Students and Parents, Fall 2017
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Students and Parents, Fall 2017
Welcome to Algebra! My name is Mr. Bourland and I am excited to be your teacher this year. In order to make the year run smoothly, I would like to make my policies clear from the start. Students, please read through them with your parents. If you or your parents have any questions, feel free to contact me. I know that if we work together this will be a great year!
SUPPLIES to be left in the classroom: 1- 4 pack of dry erase markers- for student use 1- 2 pack of glue sticks 1 - 4 pack of AAA Batteries 1 – Box of Tissue Student Daily Supplies Composition Notebook- 70 page, one subject Folder with Pockets and Brads/ or Binder Markers(thin) or map pencils Highlighters Pencils Pens (Black and Red)
CLASSROOM RULES 1. RESPECT yourself, others, and property: I believe respect is the most important element of a great learning environment. This includes adhering to all school rules. 2. BE PREPARED and Prompt: Bring completed assignments to class. It will be counted late if you turn it in after I ask for it. Be in your seat ready to begin when the bell rings. 3. MAKE A POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION: This includes being on task and following all school rules.
CALCULATOR USE A set of TI-84 calculators is provided to use during class. You will be assigned a calculator and are responsible for it during your class period. If there is anything wrong with your calculator (markings, carving, messages, etc.) at the beginning of class, please report it to me or you will be held responsible. Please clear your calculator at the end of class before returning it to the holder.
EXAM PARTIAL CREDIT: An important goal of testing in Algebra is to provide students with an opportunity to communicate their knowledge of correct reasoning and methods. Students are required to show their work for specified questions so that the teacher can assess the students’ methods and answers. To be eligible for partial credit, methods, reasoning, and conclusions should be presented clearly. Answers without supporting work could possibly not receive credit. Students should use complete sentences in responses that include explanations or justifications.
GRADING Daily Work: (30%) Classwork and Daily Participation: Classwork and activities will be assigned on a daily basis and graded. Quizzes: Expect quizzes over recent classwork and activities on a regular basis. Quizzes are weighted as 2 daily assignments.
Tests: (70%) We will have a minimum of 3 tests/projects per 9 week period. Only students with district approved modifications will be able to take their tests in CM or SOAR- depending on accommodations. All other students will take the test in class. Please see district policy regarding use/possession of cell phones during test and consequences. Cheating on a test will result in a 0 for the test, no eligibility for retakes, a referral to the principal, and a phone call home to the parents. Cheating is not tolerated. Please have the honesty and integrity to do your own work. Make-Up Work Daily: It is your responsibility to pick up any work that you have missed. Makeup work will be accepted in accordance with the time frame set up in the student handbook. Assignments, worksheets and additional information can be found in google classroom. If you are absent, this is the place to go. Tests: If you miss the day of the test, you will be required to take the test within the time frame stated in the student handbook. Refer to district policy regarding the retesting policy.
Semester Grade is composed of 40% for each nine-week grade and 20% for the semester exam. Please see student handbook for policies regarding freshman spring final exam policy.
Grades will be available online via Skyward. Visit the Georgetown ISD website to register. (Under parents)
SUPPORT MATERIALS Text All students will receive access to a book online and may check one out, if they choose. On-Line We will go over online resources in class. Please check out my website/goggle classroom for more information. Tutorials Monday through Thursday mornings, 8:00 – 8:40, room 171. Some after school tutorials will be available on Tuesday and Thursday through the math department.
CONTACT Mr. Bourland Classroom 171 Conference Periods: Conference 2nd Period Phone: 943-5100 ext. 7087 Email: [email protected] Website: Google Classroom: Code: (w1a6oo)
(Cut here and return) ------I understand and agree to abide by these policies and procedures.
______Student Name Student Signature Date
______Parent Name Parent Signature Date
Parents: Does your child have a device (for BYOD) to bring to school to use in the classroom? Yes No
Parents: Does your child have at home internet access? Yes No
Parents: Is there anything you would like me to know about your student that would impact their learning?