Status Report to the Forestry Research Partnership s2

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Status Report to the Forestry Research Partnership s2

Status Report to the Forestry Research Partnership

Project Title: Pine Marten Habitat Project

Project No. 140-001 (6401 00)

Project Leaders: Ian Thompson, CFS John Fryxell, University of Guelph Jim Baker, OMNR

Project Facilitator: Al Stinson, FRP

Project Start Date: 2001 Project Reporting Period: April 1, 2007 to March 31st 2008 Report Date: March 31st 2008

1. Project Description and Activities: List project activities and their results for the year or to date as applicable; include milestones met and dates delivered; identify and explain variances from budget, refinement of objectives or other changes to project.

This project was provided this additional year of funding by OMNR to enable one more year of data collection on marten and small mammals prey. This was owing to a population recovery that was expected in 2007-08, following three years of very low marten population. Activities for the fiscal year 2007-08 were: 1. conduct spring and fall small mammals population assessments; 2. live-trap and radio collar marten in three broad forest types: logged, horse-logged and uncut; 3. radio-track marten to determine home ranges and habitat use; 4. conduct track transects for hare and squirrel relative abundances among forest types; 5. back-track marten to determine rates of hunting success.

We believe that the budget may have been slightly over-spent. This occurred partly because some funds were not received from the Forest Cooperative, while other funds had to be moved from University of Guelph to the CEC. Partial use of those funds to support a graduate student resulted in less funds finally transferred than had been anticipated.

Page 1 All deliverables from the field component were met within this fiscal year, and the project concluded on March 29, 2008. 2. Project Results vs. Objectives: Assess the extent to which the results so far have met the objectives of the proposal; note whether the project is on, ahead or behind schedule and reasons if applicable, and whether there are implications relating to success.

This project was highly successful and all field objectives were met, except as constrained by the low marten population at Kapuskasing from 2005-2007. The project was completed on schedule and we are in the process of analyzing data and writing the reports. The models and final reports were delivered to the Forest Cooperative, as this was the major funding agency. A copy of that report is included here.

Page 2 3. Financial Report: Show the planned vs. actual expenditures to date and note variances greater than 10%. Reasons are given in Section 1 above. Do this by completing the Total Planned and Actual Project Costs and Partner Contributions Table showing planned and actual expenditures for the year. This table is attached as an Excel spreadsheet and should be submitted with the Report Financial Report: 2007/2008 Planned and Actual Partner Expenditures (# 140 – 001) – see spreadsheet attached

Page 3 Expenditur Tembec MNR CFS Total FRP Only es Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual C I C I C I C I C I C I C I C I a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n s - s - s - s - s - s - s - s - h k h k h k h k h k h k h k h k i i i i i i i i n n n n n n n n d d d d d d d d Salaries Travel Equipment Supplies Support Services Other Total

Page 4 Expenditur Legacy FRP Partners Other Partners Total All es Trust P A Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Combined l c a t n u n a e l d C C C I C I C I C I C I C I P A a a n a n a n a n a n a n l s s - s - s - s - s - s - a h h k h k h k h k h k h k n i i i i i i n n n n n n n e d d d d d d d Salaries Travel Equipment Supplies Support Services Other Sub Total Holdback Total

Page 5 4. Next Year’s Work Plan: Describe the next year’s activities; anticipated results; milestones and deliverables and provide the budget estimate. The budget estimate should be the budget detail table, with footnotes, that was part of the approved project’s financial plan. Therefore, please complete the Table below.

Expenditur 2008-09 LLT Tembec MNR CFS Other es Request C I C I C I C I a n a n a n a n s - s - s - s - h k h k h k h k i i i i n n n n d d d d Salaries Travel Equipment Supplies Support Services Other Sub total Holdback

Page 6 5. Information and Publications: List produced project database(s), information and publications to date as applicable; where and when the information can be accessed; describe how this information was transferred to practitioners.

Thompson, I.D., S. Maher, D. Rouillard, J. Fryxell, and J. A. Baker. 2007. Accuracy of forest inventory mapping: some implications for boreal forest management Forest Ecology and Management 252:208-221. Andruskiw, M. C., Thompson, I. D., Fryxell, J. M., and Baker, J. A. 2008.. Habitat-mediated variation in predation risk by the American marten and risk sensitivity by red-backed voles. Ecology: (Accepted). Thomson, I.D., J.A. Baker and J. Fryxell. Submitted. Post-harvest silviculture effects on forest stand structure and responses by amphibians and marten. Forestry Chronicle.

6. Project Synopsis: Provide an abstract or synopsis of the project’s results to date for posting on the LLT website.

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