Name: ______Class: ______Date: ______

GH 8 Ch. 8 Skeleton Notes Aztec Education

Introduction 1) Aztec children were ______before they started ______.

2) Children were ______until they were ______then they were supposed to be ______and ______. 3) If children were ______they were ______.

4) Punishment was supposed to turn them into citizens with a “stone heart and a stone face.” What do you think this means? How does it fit with citizenship? ______5) ______was highly ______in Aztec society.

6) There were two kinds of schools: ______and ______.

Schools for Nobles

1) The ______was the school for children born into ______.

2) It was located in the ______where nobles lived and was often attached to a ______.

3) Students studied ______to learn about their society.

4) ______was also an important part of their ______.

Read, Writing and Counting

1) All ______was based on the ability to read and write using ______instead of ______.

2) Only ______would learn how to ______and ______.

3) ______received their education through the ______.

4) How does this enforce the social hierarchy? ______

5) The Aztec ______was based on the number ______.

6) It took on a ______meaning. Each ______had 20 days. Military Training 1) ______trained as ______at school so they could defend the ______.

2) Once their ______was complete, they would serve as a soldier's ______and follow the ______to observe.

3) At ______, boys would become ______themselves and take an active role in ______.

4) The ______and ______were the most prestigious military orders

Education for Commoners

1) The ______schools were called ______.

2) All instruction was ______they needed to learn lessons through ______.

3) They were given lessons in ______, ______and ______.

4) ______was important to society, so they also learned how to play ______, ______and ______.

5) ______spent much of their time in school doing ______like ______and ______.

6) ______and ______also received education from their ______.

Educating Aztec Women

1) Aztec women had little ______.

2) The ______and ______were all men. 3) They thought it was ______for ______to be ______, though. 4) At age ______most got ______and lived with their ______. 5) What are some ways that women were valued in Aztec society? ______Social Roles 1) When an ______was born, their ______was placed beneath ______.

2) When an ______was born, their ______was buried in a ______.