Problem Identification
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1. Applicant Name: Anytown Police Department 2. Date: 3/6/2015 3. Beginning and Ending Dates: Mailing Address: October 1, 2015 thru September 30, 2016 123 Anywhere Street 4. Subgrant Payment Method: Anywhere, MS 12345 X Cost Reimbursement Method 5. CFDA # -123456789 Telephone: (601)123-4567 6. DUNS # -123456789 Fax: (601)123-8901 7. FEIN #-123456789 E-Mail: [email protected]
8. Congressional District-1 9. Program Title: DUI Enforcement Grant 10. The following funds are requested: A. COST CATEGORY B. SOURCE OF FUNDS (1) Personal Services-Salary $52,000.00 (1) Federal $75,435.28 (2) Personal Services-Fringe $12,168.00 (2) State $0.00 (3) Contractual Services $0.00 (3) Local $0.00 (4) Travel $567.30 (4) Other $0.00 (5) Equipment $10,699.98 (6) Other $0.00 TOTAL $75,435.28 TOTAL $75,435.28 11. The applicant agrees to operate the program outlined in this application in accordance with all provisions as included herein. The following sections are attached and incorporated into this application: Project Description Schedule of Task by Quarters Budget Summary Agreement of Understanding & Compliance Cost Summary Support Sheet Agreement and Authorization to Apply All policies, terms, conditions, and provisions in the application provided to applicants, are also incorporated into this agreement, and applicant agrees to fully comply herewith. 12. Approved Signature of Authorized Official (Mayor/Board MOHS USE Only: of Supervisor President) for Jurisdiction to Apply:
Signature Date
Print Name: Joe Smith
Title: Mayor of Anytown
Problem Identification: Location:
Provide detailed information on the problems in your agency areas and why federal funds are being requested for the FY16 grant year.
FY16 Grant Application City Name: Anytown Police Department County Name: Any County in Mississippi Surrounding Counties: Oak County, Maple County, Birch County and Elm County Troop District: 14
Number of Square Miles: 300 Number of Population: 20,000 Major Roadways in the Area: U.S. Highway 32 and US Highway 58/US Highway 81 and Highway 11.
This section must be filled out completely for all project applications. Please provide problem identification for the location that the grant will seek funding, such as high speed areas, community events, alcohol related establishments, etc.
The City of Anytown, with a population of just over 250,000, is a growing city in Mississippi. The city of Anytown in the year of 2008 showed a 50% increase in population since 2000. According to the last census, Anytown has moved into the 4th largest city in Mississippi. Anytown is the county seat of Best County and home to the two universities, with a student population of over 20,000. The Anytown Police Department has now grown to 85 sworn officers with 15 civilian support staff.
Anytown has seen an increase in population within the city and an increase in enrollment at the universities. Anytown is also home to 3 public high school, 1 private high school, 12 public primary/middle schools and 4 private primary/middle schools.
During the school year, Anytown is host to thousands of visitors for various reasons including sporting events, concerts, festivals and business events. Art and music festivals bring a large number of visitors to the area. Estimated attendance at the festivals was 130,000.
During the past year, more bar and club establishments have been opened, cold beer sales were approved by the board of aldermen and bar hours were extended on the weekends as well in recent years. With the wide variety of the types of clubs, the nightlife in Anytown the impaired problems have grown and multiplied. The increased number of residents and visitors along with the extended club hours has increased the number of tickets and DUI citations consistently over the past years.
In addition to the increase in population at various times throughout the year, the City of Anytown also has four major highway systems that intersect inside the corporate limits. These are US Highway 32 and US Highway 58 that are east west highways, and MS Highway 81 and MS Highway 11 that are north south highways. Three of the above mentioned highways are four lane highways with one being both four and two lane in some areas.
FY16 Grant Application According to the Mississippi Department of Transportation statistics for 2006, there are over 200,000 vehicles that travel through our municipality each day. These highways along with our city streets are becoming more dangerous due to the increasing number of traffic offenses being committed such as speeding, DUI, and other offenses that lead to traffic accidents.
Prior to the full implementation of traffic assisted grants in the city Anytown saw between 2-4 fatalities on a yearly basis, but has increased substantially during 2013.
Anytown has also seen a drastic increase with under the influence of either illegal or prescription narcotics. Due to this new trend APD sent two officers to training in the field of Drug Recognition with one member now being invited to become an instructor in this field. This additional knowledge has held in identifying those driving impaired for either alcohol or narcotics.
With our continued efforts we are starting to see a decrease from year to year in Motor Vehicle accidents in our city. We attribute this to the increased enforcement that our officers attempt every day. The Anytown Police Department will continue to be proactive in DUI Enforcement.
The city of Anytown is located in Best County. Anytown, MS had (150) crashes in 2013, which consisted of (90) injury crashes, (75) property damage crashes, (26) fatal crashes and (20) were alcohol related. The agency made (1,250) DUI arrest in 2013 and (600) grant funded DUI arrests.
Anytown has four (4) bars in the area and a holds 3 outdoor concert festivals each year, which bring several thousands of festival attendees into the area. The festivals do allow alcoholic beverages and there has a lot been a presence of drugs as well.
The population of Anytown includes a large population and students that visit or attend the local universities. When sporting events are held in conjunction with the campus as well tens of thousands visit from outside the city bring these numbers up even more.
Problem Identification Crash Data 2012-2014
Data and statistical information can be found at: This section must be filled out completely for all project applications. If data is unavailable, please insert (N/A) for not available. Enforcement use data related to your agency. Public Information and Enforcement use state wide information.
FY16 Grant Application Additional Data Information: Anytown Police Department has seen a large increase in the amount of crashes from 2013 to 2014, along with increases in injury and fatal crashes. Alcohol related crashes has increase from (4) to (26) in 1 year, due to the area becoming a resort area, passing municipal laws to allow beer and liquor sales. The BAC level of .08 or greater has also increased in Anytown from (1) in 2013 to (10) in 2014.
Problem Identification: Law Enforcement:
Total Number of Citations 2012-2014 This section must be filled out completely for all project applications. If data is unavailable, please insert (NA) for not available.
Additional Information: The Anytown Police Department has had a lack of personnel in 2014, which resulted in the decrease in seatbelt citations. With limited personnel, the Anytown Police Department has been able to increase DUI and Drug ciations, but with the help of grant funding, the Anytown Police Department will be able to go over and beyone normal duty and be able to increase citations and reduce fatalities. Proposed Countermeasures : EXAMPLE-ALCOHOL/IMPAIRED APPLICATION Target, Performance Measure and Strategies
{See Grant Funding Guidelines for information on correct format and information needed under this section. Must be specific, measureable (include hard numbers from previous year), detailed outline of program activities and projected achievements during grant period}.
Target: To reduce alcohol related crashes from (20) the 2014 to (16) by the end of FY16. To reduce alcohol related fatal crashes from (26) in 2013 to (20) by the end of FY16.
Performance Measure: Performance Measure: Increase the number of grant funded DUI citations by 10% from (129) in FY14 to (142) DUI citations during FY16.
Performance Measure: Increase grant funded DUI Other (drug) arrests by 10% (35) in 2014 to (39) in FY16.
Performance Measures: Increase by 10% DUI/Other arrests (35) to (39) during FY16; increase DRE evaluations from (4) for FY14 to (5) for FY16 (DRE ONLY)
Strategy: Purchase Equipment during 1st Quarter.
Submit request for promotional items within quarter.
Attend approved in-state program related training conference.
Attend, at a minimum, one (1) MAHSL meeting during quarter. FY16 Grant Application Attend LEL Troop Network meeting.
Participate in DUI-Drive Sober Get Pulled Over Blitz.
Conduct at least (4) checkpoints during quarter. (If Applicable)
Conduct at least (4) saturation patrols during quarter. (If Applicable)
Write a minimum of (35) citations during quarter, to reach 25% goal of (142) for FY2016. (If Applicable)
Agency will conduct a minimum of (1) school, community and/or public information presentation during the quarter.
Submit all required reporting by scheduled date(s) as defined in contract by MOHS, i.e. (Monthly Cost Reporting Worksheets for reimbursement, Quarterly Progress reports, etc.)
FY16 Grant Application Proposed Countermeasures : EXAMPLE-OCCUPANT PROTECTION-APPLICATION Target, Performance Measure and Strategies
{See Grant Funding Guidelines for information on correct format and information needed under this section. Must be specific, measureable (include hard numbers from previous year), detailed outline of program activities and projected achievements during grant period}.
Target: Reduce the number of crashes involving non belted passengers or occupants from (11) in FY14 to (9) by the end of FY16; to reduce the number of injury crashes from (81) in FY14 to (76) by the end of FY16, and reduce the number of unbelted injuries from (6) in FY14 to (5) by the end of FY16.
Performance Measure: Increase grant funded seatbelt citation by 10% from (199) citations in FY14 to (219) citations in FY16. Increase the number of grant funded child restraints by 15% from (28) citations in FY14 to (32) citations in FY16.
Strategy: Purchase Equipment during 1st Quarter.
Submit request for promotional items within quarter.
Attend approved in-state program related training conference.
Attend, at a minimum, one (1) MAHSL meeting during quarter.
Attend LEL Troop Network meeting.
Participate in Click It or Ticket Blitz.
Conduct at least (4) checkpoints during quarter. (If Applicable)
Conduct at least (4) saturation patrols during quarter. (If Applicable)
Write a minimum of (55) Occupant Protection citations during quarter, to reach 25% goal of (219) for FY16.
Write a minimum of (8) Child Restraint citations during quarter, to reach 25% goal of (32) for FY16.
Agency will conduct a minimum of (1) school, community and/or public information presentation during the quarter.
Submit all required reporting by scheduled date(s) as defined in contract by MOHS, i.e. (Monthly Cost Reporting Worksheets for reimbursement, Quarterly Progress reports, etc.)
FY16 Grant Application Proposed Countermeasures : EXAMPLE-POLICE TRAFFIC SERVICES APPLICATION Target, Performance Measure and Strategies
{See Grant Funding Guidelines for information on correct format and information needed under this section. Must be specific, measureable (include hard numbers from previous year), detailed outline of program activities and projected achievements during grant period}.
Target: To reduce motor crashes involving non belted passengers or occupants from (16) crashes to (14) crashes by the end of FY16. To reduce the number of motor vehicle crashes unbelted not injured from (12) in FY14 to (10) by the end of FY16. Reduce the number of speed related crashes from (40) in FY14 to (36) by the end of FY16.
Performance Measure: Increase grant funded Seat Belt Citations by 10% or from (770) in 2014 to (847) in FY16, grant funded child restraint citations from 10% from (32) in 2014 to (35) in FY16 and grant funded speed citations by 20% from (30) in FY14 to (36) in FY16
Strategy: Purchase Equipment during 1st Quarter.
Submit request for promotional items within quarter.
Attend approved in-state program related training conference.
Attend, at a minimum, one (1) MAHSL meeting during quarter.
Attend LEL Troop Network meeting.
Participate in DUI-Drive Sober Get Pulled Over Blitz.
Conduct at least (4) checkpoints during quarter. (If Applicable)
Conduct at least (4) saturation patrols during quarter. (If Applicable)
Write a minimum of (211) seatbelt citations during quarter, to reach 25% goal of (847) for FY16. (If Applicable)
Write a minimum of (8) child restraint citations during quarter, to reach 25% goal of (35) for FY16.
Write a minimum of (9) speed citations during quarter, to reach 25% goal of (3) for FY16.
Agency will conduct a minimum of 1 school, community and/or public information presentation during the quarter.
Submit all required reporting by scheduled date(s) as defined in contract by MOHS, i.e. (Monthly Cost Reporting Worksheets for reimbursement, Quarterly Progress reports, etc.)
FY16 Grant Application Proposed Countermeasures : EXAMPLE-PUBLIC INFORMATION AND ENFORCEMENT- ALCOHOL APPLICATION Target, Performance Measure and Strategies
{See Grant Funding Guidelines for information on correct format and information needed under this section. Must be specific, measureable (include hard numbers from previous year), detailed outline of program activities and projected achievements during grant period}.
Target: Reduce alcohol related fatalities from (3) in 2014 to (2) during FY16 and reduce (16) alcohol related crashes to (14) in 2014 during FY16 within the target counties.
Performance Measure: Increase number of outreach presentations from (20) in FY14 to (32) in FY16, increase the number of awareness fairs from (20) to (24), increase the number of compliance checks from (6) to (12), conduct (12) Roll Call briefings and conduct (4) Impaired Driving Prevention Town Hall Meetings in the targeted area.
Strategy: Purchase Equipment during 1st Quarter.
Submit request for promotional items within quarter.
Attend approved in-state program related training conference.
Attend, at a minimum, one (1) MAHSL meeting during quarter.
Attend LEL Troop Network meeting in targeted areas.
Participate in DUI-Drive Sober Get Pulled Over Blitz media events in targeted areas.
Agency will conduct a minimum of (8) school, community and/or public information outreach presentations in targeted areas during the quarter to reach 25% goal of (32) for FY16.
Agency will conduct (6) awareness fairs in targeted areas during quarter to reach 25% goal of (24) for FY16.
Agency will conduct (3) compliance checks in targeted areas during quarter, to reach 25% goal of (12) during FY16.
Agency will participate with local law enforcement agencies in targeted areas to conduct (3) roll call briefings per quarter, to reach 25% goal of (12) during FY16.
Conduct (1) Impaired Driving Prevention Town Hall Meeting in targeted areas, to reach 25% goal of (4) during FY16.
Submit all required reporting by scheduled date(s) as defined in contract by MOHS, i.e. (Monthly Cost Reporting Worksheets for reimbursement, Quarterly Progress reports, etc.)
FY16 Grant Application Proposed Countermeasures : Program Coordination:
If you currently have a federal grant through the Mississippi Office of Highway Safety, please provide the name of your current Program Manager?
If grant is awarded, please identify the following:
Name of Chief/Sheriff/Partner: Name of Project Director: Chief John Doe Jane Doe
Phone Number: Phone Number: 601-123-4567 601-123-4567
Email Address: Email Address: [email protected] [email protected]
Name of Financial Manager: Name of Signatory Official: Jane Doe Mayor Joe Smith
Phone Number: Phone Number: 601-123-4567 601-123-4567
Email Address: Email Address: [email protected] [email protected]
Proposed Countermeasures : Law Enforcement: Please provide the following:
Total Number of Officers: 85
Total Number of Employees Who Work the Grant? 2- (1) Project Director, (1) Finance Personnel
Do you have interlocal agreements with other law enforcement agencies? If so, which agencies?
Anytown works alongside of Any County Sheriff’s Departments and the Mississippi Highway Patrol on joint efforts of law enforcement, which can include high visibility enforcement, blitz and other grant related activities. A copy of the interlocal agreement can be provided upon request.
Proposed Countermeasures : Public Information and Enforcement (If Applicable): FY16 Grant Application Please provide the following:
Total Number of Employees: 5
Total Number of Employees Who Work the Grant? 5
Do you have other partners that you work with? If so, which partners? We work with MADD and Anytown Alcohol Coalition
Proposed Countermeasures : Proposed Project Staff for Grant Responsibilities: Please submit information for proposed staff that will be funded with federal funds under the grant.
Travel: Include a detailed assessment of travel needs within the program area in which you are applying. Also include a cost estimate for all travel needs (airfare, hotel, per diem, mileage, parking, baggage and other travel related expenses. (Based on current state and federal guidelines)
Travel Information: The Anytown Police Department would like to send one individual to the Mississippi Stars Conference for training opportunities. The agency is requesting lodging, per diem, taxes, tips and registration fees for the conference. The agency will provide the individual to travel to conference in the agency vehicle and will cover all mileage and gas expenses with local funds.
Equipment: Please list the cost for each piece of equipment requested. Please note: Federal guidelines require equipment purchased must be essential to the project. If any equipment is requested in the application that is over $5,000.00, please include quotes for the equipment, equipment descriptions and a through explanation of the use of the equipment. All equipment must be approved by MOHS and/or NHTSA and be included on the Conforming Product List (CPL) and must be used specifically for the purposes for which is purchased. CPL list can be found at: FY16 Grant Application Alcohol Screening Devices:
Breath Alcohol Measurement Devices:
Calibrating Units for Breath Alcohol Testers
Radar Speed –Measuring Devices
Lidar Speed-Measuring Devices
Describe how equipment will be used for grant purposes: Anytown will use the in car camera for impaired driving efforts to capture the arrests and be able to present the information during court cases for better convictions. In Car Cameras have proven to be useful and have helped the agency with better conviction rates. The Anytown Police Department will use the purchased PBT for the impaired driving program. The current PBT is outdated and a replacement will be used for DUI enforcement efforts by the designated DUI officer. Anytown Police Department will use the computer for DUI purposes only and be able to handle all reporting from the MOHS and be able to provide better reports. The agency is in need of a replacement computer for the DUI computer and this computer will be used only by the designated DUI officers in the Anytown Police Department.
FY16 Grant Application Policy Please check and attach a current copy of the policies listed below. If you do not have the policy, please explain in the additional information section.
Current Policy: Yes & Attached: No: Seatbelt Policy Yes Pursuit Policy Yes Written Warning Policy Yes Check Point Policy Yes Saturation Patrol Policy Yes
DUI Enforcement Policy Yes Payroll Policy-Overtime Yes Payroll Policy-Payroll Schedule (Payroll Period Yes begin/end dates & check date) Payroll Policy-Leave Time (vacation, sick leave, Yes holiday and compensation time) Seatbelt Survey Procedure Policy Yes
Banning Text Messaging While Driving Yes
Additional Information on Agency Policy:
FY16 Grant Application Mississippi Office of Highway Safety
Agreement of Underst andi ng and Compli ance The Agreement of Understanding and Compliance documents will be attached within the Grant Agreement. The Applicant will be required to sign all compliance documents upon receipt of the finalized Grant Agreement between the State, MOHS and applicant. The following compliance certifications and assurances will be included in the Grant Agreement.
State and Federal Certifications and Assurances
Additional MOHS Program Compliance Documents
The MOHS will include all program compliances documents in the FY16 Grant Agreement documents.
Assurance Requirement of Subgrant Recipients:
In cooperation with the Mississippi Office of Highway Safety, all grant and/or subgrant recipients (regardless of the type of entity or the amount awarded) must comply with the following notice requirement:
During any occurrence or time period for application, selection, award, implementation or close out of a grant or an award, if the grantee, sub-grantee, or recipient: plans, organizes, sponsors or holds any seminar, conference, convention, symposium, training, event or any other meeting which encumbers, utilizes, expends or will encumber, utilize or expend grant funds, including all reimbursements derived from, generated in whole or in part, or determined to be proceeds of the grant or award; the grantee, sub-grantee or recipient must appropriately notify in writing, the MOHS grant manager, the MOHS director and/or the DPSP executive director of the planning for such an occurrence and afford opportunity for DPSP-MOHS personnel to attend and to participate, if they so desire.
Failure of grantee, sub-grantee or recipient to communicate relevant advance notice may lead to cost adjustment, disallowance of costs and/or recovery of pertinent project funds on the basis of off-set levied against any and all advanced funding, requests for reimbursements, or award of funds.
As the Authorized Official for, (grantee, sub-grantee, or recipient), I certify by my signature below, that I have fully read and am cognizant of our duties and responsibilities under this requirement. Therefore, I promise and will comply with this State Certification and Assurance condition.
Authorized Official’s Signature (Grantee, Sub-grantee or Recipient) Date
[Typed or Printed Name] [Person’s Organizational Title]
* * * * * * * * This original signed form (blue ink only) must be returned to the Mississippi Office of Highway Safety, Division of Public Safety Planning, Department of Public Safety, within 10 days of the grant award beginning date.
WHEREAS, the (Governing Body of Unit of Government) herein called the “APPLICANT” has thoroughly considered the problem addressed in the application (entitled) and has reviewed the project described in the application; and
WHEREAS, under the terms of Public Law 89-564 as amended, the United States of America has authorized the Department of Transportation, through the Mississippi Office of Highway Safety to make federal contracts to assist local governments in the improvement of highway safety,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ______(Governing Body of Unit of Government)
, THIS Day of 20 AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the project above is in the best interest of the Applicant and the general public. 2. That the ______be authorized to file, on behalf of the (Name and Title of Representative) Applicant an application in the form prescribed by the Office of Highway Safety for federal funding in the amount of $______to be made to the Applicant defraying the cost of the (Federal Dollar Requested) project described in the application.
3. That the Applicant has formally agreed to provide a cash and/or in-kind contribution of $______as required by the project. (Local Match Amount) 4. That certified copies of this resolution be included as part of the application referenced above. 5. That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.
DONE AND ORDERED IN OPEN MEETING BY: ______(Chairman/Mayor – Blue Ink)
Commissioner/Councilman _ offered the foregoing resolution and moved its adoption, which was seconded by Commissioner/Councilman _ ____ and, was duly adopted. Date: Attest: Seal
FY16 Grant Application By: (Blue Ink)
FY16 Grant Application