Royal Canadian Yacht Club, Toronto Island Training Weekend 2017
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RC(SEA)CC ONTARIO 1 Yukon Lane Toronto, ON
Distribution List
Reference: A. Refs. Phase 1 to 5 QSPs and IGs
1. Cadets of 17 SEA and 176 SEA will participate in a joint training weekend on the Toronto Island in partnership with the Royal Canadian Yacht Club. This weekend will focus on seamanship and outdoor skills.
2. The cadets of 17 SEA and 176 SEA will conduct seamanship and outdoor skills training at the Royal Canadian Yacht Club’s Toronto Island facility from 0800 on 14 October 2017 to 1800 on 15 October 2017
3. General Outline
a. CO’s Intent. It is the CO’s intent that the Cadets be given every opportunity to participate in the required mandatory and complimentary training in a safe, controlled, and enjoyable environment.
b. Scheme of Maneuver. This exercise will be conducted in four phases as follows:
(1) Phase 1: Planning and Preparation . All activities involved in the planning and preparation of the exercise will be conducted in this phase;
(2) Phase 2: Deployment. This phase encompasses all the travel activities to the training area;
(3) Phase 3: Training. The training schedule as outlined in Annex A; (4) Phase 4: Re-Deployment. This phase encompasses the tear-down and cleanup of training areas. This phase will begin at 0900 although some training activities will take place throughout the day. This phase will end at 1800 on 15 October when the Cadets of 17 and 176 SEA will be released into their parents’ custody.
c. Main Effort. The main effort will be the conduct of the Mandatory and Complementary Training Modules from the Cadet QS&P, supplemented with orienteering activities.
d. End State. The end state will be achieved when training objectives have been met and cadets have returned safely to their parent’s /guardians at the LHQ(s).
4. Groupings and Tasks.
a. Groups.
(1) EXCON. Exercise Control will comprise the CO 17 SEA, CO 176 SEA, and the CPOIC (TBD);
(2) Sp Staff. Support Staff will include the TrgO, Sup O, AdmO, 17 SEA and assigned adult staff (TBD);
(3) Trg Staff. Trg Staff includes all Level Officers and Instructors. Some members of EXCON or Sp Staff may from time to time be attached to this group;
(4) Phase 5 Cadets. This group includes cadets currently undergoing the Level 5 Training Program;
(5) First Aid & Fire Safety. First Aid will be provided under the direction of Lt(N) Paul Simas, CD Saturday and Lt(N) Sally Lien, CD Sunday, but may be administered by any qualified staff or Cadet. Lt(N) Paul Simas, CD Saturday and Lt(N) Sally Lien, CD Sunday, shall also be responsible for fire safety;
b. Tasks. Tasks are outlined by phase in the tables below.
When Who What Where How Phase 1 EXCON - overall plan Training area In person with the - conduct recce/define Trig Area assistance of - consolidate trg needs RCYC on site staff - identify first aid OIC and Kit location - identify emergency muster Pt. When Who What Where How Sp Staff - obtain required equipment LHQ
- identify shortages of required equipment - Draw pooled equipment Trg Staff - plan lessons - identify lesson equipment requirements to advise Sp Staff
When Who What Where How Phase 2 EXCON - Supervise Cadets at respective LHQ Bus LHQ. - Travel will cadets Sp Staff - Ensure cadets check in with LHQ Bus staff. - Ensure all personnel have health cards - Ensure no contraband kit in possession of cadets - Ensure equipment loaded on transport Trg Staff - Travel LHQ Bus Phase 5 - Assist EXCON and Sp Staff LHQ Bus Cadets
Phase 3 EXCON - supervise LHQ On site, direct - quality control supervision - Command, Control and Communication Sp Staff - Meal cooking LHQ On site, direct - control/issue supplies supervision - miscellaneous training/administrative support - tear down Trg Staff - Conduct training LHQ On site, direct control Phase 5 Cadets - Assist Excon - Assist instructing - supervise composite syndicate (multi-level) activities
When Who What Where How Phase EXCON - Tear down LHQ Sweep, clean all 4 - Cleaning areas used for trg, including removal of all gash
Sp Staff - Tear down LHQ Bus - Transport to home
Trg Staff - transport to home LHQ Bus - kit return/ lost and found
Phase 5 - Tear down, transport, Bus Cadets cleaning
5. Timings.
a. Timings of Phases.
(1) Phase 1. Preliminary discussions with the RCYC, Spring 2017;
(2) Phase 2. 0700 15 Oct 17 at Denison Armoury, 0800 176 Scarborough LHQ, 0900 Arrive RCYC City Side ferry terminus.
(3) Phase 3. Commence Training – See Annex A and B
(4) Phase 4. Clean-up and Debrief – 15 Oct 17 until cadets are released into parental custody at 1800.
6. Dress. The dress during training hours for the exercise:
(a) Cadets – Appropriate civilian attire and cadet ball cap. For PO1 and above, STU shirt with appropriate trousers and cadet ball cap.
(b) Civilian Staff –appropriate civilian attire
(c) Officers – NCD’s
7. Transportation. Parents are to drop off and pick-up their Cadets at the LHQ. Cadets will be transported to Cherry Street ferry dock where RCYC ferry will transport them to training area. Ferry will return cadets to dock on 15 Oct to meet the bus back to LHQ. SERVICE SUPPORT
8. Finance. Funding will be provided by DND for both units with assistance from respective Navy League Branches. The Navy League Branches of both units may be requested to provide some funding up front for later reimbursement.
9. Rations. Rations will consist of MREs provided by DND and prepared using pots and burners by designated galley staff. Fresh rations kye will be made available for evening. Meals will consist of: Lunch x2; Dinner x1; Breakfast x1; Kye x1.
10. Accommodations. Accommodations will be provided in RCYC facilities, separated by gender.
11. Medical. Medical will be divided into two categories
a. Minor. Minor will be handled on site by qualified first aid staff; and
b. Emergency. Casualties requiring emergency medical care will be evacuated via 911 to Saint Michael’s Hospital, 30 Bond Street, Toronto, ON, M5B 1W8, 416-360-4000.
12. Chain of Command. The chain of command is as follows, except that for all matters regarding the supervision of cadets shall be under the control of the ranking officer on site.
a. OIC – Lt(N) Sally LIEN, CO 17 Sea; b. XO – Lt(N) Paul SIMAS, CO 176 Sea; c. OPI – TBD; d. TrgO – TBD; e. SuppO/LogO – TBD; f. First AidO – TBD; g. CPOIC – TBD. h. Galley Officer – TBD
13. Communications.
a. Phone. All communications will be conducted via cellular telephone. Sally Lien, CD Lieutenant (Navy) Commanding Officer Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps ONTARIO Cellular – 416-315-8170
Distribution List
CO 176 SEA RCSU Toronto NL – North York Branch NL – Scarborough Branch Annex A
Exercise Schedule
Saturday 14 October 2017
0800-Bus departs Denison Armoury for 176 SEA LHQ 0830-Bus departs 176 SEA LHQ for Cherry Street Dock 0915-RCYC Ferry departs Cherry Street dock for training site 1030-Period 1 1100-Period 2 1130-Period 3 1200-Lunch 1300-Period 4 1330-Period 5 1400-Period 6 1430-Stand Easy 1500-Period 7 1530-Period 8 1600-Period 9 1630-Secure from Classes 1700-Supper 1800-Clean up 1830-Evening Activity 2030-Kye 2100-Make and Mend 2200-Lights Out
Sunday October 15, 2017
0630 Wakey Wakey 0700-Breakfast 0800-Colours 0830-Period 10 0900-Period 11 0930-Period 12 1000-Period 13 1030-Stand Easy 1100-Period 14 1130-Period 15 1200-Lunch 1300-Period 16 1330-Period 17 1400-Period 18 1430-Secure from Classes 1515-Muster for boarding ferry departing 1530 1600- Board bus load kit and stores 1700-Bus arrives at 176 LHQ 1800-Bus arrives at Denison Armoury Annex B
Training Schedule
Saturday 15 October
PHASE I CLASSES M121.01 Tie knots, bends and hitches – 2 Periods M121.02 Common Whipping – 2 Periods M121.03 Coil and Heave a Line – 2 Periods C121.02 West Country Whipping – 2 Periods C121.03 Rolling Hitch – 1 Period C121.04 Marlin Hitch – 1 Period C123.02 Phonetic Alphabet – 2 Periods C123.03 Semaphore – 3 Periods C123.04 Ring the Ship’s Bell – 1 Period
PHASE II CLASSES C203.06 Problem Solving Activities – 2 Periods M221.01 Use a Strop for Slinging - 3 Periods M221.02 Mouse a Hook – 2 Periods M221.03 Reeve a Block – 1 Period M221.04 Identify Components of Tackles – 2 Periods M221.04 Rig Tackles – 2 Periods C221.01 Make a Back Splice – 2 Periods M223.02 Identify the Watch System – 1 Period M223.07 Procedures for Berthing a Ship – 2 Periods C223.01 Define Naval Terminology – 1 Period
PHASE III CLASSES C232.01 Communicate using Flags and Pennants – 4 Periods C321.04 Make a Monkey’s Fist – 3 Periods C321.05 Make a Turk’s Head – 3 Periods C221.02 Make an Eye Splice – 2 Periods C221.03 Make a Long Splice – 2 Periods C303.01 Teambuilding Activities – 2 Periods C203.06 Problem Solving – 2 Periods