Ongoing Assessment Towards Achieving Us18816

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Ongoing Assessment Towards Achieving Us18816

ONGOING ASSESSMENT TOWARDS ACHIEVING US18816 Demonstrate aural recall skills to an elementary level

Unit Standard 18816 Version 2 Level 1

Assessment Mode Internal Credits 3 Due Date

Submission Requirements

Students will present themselves for individual assessment when they are ready. They may use their own instrument, piano or guitar to try out the rhythm, melody or chord progression before they play back, identify and/or notate their responses. Note: This assessment contributes evidence towards the final grade of Unit Standard 18816. The final grade will be determined on completion of this activity and Element 1.4: Demonstration displays ability to identify the application of a range of performance directions, and Element 2.1: Identify music materials through listening to music without complexity - Identification demonstrates knowledge of timbre, texture, and form in a music excerpt of no more than 12 bars.


Pre-requisites: There are no pre-requisites or co-requisites for US 18816. Time signatures assessed in this unit standard will include 2/4, 3/4, 4/4. Key signatures will be up to, and including, three sharps or three flats. Chords covered are based on the primary triads of tonic (I), sub-dominant (IV), dominant (V), and sub-mediant (VI). Intervals include the octave, and those that fall within the octave.

US 18816 requires ongoing collection of student evidence throughout the unit that shows that students can: Task 1 - Recall (sing back, play back or write down) two rhythm patterns without syncopation in simple time (2/4, 3/4 or 4/4); Task 2 - Recall (sing back, play back or write down) two melodies in a major key; Task 3 - Identify (orally or in written form) chords I, IV, V and VI in a major key. Evidence of achievement should be collected over the 8 weeks of the unit. Readiness to be assessed for each task should be determined by the student in consultation with the teacher. Student work should be retained in a portfolio. If a student is assessed though play back or orally, student responses must be recorded and kept as evidence. Note that this is not the complete list of elements required for this unit standard.

Duration: 6 -8 weeks to practise aural recall skills.

Homework: No specific homework is required for US 18816, however students should be encouraged to play the melodies and chords of the songs they listen to, to give them further practice for in-class assessment.

Special requirements: Teachers will need audio or audio-visual equipment to record evidence for US 18816.

Presentation of Work: For US 18816, students must present their work through live playback.

Note: This assessment contributes evidence towards the final grade of Unit Standard 18816. The final grade will be determined on completion of this activity and an assessment activity for 1.4 and Element 2.

US 18816 – Demonstrate aural recall skills to an elementary level


Assessment Task 1.1

You must playback a simple rhythm of 4 bars length using the note values and time signatures listed below. The pattern will be played as necessary within a 5-minute time limit. You may hear the pattern as many times as you need within a 5-minute period. Crotchet clicks will be given each time the extract is played. The time signature will be given.

Notes: • Whole note (semibreve) • Half note (minim) • Quarter note (crotchet) • Eighth notes (quavers) • Sixteenth note (semiquaver) • Dotted minim, dotted crotchet and dotted quaver

Rests: • Semibreve, minim crotchet only

Time signatures: • 2/4, 3/4 or 4/4

The rhythm will start on the first beat of the bar.

Judgement Statement showing Evidence required to Achieve 1.1

You will recall a rhythmic pattern without syncopation in simple time. The rhythmic pattern will be recalled with complete accuracy in three of the four bars.

Assessment Task 1.2 You must recall a melody in a major key using the following keys, note values, time signatures and rests listed below. The extract will be in a key up to 3 sharps or 3 flats. You will be given the key signature for the melody and asked to name the key of the extract. The time signature, key signature and starting note(s) will be given.

You will individually recall the melody in one of the following ways: • By playing back on an instrument. The melody will be transposed up or down an octave as necessary, to fall within the range of the chosen instrument, but will stay in the same key. • By singing back. The starting note may be transposed to ensure the melody falls into a comfortable range for the student to sing.

The extract will be played as necessary within a 5-minute time limit. You may hear the extract as many times as you need within a 5-minute period.

Keys: • Major keys of up to three sharps and flats

Note values: • Semibreve, minims, dotted minims crotchets and quavers only.

Time signature: • 4/4 or 3/4 • The melody may begin on the first or last beat of the bar.

Melodic Range • All leaps will be within an octave • The melody may move above or below the tonic

Judgement Statement showing Evidence required to Achieve 1.2

You will recall a melody in major key, with no more than three errors of pitch, allowing for minor errors in intonation when playing or singing back.

Assessment Task 1.3

You will identify and recall chords in root position.

Chords must be recalled accurately, within the parameters below: • I, IV, V, vi in major keys of up to three sharps and flats • Chords may be identified using Roman numerals (I, IV, V and vi) or by using jazz/rock terminology (eg C, F, G, Am)

You will identify and recall 6 chords played on guitar, piano or keyboard with melody above. The assessment will be a melody up to 8 bars in length with chords underneath. The opening chord and some other chords in the extract will be given. You will individually identify and recall each of the chords in one of the following ways: • By playing back the chords on keyboard or piano (voicing of the chords may be in close position or any position convenient for you) • By playing back the chords on guitar (voicing of chords may be in any way convenient for you) • By writing them down (using Roman numerals or jazz/rock chords)

For those choosing to identify the chords by transcription, the extract will be played as many times as you wish within a 5 minute span with a 15-30 second gap between each playing. For those choosing the playback option, you will be given a recording of the music and five minutes to prepare your answer.

Judgement Statement showing Evidence required to Achieve 1.3 You will accurately recall four of the six primary chords in root position.

Note: This assessment contributes evidence towards the final grade of Unit Standard 18816. The final grade will be determined on completion of this activity and an assessment activity for 1.4 and Element 2.


GRADE FOR Resubmission ELEMENT 1 Date:

Student Date: signature

Teacher's Date: signature

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