2014 Sadc Gender Protocol Summit and Awards
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2014 SADC GENDER PROTOCOL SUMMIT AND AWARDS ALLIANCE AND COALITION BUILDING APPLICATION This award recognises NGOs, CBOs and Faith-Based Organisations (FBOs) that have done the most to build effective coalitions and networks for the implementation of the SADC Protocol on Gender and development; holding governments accountable; conducting advocacy workshops at the grassroots level, as well as growing the women’s movement in SADC.
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Name of good practice *prevention and protection of children against abuse and neglect
The Southern African Gender Protocol Alliance is organised into thematic clusters, cross- cutting interest groups or country networks. Please choose the appropriate option and click on 'not applicable' in the other two categories.
Which alliance thematic cluster are you affiliated to? *Governance Which alliance cross cutting interest group are you affiliated to? * Not applicable
Which alliance country cluster are you affiliated to? * Mauritius
Quotable quotes*
Synopsis* ANPPCAN is a continental organization championing children’s rights. It was established during the first African Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect held in Enugu, Nigeria in 1986. The organization advocates for the protective rights of children and facilitates research and the exchange of scientific information about them. ANPPCAN was the first African NGO to be granted observer status with the
African Union (AU). It has similar status with the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights.
At present, ANPPCAN has 22 National Chapters with its head office in Nairobi, Kenya, where it is registered as an international NGO.
1 Key objectives of the network or alliance * Please list these in bullet form – 300 words
In Mauritius, the ANPPCAN chapter was created in 2003, after its participation in the global march against child labour in Florence, Italy. It was registered as NGO in May 2004 and its objects include: Providing a forum for the exchange of scientific information on the problems affecting children in Mauritius and Africa. Carrying out advocacy for children’s rights Convening and participating in national, regional and international forums Offering advice and assistance to organizations working in the field of child rights
Beneficiaries and partners* Please list your key beneficiaries and partners in this table; those you reach directly and estimates of those whom you reach indirectly. Direct Indirect Name of Women Men Total Women Men Total group Halfway Home 46 12 58 Rehab.youth 35 8 center 43 communities 102 21 123 175 60 358
Total 459
Relationship to the Alliance Secretariat * Please state how your network is linked to the national or regional secretariat of the Alliance; how this this support has helped facilitate your work and how this support can be improved. –
Anppcan started to work with Gender Links quite a long time ago. The director of the organization used to work in the media and in that capacity, was supporting the movement by interviewing and reporting about activities.
With the creation of the organization in 2003, partnership got closer. Anppcan was present at Regional summit in 2010 and 2011, with the presentation of one of its project: The Halfway Home. Being involved in rehabilitation, the organization has to face one of the major problems affecting women and children: violence. We have worked with Gender Links Mauritius in brainstorming sessions, interactive discussions and workshops, mainly in villages in the south of the country.
Key activities * Please list at least five. – 300 words
2 Half-Way Home 1. ANPPCAN is now recognized as running the Halfway Home, a transitional place for young girls
aged 16 and above who have been through child care or rehabilitation residential institutions, offers
them temporary shelter for a specified period within which they can either complete their studies,
undergo training and assisted to find jobs. At the same time, we work closely with their families to
ensure their smooth re-integration into the community.
2. NETWORKING National and International:
Rehabilitation Youth centre : Anppcan has initiated and carried many programs such as proper structured schooling, cookery and bakery classes by a professional, bought equipment and material and installed the classrooms, initiated hairdressing training and equipped the beauty corner. 3. Community development in specific areas Anppcan south : half of our board members are representatives of villages situated in the south of the country where we have set up libraries, child care teams, women self help programs, free medical checkup for children, visits of sponsors and actions, awareness programs based on gender, fund raising activities among others. 4. Different studies and reports
5. Publication of Magazines, newsletters, press articles
Resource mobilisation * Please state how you have mobilised for resource allocations for work on gender equality. Amount local Amount in Explanation currency Rand (specify) Gender specific allocation Gender in mainstream projects (please specify) 74974 MRU 25000
Amount contributed in cash or in kind by partner All funds organisations (please specify) came from Anppcan and Lions Clubs
TOTAL 25000 rands
Working with governments * What results have been achieved as a result of your work with government to implement the 28 targets of the SADC Gender Protocol? Do you sit on government delegations on
3 regional and international platforms? Please give at least one example of the influence you have been able to exert in these structures? 200 words
A MOU has been signed between Anppcan and the Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity and Reforms Institutions.
The Managing Committee of the Halfway Home, chaired by Anppcan, is composed of 16 members among which are represented 4 Ministries: Social security (secretary) Gender and child development, Education and Youth
Minutes of Proceedings of the 11th meeting of the Managing Committee for the Halfway Home held on Wednesday 13 June 2013 at 09 30 hours at the Halfway Home, Vacoas
Mrs M. J. Baudot - Executive Director, ANPPCAN (Chairperson)
Mr A. Thacoor - Senior Educational Psychologist, Ministry of Education and HR
Mrs S. Kamanah - Officer-in-Charge, Rehabilitation Youth Centre (Girls)
Mr I. S. Ishmaël - Acting Assistant Superintendent, Rehabilitation Youth Centre
Mr K. Kora Venciah - Representative of the Probation and Aftercare Service
Mrs D. Job - Representative of Lions Club of Moka
Mrs S. Khodabocus - Representative of the Ministry of Youth and Sports
Miss M. Ancrasamy - Secretary/Receptionist, Halfway Home
Mr N. Rasmally - Higher Executive Officer, Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity and Reform Institutions (Secretary)
Mrs R. Venkatasawmy- Director, CEDEM
Mrs J. Sooben - Principal Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity and Reform Institutions
Miss R. Soobrattee - Coordinator, Family Unit, Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare
Mrs V. Menon - Treasurer, ANPPCAN
Mr B. D’Argent - Programme Coordinator, ANFEN
4 Evidence * Please provide testimonial evidence of the influence you have had by providing at least one quote from a senior government functionary, from a speech or in any other platform, acknowledging the work of your organisation. Please ensure that you provide name, surname, organisation and designation.
The most recent one was on thursday 27 March 2014 .Anppcan has been participating in a training session organized by the NGO Trust Fund. On certificate awarding ceremony, the Minister, Mrs Bappoo, in her speech, talked for about 5 minutes about the Halfway Home, the director’s name was mentioned and the Halfway Home quoted as being a good practice.
Letter de Asha Bhuddoo
Working with civil society * What strategies have you used to mobilise support amongst civil society to work on the 28 targets of the protocol? What have been the results? 200 words
Collectif 16 juin : to Mark the day of the African Child we started 3 years ago a networking attended by the following participants from NGOS as well as from Government .
The strategy was to bring together all stakeholders, to analyze problems and find better solutions. It was the 1st time that such a move was ventured. It proved to be a success. It was inaugurated by the Minister of Social Security
.ANFEN : Janick Merven,Stephane Aza, Bernard d’Argent, Regine Creigh,Majo Ramhotar
ANPPCAN : M.J.Baudot, Murielle Ancrassamy, Vimla Menon
Brigade des Mineurs : Police officers Colette Gentil and Shanan Purhooa
CEDEM : Rita Venkatasamy, Paddy Dalleedao, Melissa Zuel
Minstry of Gender equality: A. Bunsy Gobin, D. Seenauth
Craft Academy : Marie Claire Lajoie
Csj caritas: Viken Vadeevaloo
Foyer Mgr. Leen : Desiree Souroup, Soeur Yolande Collet
Foyer Pere Laval : Brother Jean Baptiste, Mme Jocelyne l’Eveille
Institut Cardinal Margeot : Jonathan Ravat
Lions Club de Moka : Jacqueline Benjamin, Desiree Job
Min. of Social Security : Asha Buddoo, Nasser Rasmally
Mouvement Pour le progres de Roche Bois : Jean Claude Augustave
Probation Home : Marie Michelle Carpooran
Probation Hostel: Ajegee Munian, Jagdish Seegoolam
5 Probation Service : Nadine Chundunsing, C. Beeharry
Rehabilitation Youth Centre ( girls ) : Shirley Kamanah, Derranee Jugroop,S. Nilplatana,
Rehabilitation Youth Centre (boys ) Hugues Li Tai Sat
Safire ( street children) : Nathalie Edoo, Edley Maurer
Shelter for Women and Children in Distress : Vimala Lallmohamud
Shelter La Colombe : V. Bhollah, B. Mookteram
SOS Children Village Pamela Chinien, Jeff Manal
SOS Poverty Mehreen Rughony, Saida Sheriff
Terre de Paix Laura Demba Arthemidor
After the opening and presentations, 3 carrefours namely « Institutions Résidentielles, Non résidentielles et services publics >> have been designated to work on the following :
1. The lacunas in the educational system 2. The denial and absence of parental responsibilities. 3. Poor residential structures 4. The absence of coordination and team spirit on different levels concerning the establishment of proper environment for children in difficult situation.(networking des stakeholders.)
Evidence * Please provide testimonial evidence of the influence you have had by providing at least one quote from a senior official in a civil society organisation acknowledging the work of your organisation. Please ensure that you provide name, surname, organisation and designation. 200 words
6 7 Working with communities * What are the results of your engagement with communities on the SADC Gender Protocol? Please provide at least one example. 200 words
Compte rendu de l’atelier de conscientisation organise par ANPPCAN au Centre Communautaire de Camp Diable le samedi 7 décembre 2013 de 10 heures à 13 heures.
Partenaires : Gender Links, Lions Club de Moka, Curepipe, La branche de Savanne, Le Conseil de District de La savanne, Le Conseil de Village de Camp Diable.
Thème de l’atelier : La violence au sein de la famille.
participants, 53 représentants des villages de : Camp Diable, Bénarès, Batimarais, Rivière des Anguilles.
Lancement de l’atelier par Anushka Virasawmy de Gender Links, secondée par Girish : Définition de la violence et des multiples formes de violence, ses répercussions sur la femme, les enfants, la famille et la société en général.
Carrefours sous la responsabilité des membres d’Anppcan et des Lions : points évoqués par les participants et les solutions suggerees :
Formes causes Les victimes Solutions suggérées par les participants verbale Drogue, alcool, Conscientisation sur les méfaits de la manque Les femmes consommation de produits dangereux. d’éducation Sexuelle : Dénoncer l’inceste et la pédophilie et ne plus Viol, inceste, Femmes et Les garder le silence pour préserver l’honneur de pedophilie enfants la famille ou de la Communauté ; le visionnage ou l’enregistrement à caractères porno physique Adultère, Femmes et Aider a combattre le silence qui tue, harcèlement enfants privilégier le dialogue, les réunions familiales Morale Problèmes Education et conscientisation sur les émotionnell d’argent dépenses a être partagées par le couple e Manque Enfants d’activites Les voisins promiscuité pauvreté Les écoliers Discrimination a l’école vis-à-vis des enfants de familles pauvres. Influence et domination de la belle famille
Apres le carrefour et les rapports des responsables de groupes, un moment d’interaction assez émouvant avec des témoignages de femmes qui ont subi des violences mais qui sont arrivées a s’en sortir et la chanson de Linzy Bacbotte, « FAM Exempler » vantant les mérites des femmes qui sont
8 mères et pères a la fois, interprétée par Marie Christine, non voyante, et elle meme une « femme et maman formidable. .
Evidence * Please provide testimonial evidence in the form of at least one quote from a community member acknowledging the work of your organisation. Please ensure that you provide name, surname, organisation and designation.* 200 words
16 janvier 2014 Madame Marie Josee Baudot Directrice ANPCAN
Chere Marie Josee Je vous remercie et vous souhaite aussi une heureuse annee 2014. Je me sens aussi tres fier de participer dans L’Organisation ANPPCAN, les Clubs Lions de Curepipe, Moka et Savanne comme c'etait une grande premiere pour mon village. Compter sur moi pour organiser plus d'activites dans le futur. Je serais toujours a votre coter.
Merci beaucoup !
Faranaz Islam Conseillère de District Camp Diable Evidences were collected in Camp Diable on the 19th of March 2014, Some women who attended the workshop in December were present to give their testimonials about the impacts of the activities had on them. We also had the village President present on that particular day to share his views on violence with us. There were some shocking revelations made on the situations of the battered women there.
Working with the media * How do you engage with the media to popularise the Protocol? Newspapers, Radio and television
Evidence : Exhibition organized by the Ministry of finance at Mer Rouge to attract donors. Material used : newspapers extracts, power point, publications, interviews ect…
9 Capacity building *
Does the organisation build capacity of other organisations on the SADC Protocol? Please provide at least example of training that has been conducted – 200 Words
Capacity Building project of ANPPCAN for 2012
Introduction of the Evaluation conducted by the Consultant Mr. Pynee Chellapermal
ANPPCAN Mauritius in consultation with the regional office in Nairobi agreed in July 2012 to develop a capacity building project for the Mauritian Chapter. The objectives that ANPPCAN Mauritius wants to achieve through this exercise are (i) to strengthen the capacities of ANPPCAN Mauritius to effectively respond to the needs of children in Mauritius; (ii) To further improve governance and management structures at ANPPCAN Chapter; (iii) To advocate for creation and strengthening of child protection systems in Mauritius.
Based on initial discussion with the director of ANPPCAN, it was decided to develop a participatory methodology whereby the leaders of the organisation and its members, the beneficiaries and other partners and stakeholders will be able to participate actively in the exercise. In this context it was agreed with the Board of ANPPCAN to evaluate the activities of organisation by organising on a regular basis small workshops and specific working sessions. A certain number of participatory tools relevant to the organisational development were identified in order to have an understanding of the following: (i) where ANPPCAN stand right now? (ii) Evaluate the internal and external context (iii) Get a commitment for future changes where necessary (iv) Manage the transition towards a new way forward (v) Implement the recommendations as agreed by ANPPCAN. The tools for the Evaluation addressed the following criteria: Efficiency, Efficacy, Impact, Coherence
10 Evidence * Please provide testimonial evidence by providing at least one quote from a person who has been trained regarding what they have learned. Please ensure that you provide name, surname, organisation and designation. 200 words
From: Charles Kienzle
To: Marie Josee Baudot
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2013 8:03 PM
Subject: Certificate of Participation
Marie Josee,
We would like to thank you for your recent participation in the Capacity to Sustainability Workshop in Nairobi. Attached to this email is a certificate of participation for your recent work. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you again soon.
Charles Kienzle
Senior Project Coordinator
Tel: +1 301.828.3339 | Skype: ckienzle | [email protected] | www.urc-chs.com
7200 Wisconsin Ave. Ste 500, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA
University Research Co., LLC (URC) – Center for Human Services (CHS)
From: Marie Josee Baudot [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 08 November 2013 06:29 To: Charles Kienzle Cc: [email protected]; 'Wambui Njuguna'; [email protected]; vimla menon Subject: Re: Certificate of Participation
Thanks, thanks a lot. I am still talking about the benefits received and boost up of this workshop. I met the Board management on Wednesday and this afternoon meeting all the members to share with them the experience of : the dream, the belief and sharing. It is not very easy sometimes to share your enthusiasm with people who do not have the same vision and objectives, as they are volunteers and have other aim and ambition in their own life; but we will try hard, very hard. Promised...
Thanks also to the Regional for giving Mauritius this opportunity. Dr. Onyango thanks for the kind thoughts that make me have a special day every morning.....hmmm....the aroma is super....Michelle thanks so much for your visits and Wambui, for your support.. my dear Charles my kind regards to you and Diana...
Marie Josee Baudot
11 Director
Anppcan mauritius
Lesson learned and innovation * 1) Working with governments: How do you deal with situations where the organisation and the government have different views on implementing the Protocol? Please give at least one example of how this creative tension has helped to produce better results?
It does not apply to us. We have close links with the Government and even receive grants from supportive programmes under their aegis.
2) Working with partner organisations: What lessons have been learned about working with partner organisations?
Very difficult. The huge amount of NGO has, about 9000 for a population of 1.3 million in a welfare state makes it more and more difficult for networking. There is no classification of the different services offered; we do not have a proper directory or listing of organizations. There is duplication of services, lack of proper-trained NGO’s, and unfortunately, some Ngo’s find it like a way to benefit for them.
But the authorities being aware of this problem have selected a few organizations, among which ours, and are, with the help of EU, and Regional countries planning projects
3) Any other lessons learned?
Yes. The Government came with a bright idea about funding NGO’s, The Corporate Social responsibility; this increased the number of organizations. With the Government, We are now working on social entrepreneurship program, which will be more valuable for our society. Training has already started; it will be followed by sponsorships,
4) How will these result in new approaches in the future?
The coordination between different satkeholders is vital for the betterment of society as a whole. In order to counter the different socio- economic scourges evading our society, proper corporation and coordination between the stakeholders should be created.
Donner a son prochain est quelque chose de naturel, est-ce pour avoir bonne conscience ou par génerosité, peu importent les raisons, le fait est que l’entraide existe et existera toujours. Mais a travers le temps avec le développement socio economique, la facon de donner évolue. A Maurice, par exemple, il est rare et quasiment incongru de voir un mendiant dans la rue. Pourquoi, ce phénoméne tente-t-il a disparaitre, d’abord en raison d’un changement dans le statut social des habitants.
Depuis l’Independence en 1968, il y a eu un phénomène social qui a apporté beaucoup de changement. Plus de 70 000 personnes, pour la plupart, des creoles, ont quitte
12 Maurice pour l’Australie, le Canada ou l’Afrique du Sud, ils avaient peur de ce changement et surtout de la majorité hindoue.
Ceux qui sont partis representaient l’élite de cette ethnie : Docteurs, professeurs, ecrivains, peintres, hauts cadres de la fonction publique, toute une intelligentia. Ceux qui sont restés, ont ressenti durement, cette amputation brutale de la societe. D’abord d’un côté, il y avait toutes les places laissées vacantes qui ont trouvé preneurs, mais pas par la population créole restante car plus de la moitié d’entre eux, d’origine africaine, se trouvait deja au bas de l’échelle sociale, n’était pas ou etait peu éduquée, etait pauvre et vivait dans les banlieues ou sur la cote, etant pêcheurs pour la plupart...
Mais au fil du temps, certains de leurs enfants avec l’éducation gratuite, ont pu grimper l’échelle sociale et aujourd’hui aspirer à mieux que leurs parents ou grand parents. Ce sont ceux qu’il faut encorager à ne plus dépendre des secours financiers de l’état ou des ONG. Il faut leur apprendre à eux et à leurs descendants à retrouver leur dignité. Il y a beaucoup d’avantages de vivre dans un etat providence ( Welfare state ) mais les désavantages sont : qu’on en fait parfois des assistés, des délinquents, des paresseux, des oisifs qui vont tomber dans la débauche et amener les fleaux de la societe comme la drogue, prostituion, criminalité.
Le programme d’entreprise sociale, est pour Anppcan un must. D’abord, nous arriverons à nous autofinancer, ensuite, nous allons faire decouvrir à ceux qui dependent de nos services, leurs valeurs, leurs capacités. Il y a un aspect humain que nous arriverons à prendre en compte, le respect et la liberté de nos bénéficiaires