and respond. MEETING TO BE ADJOURNED TO RECEIVE QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Dates of forthcoming meetings: 7.00pm Wednesday 18th April 2012 (& 8pm APM) Rockbeare Village Hall 7.45pm Thursday 24th May 2012 (AGM) Marsh Green Village Hall 7.45pm Wednesday 20th June 2012 Rockbeare Village Hall