Village of Wrightstown s1
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The regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Wrightstown was held at the Village Hall, 352 High St, on Tuesday 10/06/15 and was called to order at 7:06 pm by Village President Dean Erickson.
Roll Call: Present – Dean Erickson, Sue Byers, Quinn Cavanaugh, Karen Curry, Mark Leonard, Terry Schaeuble, Village Administrator Steve Johnson Absent – Scott Reignier
Also present: Ed Byrne (Brillion News); Tom Collins (Wrightstown Area Spirit); Public Works Director Travis Coenen; Fire Chief Mike Schampers; Dan Fritsch; Dan Segerstrom; Tim Dole
MINUTES - - Motion by S Byers, second by K Curry to approve the minutes of 09/15/15 as presented. Motion carried.
VOUCHERS - - Motion by K Curry, second by S Byers to approve the vouchers as submitted. Motion carried.
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - - Acknowledge receipt and review.
VILLAGE ADMINISTRATOR - - S Johnson provided the following report: 1. Brown County Highway held a “Public Information Meeting” on the County ZZ Project on September 22, 2015 in the Village Hall Community Room and the room was packed with interested area residents. 2. Offer to Purchase .53 acres of land adjacent to the compost site has been tendered to VHC, Green Bay. Details are still being worked out. (S Johnson further commented that the Offer to Purchase from VHS for the .53 acres of land was an accepted offer) 3. Tentative Capital Budget expenditures were reviewed with Dave Wagner as part of planned borrowing for 2016. This is a work in progress as we proceed through the General Fund Budget process.
COMMITTEE REPORTS FINANCE - - Country Visions - - There was an explanation by M Leonard and discussion by the Village Board regarding Country Visions Amended Offer to Purchase, Amended Developer’s Agreement and Addendum D. Per M Leonard the Amendment to the Offer to Purchase has the following clarifications: Addendum A, B, & C were deleted and replaced with Addendum D
The easement for a rail spur was intentionally deleted from the offer
The development agreement that was signed on May 19, 2015 is null and void and replaced with a new developers agreement, contingent on approval at tonight’s meeting
Once all is approved the closing is set for 10:00 am on October 14th, 2015 and no later than October 30, 2015
The following are changes to the Developer’s Agreement from the original document: Village of Wrightstown will provide the Developer with $500,000 for assistance to address any soil issues
The easement for a rail spur has been deleted intentionally from the agreement 1 Country Visions Amendment To Offer To Purchase 32.52 Acres on CTH U Motion by M Leonard, second by K Curry to approve the Offer to Purchase and accept the amendment to the Offer originally dated March 25, 2015, accepted May 19, 2015 which changes the closing date from September 30, 2015 to no later than October 30, 2015. Motion Carried.
Country Visions Developer’s Agreement & Addendum D Motion by M Leonard, second by K Curry to approve the Developer’s Agreement and Addendum D to the Offer to Purchase for the offer written on March 25, 2015 accepted on May 19, 2015 between Country Visions and the Village of Wrightstown. The Parties agree that addendum A, B and C have been revised. Therefore, Addendum A, B and C are null and void. The only Addendum to the Offer to Purchase is Addendum D.
The Parties agree that the easement to the Village for a rail spur has been deleted intentionally from the Development Agreement and this transaction.
The Parties agree that the Development Agreement signed on May 19, 2015 is null and void, and replaced with the new Development Agreement.
The Offer to Purchase, Developer’s Agreement, and Addendum D is subject to final approval by the Village Board on this October 6, 2015 meeting.
Motion carried.
Milk Source - 30.028 Acres (Parcels Outagamie 300 010500 and Brown VW-189-2) Motion by S Byers, second by Q Cavanaugh to approve the Offer to Purchase to Milk Source for 30.028 acres (Parcels 300010500 and VW-189-2) for future Development within TID #3. Motion carried.
2016 General Fund Budget S Johnson requested for input from the Village Board to proceed or not with his Health Insurance recommendation for the 2016 General Fund Budget. He recommended that Health Insurance be 85% Employer contribution and 15% Employee contribution versus 80% Employer contribution and 20% Employee contribution. This would be a $9,500.00 impact to the 2016 budget. The 85/15 percentage was based on employee input and what other communities are doing in the area. It was decided that S Johnson would proceed with his plan unless otherwise directed by the Village Board.
Robert E Lee & Associates Watermain Transmission Project Motion by S Byers, second by K Curry to approve request for payments to Robert E Lee & Associates for engineering services for Watermain Transmission construction administration - $10,336.50; observation - $26,143.72; and SDWLP administration - $443.00 (Total $36,923.22). Motion carried.
Carl Bowers & Sons Construction Pay Request #2 Motion by S Byers, second by M Leonard to approve Carl Bowers and Sons pay request #2 for the 2015 Water Transmission Main project in the amount of $158,107.70 pending receipt of the partial lien waivers. Motion carried.
2015 Meter Station Construction Project Purchased Material Invoices Motion by S Byers, second by T Schaeuble to approve owner purchased material invoices for the 2015 Meter Station Construction project for the vendor and amounts as follows: DeZurik - $15,018.00; Vyron 2 Corporation - $3,780.00 (Total $18,798.00). Motion carried.
2015 Transmission Pipeline Construction Project Purchased Material Invoices Motion by S Byers, second by K Curry to approve owner purchased material invoices for the 2015 Transmission Pipeline Construction project for the vendor and amount as follows: Ferguson Waterworks - $247,044.50. Motion carried. (D Erickson indicated that he has no affiliation with Ferguson Waterworks.)
PERSONNEL - - Employment Agreement – Cindy Dillinger Motion by K Curry, second by Q Cavanaugh to approve the Employment Agreement for Cindy Dillinger as Deputy Clerk/Treasurer I. Motion carried.
PUBLIC SAFETY - - Fire Department Comments – Per Chief M Schampers, Open House was held at the Fire Station on Sunday, October 6, 2015 and everything went good.
Police Department Comments – None at this time.
PARKS & RECREATION - - Christmas Parade Motion by Q Cavanaugh, second by S Byers to approve the Wrightstown Lions Christmas Parade on Saturday December 5, 2015 commencing at 12:00 noon. Motion carried.
(Also, Halloween Trick or Treat hours in the Village are October 31, 2015 between 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm.)
PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES - - Director Public Works Report – T Coenen provided the following report: 1. Staff overtime hours for the month of August totaled 39.5 scheduled hours and 4 call in hours. 2. Solid waste curbside tonnage for the month of August totaled 57.91 tons and recycle tonnage collected was 16.66 tons. (Items 1 & 2 will always list the prior month totals.)
T Coenen gave the board members a handout on the Current Project Summaries that listed the following: 2015 Meter Station Construction Project; 2015 Water Transmission Main Project.
CLOSED SESSION -- Motion by T Schaeuble, second by S Byers to proceed into CLOSED SESSION pursuant to Wisconsin State Statutes 19.85(1)(c) considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility – Perry Kingsbury – Employment Agreement. Roll call vote: Ayes – D Erickson, S Byers, Q Cavanaugh, K Curry, M Leonard, Terry Schaeuble; Nays – None; Absent – S Reignier. Motion carried unanimously. (7:40 pm)
OPEN SESSION - - Motion by S Byers, second by K Curry to reconvene into OPEN SESSION to discuss and/or take action on any issues that occurred during the closed session. Roll call vote: Ayes – Q Cavanaugh, K Curry, D Erickson, T Schaeuble, S Byers; Nays – Mark Leonard; Absent – S Reignier. Motion carried. (9:06 pm)
ADJOURN - - Motion by Q Cavanaugh, second by T Schaeuble to adjourn. Motion carried. (Adjourned 9:07 pm).
______Shelia Bowers Deputy Clerk/Treasurer 3