Digital Innovating Questionnaire March 2017 Problem Statement

How can the adoption of innovative technology be accelerated for the construction, maintenance, operation and use of highway assets in the context of increasing demands, greater financial pressures and deteriorating highways assets?


ADEPT, in conjunction with partners Ringway, EY and O2, is conducting a research project to help answer the Problem Statement. There are a number of strands to this project including vehicle manufacturers, academia, professional services, IOT & digital infrastructure, and highways infrastructure. This questionnaire is concerned specifically with the highways infrastructure element.

Whilst this questionnaire is split into the five sections of Highway Construction, Highway Maintenance, Network Operations, Use of Highway Network and a General section, it is expected that there will be overlaps between these sections. Please respond in the most appropriate section, and if in doubt, repeat your example to emphasise the overlap.

Please answer the following questions. In doing so, please think about the whole highway network system as well as specific assets/components such as pavement, footway, drainage, signs, lighting, highways technology, structures, barriers etc. Please also consider how technology has been adopted to help budget management, performance management, prioritisation of work and investments etc and how this has enable you to achieve the intended service or project outcomes.

Construction Phase How have you adopted digital innovation during the construction phase in any of the following areas?

Examples you may wish to consider include the use of BIM, intelligent vehicles, plant & equipment, robotics, data transfer methods, stock management systems, technologies to support health, safety and environmental goals, design optioneering and simulations, temporary and permanent traffic management systems, site logistics, embedded sensors into permanent infrastructure, and on site as built information capture, etc.

To make the design, project management & construction process itself more effective or efficient? If so, please state what, where and how. Click here to enter text.

To make the logistics and supporting activities during the construction process more effective or efficient? If so, please state what, where and how. Click here to enter text.

Embedment of digital technology within permanent construction to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of future highway asset maintenance, operations and use? If so, please state what, where and how. Click here to enter text. Digital Innovating Questionnaire March 2017 Any other? Click here to enter text.

Maintenance Activities How have you adopted digital innovations for the purposes of maintaining the highway assets more effectively or efficiently?

Examples you may wish to consider include remote monitoring of asset condition, use of drones, risk based data driven and tailored maintenance to suit available budgets, materials technology for repairs, reduced energy and maintenance of electrical assets, electronic works management systems, asset management systems updates, traffic counts, noise and air quality monitoring and reductions, etc.

In monitoring the highway asset condition to direct and tailor highway maintenance service activities. If so, please state what, where and how. Click here to enter text.

For the repair and improvement of the highway assets. If so, please state what, where and how. Click here to enter text.

By capturing relevant information that supports the wider operations and use of the highway assets. If so, please state what, where and how. Click here to enter text.

Any other? Click here to enter text.

Highway Network Operations How have you adopted digital technology to enhance the way the highway network is operated (managed) in relation to other transport infrastructure and other local and national services?

By monitoring congestion, incidents, work in progress by third parties (eg utility companies and developers), works by neighbouring authorities, air quality, noise, surface temperature, lighting etc. If so, please state what, where and how. Click here to enter text.

How has such monitoring information been used to actively manage traffic flows, diversion routing, mobilising/demobilising work or maintenance activities etc? Please state, what, where and how. Click here to enter text.

For interacting with other transport services e.g. rail, buses, coaches, park & ride to enable more effective use of a connected transport system. If so, please state what, where and how. Digital Innovating Questionnaire March 2017 Click here to enter text.

To enable interaction with other local and national services and events (e.g. delay to sporting events, bin collection timings, flooding trends and weather events) to enable more effective planning. If so, please state what, where and how. Click here to enter text.

Any other? Click here to enter text.

Use of Highway Network Have you adopted digital technology to enhance the way the highway network is used by customers (motorist, freight operators, cyclists, public transport providers, pedestrians, vulnerable users, residents and businesses) to enhance the service and/or provide a more effective and efficient service? For analysing data on the use of the highway network to enable short term and medium term actions. Examples of short and medium term actions may include Active Traffic Management, freight routing and timing, road closures, tidal flow schemes, collaboration with other clients, providers and utilities, altering delivery and waste collection timings etc. If so, please state what, where and how. Click here to enter text.

By use of real-time live data (e.g. social media information) to enhance the service offered on the highway network and the feedback received. If so, please state what, where and how. Click here to enter text.

To enable customers to receive a more connected and joined up service across different departments within an authority, client, operator or provider. Examples may include emergency services, waste collection, planning, parking, street cleansing, verge maintenance etc. If so, please state what, where and how. Click here to enter text.

Other Click here to enter text.

General Have you adopted innovative technologies in any other way that has enabled a more effective and efficient management of the highway network and the delivery of service to customers and stakeholders? Utilisation of digital innovations to promote communication and interaction with customers, the public, road users and key stakeholders? If so, please provide details. Click here to enter text.

What joint digital systems and approaches have been developed working with other authorities, stakeholders and providing partners, designers, network managers and contractors? Please provide details. Digital Innovating Questionnaire March 2017 Click here to enter text.

What technology innovations have been used for Public Interface, Political interfaces, Media, collaboration with other authorities, partners and service providers? Please provide details. Click here to enter text.

What technology innovation have been used to deploy quality management systems and processes and to capture continuous improvement and best practices? Click here to enter text.

What technologies have been used to coordinate, manage and monitor the deployment of people with the right skills, competencies and training at the right place at the right time, either in the office or on the ground? Click here to enter text.

Any other? Click here to enter text.

The research team may wish to follow up your response with further discussions and/or workshops.

By responding to this questionnaire it is taken that you are aware that all, or parts, of your response may be published in the final research report. However, if you believe that any parts of your response are particularly sensitive in any way, please highlight this in your response. This will then be explored with you and an approach agreed prior to any distribution or publication.

In order to facilitate both of the above two items, please provide your contact details below.

Name …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Position …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Organisation …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Address ………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………...

Email …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Telephone No ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Please send your response to [email protected] by 30th April 2017