Gloucestershire GP Education Trust 6th AGM Gloucester Rugby Club, Kingsholm Wednesday 28th March 2012 20:30 Charity Commission No: 1117571



Jim Morison (JM) Chairman, Trustee Stuart Nelson (SN) Treasurer, Trustee Sadaf Haque (SH) Secretary, Trustee Ruth Fitzjohn (RF) Executive Committee, Chair of Gloucestershire PCT, Trustee Martin Nicholas (NM) Executive Committee (GP Trainers Representative), Trustee Lizzie Eley (LE) Chair Steering Group Julie Nevin (JN) Executive Committee, GGPET administrator


Chin Wybrew (CW) Damien Kenny (DK) Sharon Kane Anne Hampton Jackie Martin (JMA) Andrew Pearce Sarah Richards Rebekah Twomey Sarah Whitham Sue Whittles Georgina Charlwood Ray Dawes (RD) Simon Fearn William Foster

A further 6 people attended the Jenner lecture at 7.30pm.

The 6th Edward Jenner lecture was expertly delivered by Dr Trevor Thompson, GP and Senior Lecturer Academic Unit of Primary Care, Bristol on ‘Sustainable Primary Care?’ Starting with a picture of Easter Island serving as an example of the dangers of overexploitation, Trevor led us through the background to the government’s NHS Carbon Reduction strategy looking at our earth system under stress (climate change/ global warming, population growth, income inequality, resource depletion, biodiversity loss), the health impacts of this global stress (flooding, population migration), the carbon footprint of the NHS (target of reducing by 80% by 2050) and what WE might be going to do about it. Trevor looked at the concept of ‘bad picnicking’ ie over consuming our resources, defining sustainable development as that which meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability to meet the needs of future generations. Gandhi’s ‘You must BE the change you want to see in the world’ is pertinent here as a recent MORI poll for the BMA showed doctors were the most trusted profession measured (politicians the least!). He concluded with examples from his practice Wellspring Health Centre suggesting the role of a ‘green champion’ in every organisation, where ‘Cool is cool’- keeping your building at 17 degrees, ‘only light what’s right’ (motion sensors?), ‘five-bin rule’ (sharps, general waste, confidential recycling, non-confidential recycling and absolute rubbish), aggressive family planning advice, and getting ‘on your bike!’. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the 6th AGM of GGPET which commenced at 8.30pm, commenting that only 5% of members were in attendance (did this represent apathy or a satisfaction with the status quo?).

1. Apologies (JM) Received from 6 people and Philip Fielding (Executive Committee, LMC representative, Trustee)

2. Minutes of 5th AGM (tabled) (JM) Agreed

3. Matters arising (JM) None

4. Trustees Annual Report (JM) This is a structured formal document to send to the charities commission with audited accounts and has been accepted.

5. Election of committee members (including restructuring of the committee and notification of Trustees (JM)

There are currently three tiers to GGPET 1) trustees, responsible to the charities commission 2) executive committee, look after the running of GGPET, forming policy and strategy, finances 3)steering group, carry out the work of GGPET in planning the education programme, generating ideas and contacts, facilitating events, website population

A proposal was put to the floor to increase efficiency by amalgamating the three tiers into a two- layer organisation, 1) trustees and 2) proactive GGPET committee responsible to the trustees financially, with a chair (LE) and secretary (SH). The elevation of the executive committee to becoming trustees of the GGPET charity had already been actioned and it was felt that doubling of the number of trustees increased the strength and credibility of GGPET. Trustees have a legal responsibility to oversee the charity (3 is the minimum required number) with RF still legally responsible for the accounts.

CW felt this was an excellent idea and RF commented GGPET had grown and matured as an organisation so it was appropriate to check on its structure making best use of peoples’ commitment to the organisation. JM advised restructuring would have no place for a PCT representative (previously Jackie Huck, Liz Mearns Medical Director and GP in Swindon had nominally taken over the role), RF was happy to stay as trustee linking with the PCT but advised GGPET needed to consider its position with respect to commissioning groups.

The motion was carried, committee members duly elected (Chair- LE, Secretary SH) with notification of trustees (JM, SN, MN, Philip Fielding, SH).

6. Secretary’s report (SH)

It has been another successful year with double the number of sessions GGPET originally set out to do,(61 vs 30) a credit to the committee who plan and facilitate the events with leadership and enthusiasm. Membership continues to increase with 386 current members 72% of which are established or sessional GPs. We welcome the Winfield as host venue from January 2012 which is cost-effective collaboration and improves access for Gloucester and the Forest GPs.

We thank Julie Nevin for her ongoing support as full-time GGPET administrator. We thank Kate Bartlett for her work with book-keeping and welcome JMA from April 2012 who takes over this role. The GGPET website is under development: there will be online provision for booking courses, accessing talks with educational modules. It is hoped to be operational by the String Of Pearls series in May.

The secretary’s report was received by the AGM.

7. Treasurer’s report (SN)

This was as tabled by the Treasurer. GGPET is carrying a surplus of £36000 working capital so we are in a stable financial position allowing us to continue our educational activities. The highest expenditure is administration fees and these are likely to be recurring. Membership fees have increased this year by 7.5% to £175.

RF queried why £14 144.94 was paid to the Steering Group instead of the agreed £10K, this was explained as remuneration from the SHA via the Deanery to LE for delivering the locality Dementia Workshops.

The Steering Group are paid on an invoiced basis as GGPET is not an employer. LE currently invoices for £8K/ session (but in reality the workload takes this to 2 sessions/week) the committee members dividing the remaining £2K in recognition of contribution to GGPET.

GGPET has expanded its financial outlay employing JN as invaluable full-time administrator, KB and now JMA as book-keeper:

8. Membership fees and remuneration for (steering) committee members and chair (JM)

It is apparent that most of the work to function GGPET is carried out by the (steering) committee, ably led in the past few years by CW (with thanks), further invigorated by Wendy Peek and now by the current chair LE. Reaching 1600 GP attendances is a testament to the committee and acknowledgment should be made of this. LE was concerned to secure the longevity of GGPET with motivated GPs remunerated for their time. The proposed committee remuneration was £20K and in the light of GGPET’s success, chairman JM was in agreement. PF was uncomfortable with the proposal but said he would abstain rather than vote against the motion.

RF considered dividing GGPET expenditure into 3 chunks 1) infrastructure- accounts, admin 2) time remuneration 3) running educational events and felt it was clear GGPET were under- spending on time remuneration.

Although the accounts were healthy this would mean a further increase in fees next year to £190 (to 15% from 7.5% this year). The question of pharmaceutical sponsorship was raised but it was felt from the floor that members generally wanted an pharma-free organisation, thus maintaining integrity (DK) with occasional topic- appropriate sponsorship(RD).

RD queried why Stroud GPs should have a discounted membership with GGPET, LE explained that continued GGEPET membership by Stroud GPs allows other GGPET members to enjoy a level of subscription that would not otherwise be sustainable. There is reciprocal membership with other education providers eg Bristol and Bath. Stroud is not officially an education provider and relies on heavy pharma sponsorship.

The motion was carried to increase fees next year and increase committee remuneration. 9. AOB

There is a programme planning meeting at the Winfield on Tuesday 29th May open to all.

10. Date of Next AGM

Wednesday 27th March 2013

The meeting closed at 9.45pm.

Sadaf Haque GGPET Secretary April 2012