UNISON National LGBT Committee
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UNISON LGBT calendar 2016
15-16 UNISON national LGBT committee 22-24 UNISON Black members conference Llandudno 27 Holocaust Memorial Day http://hmd.org.uk
February LGBT History Month www.lgbthistorymonth.or g.uk 8-14 https://www.unison.org.u ♥UNISON week of action against the Trade k/events/drop-the-trade- Union Bill union-bill-week-of-action 10 Branch LGBT officer and contact training Newcastle 11-13 UNISON women’s conference Brighton 20 UNISON regional LGBT group convenors meeting London 25 UNISON higher education conference Southport 26-28 UNISON community conference Southport
March 31 Transgender Day of Visibility https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/International_Trans gender_Day_of_Visibility
April 1-3 UNISON national LGBT committee policy Birmingham weekend 25-27 UNISON health conference Brighton
May 29 April – Out for the weekend at UNISON Croyde Bay Croyde Bay 2 May North Devon 5 Devolved government, local, mayoral and police http://www.aboutmyvote. and crime commissioner elections co.uk 13-15 UNISON young members weekend Leicester 17 International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia http://dayagainsthomoph and Transphobia obia.org
June 19 UNISON WET conference Brighton 19-20 UNISON local government conference Brighton 20 UNISON energy conference Brighton 21-24 UNISON national delegate conference Brighton 23-24 TUC LGBT conference London 25 London Pride London 26 UK Black Pride London
July 8-9 Labour Link forum Newcastle 8-10 Sparkle and Buff Manchester 15 UNISON national trans network meeting (morning) London 15 UNISON national bi network meeting (afternoon) London 16 UNISON national LGBT committee London UNISON LGBT calendar 2016
22-24 National trans pride Brighton 29 Deadline for motions to UNISON LGBT conference
August 5-7 BiCon Preston 19 UNISON LGBT conference preliminary agenda published
September 15 UNISON national LGBT committee London 16 UNISON national disabled LGBT members London network meeting 17 UNISON national Black LGBT members network London meeting 23 Deadline for delegate registration/ amendments to UNISON LGBT conference 23 Bi Visibility Day http://www.bivisibilityday. com
October 4 – 5 UNISON retired members conference Southport 6 – 8 UNISON police and justice conference Southport 10-17 Hate crime awareness week https://172430notohatecr ime.wordpress.com 21 LGBT conference final agenda published 29 – 31 UNISON national disabled members conference Brighton
November 17 UNISON national LGBT committee Llandudno 18 – 20 UNISON LGBT conference Llandudno 20 Transgender Day of Remembrance http://tdor.info
December 1 World AIDS Day http://www.worldaidsday. org 10 Human Rights Day http://www.un.org/en/eve nts/humanrightsday