MINUTES of a MEETING of CLYST ST GEORGE PARISH Councilon13th July 2016 at 8.55Pm Held

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MINUTES of a MEETING of CLYST ST GEORGE PARISH Councilon13th July 2016 at 8.55Pm Held

MINUTES OF A MEETING OF CLYST ST GEORGE PARISH COUNCILon13 th July 2016 at 8.55pm Held in the Village Hall, Clyst St George

Prior to the meeting there was a presentation by the management of Burrington Estates, which was attended by a large number of Parishioners. [34+] The Presentation and questions ran until 8.00 -8.50pm.

PRESENT: Cllr. M. Ackland-Smith (MAS) Cllr. J.Manser (JM), Cllr. P. Bragg (PB), Cllr A. Meechan (AM), Cllr R. Horner (RH), Cllr M. Howe (MH) Mrs. C. Newbery (CN). 20 Members of the Public.

1. Apologies for absence– Cllr Dearsley 2. Minutes to Meeting 08 June 2016 – unanimous approval and signed. 3. Declarations of interest- None 4. Open Forum (1) Member of Public 1 – stated that there was another development planned adjacent to the Burrington Estate development. MAS confirmed that the Council were aware of this and handed over to Cllr. Howe, who confirmed that, as yet, no application had been made, and the land was still in the ownership of Mr. Bragg. He attended a presentation last week where between 6 and 8 houses were being considered by a self-build group. It would consist of 25% social housing, and a village green etc. The proposals were being put forward by a community trust, who were all local people. They intended to drop leaflets around the village. No planning application has been made, and the trust are entitled to explore the possibility. (2) Member of Public 2 – asked whether we had a plan in place. Cllr. Howe replied that we had not, but East Devon has. (3) Member of Public 3 – retorted that if the Parish had a plan in place, then only 2.8 houses would have been social housing and not the figure quoted. She was not happy with the amount of social housing stated to be included in the development. (4) Member of Public 4 – asked why people from Ebford have a vote on Clyst St George Parish Council. MAS replied that at the last election all but three of the Parish Council did not re-stand – Cllr Manser was originally co-opted, Cllr Bragg and Horner re-stood, and the other Cllrs. were new & all Cllrs represent the whole parish not just where they personally live (5) Member of Public 5 – asked that the letters be delivered to each house in the Parish and not just in the vicinity of the development. (6) Member of Public 6 – Queried about the access to the site. Cllr Howe confirmed that the developers would liaise with the Parish Council and villagers. (7) Member of Public 7 – stated that it would not make any difference, there was a huge objection to it all – and the villagers’ views would not be listened to. MAS responded saying that all the Cllrs. were doing their best, and at present, there is a lot of vitriol about something that that may not even happen. She assured the meeting that Cllr. Howe had reported all that he knew. She confirmed that Cllr. Baker and herself had at - tended the meeting with the Land Trust. The Trust was made up of predominantly sons and daughters of locals who cannot afford to buy property in the area and want to un- dertake self- build. (8) Member of Public 8 – Said that everyone was very concerned that a small hamlet was being ruined by a possible development, and the Council are talking as if it will happen. MAS assured them this was not the case. (9) Member of Public 9 – Queried what grade the land was. Cllr Bragg confirmed the land was not arable, definitely not Grade 1, possibly Grade 2a or 3. (10) Member of Public 10 – Questioned the use of the footpath from Pytte across to the cricket field, and up to the main road. MAS had been in touch with the Landowner who could not tolerate that some dog walkers did not clear up after their dogs, and there was the possibility of his stock being contaminated. He reluctantly had no choice if he wanted to preserve the fertility of his stock. Cllr Manser confirmed that this had never been an official footpath. The Member of Public said that surely after a certain number of years, the path would have the status of a public right of way. Cllr Manser confirmed that there had been a review with the Footpaths Officer, and no footpaths had been ad- ded. Devon County Council had produced a definitive map of this. MAS suggested to write to Devon County Council, but would need evidence. Member of Public replied that the footpath had been used by self for 55 years, had not encountered dog dirt, and surely the decision could be appealed. 5. Correspondence – Clerk Report 1. Hedge on A376 – we have written again on this matter having had no response. 2. Contacted the owner of the hedge at Higher Thatch, and he has promised to get it cut back without further delay. 3. Letter to Highways re accidents on A376 dual carriageway – this will be reported later.

4. Having had no response from BT despite the forms having been despatched to them five months ago, I have made enquiries, and there is a body called the Community Heartbeat Trust who will do everything. They are the recommended suppliers of Defibrillators by BT, and if the project is undertaken by the CHT, then BT will provide free electricity for the first seven years of the project. There is no automatic right to use the unmetered supply in a kiosk. Details were distributed, and the matter will be put on the Agenda for the next meeting.

6. County Councillor’s Report– none available. 7. District Councillor’s Report Cllr Howe reported that the Rosario application for garage was expected to be heard at the 2nd August planning Committee. 8. Police Report No crimes have been reported for the past month. 9. Finance: Clerk to Report We have this month paid Devon County Council for the VAS posts of £678.71 (net 565.59), and Norris and Fisher the sum of £591.92 (£540.57) for the year 2016/17 insurance, which includes the VAS posts. Other payments include £500 for the supply of the Hog Roast by Kenniford Farm, the Clerks salary and expenses and Plandscape £55.20 for grass cutting. (The reconciled bank balance now stands at £3436.92. The only expenditure budgeted for July is the grass cutting, the Clerks salary and expenses and the gift for our retired PCSO Donna. Cllr Meechan reported that the grass had not yet been cut by the traffic lights. Cllr Manser said that the estimate put forward had not been fulfilled and there was a lot of work outstanding. MAS confirmed that she was not happy with Plandscape, & that we should contact them with view to improvement – if not to seek alternative quotes Vote on Accounts – Unanimous. 10. Parishes Together Fund – discussion Cllr Meechan spoke about the lighting along the trail to Exton. Cllr Bragg suggested we approach other Parishes for funding. MAS confirmed we would need funds for grass cutting to make up the shortfall on Highways work. Cllr Manser confirmed that he would have an action plan in place.

Grants Policy Approval - This matter was deferred until the next meeting.

11. Planning see below 12. Councillors Reports Cllr Horner reported that grass cutting needed attention. He also reported that the noticeboard had been completed, although more work had needed to be carried out as the back wood was rotten, and had to be replaced.

Cllr Bragg reported that the Pound had had no work carried out by the college project, and the had now finished until September.

Cllr Manser confirmed that pre-submissions on the Neighbourhood Plan was now underway, and it would go to consultation late July/August. The draft plan will go to all Councillors for comments. He also reported he will obtain another quote for the Ebford sign post replacement.

Cllr Meechan reported that a meeting at Crealy had been arranged, but was postponed to the Autumn.

MAS reported that she had had a meeting with the Dart Brothers with Cllr Manser. They were in agreement in principle subject to other matters, for a permissive footpath from the top end of the Fire Station to Darts Shopping Centre. She reported that South West Water had been in touch again about Odhams Wharf. The pumping station had been checked, and they had discovered defective piping, which has now been repaired. MAS had been in discussions with Highways regarding the accidents on the A376, and had been advised to put in an official complaint containing as many details as possible. She confirmed it was a matter we would have to keep Highways updated, if we wished for a positive solution to the problem. She also reported that she considered the bus shelters should be kept in good order & needed another clean. MAS reported that the Clerk had been on a training course, which she thought would be a great advantage. MAS requested a vote on the gift of a £50 Marks and Spencer Voucher for our retired PCSO Donna – Unanimous vote.

13. Date of next meeting – Wednesday 14th September 2016, but reserve the right to call Planning Meeting in August if deemed necessary.


1] 16/1049/VAR – Land west Woodbury Road, Clyst St. George – Application to vary Condition 2 of Planning Permission 14/0167/MFUL (to reposition Plots 3, 4 and 18 alter parking courts And small changes to proposed bund and to elevation details. Cllr Baker confirmed that an initial comment had been submitted and would support Environment. Cllr Bragg commented that the bund had been removed as it was previously on top of the sewer. Cllr Manser concerned on the height of the brick walls. Cllr Baker would submit final comments – Unanimous vote. 2] 16/0433/FUL – Marianne Pool Farm, Clyst St George EX3 0NZ – Conversion of farm building to dwelling. Cllr Baker confirmed this was a new dwelling. Cllr Manser queried how much of the original barn would be left, but understood the dwelling was intended for a member of staff. He was happy to leave decision to EDDC. MAS reported that very little alteration, that bat surveys had been completed. Cllr Horner and Cllr Bragg had no objections.Vote – 1 Objection, 5 Agreed, 3] APP/U1105/D/16/3151884 –First Floor Extension to Bungalow, Green Mead, Clyst Road. Appeal made to Secretary of State against the Council’s decision to refuse planning permission. Cllr Baker confirmed we had supported this application without comment. MAS confirmed she met with owners, who felt they were not taking sunlight from next door neighbours. Unanimous vote – no further comments. 4] 16/1362/FUL – Kingston Hill, Ebford Lane, Ebford EX3 0QU – Erection of first floor extension over existing garage including front and rear building. Cllr Baker reported that the owner had scaled down his plans, there was no overlooking and no windows. Unanimous vote no ob- jections.

MAS - any questions. Member of Public – concerned whether the bund would deflect the noise levels, and asked whether the first application had noise engineers’ reports. Cllr Manser confirmed that such engineers had been consulted. Cllr Baker replied that the Planning conditions were very specific.

Signed……………………………………………………………….Dated………………………………………………………. The Meeting closed at 10.50pm

The next Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 14 th September 2016 at 8pm

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