St. John S Messenger
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St.St. John’sJohn’s MessengerMessenger Volume 90, Issue 08 April 21, 2010 From The Pastor Part One Starting in June the FCC has removed from the public sector all wireless signals above 700 MHz and given that range to police, firemen and others in the public service sector. Our two lavalier mikes (one of them the pastor uses) are both well below that, but our two hand held mikes that are also used in the sanctuary for singing and speaking both fall into the exclusion range. That means we have to replace them by June of this year. Gelnett’s informs us that the cost to replace them would be $1,338.00. That price includes their installation in our system. The Manufacturer is currently offering a $180 rebate for each unit returned which would lower the total cost by $360.00. But that still leaves us with a cost of $978.00 to replace and install both microphone systems. (That includes the mike and the receiver at the sound board) We are offering this to the congregation to see if there is anyone who would like to donate towards the replacement of these two, hand held mikes. If you would like to do this call the church office, or see the pastor or any member of church council. Our council members are: June Diehl, Mary Siemsen, Sandy Miller, Linda Bingaman, Elaine Kohl, Lisa Young, Crystal Reed, Lou VanGilder, Judy Stuck, Connie Lahr, Trudy Baker, and Jim Williams. Part Two May 15th is the First Communion Retreat. I will be meeting with parents of those signed up for the class on Sunday, May 9th during Sunday School in the Sanctuary at 9:00 a.m. Student must be enrolled by then so we can order the necessary books and make plans for lunch. Call the church office or see Pastor Dale to register. The retreat begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m. and will be held at Weller Park in Shamokin Dam. The Park Pavilion can be found by turning west onto 11th Avenue at Long John Silvers, making a left onto Maple Street which is only a short distance on 11th avenue, go to the stop sign and make a right onto Garden Circle. Go past two driveways on your right and you come to the road into the Pavilion Parking area, which is also on your right. You will see the pavilion behind the faded gray house where you will turn. To sign up your child, call the church office and give the name and phone number, or contact Pastor Dale. Sunday School will provide lunch. Each child should bring a pencil, a Bible, and their date and place of baptism.
They could receive their first communion on Pentecost, which is Sunday, May 23rd. But each student and their parents decide when they feel ready to begin taking communion after the student completes the retreat. That means they could decide to wait until a future communion Sunday if they wish, basing that decision on what they learn, when they feel ready, or any other important consideration in their life.
Rev. Dale F. Biesecker
At the April meeting, Church Council appointed St. John’s new Treasurer. We would like to welcome Teresa Miller to that position.
Teresa has been a faithful member of our church for 41 years and was employed as the church office secretary from’77-’85. She received a Certificate of Accounting from Susquehanna University and recently retired from Creation Windows, where she worked as assistant to the controller.
Teresa and her husband, Lee, live in Sunbury. They have six children and are the proud grandparents of five.
Council has voted to change the function of our Church Nursery. Beginning June 1st, we will no longer be scheduling Nursery Helpers. The Nursery will be utilized as a “Quiet Room”, where parents may take their children, should the need arise during worship. The service is heard through the speakers in the room, via the sound system. Information will be available in the Nursery for those using the facility and ushers may assist with directions to the “Quiet Room”.
April 23-29 While our pastor is away, for emergencies or pastoral care, call Pastor Constantine Havir 570-847-8737.
Thank you to Social Ministry for the Easter basket filled with goodies. How nice of you to think of me. Margie Bright.
Thank you to everyone who presented me with Easter gifts. Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated. Lena
Thank you for the card that was sent to me from “Your friends at St. John’s”. It meant a lot to me. Our church is a very caring place of worship, how well I know. May all of you have a very blessed Easter. We are coming into a beautiful time of the year. Lily Fox
The only vitamin a Christian needs is B-1.
NEEDED!! Icing Containers with lids for a Bible School Project. (Example as pictured below) You may place them in the box outside the church office marked “Icing Container”.
St. John’s VBS Needs You! June 21-25 Thursday, th If you are able to help, April 29 see Connie Lahr, 2:30 p.m. VBS Director. Look for VBS News in the next Messenger!
Radar praying I was once told how radar works. The electronic unit used sends out radio waves. When the waves hit something, they bounce back and are displayed on a screen. That’s similar to a helpful way I commune with God. When I’ve spent some quiet time in his presence, I let my mind slowly start moving in a circle. I never know what will appear on my mind’s “screen.” Whatever comes up, I consider that I should give it attention. Today, for example, the war in Afghanistan came up first. I prayed that hostility would cease, that children could go safely to school and that the government might respond to people’s needs. I moved on to other “pictures.” My friend in Texas whose wife just died. Members of Congress who need God’s guidance. Missionaries in hostile places. The unemployed, the homeless, the starving, the sick. Such praying takes time. Sometimes your mind strays or “gets stuck.” Allow God to direct your thoughts. When a “picture” comes up and feels God-directed, pray about the matter. One more thing: Don’t be surprised at the results. God may well indicate what your role could be in providing answers. —Charles Ferrell
ATTENTION We need all the good St. John’s bakers to contribute to our “Rummage, Soup and Bake Sale”. This is your invitation to contribute. Please have the baked goods at the church by Thursday April 22. Don’t forget to pick up your soup April 22-23!
Dates And Times For Our Rummage Sale: ●April 22, 8-4 p.m. ●April 23, 8-4 P.m. ●April 24, 8-12 noon Hope to see you there – bring your friends!
Fundraiser Bake and Eat Pizzas from Marlin’s Sub Shop are being offered at $5.00 each. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the Haiti Disaster Relief. Deadline for placing orders is April 25th. Please include payment with order. Pick up date for orders is Tuesday, May 4th from 2:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. Members of Social Ministry will be available to assist distributing orders. Since pizzas are made FRESH and not baked, they need to be refrigerated or frozen. Please notify Esther Bartholomew at 473-7187 (or anyone from Social Ministry) if you or someone else cannot pick up you order.
THE SPECIAL [pink] ENVELOPES found in the pews during the month of May are designated for Camp Mt. Luther.
Geranium Order Form Worship and Music is once again selling Geraniums. Help us adorn our sanctuary with an array red for the SundayGeraniums of Pentecost. may be ordered Below by you completing will find this a handy order form. order The form. form along with payment may be placed in the offering plate (use a pink envelope marked Geraniums), dropped off at the church office, or mailed to the church. Please make checks payable to: St. John’s Lutheran Church.
All Geraniums Cost $2.75 Each For a 4 ½ Inch Pot – Color: Pinto Red Last Date to order is Wednesday, May 12, 2010 A planning meeting th Phone No. ______Date Paid ______will be held April 25 at 9:00 a.m. Amt. Paid ______check #______Cash ______Our
Qty Ordered ______@ 2.75 each = Total ______Scriptures April 27 1 John 2:1-2
Given By: ______April 28 Luke 7:1-10 April 29 Psalm 116 In Memory of: ______April 30 John 17:1-11 May 1 James 5:7-11 In Honor of: ______May 2 Luke 15:1-7 May 3 Mark 15:1-15 To the Glory of God: ______May 4 Romans 5:1-8 May 5 Acts 1:1-11 As always, you may purchase RED geraniums at your favorite May 6 Matthew 4:1-11 florist and bring them to the church. Sponsorship information for May 7 Matthew 16:13-20 these plants should be provided to the May 8 Matthew 20:20-28 church secretary by May 12, 2010 to be included in the May 9 1 John 5:1-12 Geranium Presentation Booklet available on May 10 John 15:9-17 Monetary Gifts Received
In Memory of my husband, August Tiedman, for the undesignated fund, by Julia Tiedman. In Memory of my friend, John Brady, for the undesignated Fund, by Julia Tiedman. In Memory of William F. Wilt for the undesignated Fund, by John B. and Elizabeth Apple.
Sunday Presentation Openings: May 2 – Candles, Communion Wine May 9 – Communion Wine May 16 – Altar Flowers, Bulletins, Candles, Celebrates, Communion Wine May 30 – Bulletins, Candles, Celebrates
IfSPECIAL you are interested PRAYERS in sponsoring any of these worship supplies in memory or in honor of someone near and dearPlease to you, remember please call in or your stop by prayers: the church office.
Bishop Robert Driesen and his visit to Liberia in celebration of the anniversary of the Lutheran Church in Liberia,
Pastor Brian Beissel and his family, upon the recent death of his mother.
Final exams are right around the corner. Please remember all of our students in prayer. Christina Guyer May 14 Hadley Snyder Hannah Domaracki Rachel Mull May 7 Tina Pontius Phillip Hallden Shirley Wolfe
May 8 May 15 Donna Gallo Kisha Bonnell-Mensch Mathew Hallden Robert Crebs Kobe Swanger May 16 May 1 Maryann Berry Benjamin Eisenhower May 9 Grace Dunkelberger Abigail Kuttruff Courtney Bowman Christopher Savidge William Duncan, Jr. May 17 Trudy Baker May 2 Theresa Haddon Tyler Hendricks Charles Dibert Franklin Hoffman Aveya Stauffer Eleanor Williamson Lauren Holub Emily Young May 18 May 10 Ryan Henry Joanne Steele May 3 Kelly Kistner Dorothy Keihl May 11 Christy Persing Christopher Crebs Donald Snyder John Hendricks Delanie Wolever Lori Hoffman May 19 May 4 Steven Mertz Rachel Dunn Mariah Brouse Austin Haddon May 12 Jeremy Kropa Calaina Propst William Brennen, III Gene Ray May 5 Fay Stuck Emily Hoffman May 20 May 13 Martha Walter Patrick Fiori, Jr. Nicole Boyle Kandi Kearney Colton Brouse May 6 Brent Litchard Giselle Hallden Jennifer Berry-Propst Becky Mertz Tara Lehman Margaret Daddario Eric Tanner Betsy Mertz Natasha Eisenhower May 21 Aaron Payne Janell Feaster Christopher Kurtz Colton Matrey May 25 May 30 Lindsey Frehafer Brennon Hilner May 22 Steven Kremer, Jr. Peggy Biesecker May 27 Karen Treacher Lori Bogovich Melissa Bierly Jordon Heckman Melanie Clabaugh May 31 Lana Miller Robert Feaster Heather Heintzelman Shirley Gautsch May 23 May 28
OUR MEMBERS: We pray for Margaret Bright; Roger Miller; Nancy Hendricks; Dorothy Hechler; Arlet Hummel; Steve Lahr; Tina Pontius; Eleanor Polan; Virginia Rosancrans; Barb Eisely; Dave Eisely; Cheryl Yeager; Bob Wallace; Joyce Shearer; Erna Snyder; Romayne Hoffman; Betty Hetrick; Michael Payne; David Roush; Frances Hoffman; Zachery Baker; Ron Rabuck; Doug Manning; Ruth Ramer; George Campbell; Nancy Hendricks; Judy Dunkelberger.
SPECIAL PRAYERS: Nathaniel Orner; Heather Klingler; Suzanne Musser; Keith Rogers; Lauren Reitz; Peggy Patanella; Linda Ramsey; Tim Mace; Sally Pinches; Carol Wilks; Harold Reid; Cindy Stroh; Edwin Miller, Jr.; Tina Heim; Carol Watts; Joshua Gordon; Jodi Graybill; Brittany Graybill; Ed and Jane DeGand; John Ruane; Steve and Rose Brungard; Alice Reigle; Donald Propst; Joan Bagley; G. Donald Buckley; Jay Buckles. Please keep in your prayers the family of Sharon Reader (sister to Gail Lehman) who entered into eternal rest on April 12, 2010.
SPECIAL MILITARY PRAYERS: Jonathan Swank; Kale Gallo; Tom Stover.
EVENTS IN OUR AREA May 2 – SUN Home Hospice Ecumenical Memorial Service to memorialize lost loved ones who died between March 2008-February 2010. Zion Lutheran, Sunbury (Apple Chapel) at 2:00 PM May 10 – Danville Community Singers, St. Peter’s UMC, 240 Sunbury Road, Riverside at 7:00 PM May 16 – Children’s Remembrance Service – A service to remember the loss of infant or child – Apple Conference room AB, Evangelical Community Hospital May 22 at 7:30 PM and May 23 at 3:00 PM – Buffalo Valley Singers Concert at St. John’s UCC, 1050 Buffalo Road, Lewisburg June 4 – Susquehanna University Relay for Life (see bulletin board for more information). EVENTS AT ST. JOHN’S April 22 and 23 – Rummage Sale and Bake Sale 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. April 24 – Rummage Sale 8:00 a.m. until Noon April 25 – Pizza Order Deadline April 25 – Youth Planning Meeting 9:00 a.m. April 26 – Property 7:00 p.m. May 4 – Pizza Pick Up 2:00-7:00 p.m. May 6 – Worship and Music 7:00 p.m. May 6 & 7 –Bishop’s Retreat May 10 – Finance 7:00 p.m. May 12 – Council
Attendance for April 11, 2010 8:00 a.m. Service – 47 10:15 a.m. Service – 69 Average Weekly Offering Needed to Meet Budget: $3612.00 Offering Received: $2849.00 Attendance for April 18, 2010 8:00 a.m. Service – 45 10:15 a.m. Service – 59 Average Weekly Offering Needed to Meet Budget: $3612.00 Offering Received: $3252.00
ST. JOHN’S MESSENGER (USPS-515-660) is published biweekly, annually, by Periodicals St. John’s Lutheran Church, 300 Queen Street, Northumberland, PA 17857. Postage Paid Periodical postage paid at Northumberland, PA. Northumberland, PA POSTMASTER: Send address change to St. John’s Messenger, 300 Queen Street, Northumberland, PA 17857.
ST. JOHN’S MESSENGER April 21, 2010 Volume 90, Issue 08
Address Label
St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 570-473-3770 Email us [email protected]
This Sunday at St. John’s April 25, 2010 – Fourth Sunday of Easter 8:00 a.m. Worship Service With Communion 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Worship Service With Communion George Groff Preaching Next Sunday at St. John’s May 2, 2010 – Fifth Sunday of Easter 8:00 a.m. Worship Service With Communion 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Worship Service With Communion 3:00 p.m. Quiet Communion Church Office Hours Mon-Fri. 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Dale F. Biesecker, Jr., Pastor William J. Jacavage, Director of Music www.stjohnslutherannorthumberland MAY 2010 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Worship w/Comm. 8:00 AM TOPS 6:00 PM Pizza pick up 2-7 PM Worship & Music 7:00 PM Sunday School, 9:00 AM Girl Scouts 6:30 PM Boy Scouts 7:00 PM AL ANON 7:00PM Bishop’s Retreat Worship w/Comm. 10:15 AM Cub Scouts 7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Senior Choir 7:00 PM Quiet Communion 3:00 PM National Day of Prayer Bell Choir 8:00 PM Bishop’s Retreat
9 Mother’s Day 10 11 12 13 14 15 Worship w/Comm. 800 AM TOPS 6:00 PM Senior Choir 7:00 PM Council 7:00 PM Messenger Deadline First Communion Sunday School 9:00 AM Girl Scouts 6:30 PM Bell Choir 8:00 PM Deadline for 2:30PM Worship w/Comm. 10:15 AM Cub Scouts 7:00 PM Retreat Cub Scout Parent/Leader Geranium Orders Bread of Life, 5--6 PM at Finance 7:00 PM Social Ministry, 6:00 PM Meeting 7:00 PM (FH) Weller Park AL ANON 7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Worship w/Comm. 8 AM TOPS 6:00 PM Boy Scouts 7:00 PM AL ANON 7:00PM Fausey/Nagle Sunday School 9:00 AM Girl Scouts 6:30 PM Senior Choir 7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Wedding Worship w/Comm.10:15 AM Cub Scouts 7:00 PM Bell Choir 8:00 PM 2:00 PM George Groff Preaching WELCA 7:00 PM
23 Pentecost 24 25 26 27 28 29 Worship w/Comm. 8:00 AM TOPS 6:00 PM Preschool Program Messenger Deadline Lahr/Snyder Sunday School 9:00 AM Girl Scouts 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 2:30PM Wedding Worship w/Comm. 10:15 AM Cub Scouts 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 7:00 PM AL ANON 7:00 PM 3:00 PM Senior Choir 7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Bell Choir 8:00 PM
30 31 Memorial Day Worship 8:00 AM Office Closed Sunday School 9:00 AM Worship 10:15 AM Service Assistants for May 2010 Date Lector Greeters Communion Bread Ushers Acolyte/ Nursery Sound Assistants Crucifer Helpers System
8:00 AM Mary May 2 Judy Stuck Rogers 8:00 AM Sue Billman Tina Pontius, Capt Dani 10:15 AM Mary Nick May 2 June Gary Smith Barb Moyer Judy Boyer Erdley Bill Troutman Rogers Auman 10:15 AM Diehl Carolyn Smith Sally Mayer Becca Boyer Blaine Shaffer Ginny Butler May 2 3:00 PM 3:00 PM Peggy Biesecker Quiet Comm. May 9 8:00 AM David Herbert Esther 8:00 AM Bartholomew Brenda Herbert Bob May 9 10:15 AM Esther Bob Berry, Capt. Wes Dean Barb Moyer Bartholomew Judy Bickel Berry 10:15 AM Siemsen Tina Pontius Ginny Butler Bonnie Berry Bickel Zach Bickel Trish Long Maryann Berry Mike McWilliams May 16 8:00 AM Tom Propst Laurie 8:00 AM Robinson Pat Propst David May 16 Mike Ken Reigle 10:15 AM Laurie Doug Manning, Capt. Jessica Betty Duncan Menges 10:15 AM Erdley Judy Reigle Mike Erdley Robinson Lou VanGilder Steele Erin Reigle Dani Erdley Frank Hoffman Franklin Hoffman
8:00 AM May 23 Judy Stuck Cynthia Paul 8:00 AM Sue Billman Todd Billman, Capt. May 23 Elaine Matt Fasold 10:15 AM Cynthia Sue Billman Emily Lisa Brouse Lou VanGilder 10:15 AM Kohl Angela Fasold David Menges Paul Matt Billman Bogovich Logan Brouse Mary Menges Katie Billman May 30 8:00 AM 8:00 AM No Communion
Mike Erdley, Capt. Harry May 30 David Sandy Miller 10:15 AM Ed Saxman Jacob Laurie Robinson Bingaman 10:15 AM Menges Linda Bingaman No Communion Glen Weaver Hite Kate Billman Mack Fleming