School Hazard Register - Science & Laboratory Rooms

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School Hazard Register - Science & Laboratory Rooms

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School Hazard Register Science & Laboratory Rooms

Hazards Describe Harm Is it a Eliminate? Control Action Date Frequency of that could occur Significant Isolate? Completed Monitoring Hazard? Minimise? (Yes / No) Burns Yes Minimise  Assess hazards involved in each - Monitored Chemical poisoning Yes And experiment and develop controls to through each minimise and eliminate. lesson plan. Explosions Yes Eliminate where  Develop a set of rules students must - Review rules Eye injuries Yes each term or after Experiments possible abide by while undertaking experiments Dermatitis Yes any incidents.  Substitute hazardous chemicals or Lacerations Yes sample for more benign ones. - Review Fire Yes chemicals and  Ensure appropriate safety equipment is samples used available and properly maintained and each term. staff are trained in its use. - Audit safety  First aid kit is fully stocked and teachers equipment on a have a current certificate. weekly basis.  Comply with The Ministry of Education’s, Safety and Science – A Guidance Manual for New Zealand Schools Burns Yes Minimise  Ensure appropriate safety equipment is - Audit safety Chemical poisoning Yes And used when working with hazardous equipment on a substances. weekly basis. Preparing material for Explosions Yes Eliminate  Have adequate space and an area free class experiments and Eye injuries Yes where possible from interruptions - Check every work Dermatitis Yes  Fire extinguishers are operational and two months and Lacerations Yes chemical spill kits are full and replace when Fire Yes accessible. some thing used Occupational asthma Yes  Other staff members are informed - Review system teacher/technician is working on every term. hazardous task. - Part of electrical  Telephone is accessible and in working audit every three order. months  Ensure adequate time is allowed for preparation. Experiments Disease Yes Minimise  Check all present for allergic reactions - Biological matter used  No use of student’s bodily fluids, eg blood, saliva. - Reviewed when  All bones and feathers disinfected preparing lesson before use. plan.  Cultural safety issues if using human biological material. Equipment Electrocution Yes Minimise/  Check equipment before using - Three monthly - Electrical check of Burns Yes Isolate  Use with RCDs and isolating electrical transformers equipment  Ensure fully trained in safe use of - Training needs equipment. No operating appliance until analysis at this happens performance  No extension cords. Rewire and add review more powerpoints. Equipment Burns Yes Minimise  Ensure regular checks burners and - Full check of Explosions Yes Isolate pipelines. facilities every - Bunsen burners term, or when  Remove and repair any faulty Fumes inhalation Yes fault reported. equipment immediately  Install kill switches/ gas isolation valves  Regular inspection of gas cylinder - Students  Students trained in correct procedural reminded of use. procedures every  Burners kept away from curtains, drafts, term. other combustibles. Equipment Explosions Yes Minimise  Locate cylinders in secure place - Full check of - Gas cylinders facilities every Fumes inhalation Yes Isolate  Ensure properly labelled term, or when  Ensure staff understand handling fault reported. procedures - Training needs  Staff are trained in safe lifting analysis at procedures. performance review Equipment Cuts Yes  Clean up any breakages with a brush - Regular - Glassware Chemical poisoning Yes Minimise and pan. Don’t handle. removal of sharps - Pipettes container by Isolate  No pipetting by mouth to avoid sucking - Sharps – scalpels, Fumes inhalation Yes approved up chemicals/samples scissors, razor Diseases Yes contractor blades, needles  Dispose of sharps in approved sharps - Check first aid - thermometers disposal container. kit every week and have working  Ensure first aid kit fully stocked and reordering staff trained in first aid. system.

 Change thermometers to alcohol based from mercury based. Equipment Eye injuries Yes Minimise  Only Class 1 and 2 lasers used. - Check at time of - Lasers purchasing  Not to be used on reflective surfaces. equipment.  Students and staff instructed on safe use - Procedures of equipment. reviewed before experiment undertaken. Equipment Epileptic fits Yes Minimise  Check health status of those present. - Review when - Strobe undertaking  Avoid the 15 Hz frequency. experiment. Chemicals/Materials Chemical exposure Yes Minimise  Ensure appropriate safety equipment is - Reviewed every - Handling Illness Yes Isolate available and properly maintained. term and before experiments  Ensure staff/students aware of Fire Yes undertaken. appropriate gloves to wear when Burns Yes handling different types of chemicals. Explosion Yes  Provide students with induction Occupational Asthma training.  Good response procedures developed for chemical splashes and inhalation  Eye/skin irrigation procedures in place and equipment available. Staff and students are trained.  Material Safety Data Sheets have been obtained from the manufacturer and are on hand.  Staff and students are aware and practiced evacuation and other emergency procedures.  Comply with The Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996.

Chemicals/Materials Chemical exposure Yes Minimise  Assess risk of each experiment. - Reviewed - Ventilation every term Illness Yes Isolate  Use fume cupboards and extraction and before systems. Fire Yes experiments Burns Yes  No heating of samples of unknown undertaken. composition. Explosion Yes - Annual Occupational Asthma review of ventilation systems. Storage of chemicals Chemical exposure Yes Minimise  Ensuring incompatible solvents are not - Annual review Illness stored together. of chemical storage Fire  Do not store acid and alkali together. - Bi annual  Store chemicals in plastic containers, Burns compliance apart from chemical exceptions – nitric Explosions checks and sulfuric acids and oxidising agents.  Make sure properly labelled, with chemical name, formula, date purchased, disposal date, degree of hazard, type of hazard and precautions.  Storage cupboards, stores locked at all times. Restricted access to technician, HOD for more dangerous chemicals.  Small amounts of chemicals in labs. Large amounts in bulk storage or dangerous goods store for flammables/oxidisers.  Emergency shower by storage area.  Make sure there is a lip or fall wire on shelving.  Shelving earthquake proofed.  Guidelines for dangerous goods store in Safety in Science booklet.  No forbidden chemicals. See list in Safety in Science booklet.  Material Safety Data Sheets have been obtained from the manufacturer and are on hand.  Staff trained in safe lifting techniques and safe handling procedures. Waste disposal Disease Yes Minimise  Sharps container provided and collected - Review waste -chemical Explosions Yes Isolate by authorised contractor disposal -physical procedures  Biological waste incinerated where - biological Fire Yes every term. appropriate or collected by an Contamination Yes authorised waste disposal contractor - Disposal procedures  Chemical spill clean up material kept training separate to avoid unwanted reactions undertaken  Sand used for spills disposed of through when approved waste disposal measures. changes occur.  Follow Council recommendations for Beginning of disposal of toxic waste every term  Agar plates autoclaved before next use. with students.  Acids and bases can be disposed down sink once neutralised.  Develop a clean up plan. Include when outside assistance should be brought in.  Train students and staff on correct disposal methods. Slippery surfaces Falls Yes Eliminate  Clean up spills immediately -Part of regular review process Bruises Isolate  Use warning signs to advise students and staff about hazard  Use non-slip surfaces on floors. Students Chemical exposure Yes Minimise  Keep laboratories locked when not in - Review - behaviour Illness Yes Isolate use procedures every - standards of dress term. - bags and Fire Yes  Keep chemicals locked away when not in use. belongings Burns Yes - numbers Explosions Yes  Train students in safe working procedures, use of equipment and Lacerations Yes handling chemicals. Falls Yes  Keep bags and coats and belongings off Stress related the floor to avoid tripping hazards conditions  Ensure appropriate clothing and footwear is worn. Eg no loose clothing, or dangling ties.  Hair is tied back.  Ensure students use personal protective equipment where necessary.  No eating or drinking in the rooms  Make sure the class size is appropriate for the experiment. Eg there are not too many students to supervise. Furniture Constrained posture, Minimise  Ensure demonstration bench is at the - Annual - stools Back and shoulder correct height for staff. review of - benches injuries procedures  Ensure preparation areas have a stool or and facilities. extended height seat.  Staff trained on preventing postural injuries.  Anti-fatigue mats provided for extended standing on concrete floors to prevent back injuries.

Room design Fire Yes Minimise  Try to reorganise room so this doesn’t - Annual - students working Burns Yes happen review with back to teacher Explosions Yes  Incorporate this in any remodelling or alterations of science rooms Lacerations Yes Room design Fires Yes Minimise  Ensure gas taps are accessible and - Annual - placement of fixed Burns Yes burners are not placed near curtains review equipment - Assess at - durability of Chemical burns Yes  Surfaces are acid and alkali resistant, planning surfaces including sinks. Fumes – lung Yes stage in new - fume cupboards  Classrooms have fume cupboards problems classrooms - chemical storage  Enough storage to keep chemicals - ventilation - Build into separate. annual plan  Dangerous goods store where needed for changes  Comply with NZS 4303 Ventilation Air Quality Workload Stress Yes Minimise  Ensure there is adequate time to prepare - Annual - preparation time Burns Yes for experiments review Lacerations Yes  Assess staffing levels and time needs Explosions Yes


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