Small Grants Programme Confirmation of Online Application September 2010
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Small Grants Programme confirmation of online application – September 2010
National Lottery Programmes
Confirmation of Online Application
Thank you for completing sections 1-4 of your application to the Small Grants Programme online.
To complete your application you must fill out this ‘Confirmation of online application’ document, print it off and submit it to us within five working days of making your online application.
In order to process your application, we are required to obtain the following signed statements in hard copy. Please also complete the Banks Details section attached.
You are also required to submit hard copies of the enclosures as detailed in the guidance notes.
Please send this ‘Confirmation of online application’ document and your enclosures to:
Small Grants Programme Arts Council of Northern Ireland MacNeice House 77 Malone Road BELFAST BT9 6AQ Small Grants Programme confirmation of online application – September 2010
Please give us your group’s bank account details. (Please double check that they are correct as, if you are successful, funds will be paid immediately into this account.)
Account Name Bank or Building Society Name Bank or Building society address
Sort Code Account Number Roll Number (Building Society Accounts only)
How many people have to sign each cheque or withdrawal from this account? ______(we will only pay awards into an account that requires at least two unrelated people to sign each cheque or withdrawal from the account.)
Please list all cheque/withdrawal signatories
Name Position in Group
Please give details of your most recent annual accounts.
Accounts for the year ending: Day Month Year Total (gross) income £ Total expenditure £ Profit or loss for the year Savings (reserves, cash or investments) Small Grants Programme confirmation of online application – September 2010
WE NEED TWO SIGNATURES ON THIS FORM: (A)the designated contact person identified in Section 1 of this form, AND (B) the Chairperson, Vice-Chair, Secretary or Treasurer
(A) The contact person should sign this section
I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all the information in this application form is true and correct. I understand that you may ask for more information at any stage of the application process.
Signed: ______Date ______
(B) The Chairperson, Vice-Chair, Secretary or Treasurer must complete this section and then sign the contract on pages 17 and 18.
Title ____ First Name ______Surname ______
Position in Group ______
Address ______
Town/City ______Post Code ______
Daytime Tel ______Evening Tel ______Small Grants Programme confirmation of online application – September 2010
The Department of Culture Arts and Leisure (DCAL) require organisations funded by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland to ensure that they have robust and effective policies and procedures in place which safeguard children, young people and vulnerable adults. The Arts Council of Northern Ireland must embed the establishment of such policies and procedures within the terms and conditions of any distribution of public funds.
This section is to be completed by organisations which come into contact with children, young people and vulnerable adults either directly through its programme or indirectly through its services.
In this section you are required to
1. read, adopt and sign the Child Protection and Safeguarding statement; 2. submit your organisational Child Protection and Safeguarding policy signed and dated as adopted by a post holder on your board of management (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer or Secretary); 3. complete the Safeguarding Checklist.
1. In signing the agreement at the end of this form, all applicants are agreeing with the Child Protection and Safeguarding statement below;
It is a requirement of the funding conditions under the Small Grants Programme that an organisation which comes into contact with children, young people and vulnerable adults either directly through its programme or indirectly through its services commits to a Child Protection / Safeguarding Policy. Therefore, this Statement MUST be adopted by your organisation if any aspect of your work is aimed at children, young people and/or vulnerable adults.
“We are committed to practice which protects children from harm. Staff, volunteers and artists in this organisation accept and recognise their responsibilities under the Children (NI) Order 1995, about safeguarding children, and will endeavour to carry these out by:
. having an awareness of the issues which cause children harm; . adopting child protection guidelines for staff, leaders, volunteers and artists; . providing information about child protection and good practice to children, parents, staff, volunteers and artists; . sharing information about concerns with children, parents and others who need to know; . following carefully the procedures and recruitment and selection of helpers (staff, volunteers, artists) and the management of the group; . undertaking appropriate training; . keeping child protection policies under regular review; and . providing information as required to management committees/funders.” Small Grants Programme confirmation of online application – September 2010
2. Submit your organisational Child Protection and Safeguarding policy signed and dated as adopted by a post holder on your board of management (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer or Secretary)
In addition to this statement you are also required to submit a copy of your organisational Child Protection/Safeguarding Policy signed and dated as adopted by a post holder on your board of management (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer or Secretary).
Please refer to the Arts Council’s Child Protection Best Practice Guidelines For Arts Organisations to ensure your own guidelines and policy represent good practice in relation to working with children, young people and vulnerable adults.
Where to find the Arts Council’s Child Protection Best Practice Guidelines for Arts Organisations on the internet 1. Arts Council of Home page 2. click on About the Arts 3. click on Youth Arts, 4. see Publications and Information 5. find a link to the Child Protection Best Practice Guidelines . 6. or use this direct link: Protection.pdf Small Grants Programme confirmation of online application – September 2010
3. Complete the Safeguarding Checklist below: Arts Council of Northern Ireland Safeguarding Checklist Organisation Name:
Question Types of evidence Yes No Comments Does your organisation have a Copy of statement safeguarding statement agreed by Statement promoted to senior management. stakeholders Promoted on web site Does your organisation have written Written job description procedures for recruitment and Written application form to selection of staff and volunteers? include request for references and self declaration. Record of interview Follow-up on written references Are all staff and volunteer Access NI reference check appointments subject to recorded safeguarding checks and these are Written list of roles that are properly recorded? “regulated” within the organisation Proof of ID request Does your organisation provide Written list of information Safeguarding training for provided to staff on Designated Officer, staff and induction. volunteers? Copy of letters/memos/certificate outlining safeguarding training provided to staff. Data-base of those trained Learning outcomes from safeguarding training. Does your organisation regularly Copy of re-evaluate and update your letters/memos/certificate safeguarding training and outlining Safeguarding education? training provided to staff.
Does your organisation have written Written procedures for procedures for reporting child reporting concerns to protection concerns, disclosures and Designated Officer and allegations? statutory services Proformas/written guidance Are the procedures for reporting Confirmation from staff concerns communicated to staff and (especially recently Small Grants Programme confirmation of online application – September 2010 volunteers? recruited) that they have received safeguarding training and written reporting procedures Does your organisation have an Copy of complaints, open complaints process that disciplinary and appeals includes guidelines on a disciplinary process. process? Evidence of how this is communicated to stakeholders
Does your organisation have written Written documents stating procedures for Designated Officers? the name and up to date contact details of Designated Officers. Are the contact details of Written evidence to support Designated Officers communicated that staff, members and to staff/volunteers? volunteers are aware of who to contact and how. Confirmation from staff/volunteers Do you have a written Code of Written Code of Behaviour Behaviour? Evidence this is communicated to all stakeholders Do you have a written Safeguarding Written Policy Statement policy, endorsed and approved by Please advise when last Management Board? reviewed and updated
Do you communicate your Confirmation from staff/ Safeguarding policy statement to volunteers/ children/ staff/volunteers/children/ vulnerable adults and young people/ vulnerable adults and parents that they received a parents? copy or know where to access the policy Small Grants Programme confirmation of online application – September 2010
Equality of Opportunity and Good Relations Commitment
In signing the agreement at the end of this form, all applicants are agreeing with the statement below.
The Arts Council of Northern Ireland has a statutory duty under the Northern Ireland Act 1998, in carrying out its functions to have due regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity between: . Persons of different religious belief, political opinion, racial group, age, marital status or sexual orientation; . Men and women generally; . Persons with a disability and persons without; and . Persons with dependants and persons without.
In addition, without prejudice to its obligations above, the Arts Council shall, in carrying out its functions relating to Northern Ireland, have regard to the desirability of promoting good relations between persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.
“ We recognise these obligations and undertake not to act in any way, which would contravene the Arts Council’s statutory duty. We confirm our commitment to the principles of affording equality of opportunity in all aspects of our organisation’s activities, in particular with regard to access to and participation in these activities.
It is also our intention to ensure equal opportunity for all job applicants and employees and to eradicate direct or indirect discrimination. It is also our intention to have regard to the desirability of promoting good relations between: Persons of different religious belief, political opinion, racial group, age, marital status or sexual orientation; Men and women generally; Persons with a disability and persons without; and Persons with dependants and persons without.” NOW READ AND SIGN THE CONTRACT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Small Grants Programme confirmation of online application – September 2010
I confirm that the organisation named in Section 1 has authorised me to sign this agreement on its behalf. To the best of my knowledge and belief all the information we have given in this application is true and correct.
If this application is successful, in full or in part, the group will keep to the following terms and conditions. I understand that this is an agreement between the group and the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.
We understand and agree the following: 1. We will use any award for exactly the project set out in this application. The letter which tells us about the award will also explain if the Arts Council of Northern Ireland wants us to alter any part of this application. 2. We will not make any major changes to the project without first receiving the Arts Council of Northern Ireland’s agreement in writing. 3. We will not sell or dispose of any equipment or other assets which we have bought with the award without first receiving the Arts Council of Northern Ireland’s agreement in writing. If we sell any equipment or assets, we may have to pay the Arts Council of Northern Ireland part of the money we receive for them. The amount we repay will be in direct proportion to the share of the asset/equipment cost that came from the Arts Council of Northern Ireland. 4. We will obtain best value for money in the purchase of all supplies and services connected with this project. In this regard we will seek a minimum of two quotations (fax or email confirmation should be obtained) for supplies and services up to £1,500 in value, and 4 selected tenders for supplies and services between £1,500 and £10,000 in value. The Arts Council of Northern Ireland reserves the right to examine all paperwork to verify compliance with this condition. 5. We will not use the award to pay for goods or services which we buy or order before we receive the award letter confirming the award. 6. We will not change the sections of our constitution which relate to purposes, paying members of the governing code, distributing assets or admitting members without first receiving the Arts Council of Northern Ireland’s agreement in writing. 7. We agree, and will comply with the statements included in this form including the Safeguarding policy (relevant to the protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults), Equal Opportunities and Good Relations. 8. We will inform the Arts Council of Northern Ireland of any changes to our bank or building society account. 9. We will acknowledge the Arts Council of Northern Ireland award in any publicity materials we produce about the project, in our annual report, our Chair’s or Secretary’s report at our AGM and the accounts which cover the period of the award. We will supply copies of these documents to the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, if asked. 10. We will show the award separately in our annual accounts as a “restricted fund” and will not include it under general funds. 11. The Arts Council of Northern Ireland can use our name and the name of the project in its own publicity materials. We will inform the Arts Council of Northern Ireland of any situation where confidentiality is important. 12. We will spend the award within one year of the date of the award letter. 13. If we do not spend the entire award, we will promptly return the unspent amount to the Arts Council of Northern Ireland 14. We will monitor the success of the project and complete the End of Project Report within one year of the date of the award letter. 15. We understand that the Arts Council of Northern Ireland will not increase the award if we overspend. Small Grants Programme confirmation of online application – September 2010
16. We will keep all financial records and accounts, including receipts for items bought with the award for at least two years from receiving the award. We will make these available to the Arts Council of Northern Ireland or its agents, if asked. We understand that this does not release us from our legal responsibility to keep records for longer periods. 17. The Arts Council of Northern Ireland may hold back an award or ask us to repay an award, in whole or in part, in the following circumstances. If we fail to keep to this contract in any way If the application form was completed dishonestly or the supporting documents gave false or misleading information If we do not comply with any relevant legislation affecting the way in which we carry out our project If any member of our governing body, staff or volunteers acts dishonestly or negligently in their work for us at anytime during our project If we do not complete the project in one year If we close down, become insolvent, go into administration, receivership or liquidation or make an arrangement with our creditors. 18. If our group closes down, we will not sell or dispose of any equipment or assets without first receiving the Arts Council of Northern Ireland agreement in writing. 19. These terms and conditions will apply until we have spent the entire award and until the Arts Council of Northern Ireland has received and approved our End of Project Report. If we have bought any equipment or assets with the award, these terms and conditions will apply until the end of the normal working life of the assets.
This contract must be signed by the person named in Signatures Section (B) I agree, on behalf of ______(insert group’s name) to abide by the terms and conditions listed above
I confirm that the constitutional document enclosed with the application is our current constitution which was adopted on ______(insert date)
Name (block caps)
Position in Group Date signed
KEEP READING AS THERE IS IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON THE NEXT FEW PAGES >>>>>>>>> Small Grants Programme confirmation of online application – September 2010
Full listings of all the grants we award are published in our Annual Report and on our website. You will be required to acknowledge Arts Council of Northern Ireland funding in all your publicity. Failure to credit the Arts Council of Northern Ireland will affect payment of your grant.
Openness and accountability
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 any information held by us (which will include your application) is potentially accessible by the public. Information supplied by you will be held in manual files. It will then be summarised and details transferred to a computer-based grants management system. Reports from the information you supply and from comments made on your application by external assessors and staff members are likely to be held on both manual and computer-based systems. The information you supply will be made available to those assessing any other grant applications you make. By submitting your application you waive any right to raise any type of proceedings against the Arts Council of Northern Ireland as a consequence of, or in contemplation of, any disclosure of the contents of your application in response to an information request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Data protection
Data held on our grants management system is used for all of the following purposes: statistical reporting, application assessing, accounting purposes and for contacting you. The details of your grant will be public information (see Openness and Accountability). However, any personal details will be held within our grants management system and our paper files, and accessed only by our staff, appointed auditors and individuals or organisations that may help us assess or monitor grants. You have a right under the Data Protection Act 1998 to access the data held on you by Arts Council of Northern Ireland.
We view your signature on your application form as acceptance of the use of your data as outlined above.
Please note that if you deliberately give any false or misleading information, we will withdraw your application or, if a grant has already been awarded, ask you to pay back any money we have given you. This will also have implications for any future applications you may submit. Small Grants Programme confirmation of online application – September 2010
Signatories: YES/ Comment NO I have answered all the questions on the form I am the designated contact person named in Section 1 and I have signed section 5(A) The Chairperson, Vice-Chair, Secretary or Treasurer of the group, named in section 5(B) who is different from the main contact, has read, completed, and has signed the contract page of this application form on page 24..
I have enclosed the following essential documents YES/ Comment NO A copy of our constitution or set of rules dated and signed as “adopted” by a senior member of the management committee.
A copy of our most recent accounts OR for newly established groups only an estimate of income and expenditure for the first year dated and signed as “adopted” by a senior member of the management committee.
An original bank or building society statement not more than 3 months old OR a copy of the pages in the group’s passbook showing the group’s name, account number and current balance that has been stamped and signed by the building society. OR If you use an internet account, you will still need to send us original paper bank statements. You will need to ask you bank to send these to you as we will not accept downloaded versions. Our organisation will come into contact with children, young people and vulnerable adults either directly through its programme or indirectly through its services and I have enclosed a copy of our organisational Child Protection and Safeguarding policy dated and signed as “adopted” by a senior member of the management committee. CVs or information on artist/s, groups, technical staff, other personnel we propose to employ as part of the project. Small Grants Programme confirmation of online application – September 2010
If you do not send this information we may ask you to provide it when we are considering your application and your application could be delayed while you send us in the information.
Please remember to keep a copy of this application for your own use.
If you have ticked all the boxes above, your application should now be complete. If it is not, we will have to return your application to you and this will affect the turnaround time of your application ... so double check just to be sure. Then send the application and documents to us at:
Small Grants Programme Arts Council of Northern Ireland 77 Malone Road BELFAST BT9 6AQ
If you need further information about the completion of the form you can contact us by telephone on 028 9038 5 200