Year at a Glance Social Studies Grade: 2Nd Social Studies

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Year at a Glance Social Studies Grade: 2Nd Social Studies

Year At A Glance Social Studies Grade: 2nd – Social Studies Process Standards Assessments 2.3.A identify several sources of information about a given period or event such as reference materials, biographies,  Reading/vocabulary newspapers, and electronic sources* quizzes 2.3.B describe various evidence of the same time period using primary sources such as photographs, journals, and  Unit assessments interviews*  Formative assessments 2.18.A obtain information about a topic using a variety of valid oral sources such as conversations, interviews, and music should be done via short 2.18.B obtain information about a topic using a variety of valid visual sources such as pictures, maps, electronic sources, writings/class discussions literature, reference sources, and artifacts 2.18.C use various parts of a source, including the table of contents, glossary, and index, as well as keyword Internet  Writing assignment searches to locate information 2.18.D sequence and categorize information 2.18.E interpret oral, visual, and print material by identifying the main idea, predicting, and comparing and contrasting Ongoing 2.19.A express ideas orally based on knowledge and experiences TEKS 2.19.B create written and visual material such as stories, poems, maps, and graphic organizers to express ideas

2.20.A use a problem‐solving process to identify a problem, gather information, list and consider options, consider

advantages and disadvantages, choose and implement a solution, and evaluate the effectiveness of the solution

2.20.B use a decision‐making process to identify a situation that requires a decision, gather information, generate options,

predict outcomes, take action to implement a decision, and reflect on the effectiveness of that decision Concepts TEKS Common Assessments 1st Nine Community 5A, B Writing: Weeks  What is it, reasons communities form 7C, D Topic: What is a community, and  What is in your community? 8A what are some important functions Geography 11A, B, C of a community? 12A, C, D  Maps: what, why 13A, D  Important elements 14A, B, C, D  Map, Google Earth of community: what can we tell by looking at these things? Freedom Week Assessments  “Community” of the United States/citizens  Unit assessments  Patriotism, American values  Projects  Protection of rights, need for laws People of the Community  Who is in our community? Roles, jobs  Meeting needs  Modifications to our community/environment  Working together, community service, solving problems Community Government  What is government: role, function, necessity  Citizens: role, responsibility, citizenship  Public officials: Who/roles, duties Anthems, Mottos, Symbols 1A, B Writing:  Importance of government reflected in anthem, pledges, symbols 4A, B, C Topic: What are some things that  Mottos: what are they, what are some for Americans? 14A, B, C, D make America unique? 15A, B  Patriotism, American values: inventiveness, individualism and freedom 16A, B 2nd Nine  Importance of landmarks at community, state, and national level Assessments Weeks Culture of America  Unit assessments  Evident in our holidays that celebrate freedom, government, independence, etc.  Projects  Religious and ethnic diversity: respect for individuality, freedom to celebrate culture  Holidays and cultural celebrations  Significant individuals Time 2A, B, C Writing:  History in terms of time: timelines, and describing historical time periods 4A, B, C Topic: Describe how a person you  Importance of understanding chronology 9A, B have learned about made a positive 10A, B, C impact on his/her community.  Historical significance of people and events 13B, C Significant Individuals 17A, B  Historically significant: people who have done important things that caused changes that Assessments we still experience today, such as inventors and founding fathers  Unit assessments  Community shapers: good deeds, community service and citizenship  Projects 3rd Nine  State and local heroes: historic and contemporary Weeks Economics  Define, needs, wants, earn, spend, save, goods, services, producer, consumer  Choices: needs and wants, economic decisions about money  Free market and U.S. free enterprise system  Products: raw material to finished product Technology  Importance of, what kinds do you use?  Changes the way we meet needs, communicate, have fun, move around 4th Nine Map Skills 5A, B Writing: Weeks  Reasons to use maps, important parts of map review 6A, B, C Topic: Why is it important to learn  Locating places on map of community, city, state, nation 7A, B, C, D about geography? 8A, B, C  Using maps to make inferences, predictions Geography Assessments  Types: Physical and human  Unit assessments  Physical: landforms, climate, resources, natural hazards  Projects  Human: communities and settlement patterns, characteristics of places/regions  Human-environment interaction, negative and positive effects, modification of the environment, conservation of resources  Urban, rural, suburban areas

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