Underground Plant Location Service, Inc
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Minutes of the Board of Directors and Officers West Des Moines Learning Center November 4, 2010
The following directors were present and participated in the meeting: Charles Bruggemann (Iowa Telecom) Dan Childers (Interstate Communications) Tim Flickinger (PAETEC) Terry Fox (MidAmerican Energy Company) Mike Heggen (Communication Technologies, Inc.) Leon Hofer (Iowa Network Services) Greg Pavelka (East Central Iowa REC) Brian Poock (Northern Natural Gas) Mick Secory (Consolidated Utility Services, Inc.) Steve Stone (Black Hills Energy) Ross Wendell (Qwest) Mike Wildung (Central Iowa Water Association)
The following officers were present and participated in the meeting: President: Dan Klopfer (Des Moines Water Works) Vice President: Ed Greiner (Interstate Power & Light) Secretary/Treasurer: Neal Drefke (Spencer Municipal Utilities)
The following people also participated in the meeting: Ben Booth (Walter & Associates) Steve Halstead (Walter & Associates) Shellie Petek (Walter & Associates) Craig Walter (Walter & Associates) Gary Craig (Iowa One Call Services) Bob Pose (Iowa One Call Services)
The following Director was absent: Paul Wiegand (Iowa State University)
The following Officer was absent: Chairman: Curt Hodges (Mediacom)
Call to Order President Dan Klopfer called the meeting to order. Craig Walter confirmed a quorum was present. President Klopfer recognized the guests from Iowa One Call Services: Bob Pose and Gary Craig.
Approval of Agenda MOTION made by Brian Poock and seconded by Greg Pavelka to approve the agenda. All present voted in favor. Motion carried.
Manager’s Report Her reports were sent to the Board in advance of the meeting. She updated those reports with one that included the month of October. She reported that this was the busiest October on record and was up 28% from a year ago. Year to date out bound calls are up 1.3% over last year. Financial Committee Report Neal Drefke reported that income for August was higher than expected and that expenses were as expected so we are on track for the year.
Advertising Committee Report Ben Booth reported on the committee’s current activity. The outdoor advertising PSAs are up across the state. Television and radio PSAs are being run. The Agriculture Brochure is being distributed via the Iowa –Nebraska Farm Equipment Dealer’s Association. Mr. Booth reported that the new web site is up and invited the Board to view it and submit possible changes, corrections, updates, links, etc.
Excavator Safety Awareness Program Greg Pavelka reported that the committee had met that morning and would be meeting again following the Board meeting. He sent around a mock up of the brochaure tht will be going nout via mail and email in the next couple of weeks. The umbarella’s and koozies are in and the glashlights are in transit. The committee will be meetingordered crank LED flashlights to be used as gifts for the participants and umbrellas to be used as items for the drawings. All twenty-nine (29) sites are set up and under contract. The first meeting will be held on January 10, 2011 and the last one will be on March 23, 2011. Bob Pose will be the facilitator. President Klopfer encouraged all Board members to make an effort to attend at least one program.
Legislative Leon Hofer reported that he and Terry Fox will be drafting possible changes to Chapter 480. They will be looking at white lining, standardized marking and ticket life. Mr. Hofer pointed out that any changes to 480 will impact the Call Center operation.
State of the Art Tim Flickinger reported that the committee is working to increase the number of facilities using positive response. They are adding a response code for non-participants, “Member facility is not currently using the Electronic Positive Response System for their positive responses.” Mr. Flickinger reported that the committee learned that some facilities have multiple utilities under one CDC which makes it difficult for them to use the IOC Positive Response System. Several solutions were explored but in the end it was decided that the facility should continue making their positive responses as they now are. The Committee has agreed to reduce the annual subscription fee for the Design Request System to $125 for single users and $250 for up to ten users. The Committee decided to keep the Fax-A-Locate program for the time being.
Administrative Update Craig Walter and Gary Craig reported that Iowa One Call Services (IOCS) has been incorporated as directed by the Board. When One Call Systems shut down, IOCS took over the operation of the Call Center. IOCS is using ADP to handle the payroll, and no payrolls have been missed. IOC has paid OCS everything owed them. The goal is that Iowa will have a stand alone Call Center operated by IOCS. Currently, there are thirty (30) employees at the Davenport Call Center and several Information Technology employees in Pittsburgh on a contracted hourly basis. The Iowa Utility Board has been informed of this effort as has the Iowa Attorney General’s Office. Gary Craig is acting as the Operations Manager. It is felt that the Center is still understaffed so efforts are being made to employ more CSRs. Craig Walter identified the IOCS Board Members as Dan Klopfer, Ed Greiner, Neal Drefke and Curt Hodges as officers and Charlie Bruggemann, Leon Hofer, Greg Pavelka, Ross Wendell and Paul Wiegand as directors.
Ben Booth reported that Gabby the Groundhog is still the IOC mascot. The new focus is “Protect What Really Matters.” He is working with Kuhn Productions to produce the video material to be used in the 2011 ESAP.
Steve Halstead reported that he spoke on emerging technology at Iowa One Call at the Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities meeting. Mr. Booth learned that they are embarking on a 2 project that will use GPS locations for all their distribution lines and that the data will be available to IOC in the future.
Strategic Planning: President Klopfer reported to the Board that due to changes in priorities IOC will have to delay Strategic Planning Meeting this year.
Request for Proposal: The RFP Committee (IOC Executive Officers plus Paul Wiegand and Terry Fox) is working to produce two RFPs—one for a turnkey operation for the Call Center and one for providing the software and support needed to operate the Call Center with IOCS providing the day to day administration.
Board Member Comments: President Dan Klopfer thanked Craig Walter and Gary Craig for their efforts in keeping the Call Center operating.
Adjourn President Dan Klopfer adjourned the meeting.
2010 Remaining Board Meeting Dates: September 28 – Conference Call November 4 – Board Meeting January 7, 2011 – Board Meeting/Holiday Party