Roots and Wings s2
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I. Review
A. Pass out the name tags.
B. Last time I was here we talked about friendship.
II. Overview
A. Today, we will be talking more about friendship.
III. Program
A. Let’s talk about how to make friends and how to be a friend.
B. Bring the Harmony and Sunshine puppets or two other puppets.
C. I have brought Harmony and Sunshine back with me. Hello Harmony. How are you today?
Harmony: I’m fine, thanks. How are you?
I am fine, thank you. Sunshine, hello, how are you?
Sunshine: Just fine. Harmony and I have a little skit we’d like to do for the boys and girls.
That sounds great. What is it about?
Harmony: It’s about two people. One is not very nice to everyone. The other one tries to help him see what he is doing wrong.
That sounds very interesting. I am sure the class and I cannot wait to see what you are going to do.
Sunshine: Okay Harmony, let’s start.
Harmony: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me!
Sunshine: Well, looks who’s here.
Harmony: Wait just a minute. If you are planning to call me another one of your mean names, just don’t forget that two can play that game.
Sunshine: Oh yea, what’s that supposed to mean?
Harmony: It means I can call you a name just as easily as you can call me a name.
Sunshine: No way! I can think up tons more awful names than you can. Besides, all the names fit a twerp like you better. What could you possibly call someone like me? Harmony: Don’t worry, I’ve got the perfect name in mind.
Sunshine: What is it? Brilliant? Handsome? Go ahead, I can take it.
Harmony: Well, I don’t really like calling people names, but if you insist.
Sunshine: I insist.
Harmony: You’re sure?
Sunshine: Positive.
Harmony: It’s a very strong name. In fact, if I call you this, you may quit calling me names for the rest of your life!
Sunshine: Nothings that strong.
Harmony: Well, I’m sure this is one name you’ve never used before.
Sunshine: Well, let me tell you something I’ve heard before: “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me”. So go ahead. Call me anything you want. I can take it.
Harmony: All right then. I will. You…you…Friend!
Sunshine: Yeah, well the same to you and more…wait a minute. What did you say?
Harmony: Friend. That’s the name I called you. Friend.
Sunshine: That’s it?
Harmony: Yeah, pretty powerful, huh?
Sunshine: That’s the best name you could think of?
Harmony: As a matter of fact, yes. So tell me, friend, have you ever used that name before?
Sunshine: Not lately, no.
Harmony: Maybe you should try it. It always gets a response. After all, look at you. You don’t know what to say! I take it you were expecting something a little meaner?
Sunshine: Well, actually that was quite mean enough.
Harmony: How can you say that? Calling you a friend isn’t mean.
Sunshine: Yes it is. You see, now I don’t feel like calling you names anymore. You took all my fun away.
Harmony: But isn’t it more fun to have a friend? Sunshine: Yah, I guess. Wanna play some two square together…friend?
Harmony: Now that’s the one name I don’t mind being called.
What a great skit! Friend is a powerful word!
IV. Evaluate
A. Our friends had a great idea on how to be friends. Let’s see how you can use your own ideas to help make friends. What would you do if:
1. You are coloring with a friend. Your friend reaches in front of you and grabs a crayon. You then make a mistake on your picture and get mad. What should your friend have done when they wanted the crayon? How should you react to making a mistake on your picture?
2. You have a ruler on your desk. The person sitting next to you takes it. You notice your ruler is missing and see that the person sitting next to you has it. You tell the teacher that that person stole your ruler. There must be a way to solve this problem in a friendly way without name calling and yelling. Can you think of a way? What could have happened differently? (the person could have asked to use the ruler in the first place). If they did not ask, what could you have done differently?
3. You are picking up some Legos and putting them away. You are in a hurry and pick up too many at one time. They all fall. The faster you go, the more mistakes you make. Sitting nearby is a friend. He watches you dropping all the Legos. He laughs at you. This is a very unhappy scene, isn’t it? You would never know that you and this person were friends. What could they do differently?
V. Summary
A. When you are feeling bad and someone is kind to you, do you usually feel better or worse? (Better). So kindness is important when it comes to being a good friend.
MATERIALS NEEDED: 1. Harmony, or another puppet of your choice 2. Sunshine, or another puppet of your choice
Purpose: To help the child understand what a friend is.
Objectives: 1. The child will learn what it means to be a friend. 2. The child will learn that what they do and how they act can make a difference in how their friends feel. 3. The child will be able to know how to make friends and keep them.