Meeting Notes - Darlington Organisation (DOT)

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Meeting Notes - Darlington Organisation (DOT)

Meeting Notes - Darlington Organisation (DOT) Thursday 2nd March 2017 12.00pm-1.00pm The Pease Suite – Dolphin Centre

Present: Carole Sobkowiak Soroptimists Deaglan Porteous Darlington MIND David Smith Darlington Talking Newspaper Margaret Weeks Darlington Talking Newspaper Natalie Whitworth Groundwork NE Cheryl Hunter DISC Young Carers Jackie Kitching DBC – Move More Martin Webster DBC Kirsten Barton Darlington Town Mission Joanne Scott Care Quality Commission Andrea Goldie HWD Lisa Shepperson HWD

Apologies: Wendy Tarelli Darlington Borough Council Katie Dowson Relate NE Debra Wright Cancer Research UK Sam McCormick Relax Kids Darlington Mark Den Hollander Family Lives Rachel Osbaldeston DBC

Action Target By Date 1. Welcome and Introductions AG welcomed all to the meeting and introductions followed. 2. Apologies As above 3. Notes from the last meeting. The minutes from the last meeting were agreed as a true reflection of the meeting with one amendment from Darlington Talking Newspaper ‘The further bag pack fund raisers planned for Sainsbury’s and Asda are being led by All Saint’s Church Hand Bell Ringers’ 4. Guest Speaker – Deaglan Porteous – Darlington MIND 4.1 DP addressed the group on the Young People’s Self Harm project “Express the Mess”. He explained that the project has been running since May 2016 and was developed on the back of a rising number of phone calls the service had started receiving from young people looking for support and services. 4.2 DP went on to explain to the group that the project was being funded from money received from BBC Children in Need. The project is aimed at young people aged 11–18 years who are deemed to be at risk of self-harm. DP explained that the service offers a range of training packages some of which are free. 4.3 DP gave the members a flavour of some of the projects currently running and explained that it has been a lot of hard work getting the project started but extremely enjoyable. He went on to state that the project is now coming up to its first anniversary and that they are now looking at carrying out some evaluation work of the project. 4.4 DP informed that they have been working with colleagues at DBC who have facilitated some workshops and that the project is now building momentum. A question was asked about how the project is reaching people. DP reported that they have taken the project into schools and that the local schools have been both interested and supportive. He added that some of the youngsters are coming through via GP referrals. 4.5 DP stated that they are starting up some peer support groups and working with the QE College to provide a range of workshops, such as Body Image and Stress Management. DP hopes these will begin mid-April. 4.6 Conversation ensued and questions were asked about parent support and further funding. DP informed that the funding was for 3 years and that the feed-back that they had received so far was very good. He went on to say if the project continues to go well they may receive further funding from BBC Children in Need. 4.7 A comment was made that as lots of clubs for youngsters across the Borough have had to close that this service sounds essential. Another comment was made that there could be the potential to get involved with the youth clubs/groups that are still operating currently. 4.8 DP concluded by informing more information can be found on the Darlington MIND website and that as well as having a face book page, they also have a young people’s face book page. DP confirmed that Darlington MIND were still based in Borough Road.

5. Guest Speaker – David Smith – Darlington Talking Newspaper 5.1 DS introduced himself and the Darlington and District Talking Newspaper. He asked the group whether they had any idea of how many people in Darlington are registered as blind? He informed the group that there was in fact 300 2 people registered as blind and 9,000 people who are partially sighted, with predictions that this will probably increase in the future for a variety of different reasons. 5.2 He went on to inform that the service has been ongoing since 1979 and that the format consists of a weekly news bulletin that lasts for approximately 40 minutes and then a magazine section also lasting for approximately 40 minutes. This may cover a range of different topics/interests. On a lighter note, he informed members that the service refers to its listener’s as VIP’s, simply meaning ‘Visually Impaired People’. 5.3 He reported that currently the service resides in the premises of the Northern Echo. Recordings take place on a Wednesday and on a Thursday, several volunteers attend to produce CD/memory stick recordings that are then posted out to listener’s. The service presently retains approximately 40 volunteers who carry out many different roles such as readers/gatherers/editors/copying teams and office teams. 5.4 DS went on to inform members that to his mind there were 3 main imperatives for the service:  Maintaining the Listener Base This has been falling slightly and referrals that once came through via Social Services no longer appear to be coming through that route. DS informed that they are looking at an initiative to reach Care Homes in the Borough.  Maintaining flow of funds This has mainly come from charity donations and gifts from the families of deceased relatives. The fundraiser lead by the All Saints Hand Bell Ringers raised £1620.  Premises In the past the Darlington Talking Newspaper has moved around but are currently situated in the building owned by the Northern Echo, as this building is now up for sale, DTN will be seeking new premises, preferably one which contains or has access to a recording studio. 5.5 DS circulated leaflets to the members and asked if anyone had any further questions. AG commented that HWD can still promote the service through their networks, e-bulletin and newsletter. DS remarked that they were leaving leaflets at the local surgeries and opticians. MW stated that they continue to hold events, circulate leaflets and added that the next Annual General Meeting will take place on 8th May. 5.6 Conversation continued and comment was made expressing that it is sometimes difficult to be sure that people are being reached and that although the service is offered to those primarily with visual impairments very often they also have physical difficulties too. 5.7 MW asked the group whether anyone knew of any available premises. MW/DBC suggested that linking in with ‘The Box’ may be possible, giving opportunity to work with young people with needs such as Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome. MW expressed some concerns around insurances for young people but commented that it might be worth popping in to speak with them. MW/DBC suggested that it may be an MW/DBC ASAP opportunity for both groups to link/work together. 5.8 DS asked whether the Radio Tees Room located at the Council Building was still in use. MW/DBC said he would enquire and also, contact Mike Clark at ‘The Box’ and make enquiries re: interest in working together with DTN. DS commented that himself or MW could be contacted on Monday, Wednesday and Friday Mornings. 5.9 KB from Darlington Town Mission remarked that she might be interested in becoming a volunteer reader as she currently does some reading with elderly people. DS informed that readings are done every 5 weeks and they tend to use 2 male and 2 female voices.

AG thanked both guest speakers, on behalf of the group, for their informative presentations. 6. Around the Room Updates

6.1 Darlington Mind – DP expressed that following on from his earlier presentation he would welcome any questions or comments and urged organisations to get in touch if they had any queries or concerns.

6.2 Darlington & District Talking Newspaper – Following on from the earlier presentation to the group. DS requested any help in locating suitable premises, help in raising awareness of the service to engage new listeners and help in attaining new volunteers to the service. He also asked whether any of the group knew anything about the use of the Age UK building based in Houndgate. He concluded that the AGM will take place on Monday 8th May.

6.3 Soroptomists – CS updated the group that the Soroptimists had taken part in one of the focus groups facilitated by HWD regarding the Darlington Blue Print consultation. CS stated that Soroptomists mainly focus on issues relating to women and spoke about the ‘Istanbul Convention’ (preventing violence against women) which has currently had its second reading in the House of Commons and is awaiting ratification. She informed that Councillor Jenny Chapman has been very proactive and attended the House of Commons.

6.4 Groundwork NE – NW updated the group that they are promoting a new exercise class for new mums called ‘Fit Mamas’ starting on the 6th March. It takes place in the South Park and meets at the Band Stand at 10 am. The class lasts 4 an hour. She also informed of some free ‘Walk-leader’ training that they are providing if anyone is interested.

6.5 DBC – MW give the members an overview of the ‘Developing Darlington’ group that he is initiating. He described the group as a ‘mutual back scratching group’ expressing that the idea behind the group is for the agencies and organisations to work collectively to share and provide resources/training/staff development in an attempt to reduce the financial strains that many of the groups are facing. He went on to say that he had meet with HWD, the Darlington Partnership Group and the Strategic Implementation Group (SIG) to discuss how to work more closely together and discuss the idea of arranging a ‘conference’ to bring all agencies and organisations together to see how the groups can best support one another. He expressed the next step would be to look at how to go about arranging the conference which would ideally be held sometime in April.

6.6 Care Quality Commission (CQC) – JS introduced herself to the group and explained that this was the first time she had attended this group so wanted to come along and get a flavour of the meetings. She gave the members an overview of what the CQC do and who they are, explaining that they are the regulators for social care providers, such as Nursing Homes, Care Homes and people who are cared for in their own homes. She explained to the group that through the Health & Social Care Act the CQC have powers to close underperforming providers if necessary and/or will often work closely with them to make/implement improvements. She stated that the CQC are generally associated with bad things, however, they work with HWD to discuss and promote positive outcomes also. She concluded by saying that she was happy to answer any questions the group might have.

6.7 DISC Young Carers – CH addressed the members with some figures explaining they have had 392 referrals, they currently have 80 active service users. They have received 14 new referrals and she informed that the numbers were steadily going up. CH informed that one of their main issues is around care/bullying and they support many young carers in emergency situations. She went on to add that they frequently assist with form filling, such as Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and carers forms. CH expressed to the group that she would like to source some more up-to-date information/training with this, adding that the criteria around many of the forms they are requested to help complete, changes very rapidly. DP suggested Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) should be able to assist with that support and advised CH to make contact with them. CH informed that the Young Carers Charter training has been completed in 18 schools and they now have their awards. However, more awareness raising needs to be done with local GP surgeries as only 6 out of the 11 practices have been involved and training is available for nurses/practitioners. CH informed that she is also to meet with Martin Webster from DBC. CH concluded that they are holding a Wellbeing Event on the 30th May and she will forward details to JC/HWD.

6.8 Move More Team/DBC – JK informed the members that they are involved with a number of sheltered housing scheme’s where they assess the physical abilities of the residents and develop a range of activities such as crafts/singing/line dancing and movement for improved health and wellbeing. JK expressed that she attended today’s meeting mainly to find out more about the group, its participants and what the group has to offer. She extended an invitation for any of the members to get in touch if they would like any further information about the Move More service.

6.9 Darlington Town Mission – KB introduced herself explaining that she had newly taken over the role. She gave the group an overview of what the service provides and how they work to combat isolation in older people. She explained that they are particularly looking for opportunities for the older population. KB informed of a couple of upcoming events were being held. On Saturday 25th March, they are holding a sponsored hymn service and on 8th April, they are holding a coffee morning at Elm Ridge Methodist Church. She expressed that they are also recruiting volunteers, particularly drivers. They currently have 80 people on their register, some are active and some are not and they are still taking names on the waiting list. A question was asked about the current number of volunteers. KB replied they have approximately 18 volunteers, however, they tend to work mainly during the week. They group ‘Contact the Elderly’ was suggested to link in with, and as an idea to help in recruiting/sharing drivers. KB commented they are possibly going to find out from Contact the Elderly if they AG ASAP can link up with them for an event. AG asked KB whether she was familiar with the ‘Lunch Club’ that Age UK are involved with. AG give a brief overview of the service and said she could email KB with further details.

6.10 AG gave an update on behalf of Relax Kids Darlington: Relax Kids Darlington and Aycliffe has had a busy start to the year. They have visited 5 schools during Mental Health week delivering free assemblies to help spread #alittlekindness. They have also hosted their first funded workshop, at the PCP 6 in Aycliffe, ‘Colour your Life’, provided funding to allow 12 County Durham families to attend a ‘Be Happy’ workshop free of charge, where we worked on positive affirmations and family relaxation techniques. Hopefully, this will be repeated in the Easter Holidays. Coming up they have several ‘SATS Stress Busting’ courses in the community and on 20th March it is ‘International Day of Happiness’ and they are looking for one lucky school to receive a free assembly (whole school or separate ks1/ks2). They will be at the Pioneering Care Centre trying to create the longest (paper) chain of happiness In the North East. Please come along and if you would like your school to be considered for the free assembly please get in touch. Email: [email protected]

7. Healthwatch Darlington Update

7.1 AG informed the members that the new service directory was complete and ready for circulation. She talked the group through the new directory page by page and asked if anyone noticed anything that was incorrect to please let HWD know. Copies of the Directory were circulated to members and AG informed more copies could be ordered or picked up from the HWD office. AG asked members to circulate directories far and wide and let us know if they know of other organisations who may like a copy. 7.2 AG updated members that HWD have been very busy promoting several focus groups explaining and receiving feed back around the Darlington Blue Print plans. Six of these have been adult focussed and to gather views regarding urgent and non-urgent care in Darlington. AG stated that the voluntary and community sector focus group will be taking place tomorrow (02/03) at 9.30am and will be held at the HWD Office. The group will look at how voluntary/community groups can work better together to provide this care moving forward and to gather feedback and views from the group regarding the plan. 7.3 AG informed members that HWD has facilitated 6 Children and Young people focus groups and 4 Mental Health focus groups. The next Mental Health focus group is taking place at Darlington Mind on Thursday 9th March. The morning session will discuss mental health services in general and the afternoon session, primary care being placed within A & E will be discussed. 7.4 AG went on to inform the members about the Better Health Programme conversations that have been carried out. 10 having been held so far and the next one taking place will be to discuss maternity and paediatric services. She went on to report that 3 out of the 5 groups have already been arranged, however there has been some challenges with these groups as the subjects normally have their children with them, thus, making gaining the feed-back difficult. AG expressed that it was tricky to gauge whether HWD were accessing the right people and if the group could let her know if they know/think of any groups which may be appropriate as a focus group. 7.5 AG communicated to the group that due to funding cuts HWD may/may not be facilitating the network groups in the future. Discussions will need to take place as to how the network meetings will be taken forward and how the secretariat support will be provided. HWD will keep members updated. The next Darlington Organisations Together (DOT) meeting will take place on 1st June and information will be provided as to how it will be taken forward in due course. 7.6 JS asked whether any organisations from social care were involved with the blue print focus groups. AG responded that the Soroptimists had provided some good feed-back/ experiences around frail and elderly care and discharge. JS AG ASAP requested some questions that she could take back to her team meeting. AG suggested that she would have a look at the questions and find some appropriate questions to forward to JS.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 1st June 2017, 12:00pm- 2:00pm, Pease Suite, Dolphin Centre.


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