For Pastors, Parish Priests, Deacons, Business Managers, Parish Staff

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For Pastors, Parish Priests, Deacons, Business Managers, Parish Staff

Leadership Resource Manual For Pastors, Parish Priests, Deacons, Business Managers, Parish Staff, Ministry, Lay Leaders and Volunteers

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 2 Resource Manual 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 3 Resource Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS

Introduction...... 4

Materials, Summary of APA 2014 & What’s New for APA 2015...... 5

Note from Office of Stewardship & Development & 2015 APA Contact Information...... 6

Calendar of Success...... 7

Pastor Message...... 8

Parish Participation - Responsibilities...... 9

Basics for a Successful APA...... 10

Weekly Schedule of Activity Options...... 11-14

Financial Allocation-Sample...... 15

Opportunities to Give...... 16

Your Campaign Processing...... 17

Remittance of APA Envelopes to Campaign Processing...... 18

Campaign Reporting...... 19

Parish Census Update Information...... 20

In-Pew Solicitation Step-by-Step...... 21

In-Pew Solicitation Helpful Hints...... 22

In-Pew Solicitation Modified for Hispanic Communities...... 23

Sample In-Pew Commitment Weekend Pulpit Presentation...... 24

Sample In-Pew Follow-Up Weekend Pulpit Presentation...... 25

Prayers of the Faithful...... 26

Weekly Pulpit Announcements...... 27-31

Weekly Bulletin Announcements...... 32-35

Annual Pastoral Appeal Speakers...... 36

Bulletin Inserts and Clip Art...... 37-42 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 4 Resource Manual Introduction

“Like the Good Samaritan, may we not be ashamed of touching the wounds of those who suffer, but try to heal them with concrete acts of love”. – Pope Francis@Pontifex – Jun 5 Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2014 Annual Pastoral Appeal! The generosity and dedication to your parish and to our diocesan Catholic community is acknowledged with great gratitude and has joyfully transformed the lives of thousands throughout our local Church.

The Annual Pastoral Appeal (APA) is a fundraiser created each year to give each parish every opportunity to reach maximum potential. Through an assessment, every parish and mission is required to support diocesan operations and ministries that in turn meet the physical, educational and spiritual needs of thousands within and outside parish boundaries. This allows us, as a faith community, to fulfill God’s call to discipleship by spreading the gospel message in word and deed and serve each other in His love. The APA is an annual invitation from each parish encouraging participation from every Catholic household to support this mission of our Church in the Diocese of St. Petersburg.

The purpose of this Leadership Manual is to provide a detailed plan of the 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal (APA) and include the necessary information to assist in making the Appeal successful in every parish. It is created from best practices shared by the most successful dioceses with helpful guidelines to keep your appeal on track and offers many options to enable the entire parish, from Pastor to Parishioner, to achieve optimal results. Be creative…this is only a resource of structure and best practices; it does not compare, nor does it limit, what you may be able to produce with a group that knows your parish best!!

“Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share your master’s joy.” –Matthew25:21

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 5 Resource Manual Materials for Each Parish 2015 Established Theme: My Good and Faithful Servant

Prayer Cards Resource Manuals In-Pew Envelopes Appeal Posters The Appeal Video (when available)

Summary of APA 2014 “Many are the plans in the mind of man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” –Proverbs 19:21

With a giant leap for all in need within our diocese, we have and continue to move forward in faith. United as one in this gift of faith, and guided by the Holy Spirit in prayer, we have strengthened our service to each other. With a total so far of over $8.9 million dollars (almost exactly where we were at this time last year), from over 30,000 donors, we have again defined good stewardship as all of our parishes have grown rich in vigor with the generosity of time, talent and treasure from God’s faithful people. As we close this 2014 APA, stronger, and with much joy and enrichment, we can once again testify of the devotion from each contributor. May that inspiration and hope fulfilled within our parishes continue to enrich our local diocesan Church.

May God continue to bless us abundantly!

Here’s what’s new for 2015?

To assist you in the education and promotion of the Annual Pastoral Appeal, and to encourage the most participation possible, the following enhanced or NEW resources have been added to this Leadership Manual:

 Our theme this year is : My Good and Faithful Servant

 Combined English/Spanish materials

 All ministries, programs and services funded by the APA will be clearly identified with the APA logo; all ministry offices will have an identifier displayed that they are funded by APA

 With the new diocesan website being constructed, the APA will be able to better display the good works of this Church that are funded by APA as well as testimonies. Keep an eye out for great things on our website starting in May, 2015

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 6 Resource Manual

…just a little note from me to you,

In preparation for the APA each year, I pray for guidance and direction from the Holy Spirit and I am never disappointed. I am given such inspiration from faces, actions and work of the Lord being done throughout our diocese. This past year, the faithful of our diocese have fulfilled individual parish obligations through parish offertory, their abundant loyalty and generosity has been revealed through the Forward in Faith diocesan capital campaign and the APA has not wavered. Not that I haven’t been before, but today, with a full heart, I can honestly say, I am in awe. I am so proud to be among such faithful witnesses. I have heard experts in fundraising testify that the more options given a donor, and the more connected they are and feel, the more they will give. Now I understand that as truth. We chose the theme My Good and Faithful Servant because affirmation is necessary, especially to the many who trust in the mission of our local Church. My profound congratulations to all parishes who met the challenges of this year; your faith has gotten you through. Now let’s take this momentum and use it for the greater good of all in Christ’s name. I am so grateful to serve in this wonderful Church and pray that this spirit of love and hope that God has planted here in our diocese will continue to prosper.

Please be assured of my love and prayers for your continued success. I wish you lasting enthusiasm, enriched faith and increased participation.

Most Respectfully, Jeanne

The Office of Stewardship & Development 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 7 Resource Manual is happy to serve you with resources for a successful APA campaign! Jeanne Smith, Parish Resource Specialist 727-341-6825 – office * 727-251-0003 – cell [email protected] E-mail

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 8 Resource Manual Suggested APA 2015 Calendar of Success

January 3/4 APA 2014 – Thank You Bulletin Insert Weekend - OPTIONAL - General Thank You parish bulletin insert – with or without donor names. January 5 Materials for Commitment Weekend shipped to all parishes  Resource Manuals (3)  Prayer cards  Posters  Brochures  In-Pew Envelopes

January 10/11 & 17/18 APA Prayer & Education Weekends Parishioner Witness, Ministry Representatives, or Lay Leaders speak about their personal experiences with/and/or the ministry programs and services supported through the APA and pledge their own support. Continue bulletin announcements.

 Prayer cards may be distributed at Mass Please recite this APA Prayer before Mass begins, during the parish announcements or before the final blessing  Support Catholic Schools Week Use this opportunity to invite a student or school representative to speak about Catholic education  Remind parishioners that the weekend of January 31st /February 1st is Commitment Weekend at all Masses

January 20 1st Request letter delivered to Post Office Letter packet sent to all Catholic households in the Diocese of St. Petersburg Includes: personalized letter from each Pastor, personalized 6” x 9.5” mailing envelope, brochure, prayer card, personalized intent/gift card (donor and non-donor version) and return envelope. January 24/25 APA Pastor Support and Education Weekend Pastors and Parish Priests give witness to the positive impact the ministry programs and services supported through the APA have on the parish and our diocese. Continue bulletin announcements. Prepare parishioners for an in-pew gift solicitation at all Masses on Commitment Weekend. Parishioners may return pledge cards received at home or the in-pew envelope. January 31/Feb 1 Commitment Weekend Encourage all parishioners to participate in the Annual Pastoral Appeal- in pew gift solicitation and collection of envelopes. The authenticity in which the APA is explained and this exercise is done will determine the response of each parishioner. February 7/8 Follow-up Weekend Gratitude should be expressed to those who have made a pledge or gift by this date and a request should be made to those who have not yet responded to the Appeal.

February 18 Ash Wednesday – Lent begins During this Holy time of renewal, please continue to ask for prayers for the success of this Appeal in your Prayers of the Faithful March 29 Palm Sunday – Prayer April 5 Easter Sunday – Prayer

April 10 2nd Request letter delivered to Post Office This follow-up is a personal request letter from Bishop Lynch Includes: #10 personalized mailing envelope, personalized intent/gift card (donor and non-donor version) and return envelope. This is sent to all Non-respondents. 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 9 Resource Manual Ministry is, first of all, receiving God’s blessing from those to whom we minister. What is the blessing? It is a glimpse of the face of God. – Here and Now Thank you Pastors, this THANKS is to you, from those to whom you serve. From your parishioners, parish staff, ministry leaders, lay leaders and volunteers:

No effort within a parish can succeed without your positive leadership, participation and support. Thank you.

Giving is an essential part of our faith and your own witness to us, God’s faithful people, will influence how willing we are to support His Church. Thank you.

It is you who must share why this appeal is conducted and be the primary person to personally ask us to participate and share our gifts with you. Thank you.

“You are being enriched in every way for all generosity, which through us produces thanksgiving to God, for the administration of this public service is not only supplying the needs of the holy ones but is also overflowing in many These 3 key elements will further your success with overall giving in your parish:

 Your willingness to communicate the results and your gratitude to your parishioners for their participation will make all the difference when you approach them for their next giving opportunity

 Your public recognition of volunteers will remind them of the importance of their work and inspire them to return

 If giving is approached from an evangelistic or catechetical perspective, and with your encouragement to parish/school staff for support, with your pastoral care, people are much more likely to understand and embrace the mission for your parish and the Church

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 10 Resource Manual Parish Participation - Commissions Relationships, education and positive promotion are essential for APA success. Please motivate parish leaders to be your good will ambassadors for the APA.

The Annual Pastoral Appeal involves a positive partnership between Parishes, the Office of Stewardship and Development and the Campaign Processing Office at the Pastoral Center. The Office of Stewardship and Development prepares and distributes all APA materials, produces the APA video, offers informative training, upon request arranges for guest speakers and provides ongoing support to parish leadership during all aspects of the Appeal. Parishes are encouraged to promote the Appeal in a positive manner, present APA education and information to parishioners and personally invite participation. The Campaign Processing Office records all pledges and payments and reports on a regular basis the progress of the Appeal.

When everyone in the parish is informed and participates in the implementation and expectations of the Annual Pastoral Appeal, the results are limitless. Here are some ways to help you make that happen:

For the Pastor, Parish Priests and Deacons:  Implement and support an Appeal plan  Set a positive attitude for the Appeal  Affirm the Appeal through homilies, bulletin and pulpit announcements  Pray for the success of the Annual Pastoral Appeal whenever possible, especially important to include in parish ministry  Approve the 1st invitation letter to parishioners  Make a personal gift/pledge

For the Parish Business Manager/Staff:  Always stay in regular contact with the Pastor, Parish Staff and Appeal Volunteers regarding APA status, parish inquiries, issues, etc.  Contact the Office of Stewardship and Development for additional materials, speakers, development plans, committee implementation or any other related support  Include APA information or materials in the bulletin regularly and be sure pledge envelopes are placed in the pews for Commitment Weekend or are visually accessible in the vestibule anytime  Contact the Campaign Processing Office for any financial reporting or assistance with payments and remit any pledge envelopes to them that have been returned at the parish  Make a personal gift/pledge

For the Parish volunteers who are typically generous and consistent supporters:  Recruit and coordinate volunteer leadership and provide the support needed to the Pastor and Parish Staff  Keep in regular contact with the Pastor with any communications on the APA  Offer every registered family in the parish an opportunity to learn about APA  Prepare personal presentations at all Masses during the Appeal, offer consistent understanding and support for the APA, be enthusiastic about promoting its success and encourage all parishioners to consider a sacrificial gift  Make a personal gift/pledge

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 11 Resource Manual Basics for a Successful APA In addition to having a solid plan for your parish appeal, it is equally important to implement activity that continues to educate yet gain the attention of new donors. Here are some helpful tips to assist in a successful parish Annual Pastoral Appeal.

 Pray. The power of prayer creates a unified strength that should always be encouraged and never underestimated  Review your parish APA results from last year, evaluate all approaches that were taken, determine ways to improve results and create a plan that will achieve your parish goal. Share that plan with your parishioners  Offer EVERYONE the opportunity to participate  Include Youth, Parish Ministries & Parish Staff. Being part of the APA for your parish draws these important ambassadors into the participation in the life, mission and work of our Catholic Faith Community  Know the facts. Be sure that everyone sharing the good news of the physical, educational and spiritual programs of the Annual Pastoral Appeal is speaking with factual information. There is plenty of it, and it’s all good  Target a specific amount. Don’t generalize gift giving. Mention pledge options to maximize your offer. Everyone appreciates knowing what is expected of them  Make your own pledge first. As a faithful parish leader make your own gift/pledge first, leading others to support the Appeal by your own example  Keep your sights high. Don’t seek the lowest gift option first. Figure out an average gift for your parish (using the highest amount), but always affirm that EVERY gift helps your parish and changes a life  Keep a positive attitude. This is a parish appeal and a positive approach to its objective and overall importance to your parish should remain sincere and upbeat  Informative Parish Announcements. Bulletin and pulpit announcements each week regarding the Appeal are essential. Be short, informative and grateful.  Ask. Ask. Ask. If you don’t ask, donors will not give. Everyone likes to be asked. A donor does not know what you want, need or what is expected until they are asked.

 Thank Everyone! There is no substitute for genuine gratitude and affirmed progress, it helps define My Good and Faithful Servant 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 12 Resource Manual Weekly Schedule of Activity Options Weeks 1-3 Preparation January 3-January 23

 When When What Action Completed January 3/4 Optional Thank you Contact Jeanne Smith in the Bulletin Insert Weekend Office of Stewardship and  Development. January 5 Commitment Weekend If you do not receive your Materials – Shipped to materials by January 12th, Parishes for arrival by please contact Jeanne Smith in  January 8th the Office of Stewardship and Development. January 10/11 Prayer & Education Arrangement of a Parish Lay Weekend Witness or Diocesan Ministry speaker is suggested. For a Diocesan Ministry Leader, you  may contact Jeanne Smith in the Office of Stewardship and Development for assistance. January 17/18 Support Catholic Theme: Communities of Faith, Schools Week Knowledge and Service Prepare your announcements  with information on APA and its support of Catholic Schools. January 21-29 Appeal Packet arrives at Includes Pastor’s Letter, all Catholic Households Brochure, Intent Card, Prayer  Card and Return Envelope.

Weeks 4-5 Pastor Support & Commitment Weekend January 24-February 1

 When When What Action Completed January 24/25 Pastor’s Presentation See In Pew Commitment Weekend Weekend Pulpit Presentation for assistance. Prepare  parishioners for Commitment Weekend next week, give them your expectations. January 31/February 1 Commitment Weekend The extra envelopes and promotional materials sent to  your parish in late January should be available in-pew. January 31/February 1 Prayers of the Faithful Please include APA in your Intercessions Prayers of the Faithful  Intercessions each week. January 31/February 1 Bulletin Announcements Announce and update your APA progress in Bulletin  Announcements each week. January 31/February 1 Bulletin Insert Custom Bulletin Inserts are available upon request. Please contact Jeanne Smith in  the Office of Stewardship and Development for assistance.

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 13 Resource Manual Week 6 Follow- Up Weekend February 2-8

 When When What Action Completed February 7/8 Pulpit Announcements Thank those who have given and encourage active  participation with Pulpit Announcements each week. February 7/8 Prayers of the Faithful Please include APA in your Intercessions Prayers of the Faithful  Intercessions each week. February 7/8 Bulletin Announcements Please update your APA progress in Bulletin  Announcements each week. In this Holy season, please THANK everyone who has offered their prayers and given generously to the 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal and ask for their continued prayers and support February 18 Ash Wednesday

Peace to you during th is Season of Lent

March 29 Palm Sunday April 5 Easter Sunday Weeks 7-17 Continued Activity February 9-April 6

 When When What Action Completed February 14/15 Pulpit Announcements Thank those who have given April 4/5 and encourage active  participation with Pulpit Announcements each week. February 14/15 Prayers of the Faithful Please include APA in your April 4/5 Intercessions Prayers of the Faithful  Intercessions each week. February 14/15 Bulletin Announcements Please update your APA April 4/5 progress in Bulletin  Announcements each week. February 14/15 Lenten-Easter Prayer Continue to use the theme: April 4/5 My Good and Faithful Servant and APA Prayer for your  parish participation during this sacred time of Prayer, Fast and Almsgiving.

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 14 Resource Manual Weeks 18-19 Follow-Up & Continued Options April 7-26

 When When What Action Completed April 10 Follow-Up Letter from 2nd Request Letter, follow up Bishop Lynch mailed to from Bishop Lynch.  Parish Families. April 18/19 Pulpit Announcements Announce the arrival of Bishop April 25/26 Lynch’s letter to those who haven’t participated. Thank  those who have given and encourage active participation from all. April 18/19 Prayers of the Faithful Please include APA in your April 25/26 Intercessions Prayers of the Faithful  Intercessions each week. April 18/19 Bulletin Please update your APA April 25/26 Announcements progress in Bulletin  Announcements each week. April 18/19 Bulletin Inserts Create a bulletin insert on your April 25/26 progress, encouraging those  who have yet to give.

If you have not reached your goal… let your parishioners know,

Week 20 Continued Gratitude and Support April 27-May 3

 When When What Action Completed May 10/11 Pulpit Announcements Update on parish status of the appeal, comment on Bishop Letter. Thank those who have  given and ask those that haven’t to participate for parish support. May 10/11 Prayers of the Faithful Please include APA in your Intercessions Prayers of the Faithful  Intercessions each week. May 10/11 Bulletin Please update your APA Announcements progress in Bulletin  Announcements each week.

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 15 Resource Manual Update and Ongoing Continuing Support Efforts

 When When What Action Completed Ongoing Report to the parish on We recommend you the progress of the APA communicate your progress to all parishioners once a week. Use your ConnectNow  information to thank those who have given and ask those who have not to give. Ongoing Pulpit Announcements It’s important to keep this Prayers of the Faithful appeal and the good that it Bulletin does for the parish and the Announcements people throughout the diocese in all communications. There  is always something to promote, so use those positive moments to encourage participation. Ongoing Prayer Guide all that we do and all that we want through prayer.  Once a Month Place information on Information available from the ministries supported by Office of Stewardship and  the APA in the bulletin Development at any time. At Your Request Invite a Ministry Arrangement of Diocesan Representative or speakers is available from someone assisted by Jeanne Smith in the Office of  APA to speak at the Stewardship and parish Development. Ongoing Parish Evangelization Your parish ministries and and ongoing creativity diocesan programs and services are always helping  those in need. Be sure to spread that good news ongoing to your parishioners.

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 16 Resource Manual Financial Allocation - Sample

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 17 Resource Manual Opportunities to Give to the Annual Pastoral Appeal

Please continue to assure your parishioners in every way possible that their gift, no matter how much, is needed, appreciated and well-used. Equal sacrifice not equal gift.

Pledging: Many people feel that they can participate at a sacrificial gift level if they make payments over a period of time. Those who pledge will receive reminders according to their designated payment schedule.

On-Line Giving: A very popular option for donors. Using a credit or debit card, payments can be made through the secure On-Line Giving website at: If you would like assistance setting this up through your parish website, please contact Tracy Kelly at [email protected] or you can reach her at the Pastoral Center at 727-344-1611 ext. 5385.

Checks: Please make all checks payable to the Annual Pastoral Appeal and be sure that your parish name and donor ID# is on the check.

Matching Gifts: Many companies have Matching Gift Programs for charity or educational purposes. Contact your company’s Human Resource office to see if they offer this program. There are necessary applications and procedures to follow; please send the approved information to the Campaign Processing Office. This will maximize your gift to the Annual Pastoral Appeal. If you have any questions, please contact Marie Bornstadt at [email protected].

Gifts of Appreciated Stocks or Securities: Federal tax law allows a charitable deduction for the full market value of the securities on the date of your gift. For more information or assistance, please contact David Ridenour, Coordinator of the Tribunal; Wills, Trust/Stocks/Securities at: [email protected].

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 18 Resource Manual Your Campaign Processing

The Campaign Processing Office is here to serve you and our generous donors from throughout the entire Diocese. We embrace the importance of accuracy and efficiency and strive to improve our procedures regularly so that we maybe the best stewards of what we have been entrusted.

Tracy Kelly Director of Treasury Management & Business Administration Email address: [email protected] Responsible for day-to-day operations of the Campaign Processing Office, also responsible for maintaining all records in accordance with policy, federal and state laws. Manages department personnel and oversees day-to-day processing and operations of the Annual Pastoral Appeal, Diocesan Capital Campaigns, Parish Capital Campaigns and SPIRIT FM fundraising.

Kathleen King Senior Processing Specialist Email address: [email protected] Primary contact for all Campaign Processing and responsible for day-to-day processing of Diocesan Capital Campaigns, Parish Capital Campaigns and SPIRIT FM fundraising, also responsible for daily reconciling reports, month end reconciling reports and parish campaign reports. Assistant to all parishes in data base maintenance.

Marie Bornstad Processing Specialist Email address: [email protected] Responsible for day-to-day credit card and direct debit processing for all campaigns, all matching gift applications, general research of donor requests and assistant to all parishes in data base maintenance.

Mary Ellen Christian Processing Specialist Email address: [email protected] Responsible for all day-to-day Annual Pastoral Appeal donor activity and assistant to all parishes in data base maintenance.

Thank you Phone: 727-341-6841 * Fax: 727-347-6508

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 19 Resource Manual Remittance of APA Envelopes to Campaign Processing In order to serve all of our parishes in the most efficient way, the following procedures have been established to help expedite the remittance of APA envelopes received in each parish and forwarded to the Campaign Processing Office.

 For security and accuracy purposes, please do not open any APA envelopes

 To ensure prompt and accurate posting, please make sure all gift envelopes have your parish name on them

 Beginning the weekend of January 24/25, 2015, you may receive APA pledge envelopes in the collection basket

 The APA pledge cards and envelopes should be collected and sent to: For UPS/FedEx For USPS Campaign Processing Office Campaign Processing Office Bishop W. Thomas Larkin Pastoral Center Bishop W. Thomas Larkin Pastoral Center 6363 Ninth Avenue N. Post Office Box 40200 St. Petersburg, FL 33710 St. Petersburg, FL 33743-0200

 To ensure the integrity of the enclosed gift the preferred method of sending in envelopes is FEDEX or UPS. If you use the USPS, please defer to the Pastoral Center PO Box

 Please submit all APA gifts to the Campaign Processing Office on a regular basis

 For Audit and Internal Control Purposes:

o The Campaign Processing Office cannot verify the contents or accuracy of envelopes if the seal is broken

o Parish Staff handling the collection should count the number of APA envelopes and attach a slip with the envelope count on top of the bundle

 For remittance of cash gifts: APA gifts of loose cash should be deposited into the parish account and a check for the total amount of the cash gifts should be forwarded to the Campaign Processing Office with remittance identifying the check and cash gifts to ensure accurate thank you acknowledgement

If you have any questions please contact the Campaign Processing Office: (727)341-6841

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 20 Resource Manual Campaign Reporting Parish Summary Reports will be emailed to designated contacts each week on Friday.

For more frequent reporting please remember, by Pastor request, you may attain a ConnectNow log-in and have access to your “up-to-the-minute” data at all times.

Through ConnectNow you can also access your parish roster, convert it into an Excel spreadsheet and sort it different ways, to maximize your opportunities to invite all of your parishioners to give to the Annual Pastoral Appeal. If you have any questions or need assistance with ConnectNow, please contact Ray Miller at [email protected].

For any other specialized reporting, please contact Tracy Kelly at [email protected].

You don’t have to wait for us to send you a report of your progress…. Use:

And get your totals on demand, PLUS, other important information such as: your parish roster, who’s pledged, who’s paid and more importantly who hasn’t!!


Parish Mailing Update Information 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 21 Resource Manual Parish mailing information is vital for maintaining a relationship with your parishioners. Sharing the integrity of this information is equally important.

 There are 46 of our parishes on ParishSoft, these parishes’ mailing information is updated automatically. This means when additions, deletions or corrections are made to a parishioner’s name or address, the diocesan mailing records will be updated as well.

 If your parish is not on ParishSoft, hopefully you are using the ConnectNow program to share the additions, deletions and corrections of your parishioner’s mailing information; this updates the diocesan mailing data automatically. If you are not, please contact Tracy Kelly to assist you in getting set up to do so.

 If you have not done so lately, please update your parish mailing information so that your mailing will reach all of your parishioners.  The data we have for your parishioners is what will be used for the APA mailings on behalf of your parish.

Do you know your parishioners? Do you have their correct mailing information? Do you want the APA letter coming from your Pastor to be addressed correctly? Please, update your records.

Accurate information sharing = more accurate mailing = more opportunities for your parishioners to feel they are being invited to participate

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 22 Resource Manual In-Pew Solicitation Step-by-Step What is an In-Pew Solicitation?

This process is recommended for obtaining donations from a large portion of your parish at one time. This method of inviting participation requests a response by parishioners in church following an informational and motivating lay witness presentation. If implemented thoroughly and properly, this practice increases both the number of donors and the dollars contributed.

How to make your In-Pew Solicitation successful:

1. Be sure that parishioners have at least two weeks advance notice before they are asked for their gifts. This way they will come to church prepared to make a pledge or cash donation.

2. Posters should be displayed in appropriate visible locations. Utilize special bulletin announcements, pulpit announcements and Prayers of the Faithful to inform people of the upcoming Appeal and its benefits to those in need.

3. Recruit a lay witness. The use of a lay witness is an effective way of increasing participation. Select those among your parishioners who are energetic and enthusiastic speakers. Remember that people give to people.

4. One week prior to your in-pew weekends, remind and encourage parishioners to read the Annual Pastoral Appeal Brochure that was mailed to them.

5. On In-Pew weekends, place In-Pew envelopes and pens at the end of the pews, (be sure to straighten and replenish the supply before each Mass).

6. After the celebrant gives a brief homily, a lay witness shares briefly his/her experience regarding the Annual Pastoral Appeal.

7. Either the celebrant or the lay witness should then give step-by-step instructions on how to fill out the In-Pew envelope, encouraging the pledge option. Be sure to offer a parish average gift amount as part of the instruction. Urge the parishioners to complete the envelopes in church.

8. At this time your parishioners should be prepared to make their donations. Allow two to three minutes for the parishioners to make their contributions.

9. The ushers or special collectors should now collect the completed envelopes.

10. As with all methods of solicitation, the follow-up is a necessary and vital element of success to the Appeal.

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 23 Resource Manual In-Pew Solicitation Helpful Hints

All perspective donors (your parishioners) should be alerted in advance that the parish will be undertaking this practice of inviting participation, as well as specific dates and times. Parishioners should be notified of in-pew donation opportunities through specific announcements in the parish bulletin, pulpit announcements, as well as at the end of Mass prior to those weekends. Posters should be visibly placed in the church vestibule, gathering center, hall or school. The announcement in church enables parishioners to reflect about their gift during the coming week and prepares them to make a decision when the week of the in-pew solicitation takes place. An in-pew invitation can be easily included in the weekly Mass without disruption to the celebration of the Liturgy. After the celebrant gives a brief homily, a lay witness shares his/her experience regarding the Annual Pastoral Appeal. Here are some helpful hints:  Four or five lay volunteers are needed at each Mass to distribute envelopes and pens in each pew and to replenish them at the end of each solicitation

 It’s best if your lay witness is a volunteer, parish appeal chairperson, a person who has first-hand knowledge of a specific ministry or a parishioner moved by the Holy Spirit and witness to charity. (This lay witness does not have to be the same person at each Mass, but, there is some benefit to the continuity of the message, especially if delivered well.)

 The Pastor or lay volunteer should indicate a suggested amount (for example, the average gift amount from your last year’s Appeal) and begin instructing parishioners on how to fill out the envelope. Remember to provide an explanation on the ways to give, (pledge, pledge with payment, one-time gifts). Remind donors that pledging will allow them to increase their gift without changing their budget too much and provides and easy payment plan

 Parishioners should fill out their names, gift amount, gift duration (pledge or one-time gift) or if they are still thinking about their gift

 Those making a payment should enclose it and seal the envelope. Making checks payable to the Annual Pastoral Appeal

 Envelopes are then gathered by passing them to the end of the pew where the ushers collect them by hand

 Be sure that all envelopes sent to the Campaign Processing Office are stamped with your parish name 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 24 Resource Manual In-Pew Solicitation Modified for Hispanic Communities

When expecting participation from our Hispanic cultures in sacrificial giving, careful consideration and education must be considered. For many in our Hispanic Communities a pledge is a new way to think about supporting the Church. When presenting this option in an in-pew Solicitation and offering a gift level, it is important to express equal sacrifice, not equal gift amount.

Below are several suggestions for adopting the In-Pew Solicitation for our Hispanic Communities, using the Spanish In-Pew envelopes.

 Implement weekly payments: Ask parishioners to consider a total amount to give and indicate that amount in the area where the total gift and payment suggestions are located. Explain that this offers them the option of considering a total gift that they may pay over 5 weeks. Then take up a special collection over a period of 5 weeks, keeping track of names and amounts

Ex: Purchase colored envelopes OR number a series of envelopes (1 of 5, 2 of 5, etc.); have them put their name and address on the envelope and ask them to bring the envelopes to Mass with their gift each week

 Monthly payments: Ask parishioners to consider a total amount to give and indicate that amount in the area where the total gift and payment suggestions are located. Explain that this offers them the option of considering a total gift that they may pay over 5 months. Ask the donors to submit monthly payments to the parish until the entire amount is paid. Then choose a Sunday during the month, (1 st Sunday, 2nd Sunday…whichever is accommodating to the parish), and announce when the Special Collection for these envelopes will take place. At this time the parish can submit these envelopes to Campaign Processing in the normal procedure

 Community gift: The parish offers a pledge for the Hispanic Community and takes up collections throughout the year and submits payments toward the amount pledged. (This would require a pledge card to be filled out on behalf of the Community.)

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 25 Resource Manual Sample In-Pew Commitment Weekend Pulpit Presentation This instruction is most successful when delivered by the Pastor either before Mass or after the Homily. It is time for us to enthusiastically welcome the 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal, My Good and Faithful Servant. This is our parish appeal that invites every parishioner to participate in our financial responsibility to our diocesan ministries, programs and services that serve us and the many in need outside of our parish boundaries. As your Pastor, I want to let you know that I support this appeal and what it means for our parish. (You may mention here the ministries and services that your assessment dollars fund and that this fundraiser known as APA helps pay that assessment). With your generous participation in this appeal, we will be able to use our operating funds here in the parish for our local ministry. The specifics of the appeal have been outlined in the literature you received in your homes. However, I would like to emphasize the spiritual effect the appeal has on our parish and diocese. The appeal provides the means to continue the mission that Christ has entrusted to us: to serve, to educate, to care for the poor and to be a beacon of hope. The ministries, services and programs that are funded from this effort allow us to fulfill the mission given to us all. My hope is that each family will assess their own resources and generously make a gift of substance and not merely one of convenience. This appeal is based on equal sacrifice, not equal giving. I cannot ask everyone to consider the same size gift, but I ask that everyone let their gift reflect how generous God has been with His gifts. Can you consider a gift of $15, $20 or $30 each month for the rest of this year? That amount will equal a pledge of $150, $200 or $300. I know from personal experience that it is easier to make a gift of sacrifice if you can spread it out, than if you have to make a full, one-time gift. It is easy, when surrounded by so many people, to think that it won’t matter if you don’t participate. But it does make a difference, and it is noticed. I need everyone to prayerfully consider participation. As you think about what you will give, remember, this gift is different from your gift each Sunday to our parish. This is in addition to your offertory giving. Also, please know these pledges are a “Good Faith Effort.” I know that everyone will do their very best to fulfill their pledges, and that is all that we ask, that you do your best. We know that times change and you may need to change your pledge in the future. That’s ok. If a change is needed in the future, it can be made. And if that change is an increase, well, that is ok, too. At this point, I will ask everyone, over the next few minutes, to make your commitment and if you have not brought your pledge card and envelope from home, please complete a pledge envelope found in your pew. Please completely fill in all the information on the pledge envelope clearly. The pledge envelope is set up so that you can simply mark a box, which corresponds to the gift you would like to make on a monthly basis. For example, by checking the box by $20, you are saying “I will give $20 now, and $20 each month for a total pledge of $200.” If you want to make a gift other than one of the indicated levels, use the “OTHER” line to fill out your pledge amount. A down payment on your pledge is not necessary or required. If you are able to make one, please do. If you can’t make a down payment, don’t let that stop you from making your pledge. For those of you who have already made a gift or pledge by sending in your pledge card that you received at home, I thank you for your generosity. I am going to pause to give you time to fill out your pledge forms, while I do the same. (PAUSE AND FILL OUT A PLEDGE ENVELOPE, EVEN IF YOU HAVE ALREADY DONE SO. THIS WILL ENCOURAGE YOUR PARISHIONERS TO DO THE SAME.) At this time I ask the Hospitality Ministers/Ushers to pick up all pledge envelopes, including those pledge cards received at home that have been brought in today. Thank you once again for listening with an open heart. In a few weeks when the active phase concludes, I know we will have done our part as a parish family.

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 26 Resource Manual Sample In-Pew Follow-Up Weekend Pulpit Presentation Best to be delivered by the Pastor either before Mass or after the Homily. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their participation and support of the 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal. I would also like to thank all of those who volunteered their time to help make this effort the success it has become.

Our Diocese has reached $ in pledges or % of its overall goal. And here at (INSERT PARISH NAME HERE), we have reached % of our goal with over $ in pledges. This has been accomplished with gifts from of our families – imagine what we could accomplish if we had 100% participation!

Remember that every dollar that exceeds our parish goal is returned to us for the enhancement and development of our own parish ministry.

If you have not yet made your gift to the Annual Pastoral Appeal, I encourage you to do so today or as soon as possible. I, along with Bishop Lynch, would like to thank you in advance for your help in making this year’s APA a success.

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 27 Resource Manual Prayers of the Faithful The Annual Pastoral Appeal, in addition to meeting the financial needs of our Church, calls one another to actively practice our faith. Continue awareness and prayer, hold a key role in understanding and the conversion of heart that leads people to give generously to serve the needs of others. The following are some sample Prayers of the Faithful that you may consider

 Pope Francis reminds us that we who are the Church, the Body of Christ, are entrusted with responsibility and must never forget the poor among us. May our support of the Annual Pastoral Appeal provide us with a way to share the good news of Jesus Christ… We pray to the Lord

 That we may respond generously to our Annual Pastoral Appeal as faithful stewards of the gifts entrusted to us… We pray to the Lord

 May the Holy Spirit continue to guide the work of the Church throughout our diocese and through prayer and action may we celebrate Christ’s message of love will be realized by all… We pray to the Lord

 As we, the faithful parishioners, assist our parish by making our commitment to the Annual Pastoral Appeal may we remember God’s generosity to us… We pray to the Lord

 As we participate in the Annual Pastoral Appeal to help others, we give thanks to our God for the gifts and blessings we have received… We pray to the Lord

 May God’s blessings be upon all those in our parish family and in every parish throughout our diocese for their part in supporting the ministries and services funded through the Annual Pastoral Appeal. Together, we are good and faithful servants, strong in faith, prayer and service… We pray to the Lord

 May the Holy Spirit, through our prayers, continue to guide the work of the Church throughout the 5 counties of our diocese as parishioners in all 81 parishes and missions journey together in hope…We pray to the Lord

 Let us pray for all priests, deacons, religious and lay persons for strength to offer their best gifts daily to bring Christ to others through ministries, programs and services supported by the Annual Pastoral Appeal…We pray to the Lord

 May our prayers bless the open hearts of all who seek to learn more about our Annual Pastoral Appeal, may they witness through unity and stewardship we enrich our faith… We pray to the Lord 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 28 Resource Manual  For the homeless, troubled, afflicted and poor, that they may be healed and learn that God is always near through the prayers and actions from the many programs, ministries and services supported by the generous faithful of the Diocese of St. Petersburg through the Annual Pastoral Appeal… We pray to the Lord

Pulpit Announcements January 3/4 - Preparation Weekend  Optional thank you bulletin insert from 2014 is available and encouraged  Thank those who gave to APA last year and mention that their gifts continue to change lives and bless the ministry of our Catholic Church  Inform your parishioners of the final number of APA donors and the total paid for 2014, as well mention any portion left over that the parish has to pay and celebrate if you are over your goal!  Highlight and offer genuine thanks for the ways APA supports your parish and gently remind parishioners that this is a yearly effort to assist your parish with your financial diocesan responsibility  Ask for the prayers of everyone as we begin this important Appeal for 2015

January 10/11 – Prayer Weekend

 Prayer cards are provided to each parish for community prayer. Please offer a place for these cards, such as inside the Missalette cover or in the pew. Our faith is guided and strengthened in prayer, please use it often  Please affirm the Annual Pastoral Appeal in your announcements and/or Prayers of the Faithful  This is a perfect opportunity for a Ministry, Lay Leader or faithful APA donor to speak to your parish about the benefits of this Appeal to your parish. This should be a personal witness, not an ask for a gift  If you choose not to have a speaker, please post some kind of APA educational information in your bulletin or somewhere in your parish so that it can be recognized  Remember Catholic Schools Week. The APA funds the Office of Catholic Schools and Centers and offers tuition assistance to those in need. Use this information combined with prayer to promote and strengthen the mission of our Catholic Schools

Please remember this should truly be a Prayer & Education Weekend and there should not be a focus on asking for an APA commitment during this time.

Pulpit Announcement

As we reflect on the words of our own baptism, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,” an occasion when God the Father has claimed us as His own beloved children, we must also remember to live in the reality of this calling as a member of the Body of Christ. This year, the Annual Pastoral Appeal, My Good and Faithful Servant, gives us this opportunity. Not just us, not just our parish, but this week, every parish and mission in our diocese is preparing and praying for the success of their individual part in our diocesan family through participation in the Annual Pastoral Appeal. Together we fund the good works of this local Catholic Church that assist all parishes and reach out to those in need and those that seek a closer relationship with God. We cannot do this alone, and through our faith, we know that God will never leave us alone. We have our diocesan family and through the Annual Pastoral Appeal we have the opportunity to reveal our faith, gather our prayers and gratefully carry out the mission that

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 29 Resource Manual God has entrusted to us. As God’s Good and Faithful Servants, please continue to pray for our Church and all the good that is does for the glory of God.

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 30 Resource Manual January 17/18 – Support Catholic Schools Week Pulpit Announcement

In recognition of the upcoming Catholic Schools Week, and to celebrate all that our Catholic Schools offer the children in attendance, please use the opportunity of the Annual Pastoral Appeal to support their excellence. The Office of Catholic Schools and Centers leads our schools to be communities of faith, knowledge and service; your gift helps to reach those goals with the highest of standards. In this day and time, parents know the sacred space of a Catholic School is both safe and enriching, but in some cases, tuition assistance is needed to help their children remain in our schools. Your gift to the Annual Pastoral Appeal can save a child’s life by offering them the life skills, morals and values to be productive adults in our world today.

January 24/25 - Pastor’s Support & Education Weekend Announcement given by the Pastor or Celebrant

By now you should have received an invitation from me for the 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal. Next week, we join with all of our sisters and brothers throughout the Diocese of St. Petersburg and begin participation in this 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal, My Good and Faithful Servant. The Annual Pastoral Appeal provides each of us the opportunity to touch, with love and charity, the lives of families struggling through pain and suffering, homelessness, unplanned pregnancy, care for the elderly, young men studying for the priesthood, Diaconate formation, assistance to the incarcerated and their families, students seeking a Catholic school education and individuals of all ages pursuing a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith. The APA brochure that was included with my letter details these and many more of the ministries, programs and services supported by your Annual Pastoral Appeal gift. For those of you who have previously supported the Annual Pastoral Appeal, I extend my heartfelt gratitude. While you have not seen the joy felt by those hundreds of thousands of people helped through your Annual Pastoral Appeal gift, I want to assure you that your gift has transformed their lives. I ask all of you to join me and joyfully make a gift to the 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal. As Good and Faithful Servants, gratefully acknowledge your gift of faith by fulfilling your discipleship with the strength and blessings you have received from your own answered prayers; use it in service to those in need. Help to heal the pain of others, move toward the love of Christ Jesus and witness the abiding presence of our God in our community. Next week, our parish will be conducting our in-Pew collection marking our Annual Pastoral Appeal Commitment Weekend. I pray that together we can demonstrate our charity to God’s beloved people. Thank you and may our Lord bless you always.

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 31 Resource Manual January 31/February 1 – Commitment Weekend Announcement given by the Pastor or Celebrant

I want to thank everyone who has contributed to the APA in past years. I can assure you the funds are accepted in gratitude by our parish, all the parishes of our diocese and those whose lives have been transformed through the works of our Catholic faith community. In the past two weeks, we have brought to you the importance of your participation in the APA for our parish. As Good and Faithful Servants, we are called to share our gifts in support of one another and a great way to do that is through the Annual Pastoral Appeal. APA is a very effective way to provide necessary services, such as Human Resource, Insurance, Construction and Legal assistance to our own parish as well as offer faith formation programs, ministries and services outside of our parish boundaries. So, today, I ask each of you to join me in sharing our gifts for the glory of God, right here in our diocese. At this time you can continue the In-pew process from page 21.

February 7/8 – Follow-Up Weekend Pulpit Announcement

Together, our parish can fully participate in the mission of our local Catholic Church by contributing to the Annual Pastoral Appeal. Please prayerfully consider the blessings that you have been given, the prayers answered in your time of need. We ask you to support the many needed ministries, services and programs of our diocese that fulfill the physical, educational and spiritual needs of so many that we could not serve by our parish alone. Your gift may be paid over the next ten months or you can make a one-time gift. There is no gift too small and every gift changes a life. Pledge envelopes are located in the rear of the church for your convenience.

My Good and Faithful Servant During this Holy time of renewal, please continue to pray for the success of your parish Annual Pastoral Appeal

February 18 – Ash Wednesday Peace to you during th i s Season of Lent

March 29 Palm Sunday April 5 Easter Sunday

Pulpit prayer during Lent – Optional Our God sent His only Son to be among us here on earth. Jesus’ death and resurrection are His gift to us. He is with us always. As Good and Faithful Servants let us pray that the Holy Spirit

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 32 Resource Manual guides us in our prayers, granting us the grace and blessings that sustain and fortify us to joyfully serve one another in honor and glory to God.

April 11/12 Pulpit Announcement

With renewed spirit and in joyful thanksgiving for all that God has given us, we accept His grace and blessings. We must rise as Christ has commanded us and serve one another. For those who have made a gift/pledge to the Annual Pastoral Appeal, thank you. Your sacrifice will help our parish to flourish and help to serve those in need throughout our diocese. For those who have yet to give, please share a portion of the blessings you have received and help to advance the mission of God’s kingdom here in our local Church with your sacrifice.

April 18/19 Pulpit Announcement

Those of you who have not yet participated in the 2015 APA will be receiving a follow up invitation from Bishop Lynch. He wants to affirm and invite all of us to be a conscious, active participant in the mission of our Church. He sends a reminder to all of us that those that are alone, sick, homeless, those in jail and their families, those who may be having difficulty in their marriage, those seeking forgiveness and wanting to return to the Church and those seeking a better life by following Christ, all of these people, and there are many, are aided and healed by the ministries, programs and services funded through the Annual Pastoral Appeal. We all have countless blessings and have the gift of faith that God will continue to grace us. Please pray for those in need, and please make a gift to the Annual Pastoral Appeal to ensure that we continue a grateful response to God’s Kingdom here in the Diocese of St. Petersburg. No gift is too small, every gift changes a life. Gift/pledge envelopes may be found in your pews or in the back of the Church for your convenience.

May 2/3 Pulpit Announcement

I would like to update you on the progress of the 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal in our parish. Each parish is required to financially participate towards the physical, educational and spiritual needs of our local diocesan Church. This year, our parish’s responsibility is ($ ). The Annual Pastoral Appeal helps our parish raise the funds necessary to pay this financial assessment.

As of last week, a total of $______has been raised in our parish from ______families.

If you have already made your gift or pledge to this year’s Appeal – thank you! If you have not done so yet, your help is still very much needed. Our goal is 100% participation. Please remember, no gift is too small. Every gift makes a difference. Pledge envelopes are located in the rear of the church for your convenience. Please continue to pray for the success of the Annual Pastoral Appeal and consider a gift/pledge if you have not done so already. Thank you.

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 33 Resource Manual May 9/10 Pulpit Announcement

We are continuing to support the 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal in our parish. Thank you to everyone who has made a gift. We are doing well, we have $______from #______families. Does that include you? The priorities in our lives change from day to day, but hopefully God remains at the center of all we say and do. Our parish, and those in need throughout our diocese, needs your help. Please don’t wait; if you have not yet made a gift/pledge, please pray for this Appeal and consider what your priorities are and how much you can sacrifice for God’s mission for you and your service to others. Please make a pledge or one-time gift. Pledge envelopes are located in the rear of the church for your convenience. No gift is too small, no prayer too humble. Every gift is needed, appreciated and well used. Every gift, every prayer, makes a difference.

May 16/17 Pulpit Announcement

Today, we would like to thank every family that has responded with their sacrificial gift or pledge to the 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal on behalf of our parish. If you have yet to make a gift or pledge, we ask that you respond soon. Please consider a gift that is meaningful – a gift from your heart. Thank you in advance for your prayers and generosity. Every gift, every prayer, every action brings someone in need closer to Christ.

May 23/24 Pulpit Announcement

Our 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal is progressing; we are grateful to the ______families in our parish that have made a gift or prayer commitment to this year’s Appeal. Our parish has raised $______toward our parish goal. Thank you to all who have supported this year’s APA. We are striving for 100 % participation to reach our goal of $______. If you have not yet made a commitment to the 2015 APA, our parish needs your help. Your gift will help our parish fulfill our financial obligation to the ministries, programs and services that serve us and those in need throughout our diocese. Join the many others and be an active participant in the mission of our Catholic Church. No gift is too small, every gift makes a difference.

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 34 Resource Manual Weekly Bulletin Announcements January 3/4 – Thank you Weekend

Our parish is blessed to have such caring and compassionate parishioners. To everyone who generously made a sacrificial gift to our 2014 Annual Pastoral Appeal, thank you. Your faithful support has helped to increase the vitality of our parish and allowed the ministries, programs and services funded through APA bring thousands within our diocese closer to God. The 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal is approaching its kick-off soon in our parish. An invitation from me, (or Monsignor/Father ______), for your participation will soon arrive at your homes. Your participation is appreciated and we hope that you will continue with this support as we begin to pray for the upcoming year of service in our Church.

January 10/11 – Prayer Weekend

Prayer is essential to our faith lives and ultimately connected to our call to conversion and discipleship. Our 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal, My Good and Faithful Servant reminds us to pray unceasingly as scripture reveals. We believe the Holy Spirit will guide our journey and bestow His grace upon us as we continue to serve others. Please keep the success of the APA in your prayers. Pray for those who are seeking fulfillment, that with generous support of the faithful, they will be brought forth in the light of God’s unending love.

Please remember this should truly be a Prayer & Education Weekend and there should not be a focus on asking for an APA commitment during this time.

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 35 Resource Manual January 17/18 – Catholic Schools Week

The youth of today are the future of our Church and of the world. Children in our Catholic Schools are receiving academic excellence and faith formation that gives root to solid values and morals founded in scripture, also the life skills and awareness that produces faithful, strong and active adults. Our Office of Catholic Schools and Centers ensures the resources for this teaching to be possible and our diocese offers tuition assistance to those youth who seek to be educated in this way. Your generous support to the Annual Pastoral Appeal provides the ability to continue the quality and growth expected within our Catholic Schools. Take the time to visit one or any of our Catholic Schools or Specialized Centers or visit their websites to see the wonderful work that they do for our youth. You will see how your participation in the support of our schools changes lives.

January 24/25 – Pastor Support & Education Weekend

Please keep in mind as you receive your personal invitation that this Appeal not only assists our parish in fulfilling our diocesan financial obligation, but, at the same time, helps to provide the physical, educational and spiritual needs to thousands throughout our larger diocesan Church. This year, the theme of the Appeal is: My Good and Faithful Servant. A message to each one of us that by our gift of faith, we are called to a life of discipleship, that in our active response to our Father we share a common mission to proclaim the Gospel and bring those in need closer to Him. Your gift/pledge to the Annual Pastoral Appeal on behalf of our parish will provide the ministries, programs and services that are essential to further the mission of the Catholic Church and help those in need throughout our diocese. Next week is Commitment Weekend, please be an active participant in this greater mission of our Church; make a sacrificial gift/pledge to the Annual Pastoral Appeal. Bring your intent card to Mass next week and make your commitment; we can do it together.

January 31/February 1 – Commitment Weekend

As we kick-off the 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal: My Good and Faithful Servant, today I ask you to join me, Bishop Lynch and all of the parishes and missions within our diocese and make a gift/pledge to this Annual Pastoral Appeal for the benefit of our parish and, more importantly, the many in need throughout the five counties of our diocesan family. Every gift is valuable. Sometimes it is hard to envision how your one gift could make a difference in an organization the size of our diocese, but it does. Each Catholic family, each parish, TOGETHER, can fulfill the mission of our Church, to love and serve one another. In trying times, our gifts from God may be more difficult to identify; God blesses each of us every day. No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. Not equal gift but equal sacrifice. Thank you for continuing to support our parish and our diocesan faith community so faithfully and in so many ways.

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 36 Resource Manual February 7/8 – Follow-Up Weekend

Thank you to everyone who has already responded to the request to participate in the 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal for our parish. Your gift is received with great humility, thanks and gratitude. APA is an opportunity for our parish leadership to educate many of you who may not be aware of the ministries, programs and services available throughout our Diocese. If you have any questions about the APA, or how it benefits our parish, please call our parish office or visit our diocesan website at and discover the awesome discipleship of the faithful members of our Church. If you have not yet responded, we want and need your participation! No gift is too small. Don’t forget, if we go over our assessment goal of $______, 100% of the funds over the goal come back to our parish!

February 14/15

Love is all around and Jesus is in our midst. Thank you to the ______families that have responded generously to the 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal on behalf of our parish. We have reached $______of our goal amount of $______. Your generosity is gratefully accepted and respectfully used. If you have not yet made a gift or pledge, please prayerfully consider the blessings you have received and the prayers that have been answered in your time of need. Please make a gift from your heart, knowing it may be your friend or neighbor in need and by participating in the APA you will have helped them. No gift is too small and every gift makes a difference. You can make a one-time gift, or you can pledge an amount that is payable over ten months. Our parish wants your active participation and support.

February 18 – Ash Wednesday During this Holy time of renewal, please continue to pray for the success of your parish Annual Pastoral Appeal

Prayer * Fast * Almsgiving

My Good and Faithful Servant

Peace to you during this Season of Lent March 29 Palm Sunday April 5 Easter Sunday

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 37 Resource Manual During this season of prayer, fast and almsgiving, as we reflect on our many blessings, let us be mindful to give God thanks and praise. Monsignor/Father ______would like to extend his personal gratitude to all who have generously participated in the 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal. As we pray on the Passion of our Lord remembering the unconditional sacrifice He made for us and our salvation, may we respond with grateful hearts and joyous generosity remembering those in most need.

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 38 Resource Manual April 11/12

Thank you to our many generous parishioners that have returned gifts and pledges in support of the 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal. Your generosity to this Appeal helps to aid our parish with our financial responsibility to our larger diocesan family. To date we have received $______from _____ families toward our $______goal. Please remember that any amount over our goal comes back to our parish 100%! Please make a gift to this Appeal; every gift makes a difference. We want your participation and need your support. April 18/19

The 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal continues to succeed in our parish. ______families have responded with a very generous amount of $ ______towards our goal of $______. If you are not yet part of these cheerful donors, we want your participation and need your support. Please pray and respond to the call to do your part to support our local Catholic Church and all that it does in Jesus’ name. April 25/26

As the 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal continues in our parish, we are grateful to the ______families that have made a sacrifice with a generous gift. Our parish has raised $______toward our goal of $______thus far. Many thanks for your active participation in this Appeal. If you have not yet made a gift, please reflect on the many blessings you have received and decide what you can do to help. Every gift is valued and respectfully used. It is not too late and we want your participation and need your support! Please consider a pledge, payable through December 2015, or a one-time gift. Gift envelopes are located at the back of the Church for your convenience. May God continue to bless you and all the wonderful parishioners of our parish and of our diocesan faith community; thank you for continued care and service. May 2/3

Our parish is filled with caring, generous people who understand and embrace the Annual Pastoral Appeal and all the good that it brings to our parish and to our diocese. It is a true witness to our Catholic Faith when the unities of faithful, generous people provide resources for our diocese to evangelize and seek those in need of Christ. Your generosity to the Annual Pastoral Appeal supports this mission of our Church; we are able to bring Jesus way out past our parish walls. Thank you to all who have given a sacrificial gift to the Annual Pastoral Appeal. You have reduced our parish obligation and helped to advance the outreach of our faith. If you have not yet made a gift, it’s never too late. Let your faith be your guide and participate in this appeal for our parish and for those in need throughout our diocese. Ongoing – until your goal is met

Thank you to our many generous parishioners that have returned gifts and pledges in support of the 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal. Your generosity to this Appeal helps to aid our parish with our financial responsibility to our larger diocesan family. To date, we have received $______from _____ families toward our $______goal. Please remember that any amount over our goal comes back to our parish 100%! Please make a gift to this Appeal; every gift makes a difference. We want your participation and need your support.

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 39 Resource Manual Annual Pastoral Appeal Speakers

Our diocesan ministries are funded by the assessments of each parish. In gratitude we welcome the opportunity to share the joy of our ministries, programs and services with your parishioners.

From the Pastoral Center: (727) 344-1611 Father Carl Melchior *Director of Vocations Heidi Varley Vocations Office Deacon Rick Wells Tribunal Judge and Vice Chancellor Father Ralph Argentino Director of the Diaconate Deacon Jim Grevenites Permanent Diaconate Deacon John Alvarez Permanent Diaconate Deacon Peter Andre Prison Ministry Frank Murphy Secretary of Administration Dr. Michael Tkacik Secretary for Ministries Dr. Alberto Vazquez-Matos Superintendent of Catholic Schools & Centers Brian Lemoi Director of Evangelization and Lifelong Faith Formation Diane Kledzik Evangelization and Small Christian Communities Kathy Filippelli Catechist Faith Formation Dale Brown Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute Sabrina Burton Life Ministry Ryan Phelan Youth and Young Adult Ministry Vivi Iglesias Hispanic Ministry Tracy Kelly Temporal Offices Rick Kolhoff Construction Rick Osorio Risk Management Andre Glaude Safe Environment Jeanne Smith APA and Stewardship

From Catholic Charities: (727) 893-1314 Mark-Dufva Executive Director

From SpiritFM 90.5: (813) 289-8040 John Morris Station Manager

From the Bethany Center: (813) 960-6300 George Savas Executive Director

*All of our Seminarians are available to speak; however, only when they are on break from school or on Pastoral Year. Contact information and approval is available through the Vocations office.

2015 AnnualYou Pastoral are welcome Appeal to contact these speakers directly40 or contact Jeanne Smith in the Office of Stewardship and Resource Manual Development for assistance in scheduling. Bulletin Inserts and Clip Art

The following pages are suggested bulletin inserts and clip art for use at any time during the year for the education and promotion of the 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal

For assistance, please contact: Jeanne Smith @ 727-341-6825 / 727-251-0003 or email – [email protected]

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 41 Resource Manual Support Catholic Schools Support Catholic Schools with a gift to the with a gift to the 2015 APA 2015 APA Help build a future of faith, knowledge Help build a future of faith, knowledge and Service and Service

A Catholic School education nurtures, improves and develops our youth and sets a sound foundation for a productive, successful future.

Tuition Assistance Grants, Subsidies to Diocesan Schools, the Office of Catholic Schools and Centers, Youth Ministry, Campus Ministry and the Office of Evangelization and Life Long Faith Formation are all funded by our parishes through the Annual Pastoral Appeal.

Your gift to the 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal helps our parish provide this support and includes us as part of building their Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service. Please Give

3,006 Children in our Catholic High Schools

9,397 Children in our Early Childhood Ctrs. and Kindergarten through 8th Grade Support Youth and Young Adults 165 Children in our 2 MorningStar Schools in Catholic Faith Formation and Religious Education Please support these children with your gift to the with your gift to the 2015 Annual Pastoral 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal, Appeal they are our future of faith and hope.

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 42 Resource Manual Does your employer have a Matching Gift Program? Some employers have a policy of matching their employee’s charitable contributions to qualified organizations, does yours?

The Annual Pastoral Appeal supports many ministries, services and schools that may qualify for such matching gifts. You may be able to double your gift simply by asking your employer or HR Department.

For more information please contact the Campaign Processing Office (727) 341-6841

Transf orm the lif e of someone seeking the gift of As God’s Good and Faithful Servant be thankfulAs God’s for your Good blessings and Faithful and shareServant them Faith, Hope and Love be thankful withfor your those blessings in need and share them Give to the 2015 APA with those in need On behalf of our parish, please give to the On behalf2015 Annualof our parish, Pastoral please Appeal give to the 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal

2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 43 Resource Manual Please add the success of the 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal f or our parish to your…


Please continue to pray f or our For your blessings received, give thanks. parish success With a grateful heart, give to the of the 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal.

As of today ______families have committed $______towards our assessment goal; thank you.

If you have not yet participated in the 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal on behalf of our parish, Stretch your love across our parish please prayerfully consider sharing your gifts. boundaries to those in need

Give to the You can make a one time contribution or a pledge 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal that can be paid over time, before December, 2015.

No gift is too small. Every gift changes a life. 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 44 Resource Manual Good and Faithful Servant Receive gratefully and give joyfully

Our parish needs your help to pay our 2015 assessmen; please give generously to the Annual Pastoral Appeal

Homeless, Elderly, Youth, Young Adults, Incarcerated, Sick, Baptized, Unbaptized, Seeking, Lost, Found, Longing, Mentally Ill,Your gift to the Suffering, Unborn,2015 APA HelpsFaithful, all. Please Give Hungry, Fallen Away…

Pastors, Parish Priests, People helping People

Sharing the gift of God’s grace 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal 45 Please consider a gift to the 2013 Resource Manual Annual Pastoral Appeal Every gift changes a life As of today,______families have committedAs of today, $______families______have committedtowards $our______parish’s 2015 APA______goal. towards our parish’s 2015 APA goal. If you have not yet participated in the If youAnnual have not Pastoral yet participated Appeal, in the please Annualpray for Pastoral all the good Appeal, works pleaseof our pray local for Churchall the good and works for the thousandsof our local of brothers Church and and sisters for thein thousandsneed within of our brothers diocese. and sisters Consider inyour need blessings within andour thanksgiving Considergive a gift/pledge your blessings on behalf and ofin ourthanksgiving parish giveto a thegift/pledge Annual Pastoralon behalf Appeal. of our parish You may maketo the a Annual one-time Pastoral gift or Appeal. a pledge that canYou be may paid make between a one-time now and gift December, or a pledge 2015. that can be paid between now and December, 2015. No gift is too small EveryNo gift gift changes is too small a life! Every gift changes a life! Thank you! Thank you!

Our 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal needs YOU, Please give generously

Our prayer is for everyone in our parish to No gift is too small when given from the participate in this year’s Annual Pastoral Appeal. The work of our local Catholic Church which heart Every gift includes our parish is done with faith, hope and changes a life charity… We aren’t done, and we need your help, please. 2015 Annual Pastoral Appealgve. 46 Resource Manual

Please give to the 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal

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