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______SPORES AND POLLEN NEWSLETTER Number 2 December, 2000
Compiled by Duncan McLean and Ken Higgs
Spores and Pollen Subcommission Commission Internationale de Microflore du Paléozoïque ______Spores and pollen Subcommission Newsletter No. 2, December, 2000.
Sucommission officers Chairman Secretary Dr. Ken Higgs Dr. Duncan McLean Department of Geology, Centre for Palynology, University College Cork, University of Sheffield, Cork, Dainton Building, Republic of Ireland Brook Hill, Sheffield, S3 7HF, UK (01) 609-511 (0114) 222-3692 [email protected] [email protected]
Newsletter Contents
1. Message from the Subcommission Officers 2. Calls for Assistance 3. Activities of Working Groups 4. The Subcommission on the Web 5. First Meeting of the Subcommission: Preliminary Announcement 6. Book Review 7. Recent Publications and Abstracts (1999, 2000) 8. Taxonomic News (1999, 2000) 9. Requests for Reprints 1. Message from the Subcommission Officers
It has been a very busy year for Palaeozoic spore and pollen workers. This is witnessed by the large numbers of research presentations that have been given at the many conferences around the world. More than 80 titles of research papers and abstracts have been collected in the Newsletter. Many thanks to those of you who sent in this information. Please continue to do so. The Subcommission Officers are hoping that next year will see a continuation of this high level of activity and that many of you will be able to present research findings at the first meeting of the Subcommission. This is being arranged by the Subcommission Chairman at University College Cork. Ken is currently working on the programme and has planned interesting field visits for delegates. Details are given elsewhere in the Newsletter. At the time of publication we have already received several offers of presentations, and so we anticipate that this will be a well attended and lively meeting.
Ken Higgs Duncan McLean
2. Calls for Assistance
The following are areas that should be covered in the Newsletter. Some of these are now being covered, although probably notcomprehensively, by the Newsletter. Similar things can already be seen in the Newsletters of the Acritarch and Chitinozoan Subcommissions. 1. List of recent publications and presentation abstracts. Probably the most important role for the Newsleter is to keep the membership informed of current research. In the present climate of library cutbacks, titles from provincial journals and from conferences are in particular need of advertisement. In this area there will be an important benefit to all members. The Newsletter aims to produce an up-to-date listing of all publications and presentations titles for each year. Over time these list will be added to the Subcommission webpages to provide a downloadable archive of Palaeozoic spore/pollen references. 2. Recent thesis abstracts A research thesis or dissertation rarely sees the light of day outside of its own Alma mater. As with research papers, the palynological community would benefit from wider knowledge of the existence of many of these. An aim of the Newsletter is to produce an up-to-date listing of all doctoral research titles up to the present and (where candidates allow) reproduction of abstracts. Over time this list will be added to the Subcommission webpages to add to the downloadable archive of Palaeozoic spore/pollen references. 3. Recent taxonomic developments Again, it is intended that the Newsletter should act as a means of advertising taxonomic devleopments such as the erection, recombination or emendation Palaeozoic spore/pollen taxa. 4. Subcommission membership For whatever obscure historical reasons, C.I.M.P. has oftern been viewed as a european organisation and has had gaps in its membership which can largely be recognised as geographical. C.I.M.P. and its Subcommissions should be international and should include all Palaeozoic palynologists who wish to be members. In order to achieve this I would urge the current Spore-pollen Subcommission membership to encourage their colleagues to become affilliated. The work of the Subcommission will only be really effective if it has comprehensive input from the world of Palaeozoic spore/pollen studies.
In all of the above cases, the Newsletter can only carry comprehensive and current information if the membership keep the Newsletter compilers informed of developments. So please make a point of letting us know of anything that you produce that will be of relevance to other Palaeozoic spore and pollen workers around the world.
Have you paid your C.I.M.P. subscriptions?
Rates are exceedingly low and are vital for the continued operation of the organisation. Subscriptions pay for reproduction and postage of all Commission and Subcommission Newsletters. See current C.I.M.P. Newsleter for details Please act now! 3. Activities of Working Groups
In their role as facilitators to the Subcommission the Chairman and Secretary are keen to see the establishment of new and successful Working Groups. These should vary in scope (taxonomic, stratigraphic, palaeoenviromnmental or palaeoecological..etc) and identify worthwhile areas of specific study. If you are interested in setting up your own Working Group under the aegis of the Spores and Pollen Subcommission, please contact the Chairman or Secretary. While there are no rigorous criteria to be met before establishing a C.I.M.P. Working Group such a group should have clearly defined and achievable research aims and should result in publications which benefit all of its contributors. If in doubt please feel free to contact any of the coordinators of existing Working Groups for advice.
C.I.M.P. Working Group on Dinantian-Namurian palynostratigraphy
During the meeting on Carboniferous Stratigraphy (SCS) held at the 13th International Congress of Carboniferous - Permian (ICCP) in Krakow in 1995, it was proposed to establish a multidisciplinary working group on the definition of the Viséan - Namurian boundary and its global equivalents. One of the first steps was to set up a palynological sub-group to compile and contribute to the palynological component to the Project. John Utting (GCS Canada) and Zhu Haucheng (Nanjing) agreed to work with Bernard Owens (BGS UK) to establish this new C.I.M.P. working group. If you have any interest in the Viséan - Serpukhovian or Late Mississippian palynology, why not join the working group? Perhaps you could supply data or material. All offers of help are welcome. The first objective is to establish a global network for co-operation on this problem to make real progress before the next ICCP in 1999. Why not join now and indicate how you can contribute, what you are working on and what material you are able to offer for study. Contact: Bernard Owens (e-mail: [email protected]) C.I.M.P. Working Group on Gondwanan Permo-Carboniferous palynostratigraphy
The Working Group was founded in 1999 to investigate Gondwana-wide palynostratigraphic correlation in an interval where other biostratigraphic media are scarce. The Group includes representatives of oil companies active in the Arabian Peninsula and Brasil, and academics from India, Argentina, Brasil, Germany, UK and Uruguay. A formal list of objectives has yet been agreed but may include: 1. Compilation of an 'electronic' atlas of key palynomorphs from the Arabian and South American basins; 2. Exchange of literature, slides and type material. Members of the Working Group have met informally, though never all together. At the ICCP in Calgary in 1999, Mike Stephenson (UK) met Rosaline Weiss (Germany) and Rodolpho Dino (Brasil). Mike met Paulo Alvez de Souza (Brasil) and members of the CIMP-Saudi Aramco Palynostratigraphy project at the IGC in Rio de Janerio. At the invitation of Rodolpho Dino he visited the Petrobras research centre in Rio to discuss similarities between assemblages in the Parnaíba and Arabian basins. The Working Group has produced an atlas of key Arabian palynomorphs, compiled by Mike Stephenson. A similar atlas for South American basins is planned. A short report of collaboration was also circulated amongst the Group members. It details a number of key palynomorph species, some unpublished, which appear to be common to the widely separated Al Khlata and Parnaíba basins, indicating the possibility for real progress in pan- Gondwanan correlation. Mike Stephenson is currently seeking funding to investigate a possible deglaciation related flooding event in the Gharif Formation of Oman. The dispersed nature of the Group membership has made meeting difficult, but some real progress has been made showing that collaboration can be achieved by electronic means. It is hoped that members of the group will continue to work together.
Mike Stephenson (e-mail: [email protected]) British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham, Ng12 5GG, UK C.I.M.P. Working Group on Namurian-Westphalian boundary palynostratigraphy
T Working Group is intended to deal with problems in late Namurian and early Westphalian palynostratigraphy in Europe, North Amewrica and South America. The Group will be please to hear from the C.I.M.P. members who would like to join them and who can contribute material, slides, photographs and ideas. If you are interesested in the Working Group, please contact: Duncan McLean (e-mail: [email protected]) Centre for Palynology, Dainton Building, University of Sheffield, Brook Hill, Sheffield, S3 7HF, UK.
C.I.M.P. Working Group on cryptospore systematics
Recent rapid developments in the study of pre-Devonian terrestrial palynomorphs indicates an opportunity for workers to co-operate in the field of cryptospore systematics. It is intended to establish a Working Group within the C.I.M.P. to encourage discussion and exchange of materials. This area of study is still small enough to allow for a meaningful and workable classification and inventory of taxa be established. In order to discuss the format and aims and objectives for such a group Dr. Charles Wellman has agreed to act as an initial coordinator. If you are interested in establishing and developing this Working Group please contact Charles Wellman (e-mail [email protected]) Centre for Palynology, Dainton Building, University of Sheffield, Brook Hill, Sheffield, S3 7HF, UK.
4. The Subcommission on the Web
The C.I.M.P. website is at: http://www.shef.ac.uk/~cidmdp/index.html The Spores and Pollen Subcommission pages can be accessed directly at: http://www.shef.ac.uk/~cidmdp/cimpsubs.html First Meeting of the C.I.M.P. Spores and Pollen Subcommission
Preliminary Announcement
The first meeting of the CIMP Spore-Pollen Subcommission will take place at University College Cork, Cork, Ireland in September, 2001. DATES Conference, Monday 3rd to Wednesday 5th September, 2001, inclusive. Field excursions Pre-conference 1 day excursion to the Old Head of Kinsale, basal Carboniferous Courceyan Post conference 2 day excursion to examine Cambro-Ordovician and Devonian-Carboniferous sections in South Waterford and South Wexford. Approximate cost IR£50 which will include: travel by Coach Cork-South Wexford return; 1 nights B&B and evening meal in Fethard-on-Sea Co. Wexford. ACCOMMODATION IN CORK University accommodation will be avaliable in the Castlewhite Appartment Complex. Cost IR£24(per day) for single room and continental breakfast. There is other accommodation available close to UCC. A list will be provided so that partipants may book their own if they wish. Approximate costs: Guest houses approx IR£35 B&B (per day); Hotels from IR£50 -£100 B&B (per day); Hostel accommodation from IR£10-14 including continental breakfast (prices depend on whether single, double or dormitory accommodatiuon is required). DEADLINES Deadline for submission of titles of presentations: 1st April, 2001. Deadline for submission of abstracts for presentations: 1st May, 2001. First Meeting of the C.I.M.P. Spores and Pollen Subcommission
Preliminary Announcement
INTEREST Please submit expressions of interest and/or titles for presentations in the first instance to the Subcommission secretary at: [email protected]
First Meeting of the C.I.M.P. Spores and Pollen Subcommission Preliminary programme Morning Afternoon Evening Sunday, 2nd Field trip: Old Head of Kinsale Registration Registration Monday, 3rd Registration Poster session Wine reception General session Working Group in UCC sessions Tuesday, 4th Poster session Conference General session Technical dinner in Kinsale demonstration Working Group sessions Wednesday, Poster session “Quiet” pub 5th General session Working group reports session in Cork Subcommission meeting Thursday, 6th Field trip : Waterford and Wexford Friday, 7th 6. Book Review
Stratigraphic Palynology of the Palaeozoic of Saudi Arabia edited by Said Al-Hajri and Bernard Owens (2000). Special GeoArabia Publication 1, Gulf PetroLink, Elsevier Science ISBN 99901-04-01-8, 231pp, 40pl, 62 illustrations.
Despite the significant hydrocarbon interest in the Arabian Peninsula there are relatively few publications concerning the region’s Palaeozoic biostratigraphy. However, ongoing collaboration between Saudi Aramco and CIMP has allowed the production of a volume that supplements initial findings reported in 1995. It contains 13 papers concerned with stratigraphic and taxonomic relationships of palynomorphs from Cambrian to Permian subsurface sequences. 5 genera and 23 species are newly described. The books high standards of layout, presentation and production are immediately obvious with clear colour diagrams, range charts and plates. The introductory paper by Al- Hajri and Owens provides a synthesis of all of the studies and is a useful reference base that allows the reader to understand the subsequent papers in geographical and geological context. Two correlation panels summarise the stratigraphical scope of the whole project. Molyneux describes acritarch, chitinozoan and cryptospore assemblages from the extensive “Ordovician” sandstone succession in central Saudi Arabia. He reinterprets the units as Early to Mid Cambrian to Early Silurian. Palynological range charts from 11 wells are provided and form the basis for correlation with sequences in northwest Saudi Arabia. Paris et al. describe Ordovician chitinozoan assemblages from the Qasim Formation of central Saudi Arabia. These are placed in a stratigraphical context and their palaeobiogeographical distributions considered. The paper demonstrates the use of Ordovician chitinozoans in local and regional correlation. Excellent SEM photomicrographs are presented. Le Hérissé reports the characteristics of acritarch assemblages from the early Silurian Qalibah Formation. He concentrates on the evolution of Llandovery acritarch biodiversity and biostratigraphy, and the local and regional correlation potential of the assemblages. He considers the significance of acritarch biology and palaeoecology for acritarch biostratigraphy. Al-Ruwali describes acritarch species from the Qalibah Formation and considers their biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental significance. Steemans et al. report on cryptospores and trilete spores from a borehole with independent chitinozoan and graptolite control in central Saudi Arabia. They propose a biozonation for the Ashgill-Llandovery boundary based on first appearences and relative abundances of spore taxa. Wellman et al. describe spore assemblages from the Rhuddanian-Homerian to ?earliest Gorstian Sarah and Qalibah Formations. Several cryptospore and trilete spore taxa are described. Three assemblages are recognized and correlated with existing Silurian spore biozones. Palynofacies are briefly described and compared to those from coeval sequences elsewhere. Loboziak records Eifelian to Frasnian miospores from northern Saudi Arabia. The miospores are typical of both Gondwanan and Euramerican provinces. An outline biozonation for western Gondwana based on the first appearance of significant miospore morphologies is proposed. Clayton et al report on Famennian to Namurian miospore assemblages from central and northern Saudi Arabia and the Arabian Gulf. Assemblages are correlated with biozones of Western Europe, North Africa and Brazil. The implications of the hiatus between the Devonian and Carboniferous is discussed. Owens et al. tackle problems encountered with Carboniferous litho- and biostratigraphy in the region. They describe mid Carboniferous miospore assemblages from eastern Saudi Arabia and discuss implications of the biostratigraphy and the gondwanan character of the assemblages. Comparisons with coeval assemblages from adjacent parts of northern Gondwana are made and the significance of reworked Famennian-Tournaisian material is discussed. Stephenson and Filatoff present a correlation of latest Carboniferous and Permian palynological assemblages from Oman and Saudi Arabia, and compare them to coeval assemblages from North Africa, South America and Australia. Similarities in the successions seen in Arabia, Australia and South America are used to support inter-regional correlations. In a second paper these authors describe Late Permian assemblages from the Khuff Formation of central Saudi Arabia. These are compared to ones from Russia, Iraq and Pakistan. Quantitative differences between the Arabian assemblages and those from Australia, India and Antarctica are considered to represent significant Late Permian phytogeographical differentiation of Gondwana. Evidence is given for the duration of the pre-Khuff unconformity. The final paper by Marshall provides information on palynofacies and orbital cyclicity from the Silurian Qalibah Formation. Facies cycles recognized in gamma-ray logs are used to identify Milankovitch periodicities that are used to estimate sedimentation rates and assess burial history. In all, the volume is neatly laid out, the papers are well written, well organized and arranged in a sensible order. It provides a sound basis from which to study the Palaeozoic palynology of Saudi Arabia and surrounding regions and will act as a useful database for a previously data-poor region. While reproduction is excellent, the cost is high ($300). The absence of individual reprints means that circulation of this excellent work may be limited. Instruct your librarian to buy a copy! For more information, please contact the C.I.M.P. president, Prof. B. Owens at [email protected]
Craig Harvey 7. Recent Publications and Abstracts (1999, 2000)
AFONIN, S.A., 2000. A palynological assemblage from the transitional Permian-Triassic deposits of European Russia. Palaeontological Journal Supplement, 34, 29-34. AL-HAJRI, S. & OWENS, B. (editors), 2000. Stratigraphic Palynology of the Palaeozoic of Saudi Arabia. Results of a joint study between Saudi Arabian Oil Cmpany (Saudi Aramco) and the Commission Internationale de Microflore du Paléozïque. Special Geoarabia Publication No.1, Gulf Petrolink, Arabian Printing and Publishing House, Manama, Bahrain, 1-231. AL-HAJRI, S. & OWENS, B., 2000. Sub-surface palynostratigraphy of the Palaeozoic of Saudi Arabi. In AL-HAJRI, S. & OWENS, B. (op. cit.), 10-17. CLAYTON, G., OWENS, B., AL-HAJRI, S. & FILATOFF, J., 2000. Latest Devonian and Early Carboniferous miospore assemblages from Saudi Arabia. In AL-HAJRI, S. & OWENS, B. (op. cit.), 146-153. COQUEL, R. & ABDESSELAM-ROUIGHI, F., 1999. Carbonifere Inferieur du Sahara occidental algerien: la Formation de Timimoun. Annales de la Societe Géologique du Nord, 7, 129-134. ELSIK, W.C., 1999. Reduviasporonites Wilson 1962: synonymy of the fungal organism involved in the Late Permian crisis. Palynology, 23, 37-41. GÓRECKA-NOWAK, A., 1999. Miospore associations as indicators of the origin of coal seams in the Intrasudetic Basin (southwest Polans). Bolletino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 38, 167-175. HENNESSY, D. & HIGGS, K.T., 1999. Palynological zonation of the Late Devonian and Early Carboniferous of the Avon Gorge, southwest England. Bolletino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 38, 177-186. HIGGS, K.T., 1999. Early Devonian spore assemblages from the Dingle Group, County Kerry Ireland. Bolletino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 38, 187-196. KALKREUTH, W., HOLZ, M., CAZZULO-KLEPZIG, M., MARQUES- TOIGO, M., UTTING, J. & SEMKIWA, P., 1999. A comparative study of the geology, petrology and palynology of Permian coals in southern Brazil. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 29, 91-104. LOBOZIAK, S., 2000. Middle to early Late Devonian miospore biostratigraphy of Saudi Arabia. In AL-HAJRI, S. & OWENS, B. (op. cit.), 134-145. LOBOZIAK, S., PLAYFORD, G. & MELO, J.H.G., 2000. Radiizonates arcuatus, a distinctive new miospore species from the Lower Carboniferous of Western Gondwana. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 109, 271- 277. LU, L., 1999. On the miospore assemblags of the Heishantou Formation at Aherbruckomha in Hoboskar, Xinjiang, with additional reference to the transition stratum from the Devonian to Carboniferous [in chinese with english summary]. In Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Academia Sinica, Palaeozoic fossils of northern Xinjiang, China, 1-141. MARSHALL, J.E.A., 2000. Palynofacies and orbital cyclicity: an example from the Silurian of Saudi Arabia. In AL-HAJRI, S. & OWENS, B. (op. cit.), 216-231. MOLYNEUX, S. & AL-HAJRI, S., 2000. Palynology of a problematic Lower palaeozoic lithofacies in central Saudi Arabia. In AL-HAJRI, S. & OWENS, B. (op. cit.), 18-41. OWENS, B., FILATOFF, J., CLAYTON, G. & AL-HAJRI, S., 2000. Evidence of Mid-Carboniferous miospore assemblages from central Saudi Arabia. In AL-HAJRI, S. & OWENS, B. (op. cit.), 154-167. PEREIRA, Z., PIÇARRA, J.M. & OLIVEIRA, J.T., 1999. Lower Devonian palynomorphs from the Barrancos region, Ossa Morena Zone, Portugal. Bolletino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 38, 239-245. PODGAINAYA, N.N., 2000. Phanerozoic straite miospores as indicators of biotic events and stages of paleofloral evolution. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 8, 221-231. RASTKATOVA, M.G., 2000. Late Devonian micro- and megaspores fro dispersed sporangia. Palaeontological Journal Supplement, 34, 26-28. RUBINSTEIN, C.V. & BRUSSA, E.D., 1999. A palynomorph and graptolite biostratigraphy of the Central Precordillera Silurian Basin, Argentina. Bolletino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 38, 257-266. SÁNCHEZ DE POSADA, L.C., VILLA, E., MARTÍNEZ CHACÓN, M.L., RODRÍGUEZ, R.M., RODRÍGUEZ, S. & COQUEL, R., 2000. Contenido paleontológico y edad de la sucesión de Demués (Carbonífero, Zona Cantábrica). Trabajos de Geología, 21, 339-352. SCOTT, A.C., 1999. The distribution of megaspores from the Upper Carboniferous (Namurian A) coal-bearing sequence of Dalquhandy, Douglas Coalfield, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Palynology, 23, 3-14. STEEMANS, P., HIGGS, K. & WELLMAN, C.H., 2000. Cryptospores and trilete spores from the Llandovery, Nuayyim-2 borehole, Saudi Arabia. In AL-HAJRI, S. & OWENS, B. (op. cit.), 92-115. STEPHENSON, M.H. & FILATOFF, J., 2000a. Correlation of Carboniferus- Permian palynological assemblages from Oman and Saudi Arabia. In AL- HAJRI, S. & OWENS, B. (op. cit.), 168-191. STEPHENSON, M.H. & FILATOFF, J., 2000b. Description and correlation of Late Permian palynological assemblages from the Khuff Formation, Saudi Arabia and evidence for the duration of the pre-Khuff hiatus. In AL-HAJRI, S. & OWENS, B. (op. cit.), 192-215. TIWARI, R.S., 1999. Paradigm of FAD, LAD and DOD of some miospore taxa in Late Permian and Early Triassic successions of the indian peninsula. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India, 44, 69-89. VANGUESTINE, M., PARDO-TRUJILLO, A., COEN-AUBERT, M., ROCHE, M. & BOULVAIN, F., 1999. Evolution of organic debris and palynomorph preservation in two late middle Frasnian sections, southern Dinant Synclinorium border Belgium. Bolletino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 38, 317-330. VIGRAN, J.O., STEMMERIK, L. & PIASECKI, S., 1999. Stratigraphy and depositional evolution of the uppermost Devonian-Carboniferous (Tournaisian-Westphalian) non-marine deposits in north-east Greenlamd. Palynology, 23, 115-152. WANG, Y. & LI, J., 2000. Late Silurian triletes spores from Jiangsu, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 111, 111-125. WELLMAN, C.H., HABGOOD, K., JENKINS, G. & RICHARDSON, J.B., 2000. A new plant assemblage (microfossil and megafossil) from the Lower Old Red Sandstone of the Anglo-Welsh Basin: its implications for he palaeoecology of early terrestrial ecosystems. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 109, 161-196. WELLMAN, C.H., HIGGS, K. & STEEMANS, P., 2000. Spore assemblags from a Silurian sequence in borehole Hawiyah-151 from Saudi Arabia. In AL-HAJRI, S. & OWENS, B. (op. cit.), 116-133. WETHERALL, P.M., DORNING, K.J. & WELLMAN, C.H., 1999. Palynology, biostratigraphy, and depositional environments around the Ludlow-Pridoli boundary at Woodbury Quarry, Herefordshire, England. Bolletino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 38, 397-404. WOOD, G.D. & ELSIK, W.C., 1999. Paleoecologic and stratigraphic importance of the fungus Reduviasporonites stoschianus from the ‘Early- Middle’ Pennsylvanian of the Copocobana Formation, Peru. Palynology, 23, 43-53.
AHMED, S., 2000. Palynological studies of the Upper Devonian of New York State and Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 3. Ahmed, S., 2000. Palynological studies of the Upper devonian of New York State and Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 31st International Geological Congress abstracts CD. BARTOLOMÉ, G., RODRIGUEZ GONZÁLEZ, R.M. & SANCHEZ DE POSADA, L.C., 2000. Estudio palinológico del Carbonífero Superior en la Zona de Hontoria, noroeste de Asturia (España) . I Congresso Ibérico de Paleontología/International Meeting of IGCP 421, Abstracts, 221-222. BECK, J. & STROTHER, P.K., 1999. Silurian plant diversity as determined from spores and cryptospores from the central Appalachians, U.S.A. Abstracts: 32nd Annual American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Meeting, October, 1999, Savannah, Georgia. BEK, J., 2000. Some Spenophyllalean in situ microspores from Bohemian Carboniferous basins of the Czech Republic. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 9-10. BEK, J., 2000. Carboniferous Calamospora: how many ways of origin? Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 10. BROCKE, R. & WILDE, V., 2000. Lower Devonian (Emsian) palynology of the Rhenish Slate Mountains, Germany. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 19-20. CAZZULO-KLEPZIG, M., GUERRA-SOMMER, M. & CALARGE, L.M., 2000. Time of deposition of the coals from Candiota Coalfield, Paraná Basin, Brazil: calibration between palynological and geochemical data. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 22-23. CHAKRABORTY, S., 2000. Miofloral assemblage of subsurface lower Gondwana rocks in parts of Mahanadi Basin, india, Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 23-24. CLAYTON, G. & OWENS, B., 2000. Palynological correlation of the Late Devonian and Carboniferous from Saudi Arabia: geological implications. 31st International Geological Congress abstracts CD. CLAYTON, G., WICANDER, R. & PERIERA, Z., 2000. Preliminary correlation of latest Devonian and early Carboniferous miospore and acritarch assemblages in northern Gondwana and southern Euramerica: some palaeogeographic implications. I Congresso Ibérico de Paleontología/International Meeting of IGCP 421, Abstracts, 205. CONNOLLY, J. & CLAYTON, G., 2000. The reaction of palynofacies, spore colour and fluoresence to short lived heating events. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 27. DINO, R., PLAYFORD, G. & MARQUES-TOIGO, M., 2000. Re-evaluation of the miospore species Spelaeotriletes ybertii (Marques-Toigo, 1970) Playford and Powis, 1979, and related forms from the Gondwanan Upper Palaeozoic. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 31-32. EL-SHAMMA, A.E-G., MOUSTAFA, T.F. & ABDEL, M., 2000. Devonian palynomorphs from some subsurface rocks in the Western Desert, Egypt. 31st International Geological Congress abstracts CD. FERNANDEZ, J.P., MOCO, L.P., CHAMINÉ, H.I., LEMOS DE SOUSA, M.J., FONSECA, P.E. & RIBEIRO, A., 2000. A Devonian palynomorph assemblage in Albergaria-a-Velha (NW Portugal): regional implications. I Congresso Ibérico de Paleontología, Abstracts, 81-82. GHAVIDEL-SYOOKI, M., 2000. Palyno-biostratigraphy of Upper Palaeozoic strata in the Zagros Basin, southern Iran. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 54. GÓRECKA-NOWAK, A., 2000. Palaeoclimatic changes in the Westphalian on the basis of palynologic data from the Intrasudetic Basin (SW Poland). Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 55-56. GUERRA-SOMMER, M. & CAZZULO_KLEPZIG, M., 2000. Relationship between micro- and megaflora from a storm originated sequence in southern brazilian Gondwana (São Sepé outcrop, Kungurian-Kazanian). Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 56-57. HARVEY, C., 2000. Middle and Upper Devonian palynology and palaeogeography of the Sierra de Perijá, western Venezuela. I Congresso Ibérico de Paleontología/International Meeting of IGCP 421, Abstracts, 233- 234. HASSAN, A.M., 2000. Uppermost Silurian and Lower Devonian miospore assemblages to correlate South Wales and Sahara Algeria sediments. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 60. NIEMEYER, H. & RUBINSTEIN, C.V., 2000. Stratigraphy and palynology of the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary in the Zorritas Formation, Antofagasta region, northern Chile. I Congresso Ibérico de Paleontología/International Meeting of IGCP 421, Abstracts, 260-263. JÄGER, H., 2000. Lower Carboniferous (Visean) palynostratigraphy in Germany and correlation with western and eastern Europe. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 73-74. KHALAF, F.H., 2000. Palynostratigraphy of Silurian sediments in West Iraq. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 82. KHALAF, F.H. & HADID, A., 2000. Palynology of the Permo Triassic boundary, northern Iraq. 31st International Geological Congress abstracts CD. LAVENDER, K., 2000. Lower Devonian spore asemblags from the Strathmore region of the Midland Valley, Scotland. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 87-88. LOBOZIAK, S., 2000. Late Early to Late Devonian palynological events in western Gondwana: an application to northern Saudi Arabia. 31st International Geological Congress abstracts CD. LU, L. & OUYANG, S., 2000. Latest Carboniferous – Early Permian megaspores from the Xinwen district, Shandong. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 102. MAHAFFEY, J.F., 1999. Profile patterns and their paleoecological interpretation in the Herrin (No.6) Coal Member at Old Ben No. 24 Mine (Franklin County, Illinois). Abstracts: 32nd Annual American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Meeting, October, 1999, Savannah, Georgia. MANTSUROVA, V.N., 2000. The Frasnian – Famenian (sic) boundary in the Volgograd Povolzhye by palynological data. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 106. MANTSUROVA, V.N. & ZDOBNOVA, E.N., 2000., Palynologic dating of the Presalt pre-Kungurian terrigenous sediments in the western part of the Precaspian depression. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 106-107. MALO, J.H.G., QUADROS, L.P., MATSUDA, N.S., LOBOZIAK, S. & BARRILARI, I.M.R., 2000. Miospore-based correlations of the Late Devonian Curuá Group Amazon Basin, Brazil. 31st International Geological Congress abstracts CD. MANTSOROVA, V.N., 2000. Palynostratigraphy and the Frasnian_famenian boundary of the Devonian in the southeast of the Russian Platform. 31st International Geological Congress abstracts CD. MARSHALL, J.E.A., 2000. The Devonian of the Falkland Islands: a high latitude record of gondwanan palynology, sea level and climatic change. 31st International Geological Congress abstracts CD. OLGA, T., 2000. Devonian miospore assemblage of Timano-Pechora province. 31st International Geological Congress abstracts CD. OUYANG, S., WANG, Z., ZHAN, J.Z. & ZHOU, Y.X., 2000. On the genus Noeggerathiopsidozonotriletes Luber 1955. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 128. OWENS, B. & AL-HAJRI, S., 2000. Palynological event stratigraphy in the Palaeozoic of Saudi Arabia. 31st International Geological Congress abstracts CD. OWENS, B., AL-HAJRI, S. & RUWAILI, M.H., 2000. Palynological event stratigraphy in the Palaeozoic of Saudi Arabia. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 130. OWENS, B., ZHU, H. & TUNER, N., 2000. Comparative palynostratigraphy of the Pendleian – Arnsbergian (Namurian) boundary between Great Briatin and |China. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p.130. PETERSON, L.N., 2000. Characterization of the carboniferous miospores assemblages of Middle Siberia (Tunguska and Minusa Basins). Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 132. PLAYFORD, G. & DINO, R., 2000. Spore-pollen sequence in Upper Palaeozoic strata of the Amazonas Basin, Brazil. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 133. RICHARDSON, J.B., RODRIGUEZ, R.M. & SUTHERLAND, S.J.E., 2000. Palynological zonation of mid-Palaeozoic sequences from the Cantabrian Mountains, NW Spain: implications for inter-regional and interfacies correlation of the Ludford/Pridoli and Silurian/Devonian boundaries and plant dispersal patterns. I Congresso Ibérico de Paleontología/International Meeting of IGCP 421, Abstracts, 269. RODRIGUEZ, R.M. & DIEZ, A., 2000. Palinoestratigrafía y magmatismo de la seccíon de la Ribera del Jarma, FAJA Pirítica Ibérica, Zona Surportuguesa, Provincia de Sevilla. I Congresso Ibérico de Paleontología/International Meeting of IGCP 421, Abstracts, 273. RUBINSTEIN, C.V., 2000. Middle Devonian palynomorphs from the San Juan precordillera, Argentina: biostratigraphy and paleobiogeography. I Congresso Ibérico de Paleontología/International Meeting of IGCP 421, Abstracts, 274-275. SABOURI, S., 2000. Palynology of Devonian rocks, Gerlk section, Kerman area, south east of Iran. 31st International Geological Congress abstracts CD. SOUSA, P.A., DI PASQUO, M., BERNADES DE OLIVEIRA, M.E.C., AZCUY, C.L. & PETRI, S., 2000. Advances in the Carboniferous Paraná palynostratigraphy. 31st International Geological Congress abstracts CD. STEEMANS, P. & PAREIRA, E., 2000. Early Silurian trilete spores and cryptospores, Paraguay. 31st International Geological Congress abstracts CD. STREEL, M., LOBOZIAK, S., MELO, J.G.H. & CAPUTO, M.V., 2000. Famennian climates based on palynomorph quantitative analyses and the question of Devonian glaciations. 31st International Geological Congress abstracts CD. STEHENSON, M.H., 2000. Stratigraphy and palaeogeography of hydrocarbon-bearing Permian rocks of Suadi Arabia nad Oman. 31st International Geological Congress abstracts CD. STROTHER, P.K. & WOOD, G., 1999. A terrestrial flora by Middle Cambrian time: evidence from the bright Angel Shale and Rogersville Shale of the United States. Abstracts: 32nd Annual American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Meeting, October, 1999, Savannah, Georgia. TAO, M., ZHENG, G., ZHAO, L. & MA, B., 2000. The enrichment law of disaccites and palaeoclimate changes in chinese continent since Carboniferous. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 163. UTTING, J., 2000. Palynostratigraphic correlation and dating of marine and continental Permian successions. 31st International Geological Congress abstracts CD. WAGNER, P., CLAYTON, G., PEREIRA, Z., WICANDER, R., FINUCANE, D. & HIGGS, K., 2000. Investigation of a possible microfloral extinction event at the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary. I Congresso Ibérico de Paleontología/International Meeting of IGCP 421, Abstracts, 299. WANG, Y., LI, Y. & BROCKE, R., 2000. Late Silurian palynomorphs from Guangyuan, Sichuan, China, Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 178-179. WELLMAN, C.H., 2000. Spore assemblages from the Lower Devonian sequence of the Rhynie Outlier: evidence for the palaeoecology of the Rhynie Chert plants. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24- 30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 182. WELLMAN, C.H., 2000. Wall ultrastructure in Devonian spores. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 182-183. WELLMAN, C.H., 2000. Spore assemblages from the Lower Devonian sequence of the Rhynie outlier: evidence for the palaeoecology of the Rhynie chert plants. Abstracts, The Palaeontological Association 44th Annual Meeting, 17-20 December, Edinburgh, 29-30. WELLMAN, C.H., STEEMANS, P. & HIGGS, K.T., 2000. Spore assemblages from the Silurian of Saudi Arabia. 31st International Geological Congress abstracts CD. YANG, W. & TAZAWA, J.I., 2000. The new data of palynomorphs of Carboniferous and Permian from southern Kitakami Mountains, NE Japan and their geological significance. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 190. YIN, L. & HE, S., 2000. Palynomorphs from the transitional sequences between Ordovician and Silurian of northwestern Zhejiang, S. China. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 195-196. ZAVIALOVA, N.E., 2000. Diversity of exine types of fossil gymnospermous pollen. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 199. ZHENG, G., TAO, M., LI, Y., TANG, S. & YAN, L., 2000. Carboniferous – Permian spore and pollen assemblages of Jizhong region. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 200. ZHANG, Z., REN, Y. & CAO, L., 2000. Carboniferous – Early Triassic megaspore assemblages in the Awati – Bachu district along the northern margin of Tarim Basin. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 201-202. ZHU, H., 2000. On the dynamics of Permian phytoprovincial succession of the Tarim plate. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 205-206. ZHU, H., 2000. Upper Devonian spores from the North Tarim Basin, NW China. Abstracts, 10th International Palynological Congress, June24-30, 2000, Nanjing, China, p. 206. 8. Taxonomic News (1999. 2000)
For references see above. Many of the taxa described by Lu (1999) and listed below are invalidly published. Any taxon marked [*] is invalidly published as it has no Latin or English diagnosis or description (ICBN Art. 36.3).
Newly described taxa
Genera Complectitetras Steemans, Higgs & Wellman 2000, p. 94-95. Hefengitosporites Lu 1999, p. 127. Imperfectotriletes Steemans, Higgs & Wellman 2000, p. 98. Sphaerasaccus Steemans, Higgs & Wellman 2000, p. 102. Vestitusdyadus Steemans, Higgs & Wellman 2000, p. 106.
Species Angulisporites inaequalis Lu 1999, p. 86-87, pl. 15, figs. 1-6 [*] Asperispora cornuta Lu 1999, p. 61-62, pl. 10, figs. 1-4 [*] Asperispora mucrnata Lu 1999, p. 62, pl. 16, figs. 8-11 [*] Asperispora undulata Lu 1999, p. 62, pl. 10, figs. 17, 18, pl. 16, figs. 1, 2 [*] Camptotriletes robustus Lu 1999, p. 52, pl. 4, figs. 2-6 [*] Chelinohilates maculatus Steemans, Higgs & Wellman 2000, p. 94, pl. 1, figs. E-h. Cingulizonates triangulatus Lu 1999, p. 88, pl. 29, figs. 16, 17, pl. 30, figs. 12, 13 [*] Cirratriradites ordinatus Lu 1999, p. 89-90, pl. 18, figs. 1-6 [*] Complectitetras alhajrii Steemans, Higgs & Wellman 2000, p. 96-97, pl. 1, figs. i-k. Converrucosisporites imperfectus Lu 1999., p. 39, pl. 8, figs. 7,8 [*] Convolutispora robusta Lu 1999, p. 53-54, pl. 7, figs. 9-12 [*] Crassispora variabilis Lu 1999, p. 68-69, pl. 16, figs. 3-7 [*] Cristatisporites baculiformis Lu 1999, p. 91, pl. 13, figs, 6, 13, pl. 19, fig. 6 [*] Cristatisporites conicus Lu 1999, p. 91-92, pl. 11, 3-6 [*] Cristatisporites denticulatus Lu 1999, p. 92, pl. 20, figs. 8-13 [*] Cristatisporites rarus Lu 1999, p. 92, pl. 19, figs. 1, 2 [*] Cristatisporites simplex Lu 1999, p. 93, pl. 20, figs. 5, 14 [*] Cristatisporites spiculiformis Lu 1999, p. 93, pl. 12, figs. 1-3 [*] Cristatisporites varius Lu 1999, p. 93-94, pl. 20, figs. 6, 7, 15, 16 [*] Cymbosporites dimorphus Lu 1999, p. 71, pl. 29, figs. 6, 7, 11-14 [*] Cymbosporites sparseus Wang & Li 2000, p. 119, pl. 2, figs. 3-6. Cymbosporites spinulifer Lu 1999, p. 71, pl. 11, figs. 9, 10, pl. 29, figs. 1-3, 15 [*] Densosporites pius Lu 1999, p. 97, pl. 13, figs. 7-11 [*] Dibolisporites bilamellatus Lu 1999, p. 45, pl. 5, figs. 1-5. [*] Discernisporites papillatus Lu 1999, p. 81-82, pl. 32, figs. 1-5 [*] Discernisporites varius Lu 1999, p. 82, pl. 32, figs, 9-14 [*] Emphanisporites densus Lu 1999, p. 56-57, pl. 6, figs. 5-9 [*] Emphanisporites subzonalis Lu 1999, p. 57, pl. 6, 3-4 [*] Endosporites medius Lu 1999, p. 82-83, pl. 31, figs. 9-13 [*] Endosporites perfectus Lu 1999, p. 83, pl. 31, figs. 1, 3-6 [*] Endosporites rugosus Lu 1999, p. 83-84, pl. 31, figs. 7, 8 [*] ?Florinites balmei Stephenson & Filatoff 2000b, p. 208-212, pl. 2, figs. j-m. Foveosporites vadosus Lu 1999, p. 58, pl. 6, figs, 18,19, pl. 17, figs. 10-14 [*] Grandispora dissoluta Lu 1999, p. 75, pl. 33, figs. 14-17 [*] Grandispora minuta Lu 1999, pl. 33, figs. 14-17 [*] Grandispora psilata Lu 1999, p. 76, pl. 33, figs. 1-7, 13 [*] Hefengitosporits adpressus Lu 1999, p. 111, pl. 35, figs. 1, 2 [*] Hefengitosporites hemisphaericus Lu 1999, p. 112, pl. 34, figs. 7, 8 [*] Hefengitosporites separatus Lu 1999. p. 127, pl. 35, figs. 5-11. Imperfectotriletes patinatus Steemans, Higgs & Wellman 2000, p. 98-99, pl. 2, figs. e-h. Hymenozonotriletes longispinus Lu 1999, p. 99, pl. 13, figs. 1-3 [*] Hymenoszonotrilets major Lu 1999, p. 99, pl. 12, figs. 11, 12 [*] Kraeuselisporites amplus Lu 1999, p. 101, pl. 21, fig. 1-3 [*] Kraeuselisporites incrassatus Lu 1999, p. 101, pl. 22, figs, 1-3 [*] Kraeuselisporites subtriangulatus Lu 1999, p. 101-102, pl. 21, figs. 4-6, pl. 22, figs. 11-12 [*] Laevolancis chibrikovae Steemans, Higgs & Wellman 2000, p. 99, pl. 2, figs. n, o; pl. 3, fig. a Leoitriletes densus Lu 1999, p. 34, pl. 12, 9-10, pl. 28, figs. 16, 17. [* If validated would become a junior homonym of Leiotriletes densus Neves 1961] Lophotriletes rarus Lu 1999, p. 46-47, pl. 4, figs. 22-24. [* If validated would become a junior homonym of Lophotriletes rarus Bhardwaj & Salujha 1964] Lophozonotriletes vesiculosus Lu 1999, p. 65, pl. 10, figs. 7, 8 [*] Neogemina? hispida Lu 1999, p. 85, pl. 11, figs. 11-14 [*] Neogemina spongioaa Lu 1999, p. 85-86, pl. 30, figs. 1-6 [* Highly suspect orthography: the name N. spongisa appears in the cited plate descriptions while a comparison record is cited as N. cf. spongiosa] Peroaletes khuffemsis Stephenson & Filatoff 2000b, p. 205, pl. 3, figs. k-m, table 3. Protohaploxypinus uttingii Stephenson & Filatoff 2000b, p. 204, pl. 3, figs. b-d. Pteruchipollenites owensii Stephenson & Filatoff 2000b, p. 205, pl. 1, figs. m, n, table 4. Punctatisporites lancis Lu 1999, p. 36, pl. 1, figs. 5,6. [*] Punctatosporites magnificus Lu 1999, p. 109-110, pl. 34, figs. 3-6 [*] Reticulatisporites baculiformis Lu 1999, p. 59, pl. 10, figs. 11, 12, 14-16 [*] Reticulatisporites discoides Lu 1999, p. 59, pl. 2, figs. 1-7 [*] Reticulatisporites distinctus Lu 1999, p. 59-60, pl. 8, figs. 3, 11, 12 [*] Reticulatisporites separatus Lu 1999, p. 60, pl. 8, fig. 4, pl. 9, figs. 12, 13. [*] Reticulatisporites varius Lu 1999, p. 60-61, pl. 8, figs. 5, 6, pl. 9, figs. 2, 6, 7 [*] Spelaeotriletes spissus Lu 1999, p. 79-80, pl. 28, figs. 10, 11, 15 [*] Sphaerasaccus glabellus Steemans, Higgs & Wellman 2000, p. 102-104, pl. 4, figs. a, b. Tholisporites minutus Lu 1999, p. 73, pl. 1, figs. 13-15, pl. 29, figs. 4, 5 [*] Tuberculatosporites macrocephalus Lu 1999, p. 110, pl. 34, figs, 11, 12 [*] Tuberculatosporites medius Lu 1999, p. 110-111, pl. 34, fig. 9 [*] Tumulispoora rotunda Lu 1999, p. 68, pl. 26, figs. 7-11 [*] Vallatisporites convolutus Lu 1999, p. 106, pl. 25, figs. 6-13 [*] Vallatisporites cornutus Lu 1999, p. 106, pl. 26, figs. 1, 2, 12 [*] Vallatisporites cristatus Lu 1999, p. 106-107, pl. 24, figs. 1-5, 8, 9 [*] Vallatisporites hefengensis Lu 1999, p. 107, pl. 27, figs. 1-7 [*] Vallatisporites pustulatus Lu 1999, p. 107-108, pl. 23, figs. 9-12 [*] Vestitusdyadus qualibahinus Steemans, Higgs & Wellman 2000, p. 106, pl. 4, figs. k, l; pl. 5, figs. a, b.
Taxonomic changes Genera Chordecystia Foster 1979 considered as a junior synonym of Reduviasporonites Wilson 1962 (see Elsik, 1999, p. 38) Tympanicystia Balme 1980 considered as a junior synonym of Reduviasporonites Wilson 1962 (see Elsik, 1999, p. 38)
Species Anapiculatisporites acanthaceus (Naumova) Lu 1999, p. 42-43. [Recombination of Acanthotriletes acanthaceus Naumova 1953. Possibly invalid as the basionym is improperly referred to as A. acatheceus. ICBN art. 33.2] Apiculatisporis communis (Naumova) Lu, 1999, p. 44. [Recombination of Lophotriletes communis Naumova 1953] Baculatisporites atratus (Naumova) emend. Lu 1999, p. 48. [Recombination of Lophotriletes atratus Naumova 1953] Densosporites frederici (Potonié & Kremp ) Lu 1999 [Recombination of Anulatisporites frederici Potonié & Kremp 1956] Diaphanospora bollandensis (Steemans) Higgs 1999, p. 190 [Recombination of Perotrilites bollandensis Steemans 1989] Diaphanospora subita (Archangelskaya) Higgs 1999, p. 190. [Recombination of Lycospora subita Archangelskaya 1978] Imperfectotriletes vavrdovae (Richardson) Steemans, Higgs & Wellman 2000, p. 99. [Recombination of ?Ambitisporites vavrdovii Richardson 1988] Radiizonates arcuatus Loboziak et al. 2000, p. 272, 274. Radiizonates genuinus (Jushko) Loboziak & Alpern 1978 [invalid combination, see Ravn et al. (1994), Loboziak et al. (2000)] Reduviasporonites chalastus (Foster) Elsik, 1999, p.40 [Recombination of Chordecystia chalastus Foster 1979] Reduvisporonites stoschianus (Balme) Elsik 1999, p.40 [Recombination of Tympanicystia stoschianus Balme 1980] Vallatisporites interruptus (Kedo) emend. Lu 1999, p. 105 [Recombination and emendation of Trematoxonotriletes interruptus Kedo 1963]
9. Requests for Reprints
1. It would be of great help if all palynologists who are working on Gondwana and Perigondwana would send me reprints of their papers immediately after publication. Relevant information will be included in the “Cologne Database of Palynomorphs” (a stratigraphical, geographical and taxonomic index). Cordial thanks to all those who did so in the past. Dr. Roseline Weiss, Universität zu Köln, Geologisches Institut, Zülpicher Str. 49a, D-50674 Köln. 2. Please help to keep the Subcommission Newsletter and website databases of current publications and abstracts up to date. Please e-mail me with any titles concerning Palaeozoic spores and pollen once published (not in press, please). I would also appreciate receiving reprints of these once available. Dr. Duncan McLean, Centre for Palynology, Dainton Building, University of Sheffield, Brook Hill, Sheffield, S3 7HF, UK. E-mail: [email protected]