Nene Park Trust
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Application to hold an event / activity on Nene Park Trust property
Name of Organisation Date(s) Required Start Finish Times (include set up and removal)
Name of Event
Event Details
Please use this space to detail what your event will include: what activities will take place, marquee, PA system, music etc. Please use additional sheets if necessary
Estimated number of participants Proposed Location & Layout
Please sketch plan of area / route on map provided– include points of marshals, signage etc.
No Has your organisation carried out Yes (please give details below) this event on Nene Park Trust land before?
Name of person organising event and position in organisation.
Address inc. postcode
Email Telephone Number Day Evening Mobile Will vehicle access to site be No required? Yes (please show location on map provided) If yes how many vehicles?
Are you happy for your event to be included in the Trusts marketing No activities e.g. Parklife, website, events listing to press etc. Yes Exclusive use of an area can only be granted on health and safety No or commercial grounds. Yes Do you feel exclusive use of the area / route is required?
A parking charge is in operation at Ferry Meadows every day. Reduced or No free parking may be available for events which meet the criteria listed in the Yes event guide. Would you like to apply for reduced or free parking? If applying for reduced or free parking please provide evidence that you meet the Trusts criteria. Use additional sheets if necessary – see event guide for details.
I have read and understood the general conditions as stated overleaf and understand that the use of Nene Park Trust land will be subject to specific terms and conditions for this event / activity.
I understand that completing and returning this form constitutes a request to run an event on Nene Park Trust land only. If permission is granted, Nene Park Trust will send issue booking confirmation with full terms and conditions to be signed by both parties. Signed Name – Block capitals
Nene Park Trust - Registered Charity VAT No 486 3085 21 General Conditions 1 An application will be considered to be a permitted event / activity only on written confirmation from the Trust and on the organiser satisfying all further conditions set by the Trust.
2 If an event / activity meets all of the following criteria, then a formal agreement with the Trust and associated public liability insurance and risk assessments will not be required: event involves less than 20 people event is an activity that occurs within Nene Park as part of its day to day operation (e.g. a walk, a run, a horse ride and on the designated paths, tracks ,roads or public areas) event is not commercially orientated event does not require exclusive use It is for the Trust to deem if the event / activity meets these criteria and if so, a covering letter will be issued to you to confirm this.
3 For an application to be processed, the Trust can only consider those received a minimum of six weeks prior to any proposed date.
4 Some applications to hold an event / activity on the Trusts property will incur a deposit / security bond / fee. These are generally limited to those which will incur staff time from The Trust, are commercially driven and / or will require some works after the event. The level and payment terms will be outlined in the confirmation agreement.
5 Event organisers must indemnify the Trust against all claims, or damages or expenses whatsoever in any way arising from this event or activity. Evidence of adequate public liability insurance cover held by the organisers must be submitted to The Trust no less than 28 days before the event / activity.
6 A risk assessment for the event / activity specific to this location must be carried out and submitted to the Trust no less than 28 days before the event / activity.
7 Vehicles are not allowed off the roads and car parks except via previously agreed access points and solely for the purpose of servicing the event or activity. All vehicles, except for those forming an integral part of the exhibition or display, must be removed to the car parks no later than one hour before the event begins and may not return until the event finishes. All vehicles on site must display a pass and adhere to the rules stated on the pass.
8 Traders, including food and beverage sellers will be allowed by prior agreement only. Traders must leave their site and immediate surrounding area clean and free from litter. Event organisers are responsible for enforcing these conditions and will be liable for any claims or costs arising from breaches of it. A list of names and addresses of traders and a brief description of their goods or services must be submitted to arrive no later than one week before the event. The Trust may refuse access to any trader without any reason being given.
9 Event organisers are responsible for receiving and directing any deliveries of plant, equipment or materials and participants in their event. Organisers are also required to remove within 48 hours any temporary signs or notices relating to the event. Time incurred by Trust staff on these activities may be charged for.
10 Any exemption from normal car parking charges or arrangement of a specific tariff is by prior agreement with the Trust only.
11 All correspondence and enquiries will be directed to the organisation’s named correspondent.
12 In the unfortunate circumstance of needing to call the emergency services. The event organiser must ensure the Duty Ranger is also informed ASAP so as to enable access and help guide any response vehicles to the incident.
13 The Trust reserves the right to refuse any application/cancel any booking without any reason being given. Please direct all correspondence and enquiries to: Administration Support Officer, Nene Park Trust, Ham Farm House, Ham Lane, Peterborough, PE2 5UU Telephone (01733) 234193 FAX (01733) 361342 E-mail [email protected]