Detailed Training Plan

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Detailed Training Plan

Detailed Training Plan

Summer Training and Proposed Staff Trained Content Delivery Next Steps with individual task Planning Date method assignments with estimated time Coaches Professional Summer External and FTF, 1 Day Be prepared to facilitate exercises and Learning Internal Coaches 1. Overview and Introductions team planning with the school 2. Tier 1 Components and Critical Features leadership team during the next two 3. Facilitation and Coaching 101 days. 4. SWIS and TIPS 5. Fidelity Tools and Data Collection

School Leadership Team Summer School Leadership New Team Professional Learning Modules- FTF, 2 Days Leadership Team has time to plan for Professional Learning Team and Coaches anchored to Tiered Fidelity Inventory and development of the following activity based (i.e. Re-thinking discipline, products: resource mapping, working smarter) 1. 3-5 Expectations 2. School Teaching matrix  NTT Overview 3. Social Behavior lesson plans 4. Acknowledgement plan  NTT 1.1, 1.2 ppt 5. Office Referral form in final format  NTT 1.3 ppt (pre-work done with district in advance of training)  NTT 1.4 ppt 6. Data collection process (who writes  NTT 1.5 ppt referrals, where do they go, who  NTT 1.7 ppt enters, what is a minor/major, etc.) 7. Procedures for informing  NTT 1.10. 1.11 ppt families/students about PBIS  NTT 1.12 ppt 8. Plan for kicking off PBIS with staff prior to SY and plan for kick off with  NTT 1.14, 1.15 ppt students on the first day of school  Workbook Other key discussion items:  Tiered Fidelity Inventory and Action How team members can communicate Planner with staff members throughout the summer in order to get “some” staff  Tiered Fidelity Implementation Snapshots input whenever possible. (It is ideal to get staff input for every component). This can also be accomplished during the staff kick-off and throughout the 1 year.

School Leadership Team Summer School Leadership School Leadership Teams use Kick off FTF, 2 Days  Continue finalizing Planning (done on site Team and Coaches template to plans for kickoff events (students implementation plan and PBIS with or without coach and staff) Ensure all items are in place: products support)  Share SAS staff survey results  Get input from staff  Secure staff commitment to  Coach assesses fidelity of implementation products (i.e. expectations  Review School Implementation Plan with positively stated, rules and specific measurable goals behavior examples are operationally defined)  Establish Staff Expectations  Finalize plan to teach school community (staff, students, families) new process

School Leadership Team Summer All Staff Professional learning provided to all staff on FTF, Prior to Gather staff feedback Faculty Kick Off core features, present how PBIS will be students delivered and supported returning

Year 1 (some Proposed Date Staff Trained Content Delivery Next Steps with individual task installation and method with assignments initial estimated implementation) time Student Kick Off First day of school Students Expectations, Rules, Routines taught in context, School Gather Student feedback acknowledgement/feedback system Leadership team determines how content is delivered Family Training Within first Families Expectations, Rules, Routines taught in context, FTF during Ensure families have ongoing month of school acknowledgement/feedback system BTS communication, feedback and night/commu participation nication home, school website, newsletter

2 PD Days Varies School Leadership Classroom Components/ Classroom Behavior 4-5 Days over  Leadership provides professional Team and Coaches Systems SY learning to school staff on classroom components –grow the  Define classroom rules, align them to green schoolwide expectations, teach the rules,  Coach uses Classroom Walk and acknowledge rule following (follow up through to build a system of data, to summer training) monitor fidelity of  Define classroom routines, teach routines, implementation acknowledge routine following  Coach works with leadership to  Develop a continuum of strategies to install classroom behavior acknowledge appropriate behavior: systems to include what is done to provide support to all staff, Establish minimum ratio of 4:1 o some staff, and a few staff (CCU or positive specific feedback (adult other one on one coaching attention) approach) o Provide positive specific feedback consistently to reinforce students ‘ use of academic skills, classroom rules and procedures  Develop a continuum of strategies for responding to inappropriate behavior: o Prompt (identify error) o Re-teach (expectation/rule/concept) o Provide choice (where, when, how work is done)  Employ active supervision (move, scan, interact)  Provide multiple opportunities to respond (OTR)

Booster Sessions Varies Varies Team uses progress monitoring data and FTF  Continue to progress monitor discipline data to determine specific skill fidelity building sessions- Team uses TFI modules to assist with booster  Increase support for staff who sessions need additional support -part of on-going work to build classroom behavior systems Coaches Trainings Monthly Coaches Topics vary based on need FTF Use coaching log to track progress

 Function Based Thinking  Data for Decision Making  Facilitation 3  TIPS  Establishing a classroom behavior system to support installation of classroom components (classroom observation, performance feedback)  Using the Tiered Fidelity to measure progress and adjust action plan


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