Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service

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Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service

Schedule 1

Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service

Effective Date: December 1, 2005

This service is required to schedule the movement of power through, out of, within, or into a Control Area. This service can be provided only by the operator of the Control Area in which the transmission facilities used for transmission service are located. Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service is to be provided directly by the Transmission Provider (if the Transmission Provider is the Control Area operator) or indirectly by the Transmission Provider making arrangements with the Control Area operator that performs this service for the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System. The Transmission Customer must purchase this service from the Transmission Provider. The charges for Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service are to be based on the rates set forth below. To the extent the Control Area operator performs this service for the Transmission Provider, charges to the Transmission Customer are to reflect only a pass-through of the costs charged to the Transmission Provider by that Control Area operator (WFEC).

The Transmission Customer shall compensate the Transmission Provider each month for this service up to the sum of the applicable charges set forth below. The charges below shall apply to the amount of Reserved Capacity (“Reserved Capacity” is as defined in the SPP OATT) for Transmission Customer’s Point-to-Point transactions and to the Network Customer’s actual coincident peaks for each month in accordance with Part III of the SPP OATT for Network Service transactions.

1) Yearly delivery: one-twelfth of the demand charge of $1.61904/kW

2) Monthly delivery: $0.13492/kW

3) Weekly delivery: $0.03114/kW

4) Daily delivery: $0.00445/kW

The total demand charge in any week, pursuant to a reservation for Daily delivery, shall not exceed the rate specified in section (3) above times the highest amount in kilowatts of Reserved Capacity in any day during such week.

5) Hourly delivery: $0.00019/kW The total demand charge in any day, pursuant to a reservation for hourly delivery, shall not exceed the rate specified in section (4) above times the highest amount in kilowatts of Reserved Capacity in any hour during such day. In addition, the total demand charge in any week, pursuant to a reservation for Hourly or Daily delivery, shall not exceed the rate specified in section (3) above times the highest amount in kilowatts of Reserved Capacity in any hour during such week.

6) Discounts: Three principal requirements apply to discounts for Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service provided by the Transmission Provider in conjunction with its provision of transmission service as follows: (1) any offer of a discount made by the Transmission Provider must be announced to all Eligible Customers solely by posting on the OASIS, (2) any customer-initiated requests for discounts (including requests for use by one’s wholesale merchant or an affiliate’s use) must occur solely by posting on the OASIS, and (3) once a discount is negotiated, details must be immediately posted on the OASIS. A discount agreed upon for Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service must be offered for the same period to all Eligible Customers on the Transmission Provider’s system. Schedule 2

Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation Sources Service Effective Date: December 1, 2005

In order to maintain transmission voltages on the Transmission Provider’s transmission facilities within acceptable limits, generation facilities under the control of the Control Area operator are operated to produce (or absorb) reactive power. Thus, Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation Sources Service must be provided for each transaction on the Transmission Provider’s transmission facilities. The amount of Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation Sources Service that must be supplied with respect to the Transmission Customer’s transaction will be determined based on the reactive power support necessary to maintain transmission voltages within limits that are generally accepted in the region and consistently adhered to by the Transmission Provider.

Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation Sources Service is to be provided directly by the Transmission Provider (if the Transmission Provider is the Control Area operator) or indirectly by the Transmission Provider making arrangements with the Control Area operator that performs this service for the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System. The Transmission Customer must purchase this service from the Transmission Provider. The charges for such service will be based on the rates set forth below. To the extent the Control Area operator performs this service for the Transmission Provider, charges to the Transmission Customer are to reflect only a pass- through of the costs charged to the Transmission Provider by the Control Area operator (WFEC). The Transmission Customer shall compensate the Transmission Provider each month for this service up to the sum of the applicable charges set forth below. The charges shall apply to the amount of Reserved Capacity (“Reserved Capacity” is as defined in the SPP OATT) for Transmission Customer’s Point-to-Point transactions and to the Network Customer’s actual coincident peaks for each month in accordance with Part III of the SPP OATT for Network Service transactions.

1) Yearly delivery: one-twelfth of the demand charge of $1.32000 /kW

2) Monthly delivery: $0.11000 /kW

3) Weekly delivery: $0.02538 /kW

4) Daily delivery: $0.00362 /kW The total demand charge in any week, pursuant to a reservation for Daily delivery, shall not exceed the rate specified in section (3) above times the highest amount in kilowatts of Reserved Capacity in any day during such week.

5) Hourly delivery: $0.00040/kW The total demand charge in any day, pursuant to a reservation for hourly delivery, shall not exceed the rate specified in section (4) above times the highest amount in kilowatts of Reserved Capacity in any hour during such day. In addition, the total demand charge in any week, pursuant to a reservation for Hourly or Daily delivery, shall not exceed the rate specified in section (3) above times the highest amount in kilowatts of Reserved Capacity in any hour during such week

6) Discounts: Three principal requirements apply to discounts for Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation Sources Service provided by the Transmission Provider in conjunction with its provision of transmission service as follows: (1) any offer of a discount made by the Transmission Provider must be announced to all Eligible Customers solely by posting on the OASIS, (2) any customer-initiated requests for discounts (including requests for use by one’s wholesale merchant or an affiliate’s use) must occur solely by posting on the OASIS, and (3) once a discount is negotiated, details must be immediately posted on the OASIS. A discount agreed upon for Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation Sources Service must be offered for the same period to all Eligible Customers on the Transmission Provider’s system. Schedule 3

Regulation and Frequency Response Service

Effective Date: December 1, 2005

Regulation and Frequency Response Service is necessary to provide for the continuous balancing of resources (generation and interchange) with load and for maintaining scheduled interconnection frequency at sixty cycles per second (60 Hz). Regulation and Frequency Response Service is accomplished by committing on-line generation whose output is raised or lowered (predominantly through the use of automatic generating control equipment) as necessary to follow the moment-by-moment changes in load. The obligation to maintain this balance between resources and load lies with the Transmission Provider (or the Control Area operator that performs this function for the Transmission Provider). The Transmission Provider must offer this service when the transmission service is used to serve load within its Control Area. The Transmission Customer must either purchase this service from the Transmission Provider or make alternative comparable arrangements to satisfy its Regulation and Frequency Response Service obligation. The amount of and charges for Regulation and Frequency Response Service are set forth below. To the extent the Control Area operator performs this service for the Transmission Provider, charges to the Transmission Customer are to reflect only a pass- through of the costs charged to the Transmission Provider by that Control Area operator (WFEC).

The Transmission Customer shall pay each month for this service up to the sum of the applicable charges set forth below. The charges shall apply to the amount of Reserved Capacity (“Reserved Capacity” is as defined in the SPP OATT) for Transmission Customer’s Point-to-Point transactions and to the Network Customer’s actual coincident peaks for each month in accordance with Part III of the SPP OATT for Network Service transactions. The charges for this service where the service is taken directly from WFEC or where WFEC is providing the service to the Transmission Provider shall be as set forth below.

1) Yearly delivery: one-twelfth of the demand charge of $2.20272/kW

2) Monthly delivery: $0.18356/kW

3) Weekly delivery: $0.04236/kW

4) Daily delivery: $0.00605/kW

The total demand charge in any week, pursuant to a reservation for Daily delivery, shall not exceed the rate specified in section (3) above times the highest amount in kilowatts of Reserved Capacity in any day during such week. 5) Hourly delivery: $0.00025/kW The total demand charge in any day, pursuant to a reservation for hourly delivery, shall not exceed the rate specified in section (4) above times the highest amount in kilowatts of Reserved Capacity in any hour during such day. In addition, the total demand charge in any week, pursuant to a reservation for Hourly or Daily delivery, shall not exceed the rate specified in section (3) above times the highest amount in kilowatts of Reserved Capacity in any hour during such week.

6) Discounts: Three principal requirements apply to discounts for Regulation and Frequency Response Service provided by WFEC in conjunction with its provision of transmission service as follows: (1) any offer of a discount made by WFEC must be announced to all Eligible Customers solely by posting on the OASIS, (2) any customer-initiated requests for discounts (including requests for use by one’s wholesale merchant or an affiliate’s use) must occur solely by posting on the OASIS, and (3) once a discount is negotiated, details must be immediately posted on the OASIS. A discount agreed upon for Regulation and Frequency Response Service must be offered for the same period to all Eligible Customers on WFEC’s system. Schedule 4

Energy Imbalance Service

Effective Date: August 24, 2006

Energy Imbalance Service is provided when a difference occurs between the scheduled and the actual delivery of energy to a load located within a Control Area over a single hour. The Transmission Provider must offer this service when the transmission service is used to serve load within the Transmission Owner’s Control Area. The Transmission Customer must either purchase this service from the Transmission Provider or make alternative comparable arrangements to satisfy its Energy Imbalance Service obligation. To the extent the Control Area operator performs this service for the Transmission Provider charges to the Transmission Customer are to reflect only a pass-through of the costs charged to the Transmission Provider by that Control Area operator (WFEC).

The Transmission Provider has established a deviation band of +/- 1.5 percent (with a minimum of 2 MW) of the scheduled transaction to be applied hourly to any energy imbalance that occurs as a result of the Transmission Customer’s scheduled transaction(s). The charges for Energy Imbalance Service where the service is taken directly from WFEC or where WFEC is providing the service to the Transmission Provider shall be as set forth below.

1) Definitions:

a. On Peak – On Peak shall mean hour ending 0700 through hour ending 2200 Central Prevailing Time on all days except Sundays and all NERC Holidays.

b. Off Peak – Off Peak shall mean 1) all hours on Sundays and all NERC Holidays and 2) hour ending 0100 through hour ending 0600 and hour ending 2300 through hour ending 2400 Central Prevailing Time on all other days.

c. Minimum Price - $100/MWh during On Peak periods, and $75/MWh during Off Peak periods.

d. Proxy Price - For negative imbalances, the Proxy Price shall be the greater of the price paid for any energy purchased by WFEC in the same hour in which the imbalance occurred, or the incremental price as derived from WFEC’s actual production cost model for the same hour in which the imbalance occurred; and for positive imbalances, the Proxy Price shall be the lesser of the price received for any energy sold by WFEC at the time of the imbalance or the incremental price as derived from WFEC’s actual production cost model for the same hour in which the imbalance occurred.

2) Settlement of imbalances outside the deviation band:

For imbalances outside the dead band, negative imbalances (under-deliveries) shall be cashed out (i.e., Transmission Customer shall be charged) at the higher of the Minimum Price (defined in item 1c. above) or one hundred and fifteen percent (115%) of the Proxy Price (defined in item 1d. above); and positive imbalances (over-deliveries) shall be cashed out (i.e., Transmission Customer will be paid) at eighty five percent (85%) of the Proxy Price. The cash-out shall apply to only that portion of the imbalance that is outside the dead band and to imbalances inside the deviation band that are not returned pursuant to paragraph 3 below.

3) Settlement of imbalances inside the deviation band: Transmission Customer shall return in kind imbalances within the limits of the dead band, On Peak hours for On Peak hours and Off Peak hours for Off Peak hours, within three (3) business days of the date on which the imbalance occurred for imbalances occurring on days other than Sundays and NERC holidays. For imbalances occurring on Sundays and NERC holidays, imbalance returns shall be made on the Sunday following the date on which the imbalance occurred. Imbalance returns shall be made after agreement between WFEC and Transmission Customer on the amount of imbalance in each period in accordance with the foregoing return timeframes. Imbalance returns shall be no more than 5 MWh in any hour. The schedules for imbalance returns shall be separately identified by the Transmission Customer on an electronic schedule submission, and shall not themselves give rise to imbalances, unless the actual delivery of a scheduled return is lesser or greater than the schedule. Any energy imbalances not corrected within the time frames above will be cashed out as if they were outside the dead band. See paragraph 2 above for the rates and charges to be applied. 4) Settlement Fee:

WFEC shall recover its costs of performing Schedule 4 service from Customers taking service under this Schedule 4 through a monthly administrative fee of $621.34/month, shared pro rata (based on peak load in the WFEC control area) among such Schedule 4 Customers. Any revenues received by WFEC in excess of 100% of the Proxy Price in a month shall be credited against this administrative fee for such month.

5) Meter Data: WFEC shall review Transmission Customer’s schedule and read meters each day and electronically send its calculation of the imbalances to Transmission Customer for resolution. In the event WFEC or Transmission Customer has meter data available to it and the other does not, the available meter data shall be used to calculate imbalances. If neither WFEC nor Transmission Customer has actual meter data available for any hours in a day, they shall mutually agree upon estimated amounts of imbalance by the end of that same day, for settlement purposes, for all hours for which meter data is not available using all relevant available information including, but not limited to: (a) previous meter data for hours up to the point of loss of meter data, (b) Transmission Customer energy schedules for the hours of loss of meter data, (c) meter readings for the same hours of the previous day, and (d) meter readings in the same hour for days of similar weather. For such events where it is later determined by physical reading of the meters that the meters were actually recording for the hours of lost data, but communications had been lost, the settlements for such hours shall be corrected and settled within three (3) business days from the date such actual meter data is available and obtained. Schedule 5 Operating Reserve - Spinning Reserve Service

Effective Date: December 1, 2005

Spinning Reserve Service is needed to serve load immediately in the event of a system contingency. Spinning Reserve Service may be provided by generating units that are on- line and loaded at less than maximum output. The Transmission Provider must offer this service when the transmission service is used to serve load within the Transmission Owner’s Control Area. The Transmission Customer must either purchase this service from the Transmission Provider or make alternative comparable arrangements to satisfy its Spinning Reserve Service obligation. The amount of and charges for Spinning Reserve Service are set forth below. To the extent the Control Area operator performs this service for the Transmission Provider, charges to the Transmission Customer are to reflect only a pass-through of the costs charged to the Transmission Provider by that Control Area operator (WFEC).

The Transmission Customer shall pay each month for this service up to the sum of the applicable charges set forth below. The charges shall apply to the amount of Reserved Capacity (“Reserved Capacity” is as defined in the SPP OATT) for Transmission Customer’s Point-to-Point transactions and to the Network Customer’s actual coincident peaks for each month in accordance with Part III of the SPP OATT for Network Service transactions. The charges for this service where the service is taken directly from WFEC or where WFEC is providing the service to the Transmission Provider shall be as set forth below.

1) Yearly delivery: one-twelfth of the demand charge of $ 1.62000/kW

2) Monthly delivery: $ 0.13500/kW

3) Weekly delivery: $0.03115/kW

4) Daily delivery: $ 0.00444/kW

The total demand charge in any week, pursuant to a reservation for Daily delivery, shall not exceed the rate specified in section (3) above times the highest amount in kilowatts of Reserved Capacity in any day during such week.

5) Hourly delivery: $0.00018/kW The total demand charge in any day, pursuant to a reservation for hourly delivery, shall not exceed the rate specified in section (4) above times the highest amount in kilowatts of Reserved Capacity in any hour during such day. In addition, the total demand charge in any week, pursuant to a reservation for Hourly or Daily delivery, shall not exceed the rate specified in section (3) above times the highest amount in kilowatts of Reserved Capacity in any hour during such week.

6) Discounts: Three principal requirements apply to discounts for Operating Reserve - Spinning Reserve Service provided by WFEC in conjunction with its provision of transmission service as follows: (1) any offer of a discount made by WFEC must be announced to all Eligible Customers solely by posting on the OASIS, (2) any customer-initiated requests for discounts (including requests for use by one’s wholesale merchant or an affiliate’s use) must occur solely by posting on the OASIS, and (3) once a discount is negotiated, details must be immediately posted on the OASIS. A discount agreed upon for Operating Reserve - Spinning Reserve Service must be offered for the same period to all Eligible Customers on WFEC’s system. 7) Energy Charge: Any energy charge shall be pursuant to Schedule 4. Schedule 6

Operating Reserve - Supplemental Reserve Service

Effective Date: December 1, 2005

Supplemental Reserve Service is needed to serve load in the event of a system contingency; however, it is not available immediately to serve load but rather within a short period of time. Supplemental Reserve Service may be provided by generating units that are on-line but unloaded, by quick-start generation or by interruptible load. The Transmission Provider must offer this service when the transmission service is used to serve load within the Transmission Owner’s Control Area. The Transmission Customer must either purchase this service from the Transmission Provider or make alternative comparable arrangements to satisfy its Supplemental Reserve Service obligation. The amount of and charges for Supplemental Reserve Service are set forth below. To the extent the Control Area operator performs this service for the Transmission Provider, charges to the Transmission Customer are to reflect only a pass-through of the costs charged to the Transmission Provider by that Control Area operator (WFEC).

The Transmission Customer shall pay each month for this service up to the sum of the applicable charges set forth below. The charges shall apply to the amount of Reserved Capacity (“Reserved Capacity” is as defined in the SPP OATT) for Transmission Customer’s Point-to-Point transactions and to the Network Customer’s actual coincident peaks for each month in accordance with Part III of the SPP OATT for Network Service transactions. The charges for this service where the service is taken directly from WFEC or where WFEC is providing the service to the Transmission Provider shall be as set forth below.

1) Yearly delivery: one-twelfth of the demand charge of $ 1.62000/kW

2) Monthly delivery: $ 0.13500/kW

3) Weekly delivery: $0.03115/kW

4) Daily delivery: $0.00444/kW

The total demand charge in any week, pursuant to a reservation for Daily delivery, shall not exceed the rate specified in section (3) above times the highest amount in kilowatts of Reserved Capacity in any day during such week.

5) Hourly delivery: $0.00018/kW The total demand charge in any day, pursuant to a reservation for hourly delivery, shall not exceed the rate specified in section (4) above times the highest amount in kilowatts of Reserved Capacity in any hour during such day. In addition, the total demand charge in any week, pursuant to a reservation for Hourly or Daily delivery, shall not exceed the rate specified in section (3) above times the highest amount in kilowatts of Reserved Capacity in any hour during such week.

6) Discounts: Three principal requirements apply to discounts for Operating Reserve - Supplemental Reserve Service provided by WFEC in conjunction with its provision of transmission service as follows: (1) any offer of a discount made by WFEC must be announced to all Eligible Customers solely by posting on the OASIS, (2) any customer-initiated requests for discounts (including requests for use by one’s wholesale merchant or an affiliate’s use) must occur solely by posting on the OASIS, and (3) once a discount is negotiated, details must be immediately posted on the OASIS. A discount agreed upon for Operating Reserve - Supplemental Reserve Service must be offered for the same period to all Eligible Customers on WFEC’s system.

7) Energy Charge: Any energy charge shall be pursuant to Schedule 4. Schedule 7 Long-Term Firm and Short-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service Effective Date: [______]

The Transmission Customer shall compensate the Transmission Provider each month for Reserved Capacity at the sum of the applicable charges set forth below:

1) Yearly delivery: one-twelfth of the demand charge of $24.72/kW of Reserved Capacity per year.

2) Monthly delivery: $2.06/kW of Reserved Capacity per month.

3) Weekly delivery: $0.47538/kW of Reserved Capacity per week.

4) Daily delivery: $0.06791/kW of Reserved Capacity per day.

The total demand charge in any week, pursuant to a reservation for Daily delivery, shall not exceed the rate specified in section (3) above times the highest amount in kilowatts of Reserved Capacity in any day during such week.

5) Discounts: Three principal requirements apply to discounts for transmission service as follows: (1) any offer of a discount made by the Transmission Provider must be announced to all Eligible Customers solely by posting on the OASIS, (2) any customer-initiated requests for discounts (including requests for use by one’s wholesale merchant or an affiliate’s use) must occur solely by posting on the OASIS, and (3) once a discount is negotiated, details must be immediately posted on the OASIS. For any discount agreed upon for service on a path, from point(s) of receipt to point(s) of delivery, the Transmission Provider must offer the same discounted transmission service rate for the same time period to all Eligible Customers on all unconstrained transmission paths that go to the same point(s) of delivery on the Transmission System

6) Transmission Revenue Credit: Monthly charges to Long-Term Firm Point-to- Point Transmission Service customers being provided service under this schedule shall be reduced on a pro rata basis to reflect revenues received by the Transmission Provider from Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service customers and Short-Term Firm Point-to-Point Transmission customers, as well as revenues imputed for the Transmission Provider’s short-term or non-firm transmission uses of the Transmission System, which will be credited at the applicable transmission rate. Schedule 8

Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service

Effective Date: [______]

The Transmission Customer shall compensate the Transmission Provider for Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service up to the sum of the applicable charges set forth below:

1) Monthly delivery: $2.060/kW of Reserved Capacity per month.

2) Weekly delivery: $0.47538/kW of Reserved Capacity per week.

3) Daily delivery: $0.06791/kW of Reserved Capacity per day.

The total demand charge in any week, pursuant to a reservation for Daily delivery, shall not exceed the rate specified in section (2) above times the highest amount in kilowatts of Reserved Capacity in any day during such week.

4) Hourly delivery: The basic charge shall in no event shall exceed $2.83/MWh. The total demand charge in any day, pursuant to a reservation for Hourly delivery, shall not exceed the rate specified in section (3) above times the highest amount in kilowatts of Reserved Capacity in any hour during such day. In addition, the total demand charge in any week, pursuant to a reservation for Hourly or Daily delivery, shall not exceed the rate specified in section (2) above times the highest amount in kilowatts of Reserved Capacity in any hour during such week.

5) Discounts: Three principal requirements apply to discounts for transmission service as follows: (1) any offer of a discount made by the Transmission Provider must be announced to all Eligible Customers solely by posting on the OASIS, (2) any customer-initiated requests for discounts (including requests for use by one’s wholesale merchant or an affiliate’s use) must occur solely by posting on the OASIS, and (3) once a discount is negotiated, details must be immediately posted on the OASIS. For any discount agreed upon for service on a path, from point(s) of receipt to point(s) of delivery, the Transmission Provider must offer the same discounted transmission service rate for the same time period to all Eligible Customers on all unconstrained transmission paths that go to the same point(s) of delivery on the Transmission System.

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