II: Multiple Choice - Select the Best Answer for the Questions Below

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II: Multiple Choice - Select the Best Answer for the Questions Below

The Invisible Man Study Guide 25 Points

I: Character Analysis - Select 3 of the 5 characters listed below and give a detailed description of him/her physically, the role he/she played in the novel, and how you reacted to his/her character.

1. Griffin 2. Dr. Kemp 3. Thomas Marvel 4. Mrs. Hall 5. Colonel Adye

II: Multiple Choice - Select the best answer for the questions below.

_____1. Where does the story open? 1 The city of London 2 A village called Iping 3 The south of France 4 Bramblehurst Station

_____2. What is the name of the woman who runs the inn/hotel? 1 Mrs. Smith 2 Mrs. Husdon 3 Mrs. Hall 4 Mrs. Griffin

_____3. We do not know the invisible man’s name until the middle of the story. How do the author, and the other refer to this person? 1 The stranger 2 The invisible man 3 The tramp 4 The loner

_____4. What is peculiar about this man? 1 He is bald 2 He is bandaged 3 He is purple 4 He is in a wheelchair

_____5. What are the towns people like? 1 Quiet and unaware of the new advancements in technology 2 Eager to meet this person and very open minded 3 Busy bodies, they all want to know about the stranger at the inn 4 Ill-mannered, they are very rude to the new gentleman

_____6. What is the name of the inn in which the stranger stays? 1 The carriage 2 Horse and Carriage 3 Coach and Horses 4 The inn

_____7. Who helps around the inn with serving, cooking, and cleaning? 1 Teddy Henfrey 2 The Halls 3 Millie 4 Jessie James

_____8. What does the stranger want as from the people at the inn upon his arrival? 1 A cigarette 2 A glass of wine and the newspaper 3 A cup of coffee and desert 4 A hot meal

_____9. How does Mrs. Hall react to the stranger and what is her impression of him? 1 She is very impressed by his intelligence, she sits down to talk with him 2 She is frightened, she doesn’t even want to walk past him 3 She is familiar with his condition, she once knew someone who was in the same state 4 She is puzzled by his appearance and begins to pry

_____10. What needs to be repaired in chapter 2? 1 The table in the parlour 2 The stove 3 The door to the stranger’s room 4 The clock in the stranger’s room

_____11. Who is the repairman? 1 Mr. Hall 2 Griffen 3 Teddy Henfrey 4 Thomas Marvel

_____12. People in and around the inn become suspicious of this strange man, what do they notice about him? 1 A strange odor emitting from his room 2 An odd noise in the middle of the night 3 Blackness where his mouth should be 4 Blood dripping from his arm

_____13. What is the Invisible Man waiting to be delivered to him? 1 Boxes with bottles 2 Luggage with clothing and more bandages 3 A parcel from a far away land 4 Chemicals and apparatus

_____14. How do the stranger’s pants get torn? 1 He gets them caught on the chair in the parlour 2 He rips then to prove his strength to the others 3 He is bit by a dog 4 He gets in a fight with Mr. Hall

_____15. The villagers are speculating about the condition of the stranger at the inn, what are some of their ideas? 1 He’s a mad scientists that has turned himself invisible and is now looking for an antidote 2 He is a victim of a very serious accident 3 He is a deformed man, possibly even possessed by spirits, he should join a circus 4 He is fooling everyone, just walking around with bandages on to shock people

_____16. What happens one night at the vicarage that alarms the villagers? 1 There is a terrible fight 2 There is a murder 3 There is a burglary 4 There is a wild party

_____17. How do people react when the stranger finally unveils himself? 1 They embrace him and finally understand his frustration 2 They laugh and ridicule him 3 They are alarmed and begin screaming in terror 4 They are intrigued, they want to touch him

_____18. How does the reaction of the people in Iping support the Victorian attitude regarding science and technology? 1 It reveals their ignorance and fear of the ever changing world 2 It does not connect at all 3 It shows their acceptance of change and all the positives that come with it 4 It helps us understand why advancements in technology help society

_____19. In this story, what is a tramp? 1 A promiscuous woman 2 An animal 3 A light fixture 4 A homeless man

_____20. Who does the stranger first seek out for help and why? 1 Mr. and Mrs. Hall, they are the first people he meets in Iping and he seems to trust them a great deal 2 Thomas Marvel, a tramp who has no prospects and would be willing to take a risk 3 Doctor Kemp, this man has the means and the ability to help him become visible 4 The Buntings, they are spiritual people that can lead him to salvation

_____21. What is it that the stranger needs most of all from the inn? 1 His clothes 2 His bottles 3 His letters 4 His books

_____22. What eventually happens to the relationship between the invisible man and Thomas Marvel? 1 They become best friends and eventually get a room together 2 Marvel begins to fear for his life and tries to escape the stranger forever 3 They commit crimes together and eventually get caught 4 They travel the countryside in search of new materials for experiments

_____23. What is the Jolly Cricketers and what happens there? 1 It’s a hotel, the stranger met Marvel there on secret missions 2 It’s a bar, the stranger often meets Marvel outside of the establishment 3 It’s a bar, the stranger chases Marvel into the establishment and he is shot in a scuffle 4 It’s a nearby village, Marvel comes from there and the stranger seeks him out for more missions

_____24. Who does the stranger turn to after he is out of options? Why is he in desperate need of help? 1 He turns to the police, he wants to admit his crimes and end this nightmare 2 He turns to another tramp, he wants to if he can track down Marvel and his books 3 He turns to Dr. Kemp, he has been shot and he needs food, wound care, and assistance 4 He turns to Dr. Kemp, he wants to re-connect and re-build the friendship

_____25. What is the stranger’s name? 1 Thomas 2 Teddy 3 Hunter 4 Griffen

_____26. What does the stranger reveal to Dr. Kemp? 1 The purpose of his visit and the story of how he became invisible 2 That he murdered his father and stole all of his money 3 He is able to change himself back to being visible any time he wants 4 That he is scared and needs Kemp’s help because he fears for his life

_____27. What is it that Griffen is missing that Marvel hid in the woods? 1 His glasses 2 His books 3 His bottles 4 His drinks

_____28. Why does the stranger leave the house on Great Portland Street? 1 He is forced to by the landlord, he was making too much noise 2 He killed a neighbor and he was worried that he would get caught 3 He wanted to start a new life in a smaller town, he was too nervous to stay in one spot for too long 4 He turned the neighbor’s cat invisible and he thought that people would start suspecting him

_____29. What was the last thing that the stranger did before leaving his last residence? 1 Left the last month’s rent with the super 2 Set fire to the building 3 Cleaned his room so there would be no evidence 4 Made the neighbor’s cat visible again

_____30. What is one observation that the stranger made, early on, about his invisibility? 1 Men cannot see him but dogs can detect his scent 2 All animals are aware of him in his invisible state 3 People can sense that he is around even though they cannot see him 4 He has superhuman powers

_____31. As the stranger looks for ways to survive, invisible, in the world, what are some of his obstacles? 1 He feels that people can still see him because the back of his eyes have not changed. 2 He finds it difficult to walk in public and he is unable to cloth or feed himself 3 He believes that eventually, someone would see his shadow 4 He doesn’t really encounter obstacles, he is finding this new life very exciting

_____32. When stumbling upon a store in a very poor neighborhood, Griffin walks in for shelter and food and commits a crime. What does he do? 1 He robs the place 2 He holds the manager up at gun point and takes all the money 3 He sets the place up in flames 4 He ties up the man living there because he was worried he’s get caught _____33. What is it that Griffin expects of Dr. Kemp? 1 To go on a killing spree with him 2 To help him stay invisible 3 To help him become visible 4 To go and find him a girl

____35. How did Colonel Adye find out that Griffin was staying with Dr. Kemp? 1 Kemp called the police station 2 Kemp wrote a letter 3 Kemp sent out a smoke signal 4 Kemp told him houseman to alert the authorities

_____36. How does Kemp tell Colonel Adye they can catch Griffin? 1 By going out only at night and bringing guns 2 By waiting until the winter so the falling snow will create the shape of a body 3 By using dogs to trail his scent, powdered glass on the roads, and hiding all the food in town 4 He waiting until he comes back to Kemp’s home and trapping him in the house

_____37. Who is Mr. Wicksteed? 1 A man Griffin murders 2 A man Griffin helps 3 A man who helps Griffen 4 A man who sees Griffen

_____38. What did Griffin do to Colonel Ayde? 1 Killed him in his sleep with a pillow 2 Shot him 3 Begged him for help 4 Strangled him

_____39. How does Griffin get caught? 1 While he’s attacking Griffin 2 While he’s sleeping in a bed 3 While he’s eating 4 The dogs attack him

_____40. How does this novel end? 1 Griffin is dying and his body begins to turn visible again 2 Griffin uses his invisibility to work with the police and catch criminals 3 Griffin admits his wrongdoings and eventually turns himself back 4 Griffin escapes once again and remains on the loose in England

III. Quotation Analysis – Select 4 of the 5 quotes. Identify the speaker, and explain the significance of the quote.

1. “The more I thought it over, Kemp, the more I realised what a helpless absurdity an Invisible Man was— in a cold and dirty climate and a crowded civilised city. Before I made this mad experiment I had dreamt of a thousand advantages. That afternoon it seemed all disappointment. I went over the heads of the things a man reckons desirable. No doubt invisibility made it possible to get them, but it made it impossible to enjoy them when they are got. Ambition—what is the good of pride of place when you cannot appear there? What is the good of the love of woman when her name must needs be Delilah? I have no taste for politics, for the blackguardisms of fame, for philanthropy, for sport. What was I to do? And for this I had become a wrapped-up mystery, a swathed and bandaged caricature of a man!” 2. “He’s mad,” “inhuman”. He is pure selfishness. He thinks of nothing but his own advantage, his own safety. I have listened to such a story this morning of brutal self-seeking! He has wounded men. He will kill them unless we can prevent him. He will create a panic. Nothing can stop him. He is going out now— furious!”

3. “You have been amazingly energetic and clever,” this letter ran, “though what you stand to gain by it I cannot imagine. You are against me. For a whole day you have chased me; you have tried to rob me of a night’s rest. But I have had food in spite of you, I have slept in spite of you, and the game is only beginning. The game is only beginning. There is nothing for it, but to start the Terror. This announces the first day of the Terror. Port Burdock is no longer under the Queen tell your Colonel of Police, and the rest of them; it is under me—the Terror! This is day one of year one of the new epoch—the Epoch of the Invisible Man. I am Invisible Man the First. To begin with the rule will be easy. The first day there will be one execution for the sake of example—a man named Kemp. Death starts for him to-day. He may lock himself away, hide himself away, get guards about him, put on armour if he likes; Death, the unseen Death, is coming. Let him take precautions; it will impress my people. Death starts from the pillar-box by midday. The letter will fall in as the postman comes along, then off! The game begins. Death starts. Help him not, my people, lest Death fall upon you also. To-day Kemp is to die.”

4. “But then, it’s a extra-ordinary story. There is a clergyman and a medical gent witnesses,—saw ’im all right and proper—or leastways, didn’t see ’im. He was staying, it says, at the Coach an’ Horses, and no one don’t seem to have been aware of his misfortune, it says, aware of his misfortune, until in an Alteration in the inn, it says, his bandages on his head was torn off. It was then observed that his head was invisible. Attempts were At Once made to secure him, but casting off his garments, it says, he succeeded in escaping, but not until after a desperate struggle, In Which he had inflicted serious injuries, it says, on our worthy and able constable, Mr. J.A. Jaffers. Pretty straight story, eigh? Names and everything.”

5. “No hand—just an empty sleeve. Lord! I thought, that’s a deformity! Got a cork arm, I suppose, and has taken it off. Then, I thought, there’s something odd in that. What the devil keeps that sleeve up and open, if there’s nothing in it? There was nothing in it, I tell you. Nothing down it, right down to the joint. I could see right down it to the elbow, and there was a glimmer of light shining through a tear of the cloth. ‘Good God!’ I said. Then he stopped. Stared at me with those black goggles of his, and then at his sleeve.”

IV: Short Answer - Select 3 out of the 4 questions and make sure to respond to all parts for full credit.

1. Do you believe Griffin was ever happy with the possibility of becoming invisible? Was there ever an advantage to his power? What could he have done differently?

2. In literature, and in life, we find that people often abuse power rather than use it to it’s fullest potential. Give an example from a work that we’ve read this year OR a real life event that has or is taking place.

3. The author of this novel is trying to tell us something about the loss of humanity in a particular society. Can you think of an invention or scientific discovery that has led to corruption or chaos?

4. If you were a character in the novel, The Invisible Man, how would you react to Griffin’s cry for help? Explain how you would deal with the challenge.

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