Top County Specialized Project Awards Available Include
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Top County 4-H Project Award Application Cover Sheet Interviews will be scheduled in early October. 4-H’ers can receive each award one time.
Application for (award): Name Years involved in 4-H program Address Phone Email Current Grade Club
Top County Specialized Project Awards Available Include: o Agriculture o Excellence in Science, Art, & o Riggins Swine o Excellence in Animal Science Personal Development o Town & Country Saddle Club o Harper Agriculture
Top County Overall Project Awards Available Include:
Animals o Crop Production o Food & Nutrition o Beef o Environment & o Health o Dairy Cattle Sustainability o Home Improvement o Dairy Goats o Horticulture o Sewing o Dogs o Outdoor Adventures o Horse & Pony o Safety & Education in Personal Development o Meat Goats Shooting Sports (SESS) o Citizenship o Pets o Communication o Poultry Creative Arts o Leadership o Rabbit o Music o Self Determined o Sheep o Photography o Swine o Visual Arts Science, Engineering, & o Veterinary Science Technology Family & Consumer Science o Mechanics Agriculture & Natural o Child Development o Woodworking Resources o Clothing o Science, Engineering & o Consumer Management Technology
1. Complete application = Cover Sheet; application question responses—not more than two (2) pages; and two (2) pages of support material. 2. The questions and support material are different for each opportunity for which you are applying. 3. You may use up to two (2) pages to answer the five (5) questions that follow related to this opportunity. 4. You may attach two (2) additional pages of support material related to this opportunity. May be a story, resume, records or a portion of a record, photos, etc. Format: 8 1/2" x 11", one sided, 12-point font recommended. 5. Submit the original and 2 copies of your total application (include this cover sheet, 2 question response pages, and 2 support material pages for no more than 5 total pages. Three (3) sets total. No folders, sheet holders, or binders please. Staple or clip written material. 6. Send ALL by September 24, 2012 (received or postmarked) to: October 2011, State – 28 – Project 1 Story County Extension, PO Box 118, 220 H Avenue, Nevada, Iowa 50201
October 2011, State – 28 – Project 2 Story County Top 4-H Project Award Application Questions
Name Project
You may use up to two (2) pages, no more, to answer the following five (5) questions. Boxes should expand as you type. Top 4-H Project Award Application Questions 1. What skills and knowledge have you gained in your 4-H project? Include goals, plans, and growth of your project. Share your own personal growth connected to your work in this project over the years.
2. How have you shared your project knowledge with others?
3. What is leadership to you? Highlight specific opportunities you have had within this project area and any other elected or voluntary leadership you have taken on locally or beyond.
4. Share how your 4-H participation, individually or as part of a group, has met the needs of others.
5. How do you think your 4-H project experiences will affect your future?
[You may attach two (2) additional pages of support material.]
Iowa State University Extension programs are available to all without regard to race, color, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, sex, marital status, disability, or status as a U.S. veteran. Inquiries can be directed to the Director of Equal Opportunity and Compliance, 3280 Beardshear Hall, (515) 294-7612. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Cathann A. Kress, director, Cooperative Extension Service, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa.
October 2011, State – 28 – Project 3