The Mind Is an Entity in Every Person That Which Supercedes All Physical and Earthly Qualities

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The Mind Is an Entity in Every Person That Which Supercedes All Physical and Earthly Qualities

The mind is an entity in every person that which supercedes all physical and earthly qualities of the mind. The mind is an entity independent of its environment, yet the body is always in touch with the environment in which it exists. The theory of dualism presented by Descartes in his Meditations suggests that the human body and human mind are very different entities. I agree with Descartes theory but claim that there is an association between the two entities. The human mind exists on a level totally independent of its environment. The mind gives a human the capability of reason and logic, which makes man a “rational animal” (18). The mind is able to conceive thoughts on God and other ideas that are far outside the physical world. In addition the mind is can pass judgments on entities that exist in the physical world, any body that we encounter. Thus the mind has no limits, and is far more powerful than the human body. The mind is capable of things that cannot be experienced by the body. The judgments passed by the mind on these external and internal ideas are always correct and devoid of flaws. The human body however is a very different entity. This body is controlled by the brain and only works and interacts in the physical world. The brain controls the rest of the human body by sending out electrical signals, which travel throughout the neurons of the nervous system. The brain is cable of obtaining information from the outside world. The brains senses obtain information from the physical world in which the human body exists and transports electrical information back to the brain to be analyzed. The human body can therefore only pass judgments on that which exists in the physical realm. There is much controversy regarding the relationship between the mind and body. Some scientists believe that the mind does not even exist. Yet it has become a trend in medicine and science to study the relationship between the body and mind. Mind and Body medicine has become increasingly popular in the last few years. The main beliefs surrounding this type of medicine is that emotional, spiritual, and mental factors of the mind affect a person’s health. The well-being of the mind is directly related to a persons good health. One type of mind and body medicine that illustrates this phenomenon is Homeopathy. In homeopathy, the doctor focuses on treating the patients’ minds believing that good health will follow. One specific example of homeopathic healing is the placebo effect. The placebo effect has been documented in numerous clinical studies. The placebo affect occurs when a patient receives a placebo, a pill that contains no medicine or chemicals, which in fact leads to their recovery. The placebo is sometimes prescribed to patients in order to make them think they will get better. The patient’s mind is put at ease and the body follows. It has been shown through studies that stress on the mind leads to poor health such as high blood pressure and heart attacks. Much of mind and body medicine deals with the alleviation of stress, such as yoga, meditation, and massage. Stress is condition, which is believed to originate in the mind, yet affects the entire body. Treatments like yoga and meditation are intended to relax the mind in order to prevent damage to the body. Based on the beliefs of alternative medicine the mind and body, although separate, are very related. The human body and human mind exist on two totally different levels. The body only exists in the physical world, and cannot venture into the world of the mind. The mind however has no limits. These two entities are very unique, still the mind appears to have influence over the body.

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