Pcard Manual Glossary
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STATE PCARD DEFINITIONS A fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of general ledger codes in which cash and other financial resources, together with all related liabilities and residual equities or balances, and changes therein, are recorded and segregated for the purpose of ACCOUNT carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations. For reporting purposes, the State identifies certain accounts as major funds, and administratively combines all remaining accounts into roll-up funds. Automated Clearing House (ACH) is a secure payment transfer system that connects all U.S. financial institutions. The ACH network acts as the central clearing facility for all ACH PAYMENT Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) transactions that occur nationwide, representing a crucial link in the national banking system. ADS Authorization Decision Strategy All State of Wisconsin Agencies; as created or authorized to be created by the State Constitution or any law, which is entitled to expend moneys appropriated by law, including AGENCY the legislature and the courts, but not including an authority, as defined in Wis. Stat. s. 16.70(2). AGENCY Means a specific state employee who has been issued a Purchasing Card by an agency CARDHOLDER AGENCY PCARD Means the individual(s) appointed by the agency head to manage, coordinate and control ADMINISTRATOR Purchasing Cards within the agency. AGENCY PCARD Means the individual who will validate that transactions have been reconciled and will APPROVER approve the transactions to be paid in PeopleSoft. AGENCY PCARD Means the individual (typically the Cardholder) who will reconcile the transactions but will RECONCILER not have the authority to approve their own transactions in PeopleSoft. AGENCY PCARD Means the individual (typically auditors) who will have the view only access to transaction REVIEWER information in PeopleSoft. A systematic collection of the sufficient, competent evidential matter needed to attest to the fairness of management's assertions in the financial statements or to evaluate whether AUDIT management has efficiently and effectively carried out its responsibilities. The auditor obtains this evidential matter through inspection, observation, inquiries, and confirmations with third parties. BANK Means a financial institution licensed as a receiver of deposits. Means the P-Card Statement file that is received by the State Controller’s Office on a nightly basis from the Bank and is loaded into PeopleSoft for PeopleSoft agencies. For BILLING FILE Non PeopleSoft agencies the “Billing File” means the detailed bi-weekly Billing that is received electronically by the State Controller’s Office or individual University of Wisconsin campus from the Bank. A plan of financial operation embodying an estimate of proposed expenditures for a given BUDGET period of time and the proposed means of financing them. Means a Bank issued Commercial Card Product issued to an authorized state employee CARD through the Department of Administration, State Bureau of Procurement’s Purchasing Card Contract.
Page 1 of 5 STATE PCARD DEFINITIONS This form states that the purchase card user has read and understands the policies and CARD USER procedures of the State and their State Agency or Entity relative to purchase card use and AGREEMENT FORM agrees to comply with all of these established procedures. This form must be signed by the card user prior to issuance and use of the State Purchase Card.
A written order on a bank to pay on demand a specified sum of money to a named person, out of money on deposit to the credit of the maker. A check differs from a warrant in that CHECK the latter is not necessarily payable on demand and may not be negotiable. It also differs from a voucher in that the latter is not an order to pay.
Any State Agency or Entity staff involved in the contracting process who is responsible for CONTRACT oversight of a contract (i.e. Contract Specialists, Program Managers, State Contract MANAGER Executives, and etc.) CREDIT CARD A card entitling the holder to buy services or goods on credit. DVB Disabled-Veteran Owned Business An item in question or lacking agreement by parties involved, such as an item appearing DISPUTED ITEM on a Purchase Card statement that the State Agency or Entity disagrees with. DOA Department of Administration DEO Department of Enterprise Operations A set of unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of an State Agency or Entity that either: (a) presents a real, immediate threat to the proper performance of essential EMERGENCY functions; or (b) may result in material loss or damage to property, bodily injury, or loss of life if immediate action is not taken. Europay, MasterCard, and Visa and is a technical standard for smart payment cards (chip EMV cards) and for payment terminals and automated teller machines which can accept them. ERP Enterprise Resource Planning: State business integrated process management software.
Means an office, department, agency, institution of higher education, association, society, including all State universities or other body in the State of Wisconsin government; ENTITY created or authorized to be created by the State Constitution or any law, which is entitled to expend moneys appropriated by law, including the legislature and the courts, but not including an authority, as defined in Wis. Stat. s. 16.70(2). For the State of Wisconsin; a 12-month period extending from July 1 of one calendar year FISCAL YEAR to June 30 of the next calendar year. Travel in all areas of the world outside of the United States of America and its FOREIGN TRAVEL possessions. GHOST BILLING A cardless billing program offered by many charge card and credit card companies that ACCOUNT are designed to primarily accommodate airline ticket purchases. Means articles of trade or items of merchandise, supplies, raw materials, or finished GOODS products, and may also include incidental or related services as the situation may require. ILT Instructor Led Training
Page 2 of 5 STATE PCARD DEFINITIONS A process affected by those charged with governance, management, and other personnel designed to provide reasonable assurance about the achievement of the organization's INTERNAL CONTROL objectives. The State’s objectives fall into separate but related categories: safeguard its assets; check the accuracy and reliability of its accounting data; promote operational efficiency; and encourage adherence to policies for accounting and financial controls.
An integrated set of policies and procedures, based on a common structure of components, concepts and definitions, designed to assist management to achieve its goals and objectives. To be truly comprehensive, a government's internal control framework must (a) provide a favorable control environment, (b) provide for the continuing INTERNAL CONTROL assessment of risk, (c) provide for the design, implementation, and maintenance of FRAMEWORK effective control-related policies and procedures, (d) provide for the effective communication of information, and (e) provide for the ongoing monitoring of the effectiveness of control-related policies and procedures as well as the resolution of potential problems identified by controls. A document submitted by a vendor, showing the character, quantity, price, terms, nature INVOICE of delivery, and other particulars of goods delivered or of services rendered. An individual, company, firm, or combination thereof with which the State of Wisconsin ISSUING BANK contracts for Purchase Card services. MANUFACTURER The name of either the manufacturer or the commonly accepted trade name. MAY Denotes the permissive in a contract clause or specification, at the option or discretion of. MBE Minority Owned Business Means the Merchant Category Code assigned by the Banking industry. The state has MCC three standard specifications: regular, travel and foreign emergency major medical expense. MUST An obligation of; or requirement to. Activities performed by an official or State employee, authorized volunteer, or contractor, OFFICIAL STATE work experience program participant, student or employee of another governmental BUSINESS jurisdiction as directed by his or her supervisor in order to accomplish State programs or as required by the duties of his or her position or office. Original written acknowledgement that goods or services have been received. All receipts must include the date of purchase, vendor name, items purchased, and prices. Examples of original Receipts are as follows: Purchases in Person: Shall have a detailed receipt at the time of purchase, clearly identifying each item purchased. Phone/Fax Orders: The original invoice, packing slip, or shipping confirmation sent with the goods purchased. If the packing slip does not have the itemized detail then write it on ORIGINAL RECEIPTS by hand. Internet Orders: Print a copy of the order, confirmation screen, or invoice sent via email that shows what was purchased and the dollar amount. Registration Fees: Attach the registration form and supporting documentation that includes actual dates; location; title of the conference, convention, or seminar; amount of fee; and a breakdown of specific costs (meals, etc.) included in the fee. Note: This may require obtaining both a payment receipt and a copy of the applicable page from the brochure, application, or registration form. OSER Office of State Employment Relations
Page 3 of 5 STATE PCARD DEFINITIONS A form of intergovernmental cooperative purchasing in which a State Agency will be extended the pricing and terms of a contract entered into by another State Agency. One State Agency will competitively award a contract that will include language allowing for PIGGYBACK other State Agencies to utilize the contract which may be to their advantage in terms of pricing, thereby gaining economies of scale that they normally would not receive if they competed on their own. Means PeopleSoft users who have access rights to Purchasing Card transactions. PROXIES Possible options include the following: Administrator, Approver, Cardholder, Reconciler, and Reviewer. PURCHASE The acquisition of goods or services, including the leasing or renting of facilities or goods. Means a Bank issued Commercial Card Product issued to an authorized state employee PURCHASING CARD through the Department of Administration, State Bureau of Procurement’s Purchasing Card Contract. A record kept by the cardholder that lists Purchase Card transactions in detail. This may PURCHASE CARD be either a manual log that the State Agency or Entity develops and maintains, or an TRANSACTION LOG online tracking log. The log will also include supporting documentation and required approvals. The process of correlating one set of records with another set of records and/or a physical RECONCILIATION inventory count that involves identifying, explaining, and correcting differences. *Means the medium used by the Cardholder to record and verify purchases against the RECORD OF Statement. Agencies may determine the mechanism that works best for them. The PURCHASES Purchasing Card User Manual shows a sample P-Card Log Form. SBOP State Bureau of Procurement SCO State Controller's Office Labor, work, analysis, or similar activities provided by a contractor or vendor to SERVICES accomplish a specific scope of work. SHALL An obligation of; or requirement to. SHOULD A reasonable expectation. SOLE SOURCE Document used to initiate an individual accounting transaction. STAR State Transforming Agency Resources: Wisconsin's State ERP Acts as the statewide PCard Program Administrator for State Agencies and Entities STATEWIDE PCARD participating in the statewide purchase card contract administered by the Department of PROGRAM Enterprise Operations (DEO). The responsibilities of DEO include negotiating all contract MAINTAINER terms and conditions with the issuing bank, and managing and administering the Statewide program. STATE State of Wisconsin Means the detailed Statement of charges that is sent to the Cardholder by the Purchasing STATEMENT Card vendor. STATUTE A written law enacted by the Legislature and signed by the Governor. SUPERVISOR Individual responsible for approving the cardholder’s time and leave form reporting. Any record or information which verifies a purchase. This includes an itemized vendor SUPPORTING receipt, agenda, or other various travel-related items. In addition all individual purchases DOCUMENTATION shall include a business purpose.
Page 4 of 5 STATE PCARD DEFINITIONS Compulsory charges levied by a government for the purpose of financing services TAXES performed for the common benefit. Those costs covering per diem expenses; transportation expenses; meals and/or coffee TRAVEL EXPENSES and light and miscellaneous refreshment business expenses regardless of travel status; and miscellaneous business expenses related to official State travel. TRAVELER A person in travel status who is on official State business. UPK User Productivity Kit: For PeopleSoft applications. UTSA Uniform Travel Schedule Amounts An organization selling a good or service to the State. Vendors include, but are not limited to, retail businesses, consultants, contractors, manufacturers, credit card companies. A VENDOR vendor may be an individual, corporation, non-profit organization, federal government, or federal agency, local government or local agency, another state or another state agency, a Wisconsin State Agency or Entity, or Indian nation.
A written document that evidences the propriety of transactions and usually indicates the VOUCHER accounts in which they are to be recorded. WBT Web Based Training WILL An obligation of; or requirement to.
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