Evangelical Lutheran Church in America s1
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MT. HERMON LUTHERAN CHURCH A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
God’s Work Our Hands
926 Church Street PO Box 9 Peak, SC 29122
Table of Contents
CHURCH ORGANIZATION & INFORMTION Congregational Leadership Directory...... 1 Committees...... 2-4 Social Ministry Food Preparation Committee...... 5
WORSHIP / SERVER INFORMATION Acolytes...... 6 Flowers...... 9 Lectors...... 7 Ushers...... 8 Communion Services and Assistants...... 10 Parish and Cluster Services...... 11 Dutch Fork Cluster Churches and Pastors...... 12
FINANCIAL INFORMATION Treasurer’s Reports: Mt. Hermon Lutheran Church...... 13-14 Mt. Hermon Building Fund...... 15 Peak-Springhill Parish...... 17 Cemetery Fund...... 16 Organ Fund...... 16 Budgets: Mt. Hermon Lutheran Church...... 18 Peak-Springhill Parish...... 19
CHURCH DIRECTORY Birthdays and Anniversaries...... 20-22 Mt. Hermon Members...... 23-27 Mt. Olivet Members...... 28-35
Pastor Beverly Aurand 271-3412
Congregational Council President Jack Canon (2019) 345-2787 Secretary Eleanor Stoudemayer (2017) 932-1224 Margaret Ariail (2017) 945-9936 Dal Dyches (2017) 345-2080 Betty Dixon (2018) 528-5699 Shane Kitchen (2018) 271-6034 David Pinner (2018) 924-4240 Lonnie Stoudemire (2019) 276-1106 James Summer (2019) 345-1005
Treasurer of Congregation Bob Ariail 945-9936
Treasurer of Cemetery Fund Joe Smith 345-1707 and Organ Fund
Parish Officers President Linda Amick 345-6511 Secretary/Treasurer Linda Branham 345-3594
Organist Mary Jo Dyches 345-1707
Worship Programs & Yearbook Elaine Price 345-1847
Youth Advisors Betty Dixon 345-2491 Margaret Ariail 645-9936
Unless otherwise noted, committee members are appointed by Council for unlimited one-year terms. A member of Council is assigned to each committee to serve as liaison between the committee and Council and to ensure that the committee meets at least three times each year. A chairperson shall be elected from the membership of the committee to call and preside over committee meetings and to oversee the work of the committee.
Audit (Elected by Council. One member elected each Evangelism year to serve a 3-year term. Year in parentheses Eleanor Stoudemayer, Council Rep. indicates the year term expires.) Mary Jo Dyches Anne Mattox Stanley Lindler Tom Palmer Anne Mattox Eleanor Stoudemayer Cindy Palmer Carroll Pinner Bulletins and Yearbook Dinah Pinner James Summer, Council Rep. Susan Sharpe David Price Marjorie Summer Elaine Price Andy Wessinger Eleanor Stoudemayer Finance and Stewardship Margaret Ariail, Council Rep. Cemetery Bob Ariail, Chair Dal Dyches, Council Rep. Stanley Lindler Stanley Lindler Tom Palmer Carroll Pinner David Price David Price Joe Smith Susan Sharpe Joe Smith Nominating (Elected by Congregation) James Summer Anne Mattox Andy Wessinger Carroll Pinner Kim Summer Christian Education Davis Pinner, Council Rep. Mary Jo Dyches Planning Stanley Lindler Jack Canon, Council Rep. Lonnie Stoudemire Margaret Ariail James Summer Anne Mattox Kim Summer Ben Pinner Dinah Pinner Elaine Price Andy Wessinger
4 Property Worship and Music Lonnie Stoudemire, Council Rep. Eleanor Stoudemayer, Council Rep. Bob Ariail Mary Jo Dyches Jack Canon Kathy Havird Leon Chastain Anne Mattox Dal Dyches Elaine Price Stanley Lindler Marjorie Summer Laverne Mattox Ben Pinner Youth James Summer Betty Dixon, Council Rep. Andy Wessinger Tred Dixon Mary Jo Dyches Social Ministry Dal Dyches Pr Beverly Aurand Amy Kitchen Jack Canon Wallace Kitchen Shane Kitchen Davis Pinner Davis Pinner Ben Pinner Kim Summer Social Ministry Andy Wessinger Shane Kitchen, Council Rep. Amy Kitchen, Chair Newberry College Auxiliary Key Person Jack Canon Eleanor Stoudemayer Judy Chastain Ola Mae Ellisor Anne Mottox Southern Seminary Key Person Dinah Pinner Marjorie Summer Eleanor Stoudemayer Annie Laura Summer Marjorie Summer
Altar Guild
Brass Paraments and Linens Communion Service Sanctuary Light Ola Mae Ellisor Elaine Price Eleanor Stoudemayer Bob Ariail Elaine Price Eleanor Stoudemayer Ruth Stoudemire Lonnie Stoudemire Marjorie Summer Lonnie Stoudemire Marjorie Summer
It is the practice of our church women to furnish a meal for the family in the event of a death in the immediate family. The Chairperson and Co-chairs shall serve as coordinators.
Amy Kitchen, Chair 271-6035 Margaret Ariail, Co-Chair 945-9936 Judy Chastain, Co Chair 345-3427 Ola Mae Ellisor, Co-Chair 345-2397
Judy Baskins 345-5405 Betty Dixon 345-6511 Mary Jo Dyches 345-2080 or 345-1707 Laura Mars 345-9497 Anne Mattox 345-9668 Cindy Palmer 361-4419 Dinah Pinner 920-3463 Jean Pinner 345-1525 Elaine Price 345-1847 Leigh Reddick 932-2074 Susan Sharpe 345-7454 Eleanor Stoudemayer 932-1224 Ruth Stoudemire 276-1106 Annie Laura Summer 345-5671 Kim Summer 345-1005 Marjorie Summer 345-2058 ACOLYTE SCHEDULE
FEBRUARY AUGUST 5 Nicolas Reddick 6 Tred Dixon 1 Taylor Reddick 13 Gabby Wessinger 2 Georgia Summer 20 Joanna Dyches 1 Tred Dixon 27 Wallace Kitchen 9 2 6 MARCH SEPTEMBER 5 Joanna Dyches 3 Charlie Pinner 1 Wallace Kitchen 10 Georgia Summer 2 Charlie Pinner 17 James Pinner 1 James Pinner 24 Dylan Wessinger 9 2 6 APRIL OCTOBER 2 Georgia Summer 1 Tred Dixon 9 Dylan Wessinger 8 Gabby Wessinger 1 Gabby Wessinger 15 Joanna Dyches 6 Tred Dixon 22 Wallace Kitchen 2 Joanna Dyches 29 Charlie Pinner 3 3 0 MAY NOVEMBER 7 Wallace Kitchen 5 Georgia Summer 1 Charlie Pinner 12 James Pinner 4 Georgia Summer 19 Dylan Wessinger 2 James Pinner 26 Tred Dixon 1 2 8 JUNE DECEMBER 4 Dylan Wessinger 3 Gabby Wessinger 1 Tred Dixon 10 Joanna Dyches 1 Gabby Wessinger 17 Wallace Kitchen 1 Joanna Dyches 24 Charlie Pinner 8 31 Georgia Summer 2 5 JULY JANUARY 2018 2 Wallace Kitchen 7 James Pinner 9 Charlie Pinner 14 Dylan Wessinger 1 Georgia Summer 21 Tred Dixon 6 James Pinner 28 Gabby Wessinger 2 Dylan Wessinger 3 3 0 LECTOR SCHEDULE
FEBRUARY AUGUST 5 Elaine Price 6 Anne Mattox 1 Susan Sharpe 13 Dinah Pinner 2 Kim Summer 20 Elaine Price 1 Marjorie Summer 27 Susan Sharpe 9 2 6 MARCH SEPTEMBER 5 Judy Chastain 3 Kim Summer 1 Anne Mattox 10 Marjorie Summer 2 Dinah Pinner 17 Judy Chastain 1 Elaine Price 24 Anne Mattox 9 2 6 APRIL OCTOBER 2 Susan Sharpe 1 Dinah Pinner 9 Kim Summer 8 Elaine Price 1 Marjorie Summer 15 Susan Sharpe 6 Judy Chastain 22 Kim Summer 2 Anne Mattox 29 Marjorie Summer 3 3 0 MAY NOVEMBER 7 Dinah Pinner 5 Judy Chastain 1 Elaine Price 12 Anne Mattox 4 Susan Sharpe 19 Dinah Pinner 2 Kim Summer 26 Elaine Price 1 2 8 JUNE DECEMBER 4 Marjorie Summer 3 Susan Sharpe 1 Judy Chastain 10 Kim Summer 1 Anne Mattox 17 Marjorie Summer 1 Dinah Pinner 24 Judy Chastain 8 31 Anne Mattox 2 5 JULY JANUARY 2018 2 Elaine Price 7 Dinah Pinner 9 Susan Sharpe 14 Elaine Price 1 Kim Summer 21 Susan Sharpe 6 Marjorie Summer 28 Kim Summer 2 Judy Chastain 3 3 0 USHER SCHEDULE
February Dal Dyches and Shane Kitchen
March Laverne Mattox and Ben Pinner
April Carroll Pinner and Dinah Pinner
May David Price and Lonnie Stoudemire
June James Summer and Andy Wessinger
July Bob Ariail and Jack Canon
August Leon Chastain and Dal Dyches
Septembe Shane Kitchen and Laverne Mattox r
October Tom Palmer and Ben Pinner
November Carroll Pinner and Dinah Pinner
December David Price and Lonnie Stoudemire
2018 January James Summer and Andy Wessinger
February Bob Ariail and Jack Canon FLOWER SCHEDULE To minimize expense for individuals, flowers will be used for 2 consecutive Sundays. Flowers can be placed in the white refrigerator in the Fellowship Hall storage room to preserve them during the intervening days. If you would like your flowers dedicated in memory or in honor of a loved one or in commemoration of a particular occasion, contact the person scheduled for that Sunday, then give the information to Elaine Price on Sunday PRIOR to the date so the correct information can be printed in the bulletin.
FEBRUARY AUGUST 5 Elaine Price 6 Betty Dixon 1 Elaine Price 13 Mary Jo Dyches 2 Susan Sharpe 20 Mary Jo Dyches 1 Susan Sharpe 27 Ola Mae Ellisor 9 2 6 MARCH SEPTEMBER 5 NO FLOWERS (LENT) 3 Ola Mae Ellisor 1 NO FLOWERS (LENT) 10 Amy Kitchen 2 NO FLOWERS (LENT) 17 Amy Kitchen 1 NO FLOWERS (LENT) 24 Renee Lindler 9 2 6 APRIL OCTOBER 2 NO FLOWERS (LENT) 1 Renee Lindler 9 NO FLOWERS (PALM SUNDAY) 8 Laura Mars 1 15 Laura Mars 6 22 Anne Mattox 2 29 Anne Mattox 3 3 0 MAY NOVEMBER 7 5 Dinah Pinner 1 12 Dinah Pinner 4 Annie Laura Summer 19 Jean Pinner 2 Annie Laura Summer 26 Jean Pinner 1 2 8 JUNE DECEMBER 4 Kim Summer 3 Elaine Price 1 Kim Summer 10 Elaine Price 1 Marjorie Summer 17 Susan Sharpe 1 Marjorie Summer 24 Susan Sharpe 8 31 Eleanor Stoudemayer 2 5 JULY JANUARY 2018 2 Margaret Ariail 7 Eleanor Stoudemayer 9 Margaret Ariail 14 Ruth Stoudemire 1 Judy Chastain 21 Ruth Stoudemire 6 Judy Chastain 28 Annie Laura Summer 2 Betty Dixon 3 3 0 COMMUNION DATES AND ASSISTANTS Only one assistant is needed for Communion by Intinction. On Full Communion Sundays, the acolyte for that day shall assist, and the assistant listed shall recruit one additional person to also assist.
DATE OCCASION COMMUNION ASSISTANT February 5 Epiphany 5 (Full) February 12 Epiphany 6 (Intinction) February 19 Epiphany 7 (Intinction) February 26 Transfiguration of Our Lord (Full) March 5 1st Sunday in Lent (Intinction) March 12 2nd Sunday in Lent (Intinction) March 19 3rd Sunday in Lent (Intinction) March 26 4th Sunday in Lent (Intinction) April 2 5th Sunday in Lent (Intinction) April 9 Palm Sunday (Full) April 16 Easter Sunday (Full) April 23 Easter 2 (Intinction) April 30 Easter 3 (Intinction) May 7 Easter 4 (Full) Elaine Price and James Summer May 14 Easter 5 (Intinction) Dinah Pinner May 21 Easter 6 (Intinction) Marjorie Summer May 28 Easter 7 (Intinction) Eleanor Stoudemayer June 4 Pentecost (Full) David Price and Margaret Ariail June 11 Holy Trinity (Full) James Summer and Elaine Price June 18 Pentecost 2 (Intinction) Bob Ariail July 2 Pentecost 4 (Full) Margaret Ariail and Marjorie Summer July 16 Pentecost 6 (Intinction) Elaine Price August 6 Pentecost 9 (Full) Dinah Pinner and James Summer August 20 Pentecost 11 (Intinction) Marjorie Summer September 3 Pentecost 13 (Full) Eleanor Stoudemayer and Elaine Price September 17 Pentecost 15 (Intinction) David Price October 1 Pentecost 17 (Full) James Summer and Margaret Ariail October 15 Pentecost 19 / Homecoming (Full) Bob Ariail and David Price October 29 Reformation (Full) Margaret Ariail and Dinah Pinner November 5 All Saints Day (Full) Elaine Price and Eleanor Stoudemayer November 19 Pentecost 24 (Intinction) Dinah Pinner November 26 Christ The King (Full) Marjorie Summer and Dinah Pinner December 3 Advent 1 (Intinction) Eleanor Stoudemayer December 10 Advent 2 (Intinction) David Price December 17 Advent 3 (Intinction) James Summer December 24 Advent 4 (Intinction) Bob Ariail December 24 Christmas Eve (Full) TBD December 31 Christmas 1 (Intinction) Elaine Price
2018 January 7 Baptism of Our Lord (Full) Dinah Pinner and David Price January 14 Epiphany 2 (Intinction) Marjorie Summer January 21 Epiphany 3 (Intinction) Eleanor Stoudemayer January 28 Epiphany 4 (Intinction) David Price 2017 PARISH AND CLUSTER SERVICES
DATE SERVICE TIME LOCATION March 1 Ash Wednesday (Holy Communion) 7:00 PM Mt. Hermon
March 8 Lenten Service - Dutch Fork Cluster 6:00 PM Supper Mt. Olivet 7:00 PM Service
March 15 Lenten Service - Dutch Fork Cluster 6:00 PM Supper Bethel 7:00 PM Service
March 22 Lenten Service - Dutch Fork Cluster 6:00 PM Supper Bethlehem, 7:00 PM Service Irmo
March 29 Lenten Service - Dutch Fork Cluster 6:00 PM Supper St. John, Irmo 7:00 PM Service
April 5 Lenten Service - Dutch Fork Cluster 6:00 PM Supper St. Thomas 7:00 PM Service
April 10 Holy Monday - Dutch Fork Cluster 7:00 PM St. Michael
April 13 Maundy Thursday (Holy Communion) 7:00 PM Mt. Hermon
April 14 Good Friday 7:00 PM Mt. Olivet
May 25 Ascension – Cluster Service 6:00 PM Supper Mt. Hermon 7:00 PM Worship
October 29 Reformation – Cluster Service 4:00 PM Bethlehem, (no meal) Irmo
November 19 Thanksgiving (Holy Communion) – 6:00 PM Supper TBA Cluster Service 7:00 PM Service
November 26 Advent 1 – Dutch Fork Cluster 6:00 PM Supper TBA 7:00 PM Service
December 3 Advent 2 – Dutch Fork Cluster 6:00 PM Supper TBA 7:00 PM Service
December 10 Advent 3 – Dutch Fork Cluster 6:00 PM Supper TBA 7:00 PM Service
December 17 Advent 4 – Dutch Fork Cluster 6:00 PM Supper TBA 7:00 PM Service
December 24 Christmas Eve (Holy Communion) 5:00 PM Mt. Olivet
TBA = To be announced Addresses of Cluster Churches on next page THE DUTCH FORK CLUSTER
Bethel Lutheran Church Rev. Roy M. Butler P. O. Box 367 White Rock, SC 29177-0367
Bethlehem Lutheran Church Rev. Scott Holland 10000 Broad River Road Irmo, SC 29063-2361
Mt. Hermon Lutheran Church Rev. Beverly Aurand P. O. Box 9 Peak, SC 29122-0009
Mt. Olivet Lutheran Church Rev. Beverly Aurand 11733 Broad River Road Chapin, SC 29036-9190
St. John Lutheran Church Mr. John Derrick 1028 St. John’s Road Irmo, SC 29063-9647
St. Michael Lutheran Church Rev. Frank Anderson, Interim 400 River Road Columbia, SC 29212-8805
St. Thomas Lutheran Church Rev. Larry Hagerty 215 St. Thomas Church Road Chapin, SC 29036-8001 MT. HERMON LUTHERAN CHURCH TREASURER’S REPORT YEAR 2016
BALANCE ON HAND JANUARY 1, 2016 $ 26,280.93
RECEIPTS: Offering $ 75,306.00 Interest 2.08 Souper Bowl Donations 20.00 Donations to Feed Homeless 700.00 Landscaping- Parsonage-Refunded 218.43 Refund for Parsonage Light Bill 634.49 Material for Pastor-Augsburg 193.64 Helping Hands Donations 1,700.00 Helping Hands In Memory of Lewis Shealy 500.00 Donation to Cemetery Fund-Lewis Shealy 500.00 Donation to General Fund-Lewis Shealy 770.00 Donation to General Fund-Ann Ariail 350.00 Donation to General Fund Jack Baker 255.00 Donation to Cemetery Fund-Jack Baker 100.00 Donation for Lenten Meal 65.00 Parish Refund for Parsonage Share of Insurance 1,015.00 Donation to Fellowship Hall 10.00 Youth Fund Donations 162.00 Beach Retreat Donations & Refund from Parish 2,870.50 Thrivent Donation 191.00 Donation to Feed Homeless from Dotopia-Amy Kitchen 1,250.00 Donation Dedicated for Landscaping 2,500.00 Easter Lilies 144.00 Poinsettias 242.00 Donation to SCLMM for PeeDee Indian Tribe 103.00 Correction to Bank Deposit 10/30/16 10.00 Refund for Parsonage Grass Cutting and A/C Service 279.00 Cemetery Fund 200.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS $ 90,291.14
EXPENDITURES: Benevolence 8,400.00 Parish Fund 47,592.00 Devotional Books 158.67 The Lutheran 349.05 SC Lutheran 323.00 Heating Fuel 1,910.81 Electricity 3,459.29 Property Insurance 5,075.00 Sexton 2,398.38 Terminix 238.50 Copy Machine and Supplies 1,428.00 Internet Service 744.80 Youth Camp 1,456.00 Christian Education (Adult Sunday School Materials) 382.00 Software Renewal for Bulletins 132.29 Choir Supplies (Tune Pipe Organ) 211.00 Delegate Expense 53.95 Evangelism (Thank You Cards) 45.48 Altar Supply-8 Day Candles 293.21 Altar Supply-Easter Lilies 240.00 Altar Supply-Communion Wine 16.42 Altar Supply-Flowers for Funerals 264.70 Altar Supply-Candle Oil 75.50 Altar Supply-Poinsettias 200.00 Social Ministry-Lenten Meal 148.00 Social Ministry-Easter Breakfast 212.19 Social Ministry-Meals for Funerals 195.36 Social Ministry-Homecoming Supplies 100.57 Social Ministry-Halloween Carnival Supplies 198.61 Social Ministry-Gift Cards for Memorial Donations 96.48 Social Ministry-Advent Supper Supplies 85.45 Maintenance-Cut Church Grass 935.00 Maintenance-Parsonage HVAC Service Agreement 129.00 Maintenance-Church and Fellowship Hall HVAC 832.43 Maintenance-Wax Fellowship Hall Floors 250.00 Maintenance-Replace Carpet Front of Church 993.00 Maintenance-Fire Ant Treatment 330.00 Maintenance-Cut Shrubbery 385.00 Maintenance-Ard Pest Control 275.00 Miscellaneous-Stamps 143.00 Miscellaneous-Service Fee Wells-Fargo 24.00 Miscellaneous-Homecoming Pastor 150.00 Miscellaneous-Box Rental with Late Fee 130.00 Other-Parsonage Light Bill 521.04 Other-Trash Bags 28.06 Other-We Care Souper Bowl Donations 174.00 Other-Vacuum Cleaner for Church 190.46 Other-Thrivent Membership Renewal 19.95 Other-PeeDee Indian Fund 103.00 Other-Heater for Sunday School Room 35.98 Other-Gift Card for A/C from Helping Hands 400.00 Other-Luther’s Small Catechism and Teaching Mat’l 98.90 Other-Donations Designated Cemetery Fund 810.00 Other-Helping Hands Donations-Kathy Havird 1,000.00 Other- Helping Hands for Fire Victim 1,000.00 Other-Trim Shrubbery at Parsonage 180.00 Other-Cut Parsonage Grass 150.00 Other-Donation by Dotopia to Food Not Bombs 1,250.00 Other-Reservations for Youth Retreat 624.00 Other-Youth Fund Donations 500.00 Other-Refund to Pastor for Youth Retreat Expenses 415.50 Other-Designated Part of Pastor’s Christmas Gift 65.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 88,627 .03
BALANCE ON HAND DECEMBER 31, 2016 $ 27,945 .04
Respectfully Submitted,
BEGINNING BALANCE AS OF 1/1/2016 $ 47,845.32
RECEIPTS Donations $13,715.00
TOTAL RECEIPTS $ 13,715.00
EXPENDITURES Loan Payments $15,012.00
TOTAL EXPENSES $ 15,012.00
TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE AS OF 12/31/2016 $ 46,548.32
LOAN STATUS Loan from SC Lutheran Men In Mission $150,000.00 (10 yrs @ 0% interest)
Payments as of 12/31/2016 $50,042.00
Outstanding Balance as of 12/31/2016 $99,958.00
Respectfully submitted,
David C. Price Building Fund Treasurer CEMETERY AND ORGAN FUNDS TREASURER’S REPORT 2016
Cemetery Endowment Fund
Balance as of 1/1/16 $23,000 .00 (Interest earned in 2016 transferred to Operating Fund)
Cemetery Operating Fund
Balance as of 1/1/16 $ 4,183.30 Receipts: Memorials and Gifts $ 810.00 Interest (Endowment CD and Checking) 429 .58 Total Receipts $5,422.88 Disbursements: Chapman Lawn Service $ 1,130.00 Ant Treatment 170 .00 Total Disbursements $ 1,30 .00 Balance as of 12/31/16 $ 4,133 .30
New Organ Fund
Balance as of 1/1/16 $ 9,576.70 Receipts: Interest 145 .09 Balance as of 12/31/16 $ 9,864 .48
Respectfully submitted,
BALANCE ON HAND JANUARY 1, 2016 $ 21,109.62
RECEIPTS: Interest $ 2.13 Joint Services 1,177.25 Monthly Deposit - Mt. Hermon 47,592.00 Monthly Deposit - Mt. Olivet 47,592.00 Youth 3,785.00 Miscellaneous Donations/Receipts 1,500.00 Parsonage Receipts 4,581.08 Total Receipts $106,229.46
DISBURSEMENTS: Base Salary $ 32,000.00 Social Security 7,704.00 Living Expenses 14,800.00 Pension 6,540.00 Insurance Allowance 6,816.00 Auto Allowance 6,000.00 Supply Pastor 1,200.00 Vacation Bible School 662.33 Miscellaneous 9,635.70 Parsonage Maintenance, Insurance & Taxes 971.11 Youth 3,373.45 Web Site 462.00 We Care 622.00 Total Disbursements $ 95,648.71
CD to mature on 3/16/17 -- Value as of 12/30/16 $ 17,822.30 CD to mature on 12/30/17 -- Value as of 12/30/16 $ 24,591.05
Respectfully submitted, Linda C. Branham Secretary/Treasurer MT. HERMON BUDGET FOR 2017
Benevolence $ 8,820.00 Parish Fund 41,004.00 Altar Supplies 500.00 Choir Supplies 500.00 Dev. Books 212.00 Evangelism 200.00 Social Ministry 200.00 Christian Education 800.00 The Lutheran 400.00 SC Lutheran 350.00 Delegate Expenses 250.00 Heating 3,000.00 Electricity 4,000.00 Property Insurance 5,500.00 Sexton 2,000.00 Maintenance 2,500.00 Youth Camp 1,000.00 Terminix 400.00 Copy Machine 2,000.00 We Care 100.00 Telephone 1,000.00 Yearbook - Miscellaneous 500.00
TOTAL $ 75,486.00
Base Salary $ 33,900.00 Social Security 7,896.00 Living Expenses 12,570.00 Pension 6,708.00 Insurance 6,984.00 Professional Expenses 1,100.00 Auto Allowance 7,500.00 Offices Supplies 100.00 Postage 100.00 Supply Pastor 1,050.00 Vacation Bible School 1,500.00 Miscellaneous 1,000.00 Discretionary Fund 250.00 Parsonage Fund 12,000.00 Parsonage Receipts/Savings (12,000.00) Youth 1,000.00 Website 350.00
TOTAL: $ 82,008.00
January 1 Ronald Watson 2 Jeremy Ellisor 7 Davy Kitchen 8 Andy Wessinger 11 Jim Altman 16 Mike Pinner 20 Noel Lindler 24 Dinah Pinner 29 Joe Smith
February 3 Brooke Ellisor 19 Sharon and Frank Medley 7 Phillip Reddick 9 James Summer 11 Mary Margaret Dyches 13 Elaine Price 14 Bennett Mars 14 Hunter Reddick 19 Bob Ariail 23 Frank Medley, III 25 Leon Chastain 26 Tred Dixon
March 1 James Pinner 31 Jean and Mike Pinner 6 Kim Summer 6 Nathan Fulmer 8 Bonnie Bates 11 Leigh Reddick 19 Georgia Summer 20 Dylan Wessinger 25 Emily Pinner 27 Jack Canon 28 Kathy Havird 28 Sylvia Drummond
April 5 Madelyn Pinner 15 Wallace Kitchen 15 Cindy Palmer 15 Melissa Pinner 24 Calvin Shealy 30 Chris Ariail BIRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES May 8 Nicholas Reddick 4 Leigh and Phillip Reddick 8 Taylor Reddick 9 Imogene and Joe Smith 18 Caroline Altman 16 Kim and James Summer 19 Paul Bates 24 Elaine and David Price 25 Zander Mars 26 Jean Pinner 28 Marjorie Summer 31 Dal Dyches
June 10 John Thomas Altman 3 Bonnie and Paul Bates 15 Ben Pinner 10 Renee and Stanley Lindler 19 Anne Mattox 26 Judy and Ron Watson 25 Jimmy Counts 29 Laura and Troy Mars
July 3 David Price 14 Anne and Laverne Mattox 6 Denise Baxley 10 Annie Laura Summer 13 Davis Pinner 19 Rustin Ellisor 24 Stanley Lindler 27 Lonnie Stoudemire 28 Susan Sharpe 28 Johnny Hutto 28 Judy Watson
August 2 Judy Baskins 4 Jean and Jimmy Counts 6 Ola Mae Ellisor 9 Amy and Shane Kitchen 6 Kristy Fulmer 19 Kristy and Neil Fulmer 11 Laura Mars 23 Rodney Watson 27 Amelia Hutto 30 Carroll Pinner 31 Betty Dixon
September 2 Joanna Dyches 1 Judy and Leon Chastain 5 Lonnie Ellisor 14 Julie and Rodney Lindler 6 Ruth Stoudemire 26 Margaret and Bob Ariail 17 Amy Kitchen 19 Charlie Pinner 20 Heather Lindler 24 Allison Baskins 28 Judy Chastain BIRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES October 12 Tom Palmer 6 Mary Jo and Dal Dyches 20 Julie Lindler 14 Dinah and Carroll Pinner 22 Gabby Wessinger 22 Denise and Tim Baxley
November 6 Eleanor Stoudemayer 12 Cindy and Tom Palmer 12 Rodney Lindler 20 Ruth and Lonnie Stoudemire 20 Stephen Ariail 26 Margaret Ariail 28 Andrea Lindler 29 Laverne Mattox 29 Mary Jo Dyches 30 Russell Frick
December 5 Shane Kitchen 10 Renee Lindler 10 Imogene Smith 12 Sharon Medley 12 Mimi Pinner 23 Ann Ariail 23 Neil Fulmer 25 Evelyn Frick 28 Anna Richardson MT. HERMON MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY
*= active member, who has communed and made a contribution of record within the last 2 years.
Altman, Caroline Charleston, SC 528-0747
Altman, Jim* PO Box 63 528-0741 Peak, SC 29122
Altman, John Columbia, SC 528-0745 [email protected]
Ariail, Bob* and Margaret* 1208 Mayer Road 945-9936 Little Mountain, SC 29075 260-3780 (Margaret’s Cell) [email protected] 608-5514 (Bob’s Cell) [email protected]
Ariail, Chris 511 Seabreeze Drive Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 [email protected]
Ariail, Stephen Columbia, SC [email protected]
Aurand, Beverly* and Charles 1707 Clarkson Ave 803-271-3412 Newberry, SC 29108-3925 [email protected]
Baskins, Judith* PO Box 71 345-5405 Allison Peak, SC 29122 [email protected]
Baxley, Denise Seattle, WA 803-491-8011
Canon, Jack* PO Box 25 345-2787 Peak, SC 29122 [email protected]
Chastain, Leon* and Judy* 2123 Clark Road 345-3427 Little Mountain, SC 29075
Counts, Jimmy 1715 Dominick Avenue 276-8664 Newberry, SC 29108
Dixon, Betty Ariail* 300 Firebridge Drive 528-5699 Tred Chapin, SC 29036 [email protected]
Drummond, Sylvia Bryan Nursing Care Center Room 219 3514 Sidney Road Columbia, SC 29210
Dyches, Dal* and Mary Jo* 452 Rocky Ramp Drive 345-2080 (home) Joanna Chapin, SC 29036 345-1707 (work) [email protected] 422-9121 (Mary Jo’s cell) [email protected] (Joanna) 603-4366 (Dal’s Cell) 465-3663 (Joanna’s cell)
Dyches, Mary Margaret 452 Rocky Ramp Drive 465-5701 (cell) Chapin, SC 29036 [email protected]
Ellisor, Lonnie* 325 Olin Slice Road 345-2397 Jeremy Chapin, SC 29036 Rustin Brooke
Ellisor, Ola Mae* 331 Olin Slice Road 345-2397 Chapin, SC 29036 920-7771 (cell)
Frick, Evelyn 1700 Mike Stuck Road 945-7641 Little Mountain SC 29075
Frick, Russell 7 Bluestone Court Irmo, SC 29063
Fulmer, Neil and Kristy 1908 Clark Road 345-3060 Nathan Little Mountain, SC 29075 [email protected] [email protected]
Havird, Kathy* 210 Mayer Road 345-2529 (home) Little Mountain, SC 29075
Hutto, Amelia PO Box 311 345-5658 White Rock, SC 29177
Hutto, Johnny PO Box 311 White Rock, SC 29177
Kitchen, Shane* and Amy* 586 Lon Stoudemire Trail 271-6035 (Amy’s cell) Wallace Little Mountain, SC 29075 271-6034 (Shane’s cell) Davy Amy: [email protected] 944-6439 (Wallace’s cell) Shane: [email protected]
Lindler, Andrea 1229 R. Stoudemayer Road 603-0040 Little Mountain, SC 29075 [email protected]
Lindler, Rodney* and Julie* 223 Mayer Road 345-9937 Little Mountain, SC 29075 206-5664 (Julie’s cell) [email protected]
Lindler, Stanley* and Renee* 1229 R. Stoudemayer Road 932-7643 Little Mountain, SC 29075 397-4596 (Stanley’s cell) [email protected]
Mars, Laura Summer 12236 Broad River Road 345-9497 Bennett Little Mountain, SC 29075 Zander
Mattox, Laverne* and Anne* 1815 Mike Stuck Road 345-9668 Little Mountain, SC 29075 269-1407 (Anne’s cell) Mailing Address: PO Box 27 Peak, SC 29122 [email protected]
Palmer, Tom* and Cindy* 1121 Burdell Fuller Road 361-4418 (Tom) Little Mountain, SC 29075 361-4419 (Cindy) [email protected]
Pinner, Ben* 2093 Wash Lever Road 271-4401 James Little Mountain, SC 29075 Charlie [email protected] Madelyn
Pinner, Carroll* and Dinah* PO Box 56 345-5408 (home) Peak, SC 29122 345-8900 (clinic) [email protected] 920-3463 (Dinah’s cell)
Pinner, Davis* PO Box 85 924-4240 Peak, SC 29122 [email protected]
Pinner, Mary Ellen (“Mimi”)* & P. O. Box 60 912-484-1807 Grunald, Doug Tybee Island, GA 31328 [email protected]
Pinner, Emily
Pinner, Mike and Jean PO Box 104 345-1525 Peak, SC 29122
Price, David* and Elaine* 2029 Mike Stuck Road 345-1847 Little Mountain, SC 29075 206-6572 (David’s cell) [email protected] 206-6568 (Elaine’s cell)
Richardson, Anna Sheely 1229 Teal Ave 843-762-6013 Charleston, SC 29412 [email protected]
Sharpe, Susan* 237 Bent Oak Dr. 216-4458 Chapin, SC 29036 [email protected]
Shealy, Calvin Columbia, SC 945-7565
Smith, H.J*. (Joe) and Imogene* PO Box 39 945-7313 (home) Peak, SC 29122 345-1707 (work) 945-7923 (work)
Stoudemayer, Eleanor* 1224 R. Stoudemayer Road 932-1224 (Peak house) Little Mountain, SC 29075 530-0601 (cell) Mailing Address: 828-675-4958 (mountain P. O. Box 28 house) Peak, SC 29122 [email protected]
Stoudemire, Lonnie* and Ruth* 4648 SC Highway 34 276-1106 Pomaria, SC 29126 [email protected]
Summer, Annie Laura* 12216 Broad River Road 345-5671 Little Mountain, SC 29075 530-9918 (cell)
Summer, Marjorie* 1125 R. Stoudemayer Road 345-2058 Little Mountain, SC 29075 [email protected] t
Summer, James* and Kim* 1809 Mike Stuck Road 345-1005 Georgia Little Mountain, SC 29075 [email protected] [email protected]
Watson, Ronald and Judy 1068 White Rock Road 345-3619 Rodney Chapin, SC 29036
Wessinger, Andy* 423 Church Street 730-5798 Dylan Peak, SC 29122 Gabrielle (Gabbie) Mailing address: PO Box 103, Peak, SC 29210 [email protected]
If you find an error, please let Elaine Price know.
*= active member, who has communed and made a contribution of record within the last 2 years.
Amick, Albert* & Betty Jo* 1208 Jake Eargle Road 803-345-5060 Little Mountain, SC 29075 803-315-5174 [email protected]
Amick, Betty* 1233 Mary Sites Road 803-345-1866 Chapin, SC 20936
Amick, Billy* & Sheila* 45 Windsor Drive 843-537-5796 Cheraw, SC 29520 [email protected]
Amick, Carroll* & Jane* 222 Joe Free Road 803-781-7615 ~Lucas Chapin, SC 29036 [email protected] [email protected]
Amick, Cathy 9 Garrington Court 803-345-9838 Chapin, SC 29063
Amick, Faye Lowman Home ~Rena Rm 212 B 2101 Dutch Fork Rd White Rock, SC 29177
Amick, Glenn* & Linda* 145 Uldeen Sites Road 803-345-2491 Irmo, SC 29036 [email protected]
Amick, Jack* & Peggy* 2131 Island Trail 803-781-1911 ~Patricia, Pam Chapin, SC 20963
Amick, Lester PO Box 788 ~Toni, Scott Chapin, SC 29036
Amick, Richard (Dick)* & 1231 Mary Sites Road 803-348-1385 Denise* Chapin, SC 20936 [email protected] ~Jason, Breana*
Amick, Travis & Lauren 230 Whitby Circle ~Taylor, Dannie Irmo, SC 29063
Ard, Tony* & Betsy* 3549 Kennerly Road 803-920-5548 (Betsy) ~Aidan, Kenlee Irmo, SC 29063 803-420-4905 (Tony) [email protected] [email protected]
Ariail, Kim & Keith 1213 R. Stoudemayer Road 803-932-9670 ~Ashelyn Little Mountain, SC 29075 [email protected]
Aurand, Beverly* & Charles 1707 Clarkson Avenue 803-271-3412 Newberry, SC 29108 [email protected]
Barrett, Carl Ray 29581 Lake Drive ~Marie McCloud, OK 74851
Barrett, Sam* & Debra* 2157 Old Hilton Road 803-345-2687 Chapin, SC 29036 [email protected]
Bartsch, Mark & Robin 2241 Chapin Road 803-345-7761 ~B.J., Bruce Chapin, SC 29036
Benton, Kristie & Andy 1050 Windsong Bay Lane 803-396-8621 ~Samantha Tega Cay, SC 29708 [email protected]
Boland, Gene* & Gretchen* 11944 Broad River Road 803-945-0015 Chapin, SC 29036 [email protected]
Boney, Beth* 1350 Wash Lever Road 803-446-0258 Little Mountain, SC 29075
Boozer, Adam 1233 Mike Stuck Road ~Zackery Little Mountain, SC 29075
Boozer, Eddie* 1100 Pulaski Street #811 [email protected] Maggie Malik Columbia, SC 29201 [email protected]
Branham, Brady* PO Box 551 [email protected] Chapin, SC 29036
Branham, F.L. & Linda* 11695 Broad River Road 803-345-3594 Chapin, SC 29036 [email protected]
Branham, Troy* & Margie* 230 Mt. Olivet Church Road 803-546-3454 ~Christina, Mary Chapin, SC 29036 [email protected]
Bundrick, Bunyan* & Vernell* 2247 Chapin Road 803-345-3451 Chapin, SC 29036 [email protected] [email protected]
Bundrick, Michael 160 Covington Drive 803-345-8910 Chapin, SC 29036
Cameron, Vivian* 833 Haltiwanger Road [email protected] Chapin, SC 29036
Carnaggio, Sonja* & Ray* 1133 Jack Eargle Road 803-238-3935 (Ray) ~Brayden Pittman Little Mountain, SC 29075 803-528-6181 (Sonja) [email protected]
Carr, Pete & Brenda 1237 Mary Sites Road ~Brad Chapin, SC 29036
Carson, Marty* & Ingrid* 207 Savannah Branch Tr 803-749-9501 Irmo, SC 29063
Caudle, Dan* & Hazel* 204 Parkside Road 803-399-1497 Lexington, SC 29072 [email protected]
Caudle, Janet 103 Bradstone Road [email protected] ~McKiley Ford Irmo, SC 29063
Clements, Daniel* & Susan* 1543 Wash Lever Road [email protected] ~Wes Little Mountain, SC 29075
Clements, Camryn* 1543 Wash Lever Road 803-760-9267 Little Mountain, SC 29075
Compton, Janice 937 Bryon Place 803-776-7253 Columbia, SC 29209
Cumalander, Owen* & Beth* 132 Elsie Court 803-755-1131 ~Donielle, Kim West Columbia, SC 29172 [email protected]
Derrick, Jerry* 1270 Lazy Creek Court 803-345-2774 Chapin, SC 29036 [email protected]
Eargle, Alice* 192 Sid Eargle Road 803-345-3432 Irmo, SC 29063
Eargle, Calvin* & Sharon* 196 Sid Eargle Road 803-397-5077 ~Scott Irmo, SC 29063 [email protected]
Eargle, Michael Old Hilton Road 803-345-2053 Chapin, SC 29036
Eargle, Robert* 521 S. Stevenson 913-782-5653 Olathes, KS 66061
Edwards, Duane* & Irma* 11832 Broad River Road H- 345-5456 Chapin, SC 29036 Cell- 922-8570
Edwards, Gerald* & Wanda* 2022 Island Trail 803-932-7132 Chapin, SC 29036 [email protected] [email protected]
Efird, Becca & Cory 1011 George Eargle Road 803-945-4889 Little Mountain, SC 29075
Eleazer, Marian* 106 Deptford Road 803-781-6096 Columbia, SC 29212 [email protected]
Ellerman, Marcia* & Bill 112 Shillingford Road 803-749-6889 Irmo, SC 29063 [email protected]
Gable, Mary Ann & James 125 Jacquelyn Powers Circle 803-345-9193 Irmo, SC 29063
Gable, Justin & Shelley 228 Heatherwood Circle `Lilly Irmo, SC 29063
Gonzalez, Allison Porter PO Box 122 Wakefield, KS 67487
Haltiwanger, Faye 1520 Wash Lever Road 803-760-5081 ~Eddie Little Mountain, SC 29075
Harrell, Nathan & Jessica 4322 Deer Ridge Court SW ~Margaret Lilburn, GA 30047
Horecny, Joe & Teri 125 Driftwood Road 803-749-1843 ~Zoie, Allie Chapin, SC 29036 [email protected]
Huff, Robert* & Sheila* 1342 Wash Lever Road 803-345-8783 Little Mountain, SC 29075 [email protected] [email protected]
Hughes, Sandra* 3548 Kennerly Road 803-345-2567 Irmo, SC 20963 [email protected]
Kelly, Gene & Tammy 1235 Salem Church Road 803-749-9443 Irmo, SC 29063
Kinard, Cody 1011 George Eargle Road 803-945-4889 Little Mountain, SC 29075
Knopf, William & Lee* 431 Crawley Lane 803-513-1918 (William) ~Liam Chapin, SC 29036 803-608-7172 (Lee) [email protected] [email protected]
Koon, Nathan 406 Foxhall Road Lexington, SC 29073
Kroll, David* & Sandra* 20 Southwood Circle 803-575-8356 Chapin, SC 29036 803-931-6581 (David) 803-397-9336 (Sandra) [email protected]
McCoig, Sara 2129 Island Trail ~Mikee & Haleigh Mace Chapin, SC 29036
Maggie Malik 1100 Pulaski Street #811 [email protected] Boozer, Eddie* Columbia, SC 29201 [email protected]
Martonen, Rosalind 2131 Island Trail 803-422-1996 Chapin, SC 29036
Meetze, Lucille 141 Owens Lowman Road 803-781-0103 ~Lois Ann Miller Irmo, SC 29063
Meetze, Sissie* 201 Billy Meetze Road 803-345-6489 Little Mountain, SC 29075
Morris, David 3840 Cedar Cove Lane Jacksonville, FL 32557
Morris, Jason PO Box 63 Sunset, SC 29685
Morris, Tim & Hope 395 North Church Street Swansea, SC 29106
Munn, Jr., Charles PO Box 5443 [email protected] Ft. McClellan, AL 36205
Ochoa, Ashley* & Jesse* 3559 Kennerly Road 803-724-4442 ~Kaitlin*, Joseph* Irmo, SC 29063 803-873-8775 (Ashley) 803-414-3195 (Jesse) [email protected] (Kaitlin)
Porter, Linda & Tom 1110 Pet Sites Road 803-345-1948 Chapin, SC 29036 [email protected]
Porter, Joshua 3 Glenlocke Court Simpsonville, SC 29680
Powers, Daniel & Heather 22 Market Hall Court ~Natalie Irmo, SC 29063
Powers, Franklin & Susan 1101 Hopewell Church Road 803-345-9861 ~Angel Irmo, SC 29063
Powers, Jack* 1017 Sid Sites Road 803-345-1659 Irmo, SC 29063
Powers, Jackie* 133 Jacqueline Powers Circle 803-807-6871 ~Mattie*, Christilyn* Irmo, SC 29063 [email protected]
Powers, Michael & Sherry 1005 Sid Sites Road 803-345-3063 Irmo, SC 29063
Powers, Shannon* 116 Quail Creek Drive ~Kosten, Paxton West Columbia, SC 29169
Price, Diane 11724 Broad River Road Chapin, SC 29036
Ragsdale, Myrna* 337 Stamford Bridge Road 803-781-3168 Columbia, SC 29212
Reeves, Clyde* & Vivian* 624 Cloverview Rd 803-608-4333 Chapin, SC 29036 [email protected] [email protected]
Rose, Nell* North Carolina
Rowe, Betty Jo 1319 Old Hilton Road Chapin, SC 29036
Rowe, Robert 1368 Muddy Ford Road 803-345-1176 Little Mountain, SC 29075
Rowe, Wanda 1319 Old Hilton Road ~Kayla Gardner Chapin, SC 29036
Satterfield, Whitney 111 Jacquelyn Powers Circle Irmo, SC 29063
Sellers, Michael* & Anna* 120 Breckenwood Trail 803-260-0070 (Anna) ~Emily Irmo, SC 29063 803-465-4515 (Mike) 803-661-2767 (Emily) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Shealy, Anna 1010 Carrie Shealy Road 803-345-0323 Irmo, SC 29063
Shealy, Don* & Dot* 1326 Nunamaker Drive 803-772-1167 Columbia, SC 29210
Shealy, Frances* 11810 Broad River Road 803-345-2471 Chapin, SC 29036
Shealy, Monroe* & Frankie* 1540 Pet Sites Road 803-345-5648 Chapin, SC 20936
Simpson, Eddie & Debbie 36 Hunting Inc. Road 803-713-8235 ~Patrick, Trey Camden, SC 29020
Sternenberg, Yvonne Generations Chapin Rm 104 803-345-2039 431 Boundary Street Chapin, SC 29036
Sternenberg, Randy 113 Elvington Lane Lexington, SC 29073
Stinman, Donna 1508 Churchill Downs Drive 704-843-5755 ~Carter,Kyle, Dylan Walhaw, NC 28173
Talbot, Alison & E.J. 2147 Heath Pond Road 803-438-9496 ~Chapin & Zachary Elgin, SC 29045
Thomas, Kelly* & Chris* 315 Pepperbush Court [email protected] ~Mason Chapin, SC 29036 K- 348-7313 C- 210-6928
Thomas, Stephanie & Teddie 3102 Kennerly Road 803-665-0787 ~Taylor, Tara Irmo, SC 29063
Wheatley, Palmer* & Vicki* 120 Amy’s Point 803-345-5093 Chapin, SC 29036 [email protected] [email protected]
White, Laura* & Brad 4512 Overbrook Avenue [email protected] ~Barrett, Bailey N Charleston, SC 29405
Zeigler, Joe* & Margaret* 151 Heidelberg Circle 803-732-9648 Chapin, SC 29036 [email protected]
If you find an error, please let Betsy Ard know.