Re: North Rocks Community Fair and Craft Fayre
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359 North Rocks Road North Rocks 2151 Ph: 9871 1772 Fax: 9872 1448
Dear Parents / Caregivers,
Due to the closure of the swimming pool at RIDBC NRPS is changing the provider of swimming lessons for students. The swimming program will instead be run by Department of Education School Swimming and Water Safety program. The program will run each day during Week 9 and Week 10 of Term 3 (Monday 11th September – Friday 22nd September).
The program is offered to non-swimmers (unable to swim 25 metres) from Year 2 and Year 3. There are 60 places available, which will be filled in order of return of permission notes to the school office.
ORGANISATION: The swimming sessions are scheduled at Waves, Baulkham Hills. Travel to and from the pool will be by bus, leaving school at approximately 12pm and returning at 2pm. Whilst the DET does not charge a fee for the lessons, students need to pay pool entry, lane hire and bus costs, being a combined total of $115.
Please also note the following details: Payment of $115 is required with the return of the permission slip. Refunds will not be issued for non-attendance.
If you would like your child to participate in the swimming program in Term 3, please complete the form below and attached note as soon as possible along with full payment or your recepit number if paying online. Your child’s place in this program will be confirmed upon receipt of payment only. This activity has the approval of the Principal.
Lyn Welsh Deputy Principal
SCHOOL SWIMMING PROGRAM – Return Slip, and Payment
I give permission for my child ______of class______to participate in the SCHOOL SWIMMING AND WATER SAFETY PROGRAM at Waves Aquatic Centre, Baulkham Hills. Dates are 11-22 September 2017. I understand that students will travel by bus to and from the venue. I have enclosed payment of $115. I understand that refunds will not be given for non-attendance. I give permission for medical aid to be provided if believed necessary by the supervising teacher who is trained in CPR.
Parent/guardian signature ______Date______