Mrs. Birgel S Lessons
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Mrs. Birgel’s Lessons Monday, March 2, 2009
Reading 1 st 1. 700 Computer Lab – - “Reading Boardwalk” 2. Turn in Reading Logs 3. HW: Reading Logs due March 9
Career 2 nd – 6 th
1. 700 Computer Lab – Work on either of the two worksheets that you were unable to finish last week: a. CW/WS Assignment #3-10 Obtaining Career Information: Using the class laptops, visit at least five of the eight web sites listed to research careers. List three things about each web site that you found helpful for use in obtaining information about careers. b. CW/WS Assignment #3-11 Learning About Careers: Using the class laptops & library resources provided, choose a career that interest you and find the information listed on the worksheet. 2. If you are caught up, go to “Reading Boardwalk”
Reading 7th
1. 700 Computer Lab – - “Reading Boardwalk” 2. Turn in Reading Logs 3. HW: Reading Logs due March 9
Reading 7th period Broadcasting students need to make sure they are caught up on the following assignments: REV it up: 2/12 - Pg. 24 Copy vocabulary and definitions into your class reading folder 2/17 - Pg. 24 Explain Yourself – Follow the directions, turn this in for a grade 2/20 - Pg. 25 Take it Further – Follow the directions, turn this in for a grade 2/28 - Vocabulary Word Maps – Select any Lesson 2 Vocabulary word and complete a word map, turn this in for a grade 2/26 - Pg 26: Beastly Inventions – Follow the directions; turn this in for a grade due 3/2 Author’s Purpose: 2/26WS – “Understanding an Author’s Purpose” – due 3/2
Mrs. Birgel’s Lessons Wednesday, March 03, 2009
Reading 1 st 4. 700 Computer Lab – - “Reading Boardwalk” 5. HW: Reading Logs due March 9
Career 2 nd – 6 th
3. 700 Computer Lab – Work on either of the two worksheets that you were unable to finish last week: a. CW/WS Assignment #3-10 Obtaining Career Information: Using the class laptops, visit at least five of the eight web sites listed to research careers. List three things about each web site that you found helpful for use in obtaining information about careers. b. CW/WS Assignment #3-11 Learning About Careers: Using the class laptops & library resources provided, choose a career that interest you and find the information listed on the worksheet. 4. If you are caught up, go to “Reading Boardwalk”
Reading 7th
4. 700 Computer Lab – - “Reading Boardwalk” 5. HW: Reading Logs due March 9
Reading 7th period Broadcasting students need to make sure they are caught up on the following assignments: REV it up: 2/12 - Pg. 24 Copy vocabulary and definitions into your class reading folder 2/17 - Pg. 24 Explain Yourself – Follow the directions, turn this in for a grade 2/20 - Pg. 25 Take it Further – Follow the directions, turn this in for a grade 2/28 - Vocabulary Word Maps – Select any Lesson 2 Vocabulary word and complete a word map, turn this in for a grade 2/26 - Pg 26: Beastly Inventions – Follow the directions; turn this in for a grade due 3/2 Author’s Purpose: 2/26WS – “Understanding an Author’s Purpose” – due 3/2
Mrs. Birgel’s Lessons Wednesday, March 04, 2009
They are going to paint my classroom tomorrow. Today 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd periods will meet in the 700 computer lab and continue working on this weeks assignments. 5 th , 6 th , and 7 th periods will help me ready the room for the painters. If we get the room ready early, the remainder of my classes will return to the computer lab.
Reading 1 st 6. 700 Computer Lab – - “Reading Boardwalk” 7. HW: Reading Logs due March 9
Career 2 nd – 6 th
5. 700 Computer Lab – Work on either of the two worksheets that you were unable to finish last week: a. CW/WS Assignment #3-10 Obtaining Career Information: Using the class laptops, visit at least five of the eight web sites listed to research careers. List three things about each web site that you found helpful for use in obtaining information about careers. b. CW/WS Assignment #3-11 Learning About Careers: Using the class laptops & library resources provided, choose a career that interest you and find the information listed on the worksheet. 6. If you are caught up, go to “Reading Boardwalk” Reading 7th
6. 700 Computer Lab – - “Reading Boardwalk” 7. HW: Reading Logs due March 9
Reading 7th period Broadcasting students need to make sure they are caught up on the following assignments: REV it up: 2/12 - Pg. 24 Copy vocabulary and definitions into your class reading folder 2/17 - Pg. 24 Explain Yourself – Follow the directions, turn this in for a grade 2/20 - Pg. 25 Take it Further – Follow the directions, turn this in for a grade 2/28 - Vocabulary Word Maps – Select any Lesson 2 Vocabulary word and complete a word map, turn this in for a grade 2/26 - Pg 26: Beastly Inventions – Follow the directions; turn this in for a grade due 3/2 Author’s Purpose: 2/26WS – “Understanding an Author’s Purpose” – due 3/2 Mrs. Birgel’s Lessons Thursday, March 5, 2009
They are going to paint my classroom today, my students will be meeting in the P.E. Rock Climbing room.
Reading 1 st 8. Present REV it up! Vocabulary “Rap” assignments. 9. B.A.R.Q. – Bring a book to read 10. HW – Reading Logs due Monday
Career 2 nd – 6 th
7. Guest Speaker: SRO Deputy Ronnie Gil will speak on Careers in Law Enforcement.
Reading 7th
1. B.A.R.Q. – Bring a book to read 2. HW – Reading Logs due Monday
Reading 7th period Broadcasting students need to make sure they are caught up on the following assignments: REV it up: 2/12 - Pg. 24 Copy vocabulary and definitions into your class reading folder 2/17 - Pg. 24 Explain Yourself – Follow the directions, turn this in for a grade 2/20 - Pg. 25 Take it Further – Follow the directions, turn this in for a grade 2/28 - Vocabulary Word Maps – Select any Lesson 2 Vocabulary word and complete a word map, turn this in for a grade 2/26 - Pg 26: Beastly Inventions – Follow the directions; turn this in for a grade due 3/2 Author’s Purpose: 2/26WS – “Understanding an Author’s Purpose” – due 3/2 Mrs. Birgel’s Lessons Friday, March 6, 2009 & Monday, March 09, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
We will be working today to put my classroom back together after being painted yesterday. All classes will Read – Career World Magazine
Monday, March 09, 2009
Reading 1 st 11. Reading Logs due 12. No homework (no reading logs this week) 13. CW – FCAT practice book chapter 5 – “Looking it Up” (Read & discussed pages 105 – 113)
Career 2 nd – 6 th 1. Read Chapter 5 “Types of Careers” 2. Copy Chapter 5 vocabulary and definitions into your Career Folder
Reading 7th
3. Reading Logs due 4. No homework (no reading logs this week) 5. Last day in the TV studio for 7th period…
Reading 7th period Broadcasting students need to make sure they are caught up on the following assignments: REV it up: 2/12 - Pg. 24 Copy vocabulary and definitions into your class reading folder 2/17 - Pg. 24 Explain Yourself – Follow the directions, turn this in for a grade 2/20 - Pg. 25 Take it Further – Follow the directions, turn this in for a grade 2/28 - Vocabulary Word Maps – Select any Lesson 2 Vocabulary word and complete a word map, turn this in for a grade 2/26 - Pg 26: Beastly Inventions – Follow the directions; turn this in for a grade due 3/2 Author’s Purpose: 2/26 - WS – “Understanding an Author’s Purpose” – due 3/2
Mrs. Birgel’s Lessons Tuesday, March 10, 2009 & Wednesday, March 11 th , 2009
1 st Period: 14. Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - FCAT reading test – 1st, 2nd, 6th, & 7th periods 15. Wednesday, March 11, 2009 – FCAT math test– 1st, 2nd, 6th, & 7th periods 3 rd & 5 th periods 3. Strive 2 drive – a discovery map student activity
Mrs. Birgel’s Lessons Thursday, March 12, 2009
Reading 1 st & 7 th Periods Research – Using an Almanac (Benchmarks LA.A.2.3.5, LA.A.2.3.6, LA.A.2.3.7) 1. Pass out class set of Almanac & introduce the World Almanac & other examples of Almanacs from the library. 2. Video – How To Use An Almanac 3. Explain how to use an Almanac 4. Give students class time to examine & read the 2008 World Almanac
Career 2 nd – 5 th 1. Review chapter 5 2. Classwork Assignment #4-1: Career Cluster Shelf-marker, due Tuesday, March 17th. Create a shelf marker for the Library for one of the career clusters listed in chapter 5. Your shelf marker will be graded on the following information: 25% - Title of the Career Cluster 25% - Description of the Career Cluster 25% - Examples of Careers within your Career Cluster 25% - Neatness & shows effort You may bring in pictures from magazines, newspapers, or clip-art from the computer to use to decorate your shelf-marker. It is also o.k. for students to design and print your shelf-marker on your computer at home. The best shelf-markers from each Career Cluster will be laminated & donated to the Media Center. Create a rough draft on a sheet of notebook paper before getting your “card stock” from Mrs. Birgel.
Career 6 th Period 6th Period will begin working in the TV studio today.
Reading 7th period Broadcasting students need to make sure they are caught up on the following assignments: REV it up: 2/12 - Pg. 24 Copy vocabulary and definitions into your class reading folder 2/17 - Pg. 24 Explain Yourself – Follow the directions, turn this in for a grade 2/20 - Pg. 25 Take it Further – Follow the directions, turn this in for a grade 2/28 - Vocabulary Word Maps – Select any Lesson 2 Vocabulary word and complete a word map, turn this in for a grade 2/26 - Pg 26: Beastly Inventions – Follow the directions; turn this in for a grade due 3/2 Author’s Purpose: 2/26 - WS – “Understanding an Author’s Purpose” – due 3/2 Mrs. Birgel’s Lessons Friday, March 13, 2009
Reading 1 st & 7 th Periods Research – Using an Almanac (Benchmarks LA.A.2.3.5, LA.A.2.3.6, LA.A.2.3.7) 5. Building research skills using the World Almanac: Students will work in teams to use the World Almanac to look up answers to questions.
Career 2 nd – 5 th
3. Classwork Assignment #4-1: Career Cluster Shelf-marker, due Tuesday, March 17th. Create a shelf marker for the Library for one of the career clusters listed in chapter 5. Your shelf marker will be graded on the following information: 25% - Title of the Career Cluster 25% - Description of the Career Cluster 25% - Examples of Careers within your Career Cluster 25% - Neatness & shows effort You may bring in pictures from magazines, newspapers, or clip-art from the computer to use to decorate your shelf-marker. It is also o.k. for students to design and print your shelf-marker on your computer at home. The best shelf-markers from each Career Cluster will be laminated & donated to the Media Center. Create a rough draft on a sheet of notebook paper before getting your “card stock” from Mrs. Birgel.
Career 6 th Period 6th Period will begin working in the TV studio today.
Reading 7th period Broadcasting students need to make sure they are caught up on the following assignments: REV it up: 2/12 - Pg. 24 Copy vocabulary and definitions into your class reading folder 2/17 - Pg. 24 Explain Yourself – Follow the directions, turn this in for a grade 2/20 - Pg. 25 Take it Further – Follow the directions, turn this in for a grade 2/28 - Vocabulary Word Maps – Select any Lesson 2 Vocabulary word and complete a word map, turn this in for a grade 2/26 - Pg 26: Beastly Inventions – Follow the directions; turn this in for a grade due 3/2 Author’s Purpose: 2/26 - WS – “Understanding an Author’s Purpose” – due 3/2
Mrs. Birgel’s Lessons Monday, March 16, 2009
Reading 1 st 6. FCAT Science test will be given to my 8th grade homeroom class during 1st, 2nd, 6th, & 7th periods. Career 2 nd – 5 th
2nd period students received assignments #4-2 & #4-3 Friday with instructions to work on it Monday during 2nd period when they report to their homeroom teacher. 3 rd & 5 th period students received assignments #4-2 & #4-3 today in class. I went over these two worksheets with 3rd period and they were given the rest of the class period to continue working on assignments #4-1, 4-2, & 4-3.
1. Classwork Assignment # 4-1: Career Cluster Shelf-marker, due Wednesday, March 18th. Create a shelf marker for the Library for one of the career clusters listed in chapter 5. Your shelf marker will be graded on the following information: a. 25% - Title of the Career Cluster b. 25% - Description of the Career Cluster c. 25% - Examples of Careers within your Career Cluster d. 25% - Neatness & shows effort You may bring in pictures from magazines, newspapers, or clip-art from the computer to use to decorate your shelf-marker. It is also o.k. for students to design and print your shelf-marker on your computer at home. The best shelf-markers from each Career Cluster will be laminated & donated to the Media Center. Create a rough draft on a sheet of notebook paper before getting your “card stock” from Mrs. Birgel. 2. CW/HW Assignment # 4-2: Chapter 5 Worksheet “Classifying Occupations”. If you don’t finish this assignment in class, this will be homework due Wednesday, March 18th. 3. CW/HW Assignment # 4-3: Chapter 5 Worksheet “Learn More About Jobs”. If you don’t finish this assignment in class, this will be homework due Wednesday, March 18th.
Career 6 th Period I didn’t see 6th period today due to FCAT, they reported to their homeroom teachers. They are currently being trained to take over the TV studio to broadcast the evening news. This class is excused from assignment #4-1.
Reading 7th I didn’t see 7th period today due to FCAT, they reported to their homeroom teachers.
Reading 7th period Broadcasting students need to make sure they are caught up on the following assignments: REV it up: 2/12 - Pg. 24 Copy vocabulary and definitions into your class reading folder 2/17 - Pg. 24 Explain Yourself – Follow the directions, turn this in for a grade 2/20 - Pg. 25 Take it Further – Follow the directions, turn this in for a grade 2/28 - Vocabulary Word Maps – Select any Lesson 2 Vocabulary word and complete a word map, turn this in for a grade 2/26 - Pg 26: Beastly Inventions – Follow the directions; turn this in for a grade due 3/2 Author’s Purpose: 2/26 - WS – “Understanding an Author’s Purpose” – due 3/2 Mrs. Birgel’s Lessons Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I will be posting student’s grades to their agenda today. Students that have below a “B” average will receive a progress report that details assignments and grades. Students will have the opportunity to work on anything that they need to catch up on today and have been advised that if they see that they have an assignment that they forgot to turn in, please do so today so that the grades can be posted before being submitted for report cards. Today is a “CATCH UP” day!
Reading 1 st & 7 th Periods 7. B.A.R.Q. 8. READING STRATEGY BOARD GAMES
Career 2 nd – 6 th
4. Classwork Assignment # 4-1: Career Cluster Shelf-marker, due Wednesday, March 18th. Create a shelf marker for the Library for one of the career clusters listed in chapter 5. Your shelf marker will be graded on the following information: a. 25% - Title of the Career Cluster b. 25% - Description of the Career Cluster c. 25% - Examples of Careers within your Career Cluster d. 25% - Neatness & shows effort You may bring in pictures from magazines, newspapers, or clip-art from the computer to use to decorate your shelf-marker. It is also o.k. for students to design and print your shelf-marker on your computer at home. The best shelf-markers from each Career Cluster will be laminated & donated to the Media Center. Create a rough draft on a sheet of notebook paper before getting your “card stock” from Mrs. Birgel. 5. CW/HW Assignment # 4-2: Chapter 5 Worksheet “Classifying Occupations”. If you don’t finish this assignment in class, this will be homework due Wednesday, March 18th. 6. CW/HW Assignment # 4-3: Chapter 5 Worksheet “Learn More About Jobs”. If you don’t finish this assignment in class, this will be homework due Wednesday, March 18th.
Note: Any of these three assignments that are not turned in by the end of class Wednesday, March 18th, will become homework and will be due at the beginning of class Thursday, March 19th.
Career 6 th Period – (This class is currently in charge of the TV Studio) #4-1 Excused for 6th period #4-2 Due Monday March 23rd #4-3 Due Monday March 23rd Mrs. Birgel’s Lessons Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I have a sub today (Doctor’s appt.); students have been instructed to be on their very best behavior for Mrs. Pederson!
Reading 1 st & 7 th Periods
9. Orange FCAT book - Chapter 5 “Looking It Up” page 105: a. Read together, and discuss, pages 112 – 119 starting with After the Library. b. Students work “On Your Own” pages 120 – 130, turn in for a grade.
Career 2 nd – 6 th 1. Classwork Assignment #4-4: Chapter 5 Open Book Test. 2. Classwork Assignment # 4-1: Career Cluster Shelf-marker, due Wednesday, March 18th. 3. Create a shelf marker for the Library for one of the career clusters listed in chapter 5. Your shelf marker will be graded on the following information: a. 25% - Title of the Career Cluster b. 25% - Description of the Career Cluster c. 25% - Examples of Careers within your Career Cluster d. 25% - Neatness & shows effort 4. You may bring in pictures from magazines, newspapers, or clip-art from the computer to use to decorate your shelf-marker. It is also o.k. for students to design and print your shelf-marker on your computer at home. The best shelf-markers from each Career Cluster will be laminated & donated to the Media Center. 5. Create a rough draft on a sheet of notebook paper before getting your “card stock” from Mrs. Birgel. 6. CW/HW Assignment # 4-2: Chapter 5 Worksheet “Classifying Occupations”. If you don’t finish this assignment in class, this will be homework due Wednesday, March 18th. 7. CW/HW Assignment # 4-3: Chapter 5 Worksheet “Learn More About Jobs”. If you don’t finish this assignment in class, this will be homework due Wednesday, March 18th.
Note: Any of these three assignments (4-1, 4-2, 4-3) that are not turned in by the end of class Wednesday, March 18th, will become homework and will be due at the beginning of class Thursday, March 19th.
Career 6 th Period – (This class is currently in charge of the TV Studio) #4-1 Excused for 6th period #4-2 Due Monday March 23rd #4-3 Due Monday March 23rd
Mrs. Birgel’s Lessons Friday, March 19, 2009
Reading 1 st & 7 th Periods
1. CW –Introduction to the Atlas 2. No HW
Career 2 nd – 6 th
Career and Education Planning Course Competences Students will: 3.0 Describe the need for career planning, changing careers, and the concept of lifelong learning and how the relate to personal fulfillment CHAPTER 6 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Do you want to be an Entrepreneur? CHAPTER 6 OBJECTIVES: give examples of retail and service businesses; decide whether you are the right type of person to own your own business; summarize the financial considerations of starting a business; name and describe three types of business organizations. 1. Introduced Chapter 6 2. Read Chapter 6 3. Copy Chapter 6 vocabulary & definitions into your Word Journal: entrepreneurship; retail business; franchise; service business; working capital; wholesale; sole proprietorship; partnership; corporation; stockholder. 4. Turn in 4-1, 4-2, 4-3.
Career 6 th Period – (This class is currently in charge of the TV Studio)
1. #4-1 Career Cluster Shelf Marker – optional for students needing extra credit – due Monday, March 23rd 2. #4-2 Due Monday March 23rd 3. #4-3 Due Monday March 23rd Mrs. Birgel’s Lessons Friday, March 20, 2009
Reading 1 st & 7 th Periods
3. CW – Finish Introduction to the Atlas 4. CW – WS – Atlas Practice – turn in for a grade
Career 2 nd – 6 th
5. Turn in 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 if you have not turned them in yet… 6. HW: Assignment #4-5: 10 Questions for our Guest Speaker about his career in the Military/Navy (Education Service Officer). Due Monday, March 23, 2009
Career 6 th Period – (This class is currently in charge of the TV Studio)
4. #4-1 Career Cluster Shelf Marker – optional for students needing extra credit – due Monday, March 23rd 5. #4-2 Due Monday March 23rd 6. #4-3 Due Monday March 23rd 7. HW: Assignment #4-5: 10 Questions for our Guest Speaker about his career in the Military/Navy (Education Service Officer). Due Monday, March 23, 2009 Mrs. Birgel’s Lessons Monday, March 23, 2009
Reading 1 st & 7 th Periods
5. Atlas – Each table come up with five questions to ask the rest of the class. The questions must have to do with finding something in the Atlas. (Use the Almanac game as your guide for your questions you will ask these questions of the other tables as part of a classroom competition)
Career 2 nd – 6 th 7. Discuss a famous Entrepreneur – Milton Hershey 8. Finish and turn in HW Assignment #4-5: 10 Questions for our Guest Speaker about his career in the Military/Navy (Education Service Officer). Due Monday, March 23, 2009 9. CW/HW: Assignment #4-6: WS “What is the World of Business All About?” Due at the end of class tomorrow, Tuesday, March 24th.
Career 6 th Period – (This class is currently in charge of the TV Studio)
8. #4-1 Career Cluster Shelf Marker – optional for students needing extra credit – due Monday, March 23rd 9. #4-2 Due Monday March 23rd 10. #4-3 Due Monday March 23rd 11. HW: Assignment #4-5: 10 Questions for our Guest Speaker about his career in the Military/Navy (Education Service Officer). Due Monday, March 23, 2009 12. CW/HW: Assignment #4-6: WS “What is the World of Business All About?” Due Friday, March 27th.
Mrs. Birgel’s Lessons Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Reading 1 st & 7 th Periods 1. CW - Video – Research: Mastering The Library 2. HW – Reading Logs due Monday
Career 2 nd – 6 th 1. Video – The Entrepreneur 2. Return & go over 10 questions for our guest speaker 3. Read and discuss Entrepreneur “Sam Walton” 4. Turn in Ws #4-6 Mrs. Birgel’s Lessons Thursday, March 26, 2009
Reading 1 st & 7 th Periods 3. Reader’s Theater Introduction 4. HW – Reading Logs due Monday
Career 2 nd – 6 th Guest Speaker: PS2 (SW) Carson Seibert, will speak on his career in the Navy.
Mrs. Birgel’s Lessons Friday, March 27, 2009 Reading 1 st & 7 th Periods 5. Reader’s Theater practice 6. HW – Reading Logs due Monday
Career 2 nd – 6 th Assignment #4-7: Chapter 6 Open Book Test Mrs. Birgel’s Lessons Monday, March 30, 2009
Reading 1 st & 7 th Periods 7. HW – Turn in reading logs 8. Reader’s Theater: Make final script selection & begin rehearsals to try-out for parts tomorrow. 9. HW – Reading Logs due April 13th
Career 2 nd – 6 th 1. Review for Unit II test 2. HW: Study for Thursday’s Unit II Test: The Unit II test is not open book. Study: Graded tests from chapters 4, 5, & 6 Vocabulary from chapters 4, 5, & 6 Worksheets from chapters 4, 5, & 6 Notes from chapters 4, 5, & 6 Class review of Chapters 4, 5, & 6.
3. Assignment #4-8: Unit II test – Thursday, April 2nd (Chapters 4, 5, & 6) (Not open book!) Review Mrs. Birgel’s test policy Mrs. Birgel’s Lessons Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Reading 1 st & 7 th Periods 10. Reader’s Theater: Continue rehearsals to try-out for parts for the play “A Trip to Mars”. 11. HW – Reading Logs due April 13th
Career 2 nd – 6 th 4. WS – Unit II Review/Study Guide: go over the answers together in class. 5. HW: Study for Thursday’s Unit II Test: The Unit II test is not open book. Study: Graded tests from chapters 4, 5, & 6 Vocabulary from chapters 4, 5, & 6 Worksheets from chapters 4, 5, & 6 Notes from chapters 4, 5, & 6 Class review of Chapters 4, 5, & 6.
6. Assignment #4-8: Unit II test – Thursday, April 2nd (Chapters 4, 5, & 6) (Not open book!) Review Mrs. Birgel’s test policy