Duomenų Bazės Project Muse Leidinių Sąrašas
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Duomenų bazės Project Muse leidinių sąrašas Prenumeratos laikotarpis: 2016-12-19 – 2018-12-31
Electronic Title ISSN Coverage Statement* Vol. 1 (2000) through current 1 Advertising & Society Review 1534-7311 issue Africa: The Journal of the International Vol. 76 (2006) through current 2 African Institute 1750-0184 issue Vol. 46 (1999) through current 3 Africa Today 1527-1978 issue Vol. 43 (2009) through current 4 African American Review 1945-6182 issue Vol. 48 (2005) through current 5 African Studies Review 1555-2462 issue Vol. 125 (1980) through current 6 American Annals of the Deaf 1543-0375 issue Vol. 52 (1995) through current 7 American Imago 1085-7931 issue Vol. 24, no. 3 (2000) through 8 The American Indian Quarterly 1534-1828 current issue Vol. 84 (1996) through current 9 American Jewish History 1086-3141 issue Vol. 118 (1996) through current 10 American Journal of Mathematics 1080-6377 issue Vol. 117 (1996) through current 11 American Journal of Philology 1086-3168 issue Vol. 12 (2000) through current 12 American Literary History 1468-4365 issue Vol. 40 (2007) through current 13 American Literary Realism 1940-5103 issue 14 American Literary Scholarship 1527-2125 1998 through current year Vol. 27 (2009) through current 15 American Music 1945-2349 issue Vol. 48 (1996) through current 16 American Quarterly 1080-6490 issue Vol. 57, no. 2 (2000) through 17 The Americas 1533-6247 current issue Vol. 51 (2009) through current 18 Anthropological Linguistics 1944-6527 issue Vol. 73, no. 3 (2000) through 19 Anthropological Quarterly 1534-1518 current issue Vol. 29 (1996) through current 20 Arethusa 1080-6504 issue Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Vol. 44, no. 3 (1988) through 21 Literature, Culture, and Theory 1558-9595 current issue Vol. 36 (2005) through current 22 Asian Music 1553-5630 issue Vol. 39 (2000) through current 23 Asian Perspectives 1535-8283 issue Vol. 16, no. 2 (1999) through 24 Asian Theatre Journal 1527-2109 current issue Vol. 1 (1978) through current 25 Biography 1529-1456 issue 26 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 1533-4465 2000 through current issue
1 Electronic Title ISSN Coverage Statement* Vol. 70 (1996) through current 27 Bulletin of the History of Medicine 1086-3176 issue Vol. 18 (1995) through current 28 Callaloo 1080-6512 issue Vol. 41 (1960) through current 29 The Canadian Historical Review 1710-1093 issue (with gap in vol. 59) Canadian Journal of Criminology and Vol. 48 (2006) through current 30 Criminal Justice 1911-0219 issue The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La Vol. 48 (2003) through current 31 revue canadienne de linguistique 1710-1115 issue Vol. 36 (2006) through vol. 42 32 Canadian Journal of Philosophy 1911-0820 (2012) Vol. 29 (2004) through Vol. 32 33 The Canadian Journal of Sociology 1710-1123 (2007) Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue Vol. 23 (2004) through current 34 canadienne du vieillissement 1710-1107 issue The Canadian Modern Language Review / Vol. 61 (2004) through current 35 La revue canadienne des langues vivantes 1710-1131 issue. Vol. 34 (2004) through current 36 Canadian Review of American Studies 1710-114X issue Vol. 81 (1995) through current 37 The Catholic Historical Review 1534-0708 issue Vol. 34, no. 3 (2000) through 38 The Chaucer Review 1528-4204 current issue Vol. 1 (1972) through current 39 Children's Literature 1543-3374 issue Vol. 39 (1999/2000) through 40 Cinema Journal 1527-2087 current issue Vol. 1 (1955) through current 41 Civil War History 1533-6271 issue Vol. 99 (2005) through current 42 Classical World 1558-9234 issue Vol. 30, no. 1 (2003) through 43 College Literature 1542-4286 current issue Vol. 20 (1986) through current 44 Comparative Drama 1936-1637 issue Vol. 36, no. 3 (1999); Vol. 37 45 Comparative Literature Studies 1528-4212 (2000) through current issue Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa Vol. 20 (2000) through current 46 and the Middle East 1548-226X issue Vol. 25 (2001) through current 47 Computer Music Journal 1531-5169 issue Vol. 1 (1993) through current 48 Configurations 1080-6520 issue Vol. 45 (2004) through current 49 Contemporary Literature 1548-9949 issue Vol. 12 (2000) through current 50 The Contemporary Pacific 1527-9464 issue Vol. 1 (2001) through current 51 CR: The New Centennial Review 1539-6630 issue Vol. 43 (2001) through current 52 Criticism 1536-0342 issue No. 47 (2001) through current 53 Cultural Critique 1534-5203 issue
2 Electronic Title ISSN Coverage Statement* Vol. 37, no. 4 (2000) - vol. 47 54 Demography 1533-7790 (2010) Vol. 26 (1996) through current 55 diacritics 1080-6539 issue Vol. 52 (2005) through current 56 Dissent 1946-0910 issue Vol. 35, no. 3 (2000) through 57 Early American Literature 1534-147X current issue 58 Early Music 1741-7260 Vol. 32 (2004) - Vol. 35 (2007) Vol. 47 (2006) through current 59 The Eighteenth Century 1935-0201 issue Vol. 1 (1988) through current 60 Eighteenth-Century Fiction 1911-0243 issue Vol. 20 (1996) through current 61 Eighteenth-Century Life 1086-3192 issue Vol. 29 (1995/96) through 62 Eighteenth-Century Studies 1086-315X current issue Vol. 39 (2004) through current 63 Éire-Ireland 1550-5162 issue Vol. 60, no. 4 (1993) through 64 ELH 1080-6547 current issue Vol. 1 (1992) through current 65 The Emily Dickinson Journal 1096-858X issue Vol. 1 (1957) through current 66 English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920 1559-2715 issue Vol. 4 (2003) through current 67 Enterprise & Society 1467-2235 issue Vol. 49 (2003); Vol. 51 (2005); ESQ: A Journal of Nineteenth-Century Vol. 53 (2007) through current 68 American Literature and Culture 1935-021X issue Vol. 11, no. 2 (1999) through 69 Feminist Formations 2151-7371 current issue Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Vol. 1 (1971) through current 70 Journal 1548-9922 issue Vol. 17 (2005) through current 71 Film History: An International Journal 1553-3905 issue Vol. 26 (2001) through current 72 French Forum 1534-1836 issue Vol. 22 (2001) through current 73 Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 1536-0334 issue Vol. 15 (2005) through current 74 The Future of Children 1550-1558 issue Vol. 3 (2003) through current 75 Global Environmental Politics 1536-0091 issue GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Vol. 5, no. 3 (1999); Vol. 6 76 Studies 1527-9375 (2000) through current issue 77 Hastings Center Report 1552-146X Vol. 35 (2005) - vol. 41 (2011) Vol. 20 (2000) through current 78 The Hemingway Review 1548-4815 issue Vol. 1 (1979) through current 79 The Henry James Review 1080-6555 issue 80 Hesperia 1553-5622 Vol. 74 (2005) Vol. 84, no. 3 (2001) through 81 The High School Journal 1534-5157 current issue
3 Electronic Title ISSN Coverage Statement* Vol. 73 (2005) through current 82 Hispanic Review 1553-0639 issue Vol. 10 (1998) through current 83 History & Memory 1527-1994 issue Issue 57 (2004) through current 84 History Workshop Journal 1477-4569 issue Vol. 17 (2003) through current 85 Holocaust and Genocide Studies 1476-7937 issue Vol. 73 (2001) through current 86 Human Biology 1534-6617 issue Vol. 17 (1995) through current 87 Human Rights Quarterly 1085-794X issue 88 Hypatia 1527-2001 Vol. 14 (1999) - vol. 23 (2008) Vol. 10 (2003) through current 89 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 1543-0367 issue Information & Culture: A Journal of Vol. 36 (2001) through current 90 History 2166-3033 issue Vol. 1, nos. 1-2 (1976); Vol. 1, no. 4 (1977)-v. 2 (1977); Vol. 3, no. 2 (1978) through current 91 International Security 1531-4804 issue Vol. 1 (1996) through current 92 Israel Studies 1527-201x issue Vol. 44 (2006) through current 93 James Joyce Quarterly 1938-6036 issue Vol. 92 (2001) through current 94 Jewish Quarterly Review 1553-0604 issue Vol. 5, no. 3 (1999) through 95 Jewish Social Studies 1527-2028 current issue Vol. 37, no. 1 (2003) through 96 The Journal of Aesthetic Education 1543-7809 current issue Vol. 114, no. 451 (2001) 97 Journal of American Folklore 1535-1882 through current issue Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d'études Vol. 39 (2005) through current 98 canadiennes 1911-0251 issue Vol. 44 (2003) through current 99 Journal of College Student Development 1543-3382 issue Vol. 1 (1990) through current 100 Journal of Democracy 1086-3214 issue Vol. 37 (2003) through current 101 The Journal of Developing Areas 1548-2278 issue Vol. 1 (1993) through current 102 Journal of Early Christian Studies 1086-3184 issue Vol. 21 (2005) through current 103 Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 1553-3913 issue Vol. 60 (2008) through current 104 Journal of Film and Video 1934-6018 issue Vol. 40 (2003) through current 105 Journal of Folklore Research 1543-0413 issue Vol. 48, no. 2 (1999); Vol. 49 106 The Journal of General Education 1527-2060 (2000) through current issue Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Vol. 1 (1990) through current 107 Underserved 1548-6869 issue
4 Electronic Title ISSN Coverage Statement* Vol. 73 (2002) through current 108 The Journal of Higher Education 1538-4640 issue Vol. 43 (2008) through current 109 Journal of Human Resources 1548-8004 issue Vol. 30 (1999/00) through 110 Journal of Interdisciplinary History 1530-9169 current issue Vol. 30 (2004) through current 111 The Journal of Japanese Studies 1549-4721 issue 112 The Journal of Military History 1543-7795 Vol. 67 (2003) - vol. 73 (2009) Vol. 1 (1983) through current 113 Journal of Modern Greek Studies 1086-3265 issue Vol. 22, no. 2 (1998/99) 114 Journal of Modern Literature 1529-1464 through current issue 115 Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 1538-4616 Vol. 34 (2002) - vol. 38 (2006) Vol. 29 (1999) through current 116 Journal of Narrative Theory 1548-9248 issue Vol. 11, no. 3 (1999); Vol. 12 117 Journal of Policy History 1528-4190 (2000) through current issue Vol. 35 (2003) through current 118 Journal of Scholarly Publishing 1710-1166 issue Vol. 33 (1999/00) through 119 Journal of Social History 1527-1897 current issue Vol. 25 (2005) through current 120 Journal of the Early Republic 1553-0620 issue Vol. 57 (1996) through current 121 Journal of the History of Ideas 1086-3222 issue Journal of the History of Medicine and Vol. 55 (2000) through current 122 Allied Sciences 1468-4373 issue Vol. 1 (1963) through current 123 Journal of the History of Philosophy 1538-4586 issue Vol. 10 (2001) through current 124 Journal of the History of Sexuality 1535-3605 issue Vol. 130 (2005) through Vol 125 Journal of the Royal Musical Association 1471-6933 133 (2008) Vol. 1 (1989) through current 126 Journal of Women's History 1527-2036 issue Vol. 7 (1996) through current 127 Journal of World History 1527-8050 issue 128 Ka Ho'oilina/The Legacy 1542-4243 Vol. 1 (2002) - vol. 5 (2006) Vol. 1 (1991) through current 129 Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 1086-3249 issue Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Vol. 1 (2000) through current 130 Eurasian History 1538-5000 issue 131 Labor Studies Journal 1538-9758 Vol. 27 (2002) - vol. 31 (2006) Volume 84 (2008) through 132 Land Economics 1543-8325 current issue Vol. 77 (2001) through current issue (With scattered issues 133 Language 1535-0665 prior to 2001) Vol. 1 (1965) through current 134 Late Imperial China 1086-3257 issue Vol. 22 (2001) through current 135 Latin American Music Review 1536-0199 issue 136 Latin American Politics & Society 1548-2456 Vol. 46 (2004) - vol. 49 (2007)
5 Electronic Title ISSN Coverage Statement* Vol. 38 (2003) through current 137 Latin American Research Review 1542-4278 issue Legacy: A Journal of American Women Vol. 17, no. 2 (2000) through 138 Writers 1534-0643 current issue Vol. 34 (2001) through current 139 Leonardo 1530-9282 issue Vol. 1 (1991) through current 140 Leonardo Music Journal 1531-4812 issue Vol. 54 (2005) through current 141 Library Trends 1559-0682 issue Vol. 31, no. 4 (2000) through 142 Linguistic Inquiry 1530-9150 current issue Vol. 1 (1977) through current 143 The Lion and the Unicorn 1080-6563 issue Vol. 1 (1982) through current 144 Literature and Medicine 1080-6571 issue Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Vol. 1 (1997) through current 145 Culture 1533-791X issue Vol. 41 (2004) through current 146 Luso-Brazilian Review 1548-9957 issue Vol. 10, no. 3 (1999); Vol. 11 147 Mediterranean Quarterly 1527-1935 (2000) through current issue Vol. 47 (2001) through current 148 Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 1535-0266 issue Vol. 31, no. 1 (1985) through 149 MFS Modern Fiction Studies 1080-658X current issue Vol. 63 (2009) through current 150 The Middle East Journal 1940-3461 issue Vol. 108, no. 4 (1993); Vol. 110 (1995) through current 151 MLN 1080-6598 issue Vol. 1 (1958) through current issue (with gaps in vols. 5, 8, 152 Modern Drama 1712-5286 and 32) Vol. 16 (1996) through current 153 Modern Judaism 1086-3273 issue Vol. 1 (1994) through current 154 Modernism/modernity 1080-6601 issue Vol. 60 (2005) through current 155 Monumenta Nipponica 1880-1390 issue Vol. 44 (2011) through current 156 Mosaic, an interdisciplinary critical journal 1925-5683 issue Vol. 85 (2004) through current 157 Music and Letters 1477-4631 issue Vol. 10 (2002) through current 158 Narrative 1538-974X issue Vol. 5, no. 1 (2004) through 159 Native Plants Journal 1548-4785 current issue Vol. 26 (1995) through current 160 New Literary History 1080-661X issue Vol. 29, no. 3 & 4 (2001) 161 Nineteenth-Century French Studies 1536-0172 through current issue Vol. 57 (2000/01) through 162 Notes 1534-150X current issue
6 Electronic Title ISSN Coverage Statement* Vol. 38, no. 2 (1999) through 163 Oceanic Linguistics 1527-9421 current issue Vol. 18 (2002) through current 164 The Opera Quarterly 1476-2870 issue Vol. 18 (2003) through current 165 Oral Tradition 1542-4308 issue Vol. 18 (1996) through current 166 PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art 1537-9477 issue No. 1 (1983) through current 167 Parergon 1832-8334 issue Number 188 (2005) - Number 168 Past & Present 1477-464X 197 (Nov. 2007) Vol. 1 (1957) through current 169 Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 1529-8795 issue (with gaps in vols. 22, 23) Vol. 6 (1998) through current 170 Perspectives on Science 1530-9274 issue Vol. 1 (1976) through current 171 Philosophy and Literature 1086-329X issue Vol. 32, no. 2 (1999); Vol. 33 172 Philosophy and Rhetoric 1527-2079 (2000) through current issue Vol. 50, no. 4 (2000) through 173 Philosophy East and West 1529-1898 current issue Vol. 9, no. 2 (2001) through 174 Philosophy of Music Education Review 1543-3412 current issue Vol. 1 (1994) through current 175 Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 1086-3303 issue Vol. 42 (2003) through current 176 Population Review 1549-0955 issue Vol. 1 (2001) through current 177 portal: Libraries and the Academy 1530-7131 issue Vol. 7, no. 2 (1999); Vol. 8 178 positions: east asia cultures critique 1527-8271 (2000) through current issue Vol. 1 (1990) through current 179 Postmodern Culture 1053-1920 issue Vol. 18 (1998) through current 180 Prooftexts 1086-3311 issue Vol. 30 (1999) through current 181 Research in African Literatures 1527-2044 issue Vol. 20 (1996/97) through 182 The Review of Higher Education 1090-7009 current issue Vol. 23 (1995) through current 183 Reviews in American History 1080-6628 issue Vol. 1 (1998) through current 184 Rhetoric & Public Affairs 1534-5238 issue Vol. 1 (1981) through current 185 SAIS Review of International Affairs 1945-4724 issue SEL Studies in English Literature 1500- Vol. 39 (1999) through current 186 1900 1522-9270 issue Vol. 52 (2001) through current 187 Shakespeare Quarterly 1538-3555 issue SHAW: The Journal of Bernard Shaw Vol. 20 (2000) through current 188 Studies 1529-1480 issue
7 Electronic Title ISSN Coverage Statement* Vol. 1 (1972)-vol. 93 (1996); Vol. 1 (2000/01) through 189 Sign Language Studies 1533-6263 current issue Vol. 79, no. 3 (2001) through 190 Social Forces 1534-7605 current issue Social Politics: International Studies in Vol. 10 (2003) through current 191 Gender, State and Society 1468-2893 issue Vol. 23, no. 4 (1999) through 192 Social Science History 1527-8034 current issue Vol. 33 (2000/01) through 193 South: a scholary journal 2474-8102 current issue Vol. 1 (1961) through current 194 Southeastern Geographer 1549-6929 issue Inaugural Issue (1993) through 195 Southern Cultures 1534-1488 current Vol. 110 (2006-2007)-vol. 112, no. 2 (2008); Vol. 112, no. 4 196 Southwestern Historical Quarterly 1558-9560 (2009) through current issue Vol. 1, no. 2 (1973) through 197 Studies in American Fiction 2158-415X current issue Vol. 16 (2004) through current 198 Studies in American Indian Literatures 1548-9590 issue Vol. 55 (2002) through current 199 Studies in Bibliography 1553-3891 issue Vol. 100, no. 1 (2003) through 200 Studies in Philology 1543-0383 current issue Vol. 40 (2008) through current 201 Studies in the Novel 1934-1512 issue Vol. 28, no. 2 (1999); Vol. 29 202 SubStance 1527-2095 (2000) through current issue Vol. 130 (2000) through current 203 TAPA 1533-0699 issue Vol. 43, no. 3 (1999) through 204 TDR: The Drama Review 1531-4715 current issue Vol. 39, no. 3 (1998) through 205 Technology and Culture 1097-3729 current issue Vol. 43 (2001) through current 206 Texas Studies in Literature and Language 1534-7303 issue Vol. 48 (1996) through current 207 Theatre Journal 1086-332X issue Vol. 67 (2013) through current 208 Theatre Notebook 2051-8358 issue Vol. 1 (1991) through current 209 Theatre Topics 1086-3346 issue Vol. 1 (1997) through current 210 Theory & Event 1092-311X issue Vol. 26 (2007) through current 211 Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature 1936-1645 issue Vol. 54 (2004) through current 212 University of Toronto Law Journal 1710-1174 issue Vol. 1 (1931-1932) through current issue (with gaps in vols. 213 University of Toronto Quarterly 1712-5278 22, 40, 62)
8 Electronic Title ISSN Coverage Statement* No. 51 (2003) through current 214 The Velvet Light Trap 1542-4251 issue Vol. 38 (2005) through current 215 Victorian Periodicals Review 1712-526X issue Vol. 38 (2000) through current 216 Victorian Poetry 1530-7190 issue Vol. 42, no. 2 (1999/00) 217 Victorian Studies 1527-2052 through current issue Vol. 23 (2000) through Vol. 31, 218 The Washington Quarterly 1530-9177 (2008) Vol. 44 (2009) through current 219 Western American Literature 1948-7142 issue Vol. 15, no. 2 (2000) through 220 Wicazo Sa Review 1533-7901 current issue Vol. 48 (1995/96) through 221 World Politics 1086-3338 current issue Vol. 36 (2008) through current 222 WSQ: Women's Studies Quarterly 1934-1520 issue 223 The Yale Journal of Criticism 1080-6636 Vol. 9 (1996) - vol. 18 (2005) *Online access in the COVERAGE STATEMENT column marked as through current issue shall mean the access given up to and including the most current issue published by the Publisher during the validity period of the License Agreement.